Nasti L., Gori R., Milazzo P., Formal characterization and efficient verification of a biological robustness property. Accepted to FormaliSE 2021.
Nasti L., Michienzi A., Guidi B., Discovering the impact of notifications on social network addiction. DataMod 2020, Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Barbuti R., Gori R., Milazzo P., Nasti L., A survey of gene regulatory networks modelling methods: from differential equations, to Boolean and qualitative bioinspired models. Journal of Membrane Computing (2020): 1-20. – DOI
Nasti L., Verification of robustness property in chemical reaction networks, PhD Thesis, University of Pisa (2020) – PDF • Slides
Gori R., Milazzo P., and Nasti L., Towards an Efficient Verification Method for Monotonicity Properties of Chemical Reaction Networks. 10th International conference on bioinformatics models, methods and algorithms (BIOINFORMATICS 2019). 2019. – DOI • Slides
Nasti L., Gori R., and Milazzo P., Formalizing a Notion of Concentration Robustness for Biochemical Networks. Federation of International Conferences on Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations. Springer, Cham, 2018. – DOI • Slides
Nasti L. and Milazzo P., A computational model of internet addiction phenomena in social networks. International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods, 86-100. – DOI • Slides
Nasti L. and Milazzo P., A Hybrid Automata model of social networking addiction. Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming. Volume 100, November 2018, Pages 215-229. – DOI