Our group had 4 papers recently accepted to the upcoming International Joint Conference on Neural Networks! Much work on deep learning for graphs, including a novel edge-based model, an efficient graph generation approach and an explanation method for the chemical domain. Also a first proposal for an efficient federation of reservoir computing methods, part of our H2020 TEACHING efforts. Preprints soon on the Arxiv!
Daniele Atzeni, Davide Bacciu, Federico Errica, Alessio Micheli: Modeling Edge Features with Deep Bayesian Graph Networks. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2021), IEEE IEEE, 2021.
Danilo Numeroso, Davide Bacciu: MEG: Generating Molecular Counterfactual Explanations for Deep Graph Networks. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2021), IEEE 2021.
Davide Bacciu, Daniele Di Sarli, Pouria Faraji, Claudio Gallicchio, Alessio Micheli: Federated Reservoir Computing Neural Networks. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2021), IEEE, 2021.
Davide Bacciu, Marco Podda: GraphGen-Redux: a Fast and Lightweight Recurrent Model for Labeled Graph Generation. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2021), IEEE 2021.
Excellent result by our group in the upcoming NeurIPS 2020 workshops with four accepted papers. Congrats to Antonio Carta, Francesco Landolfi, Danilo Numeroso and Matteo Ronchetti!
Preprints coming up..
Matteo Ronchetti, Davide Bacciu: Generative Tomography Reconstruction. 34th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2020), Workshop on Deep Learning and Inverse Problems, 2020.
Davide Bacciu, Alessio Conte, Roberto Grossi, Francesco Landolfi, Andrea Marino: K-plex Cover Pooling for Graph Neural Networks. 34th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2020), Workshop on Learning Meets Combinatorial Algorithms, 2020.
Davide Bacciu, Danilo Numeroso: Explaining Deep Graph Networks with Molecular Counterfactuals. 34th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2020), Workshop on Machine Learning for Molecules - Accepted as Contributed Talk (Oral), 2020.
Antonio Carta, Alessandro Sperduti, Davide Bacciu
: Short-Term Memory Optimization in Recurrent Neural Networks by Autoencoder-based Initialization . 34th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2020), Workshop on Beyond BackPropagation: Novel Ideas for Training Neural Architectures, 2020.
Congratulations to Daniele Castellana for having his paper accepted at COLING 2020. Check it out if you are interested in higher-order neural networks for parse trees using tensor decompositions (soon on the Arxiv!).
Daniele Castellana, Davide Bacciu: Learning from Non-Binary Constituency Trees via Tensor Decomposition. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2020 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICS (COLING 2020), 2020.
Couldn’t think of a better venue for my 99th research paper than the Journal of Machine Learning Research. Check out our work on deep and probabilistic learning for graphs. Terrific job by Federico Errica!
Davide Bacciu, Federico Errica, Alessio Micheli: Probabilistic Learning on Graphs via Contextual Architectures. In: Journal of Machine Learning Research, vol. 21, no. 134, pp. 1−39, 2020.
Very proud of the last effort from our group! Our tutorial paper on deep learning for graphs will be published as an invited paper on the Neural Networks journal!
Davide Bacciu, Federico Errica, Alessio Micheli, Marco Podda: A Gentle Introduction to Deep Learning for Graphs. In: Neural Networks, vol. 129, pp. 203-221, 2020.
Great success at ESANN this year, with 5 papers in: congrats to Daniele, Francesco, Federico and Marco!!
Marco Podda, Alessio Micheli, Davide Bacciu, Paolo Milazzo: Biochemical Pathway Robustness Prediction with Graph Neural Networks . Proceedings of the European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (ESANN'20), 2020.
Federico Errica, Davide Bacciu, Alessio Micheli: Theoretically Expressive and Edge-aware Graph Learning . Proceedings of the European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (ESANN'20), 2020.
Francesco Crecchi, Cyril de Bodt, Davide Bacciu, Michel Verleysen, Lee John: Perplexity-free Parametric t-SNE. Proceedings of the European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (ESANN'20), 2020.
Davide Bacciu, Danilo Mandic: Tensor Decompositions in Deep Learning. Proceedings of the European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (ESANN'20), 2020.
Daniele Castellana, Davide Bacciu: Tensor Decompositions in Recursive Neural Networks for Tree-Structured Data . Proceedings of the European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (ESANN'20), 2020.
Our work on MusAE, an adversarial autoencoder for music generation, has just been accepted at ECAI2020. Congratulations to Andrea for his first paper! Soon on the Arxiv..
Andrea Valenti, Antonio Carta, Davide Bacciu: Learning a Latent Space of Style-Aware Music Representations by Adversarial Autoencoders. Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2020), 2020.
Check out our newly accepted journal paper on discovering and measuring
the confounding effect of data attributes in biomedical tasks. Preprint
available on the Arvix. Congratulations to Elisa!
Elisa Ferrari, Alessandra Retico, Davide Bacciu: Measuring the effects of confounders in medical supervised classification problems: the Confounding Index (CI). In: Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, vol. 103, 2020.
Our paper on benchmarking deep learning models for graph classification has been accepted at ICML 2020. Check it out!
Federico Errica, Marco Podda, Davide Bacciu, Alessio Micheli: A Fair Comparison of Graph Neural Networks for Graph Classification. Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2020), 2020.
A bunch of new papers on deep learning for graphs and neural language processing has just been accepted for publication. Check them out!
Davide Bacciu, Antonio Carta: Sequential Sentence Embeddings for Semantic Similarity. Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI'19), IEEE, 2019.
Michele Cafagna, Lorenzo De Mattei, Davide Bacciu, Malvina Nissim: Suitable doesn’t mean attractive. Human-based evaluation of automatically generated headlines. Proceedings of the 6th Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2019), vol. 2481 , AI*IA series CEUR, 2019.
Davide Bacciu, Luigi Di Sotto: A non-negative factorization approach to node pooling in graph convolutional neural networks. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIIA 2019), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence Springer-Verlag, 2019.