Java API

Interface AuthenticationLiaison

All Known Implementing Classes:
SimpleAuthenticationLiaison, TransportAuthenticationLiaison

public abstract interface AuthenticationLiaison

Provides authentication (and implicitly session handling) facility for accessing a UDDI Registry. The UDDI specification does not specify the authentication schemes that should be used. The interface provides an abstraction which allows developers to implement different authentication schemes and clients to plug in different authentication schemes with minimal code changes.

Note: some implementations may require direct interaction with the underlying SoapTransportLiaison and have specific requirements on the SoapTransportLiaison.

All methods defined are invoked by UddiClient internally. Users must not directly invoke methods defined in this interface. Typically, a user (of UddiClient) only needs to instantiate an instance in the manner specific to the class which implements the interface.

Method Summary
 void authenticate()
          Perform the proper authentication.
 void close()
          Close the authenticated session.
 java.lang.String getAuthInfo()
          Return the token of the authenticated session.
 void init(UddiClient uddiClient)
          Initialize the authentication liaison.

Method Detail


public void init(UddiClient uddiClient)
Initialize the authentication liaison.


public void authenticate()
                  throws UddiClientException,
Perform the proper authentication. If the authentication is successful, getAuthInfo() must return the token for the authenticated session.


public java.lang.String getAuthInfo()
Return the token of the authenticated session. This method is used by UddiClient to manage the session on behalf of the users.
the token of the authenticated session, null if not yet authenticated or token is not needed by the authentication scheme.
See Also:


public void close()
           throws UddiClientException,
Close the authenticated session. getAuthInfo() will return null from this point onwards. It should stay silent if it is called multiple times.

Java API

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