Java API

Class UddiClient


public class UddiClient
extends java.lang.Object
implements UddiClientExceptionConstants

UddiClient provides a client-side interface to the UDDI registry. It exposes a method-call-based interface to the registry which can perform both the inquiry and publishing requests defined by the UDDI specification. Each UDDI SOAP/XML message is modeled as a method call, using an RPC-like mapping to ultimately communicate via the SOAP protocol with the UDDI registry. Furthermore, this class also exposes a small set of convenient wrapper methods over the standard UDDI messages.

Refer to the UDDI Home Page for specifications and more information about UDDI.

In its constructor, UddiClient takes an implementation of a SoapTransportLiaison. This is a transport implementation which handles the details of transporting the Soap message from client to server and receiving the results from the server. For example, Oracle provides an implementation that uses Oracle SOAP over the HTTP transport protocol to communicate from client to server.

In its constructor, UddiClient also takes an implementation of an AuthenticationLiaison. Authentication and session management are handled by the UddiClient interface object, which delegates some tasks to the AuthenticationLiaison implementation. In addition, session management, including but not limited to the standard UDDI 'authInfo' element in publishing messages, is managed by the UddiClient. This means that users do not need to worry about passing authInfo in all publishing messages; it is done transparently.

Constructor Summary
UddiClient(java.lang.String inquiryUrl, java.lang.String publishingUrl, SoapTransportLiaison transport)
          Constructor which allows the specification of the inquiry URL, publishing URL, and SOAP transport mechanism.
UddiClient(java.lang.String inquiryUrl, java.lang.String publishingUrl, SoapTransportLiaison transport, AuthenticationLiaison authLiaison)
          Constructor which allows the specification of the inquiry URL, publishing URL, SOAP transport mechanism, and authentication mechanism.
Method Summary
 void authenticate()
          Authenticates the client to the registry in a registry-specific manner.
 void close()
          Closes the connection and frees up any dedicated resources.
 DispositionReport deleteBinding(java.util.List listBindingKey)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 DispositionReport deleteBinding(java.lang.String bindingKey)
          Deletes a single bindingTemplate given a single bindingTemplate key.
 DispositionReport deleteBusiness(java.util.List listBusinessKey)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 DispositionReport deleteBusiness(java.lang.String businessKey)
          Deletes a single businessEntity given a single businessEntity key.
 DispositionReport deleteService(java.util.List listServiceKey)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 DispositionReport deleteService(java.lang.String serviceKey)
          Deletes a single businessService given a single businessService key.
 DispositionReport deleteTModel(java.util.List listTModelKey)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 DispositionReport deleteTModel(java.lang.String tModelKey)
          Deletes a single tModel given a single tModel key.
 DispositionReport discardAuthToken()
          Discards the 'authToken' value which represents an authenticated session with the server.
 BindingDetail findBinding(FindQualifiers findQualifiers, java.lang.String serviceKey, TModelBag tModelbag, java.lang.Integer maxRows)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 BusinessList findBusiness(CategoryBag bag, FindQualifiers findQualifiers, java.lang.Integer maxRows)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 BusinessList findBusiness(DiscoveryURLs bag, FindQualifiers findQualifiers, java.lang.Integer maxRows)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 BusinessList findBusiness(IdentifierBag bag, FindQualifiers findQualifiers, java.lang.Integer maxRows)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 BusinessList findBusiness(java.lang.String name, FindQualifiers findQualifiers, java.lang.Integer maxRows)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 BusinessList findBusiness(TModelBag bag, FindQualifiers findQualifiers, java.lang.Integer maxRows)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 ServiceList findService(java.lang.String businessKey, CategoryBag bag, FindQualifiers findQualifiers, java.lang.Integer maxRows)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 ServiceList findService(java.lang.String businessKey, java.lang.String name, FindQualifiers findQualifiers, java.lang.Integer maxRows)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 ServiceList findService(java.lang.String businessKey, TModelBag bag, FindQualifiers findQualifiers, java.lang.Integer maxRows)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 TModelList findTModel(CategoryBag bag, FindQualifiers findQualifiers, java.lang.Integer maxRows)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 TModelList findTModel(IdentifierBag identifierBag, FindQualifiers findQualifiers, java.lang.Integer maxRows)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 TModelList findTModel(java.lang.String name, FindQualifiers findQualifiers, java.lang.Integer maxRows)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 java.lang.String getAuthInfo()
