My research area since 1990 is Software Technology, where I am
interested in rigorous methods and their practical applications for the
development and the maintenance of
hardware/software systems---with a focus on relating requirements
capture by high-level specifications to detailed design and their analysis
(both mathematical verification and experimental validation). The main vehicle
I use is the ASM Method whose development and industrial applications I have
shaped since 1989.
From 1969-1989 I have worked in Logic and Complexity Theory---which
still influences the way I address the investigation of hw/sw systems.
Goals of the
method: describes the goals of the method and its scientific and practical role as a discipline for the
engineering of certifiably reliable systems (Introduction to the AsmBook)
Introduction describes the three constituents of the method: machine concept, ground model concept, refinement concept (from a talk to
ASM Ground
Model Method describes in detail the modeling
constituent of the ASM method (from LNCS 2772)
ASM Refinement
Method describes
in detail the ASM refinement constituent of the ASM method (Formal
Aspects of Computing 2003)
defines machine constituent of the method generalizing FiniteStateMachines
A formalized definition can be found in Chapter 2.4 of AsmBook
and in Chapter 2 of Jbook
ASM Case Study Book (also called Jbook) exhibits ground modeling,
refinement, validation and verification of Java and its JVM implementation
with an annotated bibliography of over 300 items, covering the period
1984-2001. Title:
Origins and the Development of the ASM Method for High Level System Design and
freely available at JUCS 8 (1) 2002. Locally a Draft
version is available. Updated December.
2002 version (with 440 items)
in Ch. 9 (History and Survey of ASM Research) of AsmBook .
Teaching Fundamental
Concepts of System Design and Analysis. Description of an (undergraduate-level)
course which exploits ASMs as unifying framework for different models of
computation used in computation theory (automata and formal languages),
semantics of programming languages
and high-level system design and analysis (ranging from requirements capture to
code). CoursePresentation
and DraftPaper.
Final version in: Springer LNCS 3294 (2004)65-84
llustrating to the
Practitioner the Power of ASMs for Modelling and Analysing Real-life Systems. A short Survey
( taken from Springer LNI Series Vol.P-45 (2004) 235-239) of large-scale and industrial
applications of ASMs. A more
detailed survey (as of 2003) is
found in Chapter 9 of the AsmBook.