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Oracle9i Application Server Administrator's Guide
Release 2 (9.0.2)

Part Number A92171-02
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High Availability

This chapter provides information about high availability within Oracle9i Application Server.

It contains the following topics:

Introduction to High Availability

The availability of a system or any component in that system is defined by the percentage of time that it works normally. A system works normally when it meets its correctness and performance specifications. For example, a system that works normally for twelve hours per day is 50% available. A system that has 99% availability is down 3.65 days per year on average. System administrators can expect critical systems to have 99.99% or even 99.999% availability. This means that the systems experience as little as four to five minutes of downtime per year.

Availability may not be constant over time. For example, availability may be higher during the daytime when most transactions occur, and lower during the night and on weekends. However, because the Internet provides a global set of users, it is a common requirement that systems are always available.

Redundant components can improve availability, but only if a spare component takes over immediately for a failed component. If it takes ten minutes to detect a component failure and twenty additional minutes to start the spare component, then the system experiences a 50% reduction in availability for that hour of service.

Oracle9iAS is designed to provide maximum system availability during many types of hardware and software failures.

Benefits of High Availability

Oracle9i Application Server keeps your system available by providing the following benefits:

High Availability with Oracle9iAS Web Cache

Oracle9iAS Web Cache supports the following content-aware load balancing and failover detection features:


Figure 13-1 shows an example of high availability architecture where an Oracle9iAS instance can contain one Oracle HTTP Server instance and zero or more OC4J processes. Here, Oracle9iAS Web Cache is used as a load balancer to route requests. OPMN within the Oracle9iAS instance environment monitors the Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J processes. If either Oracle HTTP Server or OC4J fail, the OPMN restarts the failed process. This enables a maximum level of availability of the components within an Oracle9iAS instance.

Figure 13-1 High Availability Architecture

Text description of opmn.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration opmn.gif

The mod_oc4j Module

The mod_oc4j module routes requests from the Oracle HTTP Server to Oracle Containers for J2EE (OC4J). It works in conjunction with OPMN to keep its routing table updated so that it load balances across only live OC4J processes in an OC4J instance. When a request comes in, mod_oc4j selects a process from its shared memory table. If a session is created with this request, related requests are routed to the same process. Otherwise, a new process is selected based on the load balancing algorithm. To allow fault tolerance, this module supports OC4J instances and islands. To handle failover with stateless requests, it tries to select an alternative OC4J process within the same island and routes the request to that process. If all the OC4J processes in the instance have been tried and none of them are successful, mod_oc4j returns request failure. For session enabled requests, the module tries to failover to another OC4J process within the same island as the original process that serviced the request. Again, if all the OC4J processes in the island are unable to service the request, mod_oc4j returns request failure.

See Also:

Oracle HTTP Server Administration Guide

Oracle Process Management and Notification

Oracle Process Management and Notification Service (OPMN) manages the processes within an Oracle9iAS instance and also channels all notifications from different components instances to all interested in receiving them.

OPMN consists of the following two components:

Oracle Process Manager

Oracle Process Manager (PM) is the centralized process management mechanism in Oracle9iAS and is used to manage all Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J related processes. It starts, stops, restarts, and detects death of these processes. When these processes are configured to start up, the characteristics of each set is specified in a configuration file called opmn.xml. The Oracle Enterprise Manager Web site also uses PM to manage processes.

The PM starts and then waits for a command to start specific or all processes. Similarly, at shutdown, the PM receives a request to stop one or more processes, or all processes and itself as specified by the HTTP request parameters.

Oracle Notification System

Oracle Notification System (ONS) is the transport mechanism for failure, recovery, startup, and other related notifications between components in Oracle9iAS. It operates according to a subscriber-publisher model, wherein any component that wishes to receive a notification of a certain type subscribes to the ONS. When such a notification is published, ONS sends it to all subscribers. PM and ONS exist within the same process, and comprise Oracle Process Management and Notification. OPMN is monitored by a shadow process that restarted upon request or after a catastrophic failure

Configuring the Oracle Process Manager

The Oracle Process Manager uses a configuration file, opmn.xml, that contains information about all the processes it manages. This information includes parameters to start a process as well as metadata for bookkeeping. Each process type that OPMN manages has a corresponding element defined in opmn.xml. This section discusses the following elements:


This is the topmost element for the process manager. The administrative process defines a single process manager. A process-manager element contains elements of types:


This element defines an Oracle HTTP Server process and has the following attributes:

The ohs element can contain optional elements of the following types:

config-file: Specifies the server configuration file. It is optional. The default value is ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/httpd.conf.

The config-file element can have these attributes:


This element defines an OC4J process group and has the following attributes:

The oc4j element can contain elements of the following types:

The environment element can have the following element type:

prop: Represents one environment name value pair for the custom process.

The prop element can have the following attributes:

Example OC4J Configurations:

This section contains examples of OC4J configurations.

Start Four JVMs in the Same Island in One OC4J Process

<oc4j instanceName="oc4jInstance1">
  <config-file path="/oracle/j2ee/home/config/server.xml" />
  <port ajp="6666-6670" rmi="6686-6690" jms="6786-6790"/>
  <island id="island" numProcs="4"/>


<oc4j instanceName="oc4jInstance1" numProcs="4">
  <config-file path="/oracle/j2ee/home/config/server.xml" />
    <port ajp="6666-6670" rmi="6686-6690" jms="6786-6790"/>

These two configurations achieve the same results except that the second one uses default_island as its OC4J island ID.

