Java API

Uses of Class

Packages that use.*
oracle.uddi.message Provides classes that represent the data structures in UDDI API XML messages. 

Uses of IteratorElementLifeCycle in oracle.uddi.message

Fields in oracle.uddi.message declared as IteratorElementLifeCycle
static IteratorElementLifeCycle IteratorElementLifeCycle.CALLER
          The life cycle of the element returned by the iterator is controlled by the caller of the iterator.
static IteratorElementLifeCycle IteratorElementLifeCycle.NEXT_SHADOW
          The life cycle of the element returned by the iterator is from the next() call to the following next() call.
static IteratorElementLifeCycle IteratorElementLifeCycle.NEXT_FULL
          The life cycle of the element returned by the iterator is from the next() call to the following next() call.

Methods in oracle.uddi.message that return IteratorElementLifeCycle
 IteratorElementLifeCycle UddiElementIterator.getElementLifeCycle()
          Is the element returned in next() call reused in the subsequenet next() calls.

Java API

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