Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On Administrator's Guide Release 2 (9.0.2) Part Number A96115-01 |
This chapter explains how to incorporate Single Sign-On Login, Change Password, and Single Sign-Off pages customized to match your portal or product. At the end of the chapter are examples of how the three pages might be reworked as JavaServer pages (JSPs).
Customized pages can be any type of Web page: a PL/SQL procedure, a CGI script, or a JSP. With each of these options, the pages must support certain parameters to function properly.
The chapter covers the following topics:
table in the Single Sign-On schema contains the LOGIN_URL
column, which is used to enable customized Login, Change Password, and Single Sign-Off pages.
column contains three values separated by a space. The first value specifies the URL for the Login page, the second the URL for the Change Password page, and the third the value for the Single Sign-Off page.
By default, the LOGIN_URL
column contains the values UNUSED
, which specify that the Login, Change Password, and Single Sign-Off pages use the standard Single Sign-On pages.
Perform the following steps to install customized Login, Change Password, and Single Sign-Off pages.
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To replace just the Login page with the customized page, update the first value in the LOGIN_URL
column, as in the following example:
UPDATE WWSSO_LS_CONFIGURATION_INFO$ SET LOGIN_URL='http://server.domain[:port]/login.jsp UNUSED';
To replace just the Change Password page with a customized page, update the second value in the LOGIN_URL
column, as in the following example:
UPDATE WWSSO_LS_CONFIGURATION_INFO$ SET LOGIN_URL='UNUSED http://server.domain[:port]/change_password.jsp';
To replace just the Single Sign-Off page with a customized page, update the third value in the LOGIN_URL
column, as in the following example:
SET LOGIN_URL='UNUSED UNUSED http://server.domain[:port]/single_sign_off.jsp';
To replace all three pages, update all three values in the LOGIN_URL
column, as in the following example:
UPDATE WWSSO_LS_CONFIGURATION_INFO$ SET LOGIN_URL='http://server.domain[:port]/login.jsp http://server.domain[:port]/change_password.jsp http://server.domain[:port]/single_sign_off.jsp';
This section contains the following sections:
When a partner application redirects a user to the Single Sign-On server, the server calls a procedure that creates the Login page.
The process is as follows:
to authenticate the user.
to display the standard login page.
submits a form to WWSSO_APP_ADMIN.LS_LOGIN
to process the credentials.
redirects to the application's success URL, which then redirects to the requested application page.
The customized solution provides the option of redirecting to a separate URL to create the login page, instead of making a PL/SQL call to WWSSO_LOGIN.DRAW_LOGIN_PAGE
. The URL can point to a Java Server Page, a CGI script, or other type of page. The page should process the name of the routine to which the login form is submitted--such as WWSSO_APP_ADMIN.LS_LOGIN
--and submit the form appropriately.
The flow of logic is as follows:
routine to authenticate the user.
column for displaying the login page, LS_LOGIN
redirects to that URL.
If a URL is not specified in the LOGIN_URL
column, LS_LOGIN
to draw the standard login page.
to process the credentials.
redirects to the requested application page. The Single Sign-On server uses the LOGIN_URL
table to store the URL for the customized login page.
The Change Password page is created by the PL/SQL routine WWSSO_APP_USER_MGR.CHANGE_PASSWORD
. This routine renders the screen and commits the form through an API to the database.
The process is as follows:
displays the Change Password page, which displays the username and has fields for the old password, the new password, and the password confirmation. It also has OK and Cancel buttons.
processes the new password.
saves the new password and redirects to the appropriate application page.
To accommodate a customized Change Password page, the logic for the Change Password page has been modified as follows:
routine is invoked to display the Change Password page.
redirects to that URL.
If no separate URL is specified, CHANGE_PASSWORD
to display the standard Change Password page.
to process and save the new password.
saves the new password and redirects to the Single Sign-On home page.
table stores the URL for the customized Change Password page. The CHANGE_PASSWORD
routine queries the value of the LOGIN_URL
column to determine how to proceed. This column contains URLs for the Login and Change Password pages, separated by a space.
The Change Password page is also displayed immediately following a user login if the user's password has expired or will be expiring soon. If the password has expired, the Change Password page appears with the appropriate message and the following process occurs:
to display the Change Password page.
redirects to that URL.
If a separate URL is not specified, CHANGE_PASSWORD
and displays the standard Change Password page.
to process and save the new password.
saves the new password and returns control to WWSSO_APP_ADMIN.LS_LOGIN
to perform the necessary login steps.
and redisplays the Change Password page. This process repeats until the user changes the password successfully.
If the user's password is about to expire, the Change Password page appears with the appropriate message and the following process occurs:
to display the Change Password page.
redirects to the separate URL.
