Congratulations to Daniele Castellana who has just completed his Computer Science master with a Cum Laude thesis on learning structured transductions between trees through a probabilistic approach.
Category Archives: machine learning
New Graduates in the CI&ML group!
Congratulations to two M.Sc. students who have just completed their Computer Science master with two theses on machine learning.
Marco Podda studied how to help clinicians in predicting and understanding the causes of mortality in low birth-weight infants.
Cosimo Ragusa developed ReCoPy, a state-of-the-art neural networks library for Reservoir Computing in Python.
Paper accepted @ESANN2017
The joint research work with the Biobeats guys has produced an offspring which will be presented at ESANN 2017:
See you soon in Bruges!
New journal paper soon out
Check out this work on using machine learning to perform short term predictions on circulating bikes in Pisa’s bike sharing system CicloPi
Getting ready for Supercomputing 2016
Sorting out the last details of the Deep Learning demo on DNA sequence classification that I will be presenting next week @ Supercomputing 2016. Lots of fun playing around with Nvidia P100 accelerators.
IEEE Cloudnet 2016 Special Session – Program out
The program of the special session on Cloud in Robotics and Cyber Physical Systems is now out on the conference website.
Congratulations to all the Authors of the accepted papers and see you in Pisa on October the 5th!
Paper accepted @FUN2016
I am very pleased to announce that FUN2016 program committee has had enough sense of humor to accept our joint paper (with Vincenzo Gervasi and Giuseppe Prencipe) on
An Investigation into Cybernetic Humor, or: Can Machines Laugh?
See you in my beautiful home region in June 8-10.
Special session @Cloudnet2016
I am happy to announce that I will be co-chairing with Antonio Bicchi a Special Session on Cloud in Robotics and Cyber Physical Systems at the forthcoming IEEE Cloudnet 2016 that will be held in Pisa.
Prospective contributors/participants can contact me for details.
Deadline for submissions is MAY 15, 2016.