My research focuses on devising methodologies and tools to support the QoS-aware, secure, sustainable, and adaptive next-gen application management in the Cloud-Edge continuum through automated declarative reasoning.
Besides, I work on secure application partitioning onto separation kernels, explainable root-cause analysis of failures in microservice-based systems, and management of IoT-enabled smart environments.
I am or have been involved in the following research projects:
- Dec.'22-ongoing, OSMWARE: hOlistic Sustainable Management of distributed softWARE systems (PRA_2022_64) (Role: project member)
- Feb.'19-ongoing, GIO': a Fog Computing Testbed for Research & Education (Role: technical director)
- Nov.'20-Apr.'21, LiSCIo: Lightweight Self-adaptive Cloud-IoT Monitoring across Fed4FIRE+ Testbeds (Role: WP leader)
- Jul.'18-Jul.'20, DECLWARE: Declarative methodologies for designing and deploying applications (PRA_2016_64) (Role: project member)
- Oct.'15-Oct.'16, Through the Fog (PRA_2018_66) (Roles: webmaster, workshop organiser)
PhD students
I am currently co-supervising the following PhD students:
- Marco Gaglianese, Sustainability and software application orchestration (ongoing)
- Jacopo Massa, Data-aware application placement and management in the Cloud-IoT continuum (ongoing)
I co-supervised the following PhD:
I enjoy writing code in Java, Python, C, and Prolog. Along the years, I have contributed to the design and development of the following open-source research prototypes:
- dips, a declarative intent provisioning system
- osmolog, a declarative solution for placing and configuring Osmotic applications
- fogCutter, a logic programming solution to resource selection in the Cloud-Edge continuum
- yRCA, an explainer for root cause analysis in microservice-based systems
- edgewise, a MILP+LP application placement methodology
- DAPlacer, data-aware service placement and routing in the Cloud-IoT continuum
- FogBrainX, continuous reasoning for managing next-gen Cloud-IoT applications in continuity with the CI/CD pipeline
- SecFaaS2Fog, secure QoS-aware placement of FaaS orchestrations to Cloud-Edge resources
- ProbSKnife, application partitioning onto TEE with cost look-ahead
- FogMon, a distributed monitoring tool for Cloud-IoT infrastructures (TRL5)
- FogDirSim, a simulator of CISCO FogDirector application management
- Solomon, a declarative framework to manage smart environments
- EdgeUsher, probabilistic declarative methodology to solve the VNF placement and traffic routing problem in Cloud-Edge settings
- BonsaiFog, a toy Fog application for teaching purposes
- SecFog, a tool for security assessment of multi-service IoT application deployment in the Fog
- FogTorchPi, a probabilistic tool for estimating QoS-assurance, resource consumption and cost of eligible deployments of Fog applications