Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence Administrator's Guide Release 2 (9.0.2) Part Number A90500-02 |
The information in this appendix is intended for use by System Administrators, Database Administrators (DBAs), or individuals who have installed Oracle9i Application Server. In this appendix, you'll learn how to configure an Oracle9i Enterprise Edition database for use with Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence via the Oracle9iAS Database Installation Wizard.
This appendix contains the following sections:
To begin using Clickstream Intelligence with a dedicated customer database, complete the following tasks (in the order specified).
Following successful login with a valid username and password, click Patches from the menu on the left side of your screen. Provide the following Patch Download query data. Fields not listed below require no modification; leave the default values in the fields provided.
Click the Submit button. From the list of patches displayed, click the link for one of the patches listed below. Download the patch as specified in the ReadMe file.
file via the Database Installation Wizard. Use the following commands:
ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopall ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl startall
In the expressions above, the ORACLE_HOME environment variable represents the directory in which Oracle9iAS is installed.
The EUL should be created by the DBA who installed the dedicated Clickstream database. To learn how to create an EUL, see the Oracle9i Discoverer Administrator Administration Guide.
file. This file is located in the following directory:
In the expression above, CLICK_HOME is the directory in which Oracle9i Clickstream Intelligence is installed, and LANG is the code corresponding to the language selected during Oracle9iAS installation.
For information about populating the EUL with Clickstream metadata, see the Oracle9i Discoverer Administrator Administration Guide.
The HOST is the name of the computer on which Clickstream Intelligence is installed, and the PORT is the logical channel on which the host listens for requests.
Specify the Database Connection Details below, and then click Apply to return to the Connect to Discoverer Viewer page.
For additional information on creating a private connection and creating public connections for multiple Clickstream Analytics users, see the Oracle9i Discoverer Administrator's Administration Guide.
It is recommended that you install the Oracle9iAS database on a dedicated server for the following reasons:
The minimum hardware requirements for Oracle9i Enterprise Edition database can be found in the Oracle9i Database Installation Guide.
An Oracle9i Enterprise Edition database is required for use with Oracle9iAS because Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence requires specific features that are only available in that database. Those features are listed below:
For more information about installing an Oracle9i Enterprise Edition database, see the Oracle9i Database Installation Guide.
To configure Oracle9i Enterprise Edition database for Clickstream Intelligence, you must complete the following tasks:
The Database Installation Wizard enables you to complete the tasks above. With the Database Installation Wizard you can automatically or manually create tablespaces, and install the Clickstream Intelligence database schemas. If you do not run the Database Installation Wizard, the Clickstream Intelligence database schemas will not be installed.
Information regarding customer database configuration is contained in the following sections of this appendix:
Tablespaces are logical containers within an Oracle database that enable data storage and access. Tablespaces are comprised of physical data files (as well as database schema objects such as indexes and tables). Data files define a tablespace's capacity - adding files to a tablespace, for example, increases its data storage capacity. A database can contain one or more tablespaces, and tablespaces can contain one or more data files.
Tablespace size is typically specified by the Database Administrator (DBA) when the database is installed. The size of the data files within a tablespace can automatically extend (as needed), or can be set to a finite value. For more information about tablespaces, see Oracle9i Database Concepts.
Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence requires the following tablespaces:
Provides storage for the Discoverer End User Layer (EUL), as well as the Discoverer workbooks and worksheets that comprise Clickstream Analytics.
Provides storage for historical audit records and details about previously-run processes and jobs.
Provides storage for all dimensional data and serves as the default tablespace for fact records if fact table partitions are not created.
Provides storage for dimension indexes, and serves as the default tablespace for fact table bitmap indexes if fact table partitions are not created.
Provides storage for incoming data as it is transformed and loaded into the warehouse.
Provides storage for both partitioned and non-partitioned summary layer tables and materialized views.
Provides temporary storage for the database.
There are two ways to create the tablespaces listed above. You can use the Oracle9iAS Database Installation Wizard, or you can create the tablespaces yourself. The following sections describe these options:
The tablespace size information provided in the "Manually Creating Tablespaces" section is based on a formula that uses the average number of hits a Web site receives per day, the amount of Web log data those hits generate, and how long the Web log data is stored in the database before it is archived, to determine optimal size. Consider your own Web site and your own storage needs as you determine the appropriate tablespace sizes for the Clickstream database.
The Database Installation Wizard assists you with the creation and sizing of the tablespaces described in the Tablespaces section. if you want to create tablespaces with the assistance of the Database Installation Wizard, select Typical on the Tablespace Option page. Based on the information you specify on the Database Sizing Parameters page, the Database Installation Wizard automatically calculates the number and size of the tablespaces needed in the database. Tablespace information provided by the Database Installation Wizard is influenced by the following factors:
For more information about the Database Installation Wizard, see "Running the Database Installation Wizard" in this appendix.
