- BCR: Multi-string BWT/LCP/SA computation:
[BCR_LCP_GSA_anyLength] [GitHub] - BEETL: Burrows-Wheeler Extended Tool Library
[GitHub] [GitHub page] - BCR_QS_decode:
[GitHub] - Multi-string ACS Computation by cLCP computation:
[cLCP-mACS_Spire2018] [GitHub] - Parallel Multi-string ACS Computation by cLCP computation:
[GitHub] - FASTQcompression (lossy reference-free and assembly-free compression approach for FASTQ files):
[GitHub] - ebwt2snp (Positional clustering of the extended Burrows-Wheeler transform and discover SNPs):
[ebwt2snp_Wabi2018] [GitHub] - ebwt2InDel (Positional clustering of the extended Burrows-Wheeler transform and discover SNPs/indels):
[] [GitHub] - LightMetaEbwt (Lightweight alignment-free and assembly-free framework for metagenomic classification):
[LightMetaEbwt_AlCob2019] [GitHub] - LIME - LightMetaEbwt_v2 (Lightweight alignment-free and assembly-free framework for metagenomic classification):
[LiME] [GitHub] - bwt2lcp (Compute the LCP array from the BWT of a set of DNA strings):
[bwt2lcp_CPM2019] [GitHub] - RLBWT2LCP (Compute minimum LCP value for each BWT equal-letter run):
[GitHub] - gsufsort (building suffix arrays, LCP-arrays and BWTs for string collections):
[GitHub] - LiME_binning (Metagenomics binning):
[GitHub] - BFQzip (lossy reference-free and assembly-free compression approach for FASTQ files):