If no separate URL is specified, CHANGE_PASSWORD
to display the standard Change Password page.
to process and save the new password.
saves the new password and returns control to WWSSO_APP_ADMIN.LS_LOGIN
to perform the necessary login steps.
and redisplays the Change Password page.
does not save the new password but returns control to WWSSO_APP_ADMIN.LS_LOGIN
to perform the login steps using the current password.
The Single Sign-Off page logs off users from all active partner applications simultaneously. When users select an application logout link, they are redirected to the Single Sign-Off URL of the Single Sign-On server. First this URL deletes the server cookies; then it calls application logout URLs in parallel, using the HTML IMG tag. The application logout URLs delete application session cookies and then stream a small image indicating a successful application logout.
The process is as follows:
with a return URL, p_done_url parameter.
The URLs for Login, Change Password, and Single Sign-Off pages must accept the parameters described in the tables that follow if these pages are to function properly.
This section covers the following topics:
The URL for the Login page must accept the parameters listed in Table 8-1.
The customized login page must conform to the wwsso_app_admin.ls_login
procedure in the same manner as the standard login page; passing the parameters listed in Table 8-2 to the p_submit_url
The customized login page must have at least two fields: a text field with the parameter name ssousername
and a password field with the parameter name password
. The values are submitted to the p_submit_url
routine. The login page must also submit the site2pstoretoken
value as a hidden parameter.
In addition to submitting these parameters, the login page is responsible for displaying appropriate error messages, as specified by the p_error_code
parameter, redirecting to p_cancel
if the user selects Cancel and populating the ssousername
text field with the given parameter value in the case of a login error.
If the customized login page requires additional fields, you can include them. Ensure that additional fields are appropriately wrapped to conform to the above convention for integration with the Single Sign-On server.
The URL for the Change Password page must accept the parameters listed in Table 8-3.
The customized Change Password page must pass the parameters listed in Table 8-4 to the p_submit_url
The Change Password page must have at least three password fields with the following parameter names:
The Change Password page should submit these fields to the p_submit_url parameter
The Change Password page should also submit the p_done_url
parameter, as a hidden parameter, to the p_submit_url
parameter, and should appropriately display any error messages according to the value of p_error_code
For external applications, the Change Password page must submit the following parameters, as hidden parameters, to the standard HTML login form.
The URL for the Single Sign-Off page must accept the parameters listed in Table 8-5.
URLs for Login and Change Password pages must accept the parameters described in the tables that follow if these pages are to function properly.
This section covers the following topics:
The customized login page must process the error codes listed in Table 8-6.
The customized Change Password page must process the error codes listed in Table 8-7.
This section gives examples of how standard Single Sign-On Login, Change Password, and Single Sign-Off pages might be modified as JSPs. As such, the examples provide a basis for customizing these pages to suit enterprise needs.
Three examples are provided:
<html> <body bgcolor="white"> <%@ page buffer="5" autoFlush="true" %> <% response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); response.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); response.setHeader("Expires", "Thu, 29 Oct 2000 17:04:19 GMT"); try { String str_token = request.getParameterValues("site2pstoretoken")[0]; String str_user = request.getParameterValues("ssousername")[0]; String str_err = request.getParameterValues("p_error_code")[0]; String str_cancel = request.getParameterValues("p_cancel_url")[0]; String str_submit = request.getParameterValues("p_submit_url")[0]; out.println("<center><h1>Single Sign-On Login</h1><p>"); out.println("<form method='post' action='"+str_submit+"'>"); out.println("<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='site2pstoretoken'"); out.println(" value='"+str_token+"'>"); out.println("<table border=0>"); if((str_err != null) && (str_err.length() > 1)) { out.println("<tr>"); out.println("<td>"); out.println("<font color='red'>ERROR:</font>"); out.println("</td>"); out.println("<td>"); out.println(str_err); out.println("</td>"); out.println("</tr>"); } out.println("<tr>"); out.println("<td>"); out.println("User Name:"); out.println("</td>"); out.println("<td>"); out.println("<INPUT TYPE='text' NAME='ssousername'>"); out.println("</td>"); out.println("<tr>"); out.println("<tr>"); out.println("<td>"); out.println("Password"); out.println("</td>"); out.println("<td>"); out.println("<INPUT TYPE='password' NAME='password'>"); out.println("</td>"); out.println("<tr>"); out.println("<tr>"); out.println("<td>"); out.println("<INPUT TYPE='submit' VALUE='Login'>"); out.println("<INPUT TYPE='button' NAME='p_request' VALUE='Cancel' "); out.println(" onClick='javascript:document.location.href = '"+str_ cancel+"';'>"); out.println("<td>"); out.println("</tr>"); out.println("</table>"); out.println("</form>"); } catch(Exception e) { out.println("<h2><center><font color='red'>ERROR:</font>"); out.println("This page can not be accessed directly!</center></h2>"); } %> </body> </html>