To manually create and size the required tablespaces for the Clickstream database, you must still run the Database Installation Wizard. When you reach the Tablespace Option page, however, you must select Custom instead of Typical. By selecting Custom, you inform the Database Installation Wizard that it should search for pre-existing tablespaces in the database.
It is required that you create the following tablespaces within your dedicated Clickstream database:
To size your tablespaces appropriately, use theTablespace Sizing Formula provided below. For examples of tablespace size calculations via the Tablespace Sizing Formula, see the "Calculated Tablespace Values" section. For more information about creating tablespaces, see the Oracle9i Database Administrator's Guide.
Tablespace Size = C1 * (Average Number of Hits Per Day) * (Number of Days to Store Historical Data) + C2
The components of the formula above explained in the text that follows. If you use the Tablespace Sizing Formula to calculate tablespace size(s), you should be familiar with the log format(s) of data stored in the tablespace, as well as the volume of Web traffic associated with your site.
Note: When using the formula to calculate the Warehouse Stage Tablespace size, substitute (Number of Days Per Load) in place of (Number of Days to Store Historical Data). |
This section provides example tablespace values, calculated via the Tablespace Sizing Formula. All of the calculated example values below assume the following scenario for a hypothetical Web site:
You can use the examples below as a guide when calculating tablespace sizes for your own dedicated Clickstream database. To calculate tablespace sizes for your Clickstream database, substitute your own numerical values for the number of hits per day and the number of days data is stored in the database.
Note: The Analytics Tablespace (CANA) and Temporary Tablespace (TEMP) do not adhere to the Tablespace Sizing Formula. Analytics Tablespace: When creating the Analytics tablespace, You must use the value provided below. Temporary Tablespace: There is no one correct size for the Temporary tablespace. We recommend a minimum size based on the assumptions above. Your needs may be larger or smaller. Plan accordingly.
100 MB (Required)
19,975 MB
Size = 0.45 KB per hit * (500,000 hits per day)* (90 days) + 200 MB = 19,975 MB (19.50 GB)
8,989 MB
Size = 0.20 KB per hit * (500,000 hits per day) * (90 days) + 200 MB = 8,989 MB (8.78 GB)
11,186 MB
Size = 0.10 KB per hit * (500,000 hits per day) * (90 days) + 200 MB = 4,595 MB (4.49 GB)
600 MB
Size = 0.60 KB per hit * (500,000 hits per day) * (1 day) + 300 MB = 600 MB (0.59 GB)
Greater than 350 MB Recommended
An Oracle initialization parameter file contains a list of database parameters and a value for each parameter. This file is used to start the database and determine the names and locations of the database control files, in addition to other functions. For more information about Oracle initialization parameter files, see the Oracle9i Database Reference. Modifying the default parameter values in the Oracle9i Enterprise Edition database initialization parameter file optimizes the performance of the Clickstream database by adjusting certain parameter values to better acommodate your storage or processing needs.
The "Initialization Parameter Details" section below provides the parameters and values for an initialization parameter file used by an Oracle9i database. The examples that are calculated below assume the following:
Use the information below as an example to assist you with determining how to set the values in your database initialization parameter file.
The information in this section is displayed in the following format:
For more information about the functions of the parameters listed below, see the Oracle9i Database Reference.
Partitioning a database enables you to quickly access data in large tables and indices by dividing those objects into smaller, more manageable pieces called partitions. Partitioning improves the data management, processing, and querying capabilities of the database by making data easier to access. While there are several ways to partition the tables in a database, Clickstream Intelligence requires range partitioning.
Range partitioning enables the storage of data in specific partitions that are based on a partition key. Within Oracle9iAS, that partition key is a date. Range partitioning is most effective for Web log data because it can be easily defined and sorted by date. Range partitioning the database tables and indexes into equal segments also improves the database's management of objects. For more information on the benefits of range partitioning, see Oracle9i Database Concepts.
Oracle9iAS provides the PL/SQL package called CLK_MNT_PARTITIONS to create range partitions in the Fact and Mview (materialized view) tables. To optimize performance, it is recommended that you use the CLK_MNT_PARTITIONS package to equipartition all Fact and Mview tables. The CLK_MNT_PARTITIONS package also provides additional procedures that enable you to more effectively control partitioning in the database. The following procedures are available:
This procedure creates partitions on every partitioned object in the CLKRT schema. The advantage of using this procedure is that it enables you to simultaneously equipartition all partitioned database objects within the CLKRT schema. Equipartitioning the CLKRT schema improves the refresh performance of all materialized view objects.
