Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On Administrator's Guide Release 2 (9.0.2) Part Number A96115-01 |
Single Sign-On using simple authentication poses a serious security risk. If hackers can access a Single Sign-On account, they can access numerous applications and do untold damage. Fortunately, Single Sign-On users have the option of using digital certificates instead of the Single Sign-On user name and password to authenticate. This form of authentication involves an exchange of X.509 certificates between client and server over Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).
This chapter covers the following topics:
Certificate authentication offers the benefit that partner applications are, by default, PKI enabled when the Single Sign-On Server is PKI enabled. As in Single Sign-On without certificates, these applications rely on cookies for authentication. Retrieving and checking a cookie requires less computing overhead than performing an SSL handshake. For Web applications characterized by short-lived sessions, the result is a significant improvement in server performance and throughput.
Oracle Single Sign-On can be configured for SSL both with and without client certificates. The first option, server-side authentication, offers a strong degree of security. Still, the user's password is vulnerable to attack--either by guesswork or by brute force. Certificate-based authentication on both client and server sides, on the other hand, makes it difficult to sniff or modify data or to impersonate the client or server.
Figure 4-1 depicts the authentication flow for certificate-enabled Single Sign-On.
The following criteria must be met before certificate-enabled Single Sign-On can proceed:
attribute within the DN, for instance, might be the user's nickname (cn=jsmith
). An o
attribute might be the user's subscriber name (o=acme
Certificate-enabled Single Sign-On is not a default option in Oracle9iAS, and it must be configured manually. The follow components may require configuration:
To configure the Oracle HTTP server, navigate to the server configuration file, using the following path:
In the SSL Virtual Host Context section of the httpd.conf file, add the parameters listed in Table 4-1:
When configured properly, the SSL Virtual Host Context section of the httpd.conf file looks like this:
## SSL Virtual Host Context ## # # file otherwise your virtual host will not respond to SSL requests. # <VirtualHost _default_:443> # General setup for the virtual host DocumentRoot "/ade/lkethana_iasdemo/oracle/work/Apache/Apache/htdocs" ServerName ServerAdmin you@your.address ErrorLog /pivate/oracle/work/Apache/Apache/logs/error_log TransferLog /private/oracle/work/Apache/Apache/logs/access_log # SSL Engine Switch: # Enable/Disable SSL for this virtual host. SSLEngine on # Server Wallet: # The server wallet contains the server's certificate, private key # and trusted certificates. Set SSLWallet at the wallet directory # using the syntax: file:<path-to-wallet-directory> SSLWallet file:/private/iAS/wallet # Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL): # Set the CA revocation path where to find CA CRLs for client # authentication or alternatively one huge file containing all # of them (file must be PEM encoded) # Note: Inside SSLCARevocationPath you need hash symlinks # to point to the certificate files. Use the provided # Makefile to update the hash symlinks after changes. #SSLCARevocationPath /private/oracle/Apache/Apache/conf/ssl.crl #SSLCARevocationFile /private/oracle/Apache/Apache/conf/ssl.crl/ca- bundle.crl # Client Authentication (Type): # Client certificate verification type and depth. Types are # none, optional, require and optional_no_ca. Depth is a # number which specifies how deeply to verify the certificate # issuer chain before deciding the certificate is not valid. SSLVerifyClient optional </VirtualHost>
Configuring the plsql module for certificate-based authentication entails adding environment variables to the database access descriptor (DAD) for the Single Sign-On server. To add these variables, navigate to the DAD configuration file, using the following path:
In the dads.conf file, add the PlsqlCGIEnvironmentList parameter and the variables in Table 4-2.
Mod_plsql must pass these variables to the user name mapping module.
When configured properly, the relevant section of the dads.conf file looks something like this:
<IfModule mod_plsql.c> <Location /pls/orasso> SetHandler pls_handler Order deny,allow PlsqlDatabaseConnectString host:port:database_sid PlsqlDatabasePassword orasso PlsqlDatabaseUsername orasso PlsqlDefaultPage orasso.home PlsqlDocumentTablename orasso.wwdoc_document PlsqlDocumentPath docs PlsqlDocumentProcedure orasso.wwdoc_process.process_download PlsqlEnableConnectionPooling On PlsqlAuthenticationMode SingleSignOn PlsqlPathAlias url PlsqlPathAliasProcedure orasso.wwpth_api_alias.process_download PlsqlSessionCookieName orasso PlsqlCGIEnvironmentList SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_CN,SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_O,SSL_CLIENT_ S_DN, SSL_CLIENT_CERT </Location> <IfDefine SSL> <Location /pls> SSLOptions +ExportCertData +StdEnvVars </Location> </IfDefine>
The user name mapping module, which consists of the files ssodnmap.pks and ssodnmap.pkb, is located in the following directory:
If the user accepts the default implementation for the package, no file configuration is required. The default implementation assumes that the user's DN in the directory is the same as the certificate DN. The files ssodnmap.pkb and ssodnmap.pks are reproduced here for those who want to customize the module.
/* Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 2001. All Rights Reserved. */ create or replace package body wwsso_map_dn as /* Global Variable */ g_user_certificate_dn varchar2(2000) default null; /** * This function reverses order of a given DN */ function reverse_dn(p_dn in varchar2 ) return varchar2 is l_rdns dbms_ldap.string_collection; l_rdn varchar2(500); l_rev_dn varchar2(2000); l_index pls_integer; begin if(p_dn is null) then return null; end if; l_rdns := dbms_ldap.explode_dn(p_dn, 0); l_index := l_rdns.first; loop exit when l_index is null; l_rdn := l_rdns(l_index); l_rev_dn := l_rdn || ',' ||l_rev_dn; l_index :=; end loop; l_rev_dn := substr(l_rev_dn, 0, length(l_rev_dn) -1); return l_rev_dn; end reverse_dn; /** * Get header list */ procedure get_headers ( p_header_list out header_collection ) as begin /* Set header name for certificate DN */ p_header_list.delete; p_header_list(0) := 'SSL_CLIENT_S_DN'; end get_headers; /** * Set value for given headers */ procedure set_header_values ( p_header_value_list in header_value_collection ) as begin /* Set certificate DN value */ g_user_certificate_dn := p_header_value_list(0); end set_header_values; /** * Map SSO user from user certificate information * */ procedure map_name ( p_sso_user out varchar2 , p_subscriber out varchar2 ) as begin /* You may change this default implementation according to your * requirements. * * In this simple mapping example, we will assume that * user certificate DN is same as directory DN */ -- SSO USER INFORMATION -- -- Set SSO User DN from certificate attribute -- Note: certificate DN value send b yApache/mod_ossl is just -- reverse order of directory DN p_sso_user := reverse_dn(g_user_certificate_dn); -- SUBSCRIBER INFORMATION -- -- Set subscriber name to null -- Note: subscriber information for this user can be retrieved -- from directory p_subscriber := null; end map_name; end wwsso_map_dn; / show errors package body wwsso_map_dn; /* Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 2001. All Rights Reserved. */ create or replace package wwsso_map_dn as /** * ssodnmap.pks * * Description: * This package maps SSO username and subscriber name * from user certificate information * * Configuration setup: * * 1. A copy of user certificate for this user should be * stored the userCertificate directory attribute for successful * authentication * * 2. SSO DAD configuration(dads.conf) should have following entry: * PlsqlCGIEnvironmentList = SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_CN, SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_O, SSL_CLIENT_S_DN, SSL_CLIENT_CERT * * 3. SSO DAD should be able to get SSL variables with following * Apache configuration setting(dads.conf file): * * <IfDefine SSL> * <Location /pls/<sso_dad_name>> * SSLOptions +ExportCertData +StdEnvVars * </Location> * </IfDefine> * * Please refer to the SSO Server administration guide for detailed * information */ /** * Exception list */ CERT_DN_MAPPING_EXCEPTION exception; INVALID_HEADER_EXCEPTION exception; /** * These data structures are used to hold a list of values */ type header_collection is table of varchar2(100) index by binary_integer; type header_value_collection is table of varchar2(5000) index by binary_integer; /** * Get header list * This procedure returns required CGI headers for name mapping * * <template> * wwsso_map_dn.get_headers( * p_header_list ==> -- out header_collection * ); * </template> * * <code> * wwsso_map_dn.get_headers * ( * p_header_list ==> -- out header_collection * ); * </code> * * @return p_header_list => list of headers * * This procedure is used to specify required CGI variable names * necessary for mapping module to map SSO user and subscriber name */ procedure get_headers ( p_header_list out header_collection ); /** * Set value for given headers * This procedure sets required CGI headers necessary * for name mapping * * <template> * wwsso_map_dn.set_header_values( * p_header_value_list ==> -- out header_value_collection * ); * </template> * * <code> * wwsso_map_dn.set_header_values * ( * p_header_value_list ==> -- out header_value_collection * ); * </code> * * @return p_header_value_list => list of header values * * This procedure is used set required CGI header values * necessary for mapping module to map SSO user and subscriber name */ procedure set_header_values ( p_header_value_list in header_value_collection ); /** * Map user and subscriber name * * This procedure will map SSO username and subscriber name * from user certificate information, received from Apache/mod_ossl. * * <template> * wwsso_map_dn.map_name( * p_sso_user ==> -- out varchar2 * p_subscriber ==> -- out varchar2 * ); * </template> * * <code> * wwsso_map_dn.map_name * ( * p_sso_user ==> Mapped SSO user name * , p_subscriber ==> Mapped subscriber name * ); * </code> * * @return p_sso_user => Mapped sso username * @return p_subscriber => Mapped subscriber name * * @exception CERT_DN_MAPPING_EXCEPTION * This exception is raised if user information * can not be mapped correctly * * If browser certificate DN is same as directory DN then * p_sso_user should be set to the directory DN and * subscriber name should be set to null since subscriber * information will be retrieved from directory. * Please note that the certificate DN received from * Apache/mod_ossl may be in the reverse order of directory DN * * If SSO username is mapped from certificate DN and mapped * subscriber name is set to null then the default * subscriber will be used to authenticate the user * * User certificate received from Apache/mod_ossl * will be checked against certificate stored in the * userCertificate directory attribute of the mapped * SSO user. */ procedure map_name ( p_sso_user out varchar2 , p_subscriber out varchar2 ); end wwsso_map_dn; / show errors package wwsso_map_dn;
For certificate-based authentication to be successful, the user certificate must be present in Oracle Internet Directory. If the certificate is issued by an in-house certificate authority or by the Oracle CA, it might be possible to publish the certificate in the directory automatically. If the certificate issuer is a third-party CA, a self-service application can fulfill this function.
