Java API

Class UddiClientException


public class UddiClientException
extends java.lang.Exception
implements SOAPMessageConstants

Superclass for all UDDI registry-defined exceptions, i.e., exceptions returned by the UDDI registry via a SOAP Fault message.

The Disposition report has detailed information about the UDDI error as defined by the UDDI specification. If the response is a SOAP fault, but does not contain a disposition report, this exception may still be thrown.

The DispositionReport class contains constants for the various error values that can be returned.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
UddiClientException(org.w3c.dom.Element el)
          Constructor that parses the XML dom tree of a SOAP Fault element representing UDDI Error (DispositionReport)
UddiClientException(java.lang.Exception eInternal)
UddiClientException(int msgCode)
Method Summary
 org.w3c.dom.Element getDetail()
          Returns the DOM "detail" element which is embedded in the SOAP fault and contains the disposition report if a UDDI server-side error occurred.
 DispositionReport getDispositionReport()
          Gets the DispositionReport which describes UDDI-specific error information.
 java.lang.String getFaultActor()
          Returns the SOAP fault actor.
 java.lang.String getFaultCode()
          Returns the SOAP fault code.
 java.lang.String getFaultString()
          Returns the SOAP fault string.
 java.lang.String getLocalizedMessage()
          Gets the error message in the language of the default Locale.
 java.lang.String getLocalizedMessage(java.util.Locale l)
          Gets the error message in the language of the specified Locale.
 java.lang.String getMessage()
          Has the same effect as getLocalizedMessage(Locale) where the Locale is Locale.US.
static boolean isSoapFault(org.w3c.dom.Element el)
          Tests the passed in element to determine if the element represents a SOAP Fault object.
 boolean isUddiFault()
          Returns true if the exception represents an error raised by the UDDI Registry via a SOAP Fault message.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Throwable
fillInStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public UddiClientException(java.lang.Exception eInternal)


public UddiClientException(int msgCode)


public UddiClientException(org.w3c.dom.Element el)
Constructor that parses the XML dom tree of a SOAP Fault element representing UDDI Error (DispositionReport)
el - DispositionReport SOAP Fault element
Method Detail


public DispositionReport getDispositionReport()
Gets the DispositionReport which describes UDDI-specific error information. Note that this may be null.


public java.lang.String getLocalizedMessage()
Gets the error message in the language of the default Locale. The error message consists of the 'errno' and 'errCode' attributes of the DistributionReport as well as SOAP fault information.
getLocalizedMessage in class java.lang.Throwable


public java.lang.String getLocalizedMessage(java.util.Locale l)
Gets the error message in the language of the specified Locale. The error message consists of the 'errno' and 'errCode' attributes of the DistributionReport as well as SOAP fault information.


public java.lang.String getMessage()
Has the same effect as getLocalizedMessage(Locale) where the Locale is Locale.US.
getMessage in class java.lang.Throwable


public java.lang.String getFaultCode()
Returns the SOAP fault code.


public java.lang.String getFaultString()
Returns the SOAP fault string.


public java.lang.String getFaultActor()
Returns the SOAP fault actor.


public org.w3c.dom.Element getDetail()
Returns the DOM "detail" element which is embedded in the SOAP fault and contains the disposition report if a UDDI server-side error occurred.


public boolean isUddiFault()
Returns true if the exception represents an error raised by the UDDI Registry via a SOAP Fault message. Exceptions can also be raised locally in the client library, for example in the case of a message marshalling error.


public static boolean isSoapFault(org.w3c.dom.Element el)
Tests the passed in element to determine if the element represents a SOAP Fault object.
el - root element for this object

Java API

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