J2EE & Internet Applications - Web Services and Enterprise Support Go to menu
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See New Features on the Oracle9iAS Welcome Page for more on Oracle9iAS innovation in this solution area.

For more information on running Web sites and applications, see Oracle9iAS Concepts.
Lesson Summary
Web Services and Enterprise Support
  • Web services are self-describing business functions that are available from any Web-connected device.
  • Oracle9iAS provides a complete and integrated framework for developing, deploying, and managing Web services.
  • The Oracle9iAS SOAP request handler allows Oracle9iAS to support client requests over SOAP.
  • The UDDI repository stores Web service descriptions and other information to assist in finding a particular Web service.
  • With the Oracle9iAS Web services toolkit, developers can package and deploy their Web services.
  • Clients can invoke Web services directly or find them using a UDDI repository.
  • Clustering, scalability, and availability features ensure Web services are fault tolerant and scalable.
  • Oracle9iAS provides security and central management for Web services.