Author Archives: DAVIDE BACCIU

Big AI graduation day

Today we graduated a batch of 7 students from the first cycle of our AI M.Sc. of Computer science! Congratulations to my students of the AI curriculum, Andrea Cossu, Michele Cafagna, Federico Rossetto, Silvia Severini, as well as to Francesco Landolfi, from our previous M.Sc. Degree.

New accepted papers

A bunch of new papers on deep learning for graphs and neural language processing has just been accepted for publication. Check them out!

Davide Bacciu, Antonio Carta: Sequential Sentence Embeddings for Semantic Similarity. Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI'19), IEEE, 2019.

Michele Cafagna, Lorenzo De Mattei, Davide Bacciu, Malvina Nissim: Suitable doesn’t mean attractive. Human-based evaluation of automatically generated headlines. Proceedings of the 6th Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2019), vol. 2481 , AI*IA series CEUR, 2019.

Davide Bacciu, Luigi Di Sotto: A non-negative factorization approach to node pooling in graph convolutional neural networks. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIIA 2019), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence Springer-Verlag, 2019.

Special session on tensor methods for deep learning @ESANN2020

I am co-organizing with Danilo Mandic a special session on “Tensor Decompositions in Deep Learning” at ESANN 2020.

We welcome solid contributions and preliminary relevant results showing potential, limitations and challenges of new ideas related to the use of tensor decompositions in deep learning, neural networks, and machine learning at large.

Deadline for paper submission: 18 November 2019.

Prospective contributors/participants can contact me (or another co-organizer) for details.

Organized by Davide Bacciu (University of Pisa,Italy), Danilo Mandic (Imperial College, UK).

New Graduates

Congratulations to Luigi di Sotto and Stefan Daniel Motoc for having completed their M.Sc. and B.Sc. in Computer Science with a final project on deep learning topics. Luigi discussed a novel pooling mechanism for graph convolutional networks. Stefan proposed a thorough analysis of the latent space of MusAE, our deep adversarial autoencoder for music generation.

Upcoming seminar on AI and arts

I will be delivering a talk on computational creativity through neural networks this week at the Museo degli Strumenti del Calcolo in Pisa. More info on the seminar and on the logistics in the following (in Italian I am afraid).

Creatività Artificiale: reti neurali, arte e probabilità

Mercoledì 29 maggio, ore 17:00
Museo degli Strumenti per il Calcolo, Pisa, 29 Maggio 2019

L’intelligenza artificiale può cimentarsi con una prerogativa così fortemente umana come la creatività artistica? La conferenza racconterà come le reti neurali profonde possano essere utilizzate per generare lavori artistici che, in alcuni casi, sono indistinguibili da opere dell’ingegno umano. Spiegheremo poi come la generazione di un’opera d’arte artificiale sia frutto di un processo matematico basato sulla statistica.