Oracle9i Application Server - Business Intelligence Go to menu
Oracle9iAS Reports Services Formats back | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | next
Oracle9iAS Reports Services can generate reports in HTML, in PDF to enable "board-room" quality viewing, in XML to communicate data to Web sites, in RTF and Delimited Output for import into Microsoft Office, and in Postscript or PCL for printers. Developers may leverage JSP technology for full control of the final document format, for example, to create and "inject" high-quality HTML into an existing Web page.

Regardless of format, Oracle9iAS ensures centralized management and can ensure secure distribution of reports by allowing only specific users or groups to access a report, and validating users against the Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On server and Oracle Internet Directory (OID) repository.

A PDF Report