          Returns the token of the authenticated session which is managed by the UddiClient.
 AuthToken getAuthToken(java.lang.String userid, java.lang.String cred)
          Gets the 'authToken' value which represents an authenticated session with the server.
 BindingDetail getBindingDetail(java.util.List listBindingKey)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 BindingTemplate getBindingTemplate(java.lang.String bindingKey)
          Gets a single BindingTemplate object given a single bindingTemplate key.
 BusinessDetail getBusinessDetail(java.util.List listBusinessKey)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 BusinessDetailExt getBusinessDetailExt(java.util.List listBusinessKey)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 BusinessEntity getBusinessEntity(java.lang.String businessKey)
          Gets a single BusinessEntity object given a single businessEntity key.
 BusinessService getBusinessService(java.lang.String serviceKey)
          Gets a single BusinessService object given a single businessService key.
 java.lang.String getInquiryUrl()
          Returns the inquiry URL for the UDDI registry that was specified in the constructor.
 java.lang.String getPublishingUrl()
          Returns the publishing URL for the UDDI registry that was specified in the constructor.
 RegisteredInfo getRegisteredInfo()
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 ServiceDetail getServiceDetail(java.util.List listServiceKey)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 SoapTransportLiaison getSoapTransportLiaison()
          Returns the SOAP transport implementation object that was supplied in the constructor.
 TModel getTModel(java.lang.String tModelKey)
          Gets a single TModel object given a single tModel key.
 TModelDetail getTModelDetail(java.util.List listTModelKey)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 UddiElementFactory getUddiElementFactory()
          Gets an instance of the factory to construct all data structures needed for all UDDI requests.
 UddiVersionConstants getVersion()
          Returns an object which encapsulates the version of UDDI supported by this implementation.
 BindingTemplate saveBinding(BindingTemplate bindingTemplate)
          Saves a single BindingTemplate object.
 BindingDetail saveBinding(java.util.List bindingTemplates)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 BusinessEntity saveBusiness(BusinessEntity businessEntity)
          Saves a single BusinessEntity object.
 BusinessDetail saveBusiness(java.util.List businessEntities)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 BusinessDetail saveBusinessWithRegisters(java.util.List uploadRegisters)
          Saves the businessEntity objects referred to by the list of UploadRegister objects provided.
 BusinessService saveService(BusinessService businessService)
          Saves a single BusinessService object.
 ServiceDetail saveService(java.util.List businessServices)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 TModelDetail saveTModel(java.util.List tModels)
          Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details.
 TModel saveTModel(TModel tModel)
          Saves a single TModel object.
 TModelDetail saveTModelWithRegisters(java.util.List uploadRegisters)
          Saves the tModel objects referred to by the list of UploadRegister objects provided.
 org.w3c.dom.Element send(org.w3c.dom.Element eltUddiRequest, java.lang.String endPointURL)
          Sends a low level UDDI request.
 void send(UddiElement uddiRequest, java.lang.String endPointURL, UddiElement uddiResponse)
          Sends a low level UDDI request.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public UddiClient(java.lang.String inquiryUrl,
                  java.lang.String publishingUrl,
                  SoapTransportLiaison transport,
                  AuthenticationLiaison authLiaison)
Constructor which allows the specification of the inquiry URL, publishing URL, SOAP transport mechanism, and authentication mechanism.
inquiryUrl - the URL to the inquiry UDDI registry, null if inquiry is not needed.
publishingUrl - the URL to the publishing UDDI registry, null if publishing is not needed.
transport - the SOAP transport mechanism to connect to the designated URL.
authLiaison - the registry-specific authentication mechanism to be used.


public UddiClient(java.lang.String inquiryUrl,
                  java.lang.String publishingUrl,
                  SoapTransportLiaison transport)
Constructor which allows the specification of the inquiry URL, publishing URL, and SOAP transport mechanism. This is a convenience constructor which automatically uses a transport- specific authentication mechanism, namely the TransportAuthenticationLiaison.
inquiryUrl - the URL to the inquiry UDDI registry, null if inquiry is not needed.
publishingUrl - the URL to the publishing UDDI registry, null if publishing is not needed.
transport - the SOAP transport mechanism to connect to the designated URL.
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getInquiryUrl()
Returns the inquiry URL for the UDDI registry that was specified in the constructor. It may be null.


public java.lang.String getPublishingUrl()
Returns the publishing URL for the UDDI registry that was specified in the constructor. It may be null.


public UddiVersionConstants getVersion()
Returns an object which encapsulates the version of UDDI supported by this implementation.


