A paper on Bayesian tensor factorization for efficient processing of structured data has just been accepted for IJCNN 2019. Check it out:
Category Archives: papers
New IEEE TNNLS journal paper
Congratulations to my student Francesco Crecchi for his first journal paper showing how Dropout can be used to enforce robustness to missing inputs at test time in several recurrent neural networks. Check out its applications to sensor data processing.
Paper accepted for ICRA 2019
A joint paper with the Hands and Haptics team at Centro Piaggio has just been accepted at the top-robotic confrence ICRA 2019 (and jointly to the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters journal). A deep neural network learning, from humans, how to guide a robot arm in the manipulation of never-seen-before objects. Early access to the paper here: check out the upcoming videos of our system at work!
Accepted papers and sessions at ESANN’19
Good news in the Esann 2019 program!
Congratulations to Francesco Crecchi and Marco Podda for their accepted papers on adversarial attacks and graph generation
Great success also for the special session on Societal Issues in Machine Learning: When Learning from Data is Not Enough I am co-organizing. We received an high number of great quality papers but only 4 made it to the oral plenary.
Good news on INNS BDDL 2019 program
The upcoming INNS Big Data and Deep Learning conference will be featuring two events from my group: a tutorial on Deep Learning for Graphs, jointly with Alessio Micheli, and an accepted oral paper survey deep learning models for tree transductions, jointly with my research associate Antonio Bruno.
Check out the INNS BDDL program here!
DeepDynamicHand paper now out
Check out my new joint work with Visar Arapi, Cosimo Della Santina, Matteo Bianchi and Antonio Bicchi. A deep learning based approach to recognize action primitives in video of object manipulation by humans. A first step towards automating robot manipulation skill acquisition from humans.
New Neurocomputing paper
Congratulations to my student Daniele Castellana for his first journal paper on learning infinite mixture of tree models for structured data clustering. The paper has been selected to be extended for journal publication from the ESANN 2018 best papers.
Paper on deep learning for tree transductions
A new paper for the LISTIT project has just been accepted for the IEEE SSCI 2018. Check out our sentence summarization approach using parse tree transductions!
Our preterm survival score out on Nature Reports! (now with software)
Congratulations to my student Marco Podda for his first journal paper on a ML-based preterm infant survival score.
It comes with a webservice to compute the score on new data here and with the code to train it here.
And we are now also hitting the news:
Paper accepted @ ICML 2018
A paper on deep learning for graphs has just been accepted at ICML 2018!
Congratulations in particular to our student Federico Errica for his debut in research.
Available now on Arxiv.