Java API

Uses of Class

Packages that use.*
oracle.uddi.message Provides classes that represent the data structures in UDDI API XML messages. 

Uses of UddiException in oracle.uddi.client

Methods in oracle.uddi.client that throw UddiException
 BindingTemplate UddiClient.saveBinding(BindingTemplate bindingTemplate)
          Saves a single BindingTemplate object.
 BusinessEntity UddiClient.saveBusiness(BusinessEntity businessEntity)
          Saves a single BusinessEntity object.
 BusinessService UddiClient.saveService(BusinessService businessService)
          Saves a single BusinessService object.
 TModel UddiClient.saveTModel(TModel tModel)
          Saves a single TModel object.

Uses of UddiException in oracle.uddi.message

Methods in oracle.uddi.message that throw UddiException
 boolean UddiElementIterator.hasNextUddiElement()
          Determines whether there are any more elements in the iteration.
 UddiElement UddiElementIterator.nextUddiElement()
           Retrieves the next element in the iteration.
 void UddiElementIterator.close()
           Closes this iteration.

Uses of UddiException in oracle.uddi.message.util

Subclasses of UddiException in oracle.uddi.message.util
 interface RandomAccessOnlyException
          Indicates the only random access on the bag is allowed, thrown by BagSequentialAccessor methods.
 interface SequentialAccessOnlyException
          Indicates the only sequential access on the bag is allowed, thrown by BagRandomAccessor methods.

Methods in oracle.uddi.message.util that throw UddiException
static java.util.List UddiElementBag.getOrCreateUddiElementList(UddiElementBag uddiEltBag)
           A helper method that returns an existing List of sub UddiElements when available, or constructing a new List when the sub elements are in an UddiElementIterator.
 java.lang.String DiscoveryURLs.getDiscoveryURL(java.lang.String szUseType)
 void DiscoveryURLs.setDiscoveryURL(java.lang.String szUseType, java.lang.String szDiscoveryUrl, UddiElementFactory uddiEltFactory)

Java API

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