Java API

Interface XmlWriter

All Known Subinterfaces:
DomXmlWriter, WriterXmlWriter

public abstract interface XmlWriter

This interface represents a destination for the serialized XML content of a UddiElement. Element content can be marshalled (serialized) to and unmarshalled (deserialized) from various data formats by methods in UddiElement. See that class for more information.

Method Summary
 void close()
          Flushes the writer, then closes it and frees up any resources that are being used.
 void flush()
          Flushes all accumulated element content to the underlying stream, excluding any content that has previously been flushed.

Method Detail


public void close()
           throws MarshallException
Flushes the writer, then closes it and frees up any resources that are being used.
See Also:


public void flush()
           throws MarshallException
Flushes all accumulated element content to the underlying stream, excluding any content that has previously been flushed.

Java API

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