<html> <body bgcolor="white"> <%@ page buffer="5" autoFlush="true" %> <% response.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); response.setHeader("Expires", "Thu, 29 Oct 2000 17:04:19 GMT"); %> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- function button1submit() { document.ChangePassword.p_action.value = "OK"; document.ChangePassword.submit(); } function button2submit() { document.ChangePassword.p_action.value = "CANCEL"; document.ChangePassword.submit(); } //-->" </script> <% try { String str_token = request.getParameterValues("site2pstoretoken")[0]; String str_user = request.getParameterValues("p_username")[0]; String str_pwd = request.getParameterValues("p_password")[0]; String str_err = request.getParameterValues("p_error_code")[0]; String str_done = request.getParameterValues("p_done_url")[0]; String str_submit = request.getParameterValues("p_submit_url")[0]; String str_pwd_exp = request.getParameterValues("p_pwd_is_exp")[0]; out.println("<center><h1>Single Sign-On Change Password</h1><p>"); out.println("<form method='post' name='ChangePassword' action='"+str_ submit+"'>"); out.println("<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='p_username' value='"+ str_user +"'>"); out.println("<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='site2pstoretoken' value='"+ str_token +"'>"); out.println("<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='p_done_url' value='"+ str_done +"'>"); out.println("<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='p_pwd_is_exp' value='"+ str_pwd_exp +"'>"); out.println("<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='p_password' value='"+ str_pwd +"'>"); out.println("<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='p_request' value=''>"); out.println("<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='p_action' value=''>"); out.println("<table border=0>"); if((str_err != null) && (str_err.length() > 1)) { out.println("<tr>"); out.println("<td>"); out.println("<font color='red'>ERROR:</font>"); out.println("</td>"); out.println("<td>"); out.println(str_err); out.println("</td>"); out.println("</tr>"); } out.println("<tr>"); out.println("<td>"); out.println("User Name:"); out.println("</td>"); out.println("<td>"); out.println(str_user); out.println("</td>"); out.println("<tr>"); out.println("<tr>"); out.println("<td>"); out.println("Old password:"); out.println("</td>"); out.println("<td>"); out.println("<INPUT TYPE='password' NAME='p_old_password'>"); out.println("</td>"); out.println("<tr>"); out.println("<tr>"); out.println("<td>"); out.println("New password:"); out.println("</td>"); out.println("<td>"); out.println("<INPUT TYPE='password' NAME='p_new_password'>"); out.println("</td>"); out.println("<tr>"); out.println("<tr>"); out.println("<td>"); out.println("Confirm new password:"); out.println("</td>"); out.println("<td>"); out.println("<INPUT TYPE='password' NAME='p_new_password_confirm'>"); out.println("</td>"); out.println("<tr>"); out.println("<tr>"); out.println("<td>"); out.println("<INPUT TYPE='button' NAME='p_request' VALUE='OK' " +" onClick='javascript:button1submit();'>"); out.println("<INPUT TYPE='button' NAME='p_request' VALUE='Cancel' " +"onClick='javascript:button2submit();'>"); out.println("</td>"); out.println("<tr>"); out.println("</table"); out.println("</form>"); } catch(Exception e) { out.println("<h2><center><font color='red'>ERROR:</font>"); out.println("This page can not be accessed directly!</center></h2>"); } %> </body> </html>
<html> <body bgcolor="white"> <%@ page buffer="5" autoFlush="true" %> <% response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); response.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); response.setHeader("Expires", "Thu, 29 Oct 1970 17:04:19 GMT"); String done_url = null; int i = 0; try { done_url = request.getParameterValues("p_done_url")[0]; out.println("<center><h1>Single Sign-Off</h1><p>"); out.println("<table border=0>"); out.println("<tr>"); out.println("<th>Appliction Name</th>"); out.println("<th>Logout Status</th>"); out.println("</tr>"); for(;;) { i++; String app_name = request.getParameterValues("p_app_name"+i)[0]; String url_name = request.getParameterValues("p_app_logout_url"+i)[0]; out.println("<tr>"); out.println("<td>"+app_name+"</td>"); out.println("<td><img src='" +url_name +"'></td>"); out.println("</tr>"); } } catch(Exception e) { if(i>1) { out.println("</table>"); out.println("<br>"); out.println("<form><INPUT TYPE='button' " +" NAME='p_request' VALUE='Return' "); out.println(" onClick='javascript:document.location.href = '" + done_url +"';'><form></center>"); } else { out.println("<h2><center><font color='red'>ERROR:</font>"); out.println("This page can not be accessed directly!</center></h2>"); } } %> </body> </html>
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