
On this page, you can find information about the courses I am giving and the ones I delivered in the past. Courses are also associated with links to specific institutional pages, when available.

Courses I am teaching

This section lists the courses that I am currently giving. Please refer to the specific item for detailed information.

Distributed Enabling Platforms (534AA)
(6 CFU – Computer Science and Networking / Laurea Magistrale in Informatica e Networking)
Web Design
(6 CFU – Digital Humanities / Corso di Laurea in Informatica Umanistica)
The module is part of the course Web Design and Programming (443AA, 12 CFU)
Parallel and Distributed Systems: Paradigms and Models
(12 CFU – Computer Science and Networking / Laurea Magistrale in Informatica e Networking)

Courses no longer given by me

In the following are reported the courses I am no longer giving. Along each course is indicated the Academic Year in which I was delivering the course.

Distributed Data Analysis and Mining [AY 2019/2020]
(6 CFU – Data Science and Business Informatics)
Databases [AY 2017/2018]
(6 CFU – Digital Humanities / Corso di Laurea in Informatica Umanistica)
The module is part of the course Databases and Web Laboratory (435AA, 12 CFU)