The syntax, an example, and the parameters of a call used to invoke the CREATE_ALL_PARTITIONS procedure appear below:
procedure create_all_partitions( p_fact_tablespace IN VARCHAR2, p_mview_tablespace IN VARCHAR2, p_first_date IN DATE, p_date_less_than IN DATE, p_days_per_part IN NUMBER, p_fact_index_tablespace IN VARCHAR2 default null, p_mview_index_tablespace IN VARCHAR2 default null );
begin clk_mnt_partitions.create_all_partitions( p_fact_tablespace=>'CDATA', p_mview_tablespace=>'CSUMM', p_first_date=>to_date('01-NOV-2001','DD-MON-YYYY'), p_date_less_than=>to_date('30-NOV-2001','DD_MON_YYYY'), p_days_per_part=>1, p_fact_index_tablespace =>'CFACTINDX', p_mview_index_tablespace=>'CMVIEWINDX' ); end;
The CREATE_ALL_FACT_PARTITIONS procedure creates partitions for every fact object within the database. Call this procedure if you want all fact objects partitioned equally. This procedure enables you to partition fact objects differently from the materialized view objects.
Partitioning fact objects and materialized view objects differently is not recommended.
The syntax, an example, and the parameters of the call used to invoke the CREATE_ALL_FACT_PARTITIONS procedure appear below:
procedure create_all_fact_partitions( p_fact_tablespace IN VARCHAR2, p_first_date IN DATE, p_date_less_than IN DATE, p_days_per_part IN NUMBER, p_fact_index_tablespace IN VARCHAR2 default null );
begin clk_mnt_partitions.create_all_fact_partitions( p_fact_tablespace=>'CDATA', p_first_date=>to_date('01-NOV-2001','DD-MON-YYYY'), p_date_less_than=>to_date('30-NOV-2001','DD_MON_YYYY'), p_days_per_part=>1, p_fact_index_tablespace=>'CFACTINDX' ); end;
The CREATE_ALL_MVIEW_PARTITIONS procedure creates partitions for every materialized view object within the database.
Partitioning materialized view objects and fact objects differently is not recommended.
The syntax, an example, and the parameters of the call used to invoke the CREATE_ALL_MVIEW_PARTITIONS procedure appear below:
procedure create_all_mview_partitions( p_mview_tablespace IN VARCHAR2, p_first_date IN DATE, p_date_less_than IN DATE, p_days_per_part IN NUMBER, p_mview_index_tablespace IN VARCHAR2 default null );
begin clk_mnt_partitions.create_all_mview_partitions( p_mview_tablespace=>'CSUMM', p_first_date=>to_date('01-NOV-2001','DD-MON-YYYY'), p_date_less_than=>to_date('30-NOV-2001','DD_MON_YYYY'), p_days_per_part=>1, p_mview_index_tablespace=>'CMVIEWINDX' ); end;
The CREATE_FACT_PARTITIONS procedure creates partitions on a specific fact table object. Call this procedure if you only want to partition a subset of all fact table objects within the database. This procedure provides finer control over creating partitions for specific facts.
The syntax, an example, and the parameters of the call used to invoke the CREATE_FACT_PARTITIONS procedure appear below:
procedure create_fact_partitions( p_fact_name IN VARCHAR2, p_fact_tablespace IN VARCHAR2, p_first_date IN DATE, p_date_less_than IN DATE, p_days_per_part IN NUMBER, p_fact_index_tablespace IN VARCHAR2 default null );
begin clk_mnt_partitions.create_fact_partitions( p_fact_name=>'CLK_IMPRESSION_FACT', p_fact_tablespace=>'CDATA', p_first_date=>to_date('01-NOV-2001','DD-MON-YYYY'), p_date_less_than=>to_date('30-NOV-2001','DD_MON_YYYY'), p_days_per_part=>1, p_fact_index_tablespace=>'CFACTINDX' ); end;
The CREATE_MVIEW_PARTITIONS procedure creates partitions on a specific materialized view object. Call this procedure if you only want to partition a subset of all materialized view objects within the database. This procedure provides finer control over creating partitions for specific materialized views.
