Monthly Archives: March 2018

Deep concentric reservoir paper @IJCNN-WCCI 2018

A paper on a deep concentric reservoir architecture has just been accepted for IJCNN 2018! Congratulations to my student Andrea Bongiorno for his first work!

Now available on Arxiv!

Bacciu Davide, Bongiorno Andrea: Concentric ESN: Assessing the Effect of Modularity in Cycle Reservoirs. Proceedings of the 2018 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2018) , IEEE, 2018.

Congratulations to new graduates!

Big day for a hoard of my students graduating today with ML theses!

Antonio Bruno developed a deep learning model for learning tree transductions in the LISTIT project.

Andrea Bongiorno proposes a new deep architecture for reservoirs based on concentric topologies.

Federico Errica discussed (cum Laude!) a new deep generative model for contextual processing of graphs.

Alessio Gravina studied how to help clinicians in early prediction of BPD in low birth-weight infants.

Many congrats as well to Ahmed Alleboudy and Ruben Matino whom I followed in their external theses as UNIPI supervisor.