public UddiElementFactory getUddiElementFactory()
Gets an instance of the factory to construct all data structures needed for all UDDI requests. This factory object is required to create the objects (subclasses of UddiElement) necessary to make UDDI requests.


public SoapTransportLiaison getSoapTransportLiaison()
Returns the SOAP transport implementation object that was supplied in the constructor.


public java.lang.String getAuthInfo()
Returns the token of the authenticated session which is managed by the UddiClient.


public void authenticate()
                  throws UddiClientException,
Authenticates the client to the registry in a registry-specific manner. This method is required for all operations that require authentication (UDDI publishing API) but is not required for operations that accept anonymous connections (UDDI inquiry API).


public BindingDetail findBinding(FindQualifiers findQualifiers,
                                 java.lang.String serviceKey,
                                 TModelBag tModelbag,
                                 java.lang.Integer maxRows)
                          throws UddiClientException,
Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details. As a general rule, optional parameters can be passed null values.

Category: Inquiry API


public BusinessList findBusiness(java.lang.String name,
                                 FindQualifiers findQualifiers,
                                 java.lang.Integer maxRows)
                          throws UddiClientException,
Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details. As a general rule, optional parameters can be passed null values.

Category: Inquiry API


public BusinessList findBusiness(IdentifierBag bag,
                                 FindQualifiers findQualifiers,
                                 java.lang.Integer maxRows)
                          throws UddiClientException,
Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details. As a general rule, optional parameters can be passed null values.

Category: Inquiry API


public BusinessList findBusiness(CategoryBag bag,
                                 FindQualifiers findQualifiers,
                                 java.lang.Integer maxRows)
                          throws UddiClientException,
Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details. As a general rule, optional parameters can be passed null values.

Category: Inquiry API


public BusinessList findBusiness(TModelBag bag,
                                 FindQualifiers findQualifiers,
                                 java.lang.Integer maxRows)
                          throws UddiClientException,
Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details. As a general rule, optional parameters can be passed null values.

Category: Inquiry API


public BusinessList findBusiness(DiscoveryURLs bag,
                                 FindQualifiers findQualifiers,
                                 java.lang.Integer maxRows)
                          throws UddiClientException,
Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details. As a general rule, optional parameters can be passed null values.

Category: Inquiry API


public ServiceList findService(java.lang.String businessKey,
                               java.lang.String name,
                               FindQualifiers findQualifiers,
                               java.lang.Integer maxRows)
                        throws UddiClientException,
Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details. As a general rule, optional parameters can be passed null values.

Category: Inquiry API


public ServiceList findService(java.lang.String businessKey,
                               CategoryBag bag,
                               FindQualifiers findQualifiers,
                               java.lang.Integer maxRows)
                        throws UddiClientException,
Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details. As a general rule, optional parameters can be passed null values.

Category: Inquiry API


public ServiceList findService(java.lang.String businessKey,
                               TModelBag bag,
                               FindQualifiers findQualifiers,
                               java.lang.Integer maxRows)
                        throws UddiClientException,
Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details. As a general rule, optional parameters can be passed null values.

Category: Inquiry API


public TModelList findTModel(java.lang.String name,
                             FindQualifiers findQualifiers,
                             java.lang.Integer maxRows)
                      throws UddiClientException,
Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details. As a general rule, optional parameters can be passed null values.

Category: Inquiry API


public TModelList findTModel(CategoryBag bag,
                             FindQualifiers findQualifiers,
                             java.lang.Integer maxRows)
                      throws UddiClientException,
Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details. As a general rule, optional parameters can be passed null values.

Category: Inquiry API


public TModelList findTModel(IdentifierBag identifierBag,
                             FindQualifiers findQualifiers,
                             java.lang.Integer maxRows)
                      throws UddiClientException,
Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details. As a general rule, optional parameters can be passed null values.

Category: Inquiry API


public BindingDetail getBindingDetail(java.util.List listBindingKey)
                               throws UddiClientException,
Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details. As a general rule, optional parameters can be passed null values.

Category: Inquiry API

listBindingKey - a list of String objects representing the unique keys of the desired result set


public BusinessDetail getBusinessDetail(java.util.List listBusinessKey)
                                 throws UddiClientException,
Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details. As a general rule, optional parameters can be passed null values.

Category: Inquiry API

listBusinessKey - a list of String objects representing the unique keys of the desired result set


public BusinessDetailExt getBusinessDetailExt(java.util.List listBusinessKey)
                                       throws UddiClientException,
Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details. As a general rule, optional parameters can be passed null values.

