New upocoming special session: I am co-organizing a Deep Learning for Structured and Multimedia Information (DEEPSM) session at WCCI2018.
The session is meant to attract researchers working on the next generation of deep learning models for machine vision and multimedia information which are capable of extracting and processing information in a structured representation and/or with a multimodal nature.
Work in progress for securing sponsorship for best paper awards.
Deadline for paper submission: 15 January 2018.
Prospective contributors/participants can contact me (or another co-organizer) for details.
Organized by: Davide Bacciu (Università di Pisa, Italy), Silvio Jamil F. Guimarães (PUC Minas, Brazil) and Zenilton K. G. Patrocínio Jr (PUC Minas, Brazil).