To determine whether a self-service application is feasible, the directory administrator can try to add the certificate to the directory as an LDIF file, using the command-line tool ldapmodify
The syntax for this command is as follows:
ldap -h host -p 389 -D "cn=directory_administrator" -w password -f file_ name.ldif
In the example LDIF file that follows, the certificate of user jsmith is represented as an attribute of his entry in the directory. The attribute type is usercertificate
. The attribute value is the long string that follows.
dn: cn=jsmith,o=oracle,dc=com changetype: modify replace: usercertificate usercertificate::MIIC3TCCAkYCAgP3MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBAUAMIG8MQswCQ YDVQQGEwJVUzETMBEGA1UECBMKQ2FsaWZvcm5pYTEXMBUGA1UEBxMOUmVkd29vZCBTaG9yZXMxGz AZBgNVBAoTEk9yYWNsZSBDb3Jwb3JhdGlvbjEfMB0GA1UECxMWV2ViIFNpbmdsZSBTaWduLU9uLC BTVDEeMBwGA1UEAxMVQ2VydGlmaWNhYoEHmF4gomtc4mxSKh/zAgMBAAEwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEEBQ ADgYEAKwXoCLDRqmK1Y9LQtIjLnCaIJKUZmS1Qj+bhu/IHeZLGHg4TJg3O2XVA5u/VxwjLeGBqLX y2z7o3RujNKx2CVx6p/0Hkjnw4w6KVau2hcBgC9m4kzUGhHJ9b65v/zx7dIUKyJr4RF+lJhJg4/o YXxLrYHp5NAkHP4htT0gqCXiI=
Because it is a non-ASCII value, the certificate must be encoded in base 64 format, as shown here. Unlike other attributes, a base 64 attribute requires a double colon (::) as a delimiter. Note, too, that the use of a tab enables a base 64 attribute to be folded.
To enable the SSO server for SSL, all references to HTTP in SSO URLs must be changed to HTTPS. The script
is provided for this purpose.
To run
IAS_HOME/sso/bin protocol host port [sso_schema_name]
In this case, protocol is https
. (To change back to HTTP, use http
.) The parameter new_host is the host name of the HTTP listener for the Single Sign-On server. You can either assign a new host name or use an existing one. The parameter new_port is the port number of the listener, and sso_schema_name is the name of the SSO schema. The default schema name is orasso
. This last parameter is optional.
Here is an example: https 443
Port 443 is the default port number for single sign-on over SSL.
Use Table 4-3 to identify and solve problems that you are likely to face when configuring Oracle Single Sign-On for certificates.
Problem | Cause | Solution |
The user tries to access a partner application over SSL and is presented with the error message "Network Error: Connection Refused" |
The |
Add the missing parameter as specified in "Oracle HTTP Server (SSL)". If the parameter is present and is entered correctly, see if the Apache error log file identifies the problem. This file can be found at
The Single Sign-On login page fails to prompt the user for a certificate |
The SSLVerifyClient optional parameter is missing from the httpd.conf file or has not been entered correctly |
Add the missing parameter as specified in "Oracle HTTP Server (SSL)". If the parameter is present and is entered correctly, see if the Apache error log file identifies the problem. This file can be found at
Certificate authentication fails to work, and the user is presented the login page. |
This problem has three possible causes: |
To ensure that users are unable to log in using invalid or expired certificates, the administrator must maintain an up-to-date certificate revocation list (CRL) on the Oracle HTTP server, and the CA that issued the certificate must provide this list. The file ca-bundle.crl can be used to maintain the list. At any rate, the path for the CRL file used must be as follows:
For details about implementing and maintaining a CRL, see comments in the httpd.conf file. The file is reproduced in the section "Oracle HTTP Server (SSL)".
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