Category: Inquiry API

listBusinessKey - a list of String objects representing the unique keys of the desired result set


public ServiceDetail getServiceDetail(java.util.List listServiceKey)
                               throws UddiClientException,
Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details. As a general rule, optional parameters can be passed null values.

Category: Inquiry API

listServiceKey - a list of String objects representing the unique keys of the desired result set


public TModelDetail getTModelDetail(java.util.List listTModelKey)
                             throws UddiClientException,
Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details. As a general rule, optional parameters can be passed null values.

Category: Inquiry API

listTModelKey - a list of String objects representing the unique keys of the desired result set


public TModel getTModel(java.lang.String tModelKey)
                 throws UddiClientException,
Gets a single TModel object given a single tModel key. This is a convenient helper method which is simpler to use than getTModelDetail() when you are retrieving data for a single tModel only.

Category: Inquiry API


public BindingTemplate getBindingTemplate(java.lang.String bindingKey)
                                   throws UddiClientException,
Gets a single BindingTemplate object given a single bindingTemplate key. This is a convenient helper method which is simpler to use than getBindingDetail() when you are retrieving data for a single bindingTemplate only.

Category: Inquiry API


public BusinessService getBusinessService(java.lang.String serviceKey)
                                   throws UddiClientException,
Gets a single BusinessService object given a single businessService key. This is a convenient helper method which is simpler to use than getServiceDetail() when you are retrieving data for a single businessService only.

Category: Inquiry API


public BusinessEntity getBusinessEntity(java.lang.String businessKey)
                                 throws UddiClientException,
Gets a single BusinessEntity object given a single businessEntity key. This is a convenient helper method which is simpler to use than getBusinessDetail() when you are retrieving data for a single businessEntity only.

Category: Inquiry API


public DispositionReport deleteBinding(java.lang.String bindingKey)
                                throws UddiClientException,
Deletes a single bindingTemplate given a single bindingTemplate key. This is a convenient helper method which is simpler to use than its alternative form when you are deleting a single entity only.

Category: Publishing API


public DispositionReport deleteBinding(java.util.List listBindingKey)
                                throws UddiClientException,
Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details. As a general rule, optional parameters can be passed null values.

Category: Publishing API

listBindingKey - a list of String objects representing the unique keys of the entities to delete


public DispositionReport deleteBusiness(java.lang.String businessKey)
                                 throws UddiClientException,
Deletes a single businessEntity given a single businessEntity key. This is a convenient helper method which is simpler to use than its alternative form when you are deleting a single entity only.

Category: Publishing API


public DispositionReport deleteBusiness(java.util.List listBusinessKey)
                                 throws UddiClientException,
Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details. As a general rule, optional parameters can be passed null values.

Category: Publishing API

listBusinessKey - a list of String objects representing the unique keys of the entities to delete


public DispositionReport deleteService(java.lang.String serviceKey)
                                throws UddiClientException,
Deletes a single businessService given a single businessService key. This is a convenient helper method which is simpler to use than its alternative form when you are deleting a single entity only.

Category: Publishing API


public DispositionReport deleteService(java.util.List listServiceKey)
                                throws UddiClientException,
Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details. As a general rule, optional parameters can be passed null values.

Category: Publishing API

listServiceKey - a list of String objects representing the unique keys of the entities to delete


public DispositionReport deleteTModel(java.lang.String tModelKey)
                               throws UddiClientException,
Deletes a single tModel given a single tModel key. This is a convenient helper method which is simpler to use than its alternative form when you are deleting a single entity only.

Category: Publishing API


public DispositionReport deleteTModel(java.util.List listTModelKey)
                               throws UddiClientException,
Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details. As a general rule, optional parameters can be passed null values.

Category: Publishing API

listTModelKey - a list of String objects representing the unique keys of the entities to delete


public DispositionReport discardAuthToken()
                                   throws UddiClientException,
Discards the 'authToken' value which represents an authenticated session with the server. This method is typically only used by an implementation of AuthenticationLiaison and should NOT be called directly by a user of the API.

Category: Publishing API


public AuthToken getAuthToken(java.lang.String userid,
                              java.lang.String cred)
                       throws UddiClientException,
Gets the 'authToken' value which represents an authenticated session with the server. This method is typically only used by an implementation of AuthenticationLiaison and should NOT be called directly by a user of the API.

Category: Publishing API


public RegisteredInfo getRegisteredInfo()
                                 throws UddiClientException,
Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details. As a general rule, optional parameters can be passed null values.