The syntax, an example, and the parameters of the call used to invoke the CREATE_MVIEW_PARTITIONS procedure appear below:
procedure create_mview_partitions( p_mview_name IN VARCHAR2, p_mview_tablespace IN VARCHAR2, p_first_date IN DATE, p_date_less_than IN DATE, p_days_per_part IN NUMBER, p_mview_index_tablespace IN VARCHAR2 default null );
begin clk_mnt_partitions.create_mview_partitions( p_mview_tablespace=>'CSUMM', p_mview_name=>'CLK_SL_SESSION_MV', p_first_date=>to_date('01-NOV-2001','DD-MON-YYYY'), p_date_less_than=>to_date('30-NOV-2001','DD_MON_YYYY'), p_days_per_part=>1, p_mview_index_tablespace=>'CMVIEWINDX' ); end;
This section explains how to use the Database Installation Wizard to install the Clickstream Intelligence database schemas. In order to use Clickstream Intelligence with a separate Oracle9i Enterprise Edition database, you must use the Database Installation Wizard to create two database schemas: clkana
(for Clickstream Analytics) and clkrt
(for the Runtime Administrator). Both schemas provide all necessary database objects to run Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence. The Database Installation Wizard also modifies the database connection information contained in the click-app.xml
file. After running the Database Installation Wizard, the Clickstream Intelligence Runtime Administrator will connect to the customer database you just installed (and not the metadata repository installed with Oracle9i Application Server.
Note: Your Clickstream database, or customer database, must already be running prior to using the Database Installation Wizard. |
(UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/click/bin/clkinstall --click-home=ORACLE_HOME/click (Windows) ORACLE_HOME/click/bin/clkinstall.bat --click-home="ORACLE_HOME/click"
In the expression above, ORACLE_HOME
represents the location in which the customer database was installed.
The Welcome page provides information about the steps needed to install information into a Clickstream Intelligence database. To proceed, click Next.
The following function buttons appear on all Database Installation Wizard pages.
The Install/Deinstall page enables you to either create a Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence schema within the database or drop pre-existing schemas.
Select a schema option from the choices below and click Next.
The SYS Logon page enables you to set all parameters needed for the DBA to gain access to the database.
Enter the appropriate password, host name, port, and Oracle SID information and click Next.
The Runtime Administrator Schema page enables you to set and confirm the password used by a System Administrator to access data stored in the Runtime Administrator schema (CLKRT) created by the Wizard for this database. The CLKRT schema defines within the database all the information necessary to create and manage the Oracle9iAS Runtime Administrator.
Enter the password associated with the Runtime Administrator schema and click Next. There are two fields you must fill in on this page:
The Analytics Schema page enables you to set and confirm the password used by a System Administrator and end users to access data stored in the Analytics schema (CLKANA). The CLKANA schema defines within the database all the information necessary to create and manage Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence Analytics (Clickstream Analytics).
Enter the password associated with the Viewer schema and click Next. There are two fields you must fill in on this page:
The Language Selection page enables you to select the language used for both the Runtime Administrator and Clickstream Analytics.
Use the Tablespace Option page to select the way in which you will set up the tablespaces required when using Oracle9iAS. After making a selection, click Next.
Note: Remember that if you select Custom, you can go to the "The Tablespaces Selection Page" section of this chapter for further instructions. You do not need to read the following sections:
This page appears if you selected Typical on the Tablespace Option page. Use the Database Sizing Parameters page to configure the tablespaces in your Clickstream database. The Database Installation Wizard utilizes a mathematical formula (as described in the "Tablespace Sizing Formula" section of this appendix) to determine the appropriate size for all tablespaces. When you have provided information for the required fields (described below), click Next.
The Suggested Tablespace Size page enables you to review all tablespaces that will be created by the Database Installation Wizard. To adjust any of the calculated tablespace sizes, enter a new value in the appropriate text field. After you've reviewed all tablespace values, click Next.
The Database Installation Wizard calculates size values for the following tablespaces:
The Datafile Directory page enables you to select the directory in which you want the Database Installation Wizard to create data files for the customer database. To designate a storage location, enter the path for an existing directory on the database host and click Next.
The Temporary Tablespace page enables you to create a temporary tablespace within the database. to do this, select a temporary tablespace from the drop-down list, specify the requested parameters, and click Next.
The Tablespaces Selection page enables you to assign roles to the tablespaces you created in the database. To do this, use the drop-down menu under each tablespace option to select the appropriate tablespaces. When you are finished, click Next.
Note:: This page appears only if you selected Custom from the Tablespace Option page. The tablespaces that appear are identical to those listed in the "The Suggested Tablespace Size Page" section of this appendix. |
The Summary page enables you to review all the settings before installation of the Clickstream Intelligence schemas. These settings include:
Review the summary, and then click Finish to begin the installation. If you want to modify settings, click Back to return to the appropriate page(s).
Installation takes about 40 minutes. During this time, the progress bar moves quite slowly - this is normal behaviour. Do not stop the installation due to a lack of feedback or status information. After the Database Installation Wizard completes, you can load data into the database. For more information, see Chapter 4, "Loading the Clickstream Database".
To view details related to customer database installation, reference the install-click.log
file located in the following directory:
The variable ORACLE_HOME refers to to the directory in which Oracle9iAS was installed.
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