Category: Publishing API


public BindingTemplate saveBinding(BindingTemplate bindingTemplate)
                            throws UddiException,
Saves a single BindingTemplate object. This is a convenient helper method which is simpler to use than its alternative form when you are saving a single entity only.

Category: Publishing API


public BindingDetail saveBinding(java.util.List bindingTemplates)
                          throws UddiClientException,
Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details. As a general rule, optional parameters can be passed null values.

Category: Publishing API


public BusinessEntity saveBusiness(BusinessEntity businessEntity)
                            throws UddiException,
Saves a single BusinessEntity object. This is a convenient helper method which is simpler to use than its alternative form when you are saving a single entity only.

Category: Publishing API


public BusinessDetail saveBusiness(java.util.List businessEntities)
                            throws UddiClientException,
Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details. As a general rule, optional parameters can be passed null values.

Note: This method should only be used for the save_business request in which businessEntity information is provided. To use the save_business request in which uploadRegisters are used to reference the business information, use the saveBusinessWithRegisters(List) method instead.

Category: Publishing API


public BusinessDetail saveBusinessWithRegisters(java.util.List uploadRegisters)
                                         throws UddiClientException,
Saves the businessEntity objects referred to by the list of UploadRegister objects provided. This method maps directly to the UDDI standard API 'save_business'; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details. As a general rule, optional parameters can be passed null values.

Note: This method should only be used for the save_business request in which uploadRegisters are used to reference the business information. To use the save_business request in which businessEntity information is provided, use the saveBusiness(List) method instead.

Category: Publishing API


public BusinessService saveService(BusinessService businessService)
                            throws UddiException,
Saves a single BusinessService object. This is a convenient helper method which is simpler to use than its alternative form when you are saving a single entity only.

Category: Publishing API


public ServiceDetail saveService(java.util.List businessServices)
                          throws UddiClientException,
Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details. As a general rule, optional parameters can be passed null values.

Category: Publishing API


public TModel saveTModel(TModel tModel)
                  throws UddiException,
Saves a single TModel object. This is a convenient helper method which is simpler to use than its alternative form when you are saving a single entity only.

Category: Publishing API


public TModelDetail saveTModel(java.util.List tModels)
                        throws UddiClientException,
Maps directly to a UDDI standard API of the same name; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details. As a general rule, optional parameters can be passed null values.

Note: This method should only be used for the save_tModel request in which tModel information is provided. To use the save_tModel request in which uploadRegisters are used to reference the tModel information, use the saveTModelWithRegisters(List) method instead.

Category: Publishing API


public TModelDetail saveTModelWithRegisters(java.util.List uploadRegisters)
                                     throws UddiClientException,
Saves the tModel objects referred to by the list of UploadRegister objects provided. This method maps directly to the UDDI standard API 'save_tModel'; see the specifications available at the UDDI Home Page for semantic details. As a general rule, optional parameters can be passed null values.

Note: This method should only be used for the save_tModel request in which uploadRegisters are used to reference the tModel information. To use the save_tModel request in which tModel information is provided, use the saveTModel(List) method instead.

Category: Publishing API


public void send(UddiElement uddiRequest,
                 java.lang.String endPointURL,
                 UddiElement uddiResponse)
          throws org.apache.soap.SOAPException,
Sends a low level UDDI request. This is a low level construct used to send a UDDI request and is not for general use. It is provided only for the exceptional client which has a need to manage the request at the XML level, such as a client that expects to receive its response in XML format.
eltUddiRequest - the UddiElement representing the XML data for the UDDI request
endPointURL - the URL of the registry which will receive the request
eltUddiResponse - the UddiElement which will contain the XML data of the response


public org.w3c.dom.Element send(org.w3c.dom.Element eltUddiRequest,
                                java.lang.String endPointURL)
                         throws org.apache.soap.SOAPException,
Sends a low level UDDI request. This is a low level construct used to send a UDDI request and is not for general use. It is provided only for the exceptional client which has a need to manage the request at the XML level, such as a client that expects to receive its response in XML format.
eltUddiRequest - the DOM element representing the XML data for the UDDI request
endPointURL - the URL of the registry which will receive the request
the UDDI XML message (i.e., the child of the SOAP body) in the form of a DOM element. Note that when the response is a UDDI SOAP Fault message, this method will return the SOAP Fault element instead of throwing an exception.


public void close()
           throws UddiClientException,
Closes the connection and frees up any dedicated resources. It should always be called when use of this object is no longer needed. Closing a UddiClient object which is already closed should not raise any Throwable conditions.

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