Start Four JVMs (Two in Island 1, Two in Island 2) in One OC4J Process
<oc4j instanceName="oc4jInstance1">
  <config-file path=/oracle/j2ee/home/config/server.xml />
  <port ajp="6666-6670" rmi="6686-6690" jms="6786-6790"/>
  <island id="island1" numProcs="2"/>
  <island id="island2" numProcs="2"/>


<oc4j instanceName="oc4jInstance1" numProcs="4">
  <config-file path=/oracle/j2ee/home/config/server.xml />
  <port ajp="6666-6670" rmi="6686-6690" jms="6786-6790"/>
  <island id="island1" numProcs="2"/>
  <island id="island2" numProcs="2"/>

These two configurations achieve the same result. Since the island element is specified, the OC4J attribute numProcs is ignored.


This element defines a generic process group and has the following attributes:

The custom element can contain elements of type:

The environment element can have one of the following element types:

prop: Represents one environment name value pair for the custom process.

The prop element can have the following attributes:

Sample Configurations for Oracle Process Manager

This section provides some sample configurations for the Oracle Process Manager. Electronic copies of these are available at

One Oracle HTTP Server Process, One OC4J Process with Defaults

This configuration starts one Oracle HTTP Server and one OC4J process with default values.

  <port local="6001" 
  <log-file path="/private/my_directory/tmp/opmn_logs/ons.log" 
    <config-file path=ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home/config/server.xml /> 
  <log-file path="/private/my_directory/tmp/opmn_logs/ipm.log" 

One Oracle HTTP Server Process, Two OC4J Processes, and One Generic Process with User-Specified Values

This configuration starts one Oracle HTTP Server process, two OC4J processes, and one generic process with several user-specified values.

  <ohs gid="a1" maxRetry="3"> 
    <config-file path="/my_directory/conf/httpd.conf"/> 
  <oc4j  gid="o1" numProcs="2"  maxRetry="4" clusterID="myClusterA"
 <config-file path="/my_directory/conf/oc4j.xml"/> 
     <port http="8401" rmi="8600" jms="6577" ajp="3456"/>
  <custom gid="g1" num_of_proc = "1">
    <start path="/my_directory/bin/exec1"/> 
      <prop name="PATH" value="/my_directory/ias/lib"/> 
      <prop name="CLASSPATH" value="/my_directory/ias/bin" 

One Oracle HTTP Server Process, Two OC4J Processes with User-Specified Values

This configuration starts one Oracle HTTP Server and two OC4J processes with some user-specified values.

  <port local="6001"
    <log-file path="/private/my_directory/tmp/opmn_logs/ons.log" 
<!-- Start one ohs process with a process group ID of a1, with a config file in 
a non-default directory location -- > 

  <ohs gid="a1" maxRetry="3"> 
            <config-file path="Apache/Apache/my_conf/httpd.conf"/>

<!-- Start two oc4j processes with a process group ID of o1, with a instanceName 
of myClusterA (This should be the worker specified                          in 
the mod_oc4j config file), and an islandID of myIslandA. Since we are starting 
two processes we have to specify the port range used when starting the 
processes. So OC4J process1 starts with ajp port 8010, jms port 8020                          
and rmi port 8030. The second OC4J process uses ajp port 8011, jms port 8021, 
and rmi port 8031. --> 

  <oc4j gid="o1" numProcs="2" instanceName="myInstanceA"
   <port ajp="8010-8012", jms="8020-8022" rmi="8030-8032"/> 

<!-- If the logs should be created in a specific directory provide that location 
here --!> 

  <log-file path="/tmp/ipm.log" level="4"/> 

Configuring the Oracle Notification System

The Oracle Notification System (ONS) uses a configuration file, opmn.xml. This section discusses the following elements in opmn.xml, under the "notification-server" section:


This specifies the ports to which ONS binds and listens for notifications or the start, stop, restart, and statistical dump requests.



This specifies SSL information for the ONS remote port. It is optional.



This specifies the location of the notification manager log file. It is optional. Default is ORACLE_HOME/opmn/logs/ons.log.

The log-file element can have one attribute: level. It is optional. The level attribute can be one of 1=FATAL, 2=ERROR, 3=WARN, 4=NOTIFY, 5=DEBUG, 6=VERBOSE. The default is 3 (warning, error, and fatal messages are logged).

Sample Configuration Examples for Oracle Notification System

This section provides some sample configurations for the Oracle Notification System.

Example 1

<port local ="6100" request="6300"/>
<log-file path="/ora/opmn/logs/ons.log" level="4"/>

Example 2

<port local ="6100" remote="6200" request="6300"/>
<ssl enabled="true" wallet-file="/ora/wal" wallet-password="foo">
<log-file path="/ora/opmn/logs/ons.log" level="4"/>

Failure Scenarios

This section discusses the common failure scenarios and explains the response from the high availability infrastructure in Oracle9i Application Server. Topics include:

Oracle HTTP Server Goes Down

Figure 13-2 depicts a scenario where Oracle HTTP Server goes down.

Figure 13-2 Oracle HTTP Server Goes Down

Text description of ohsdown.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration ohsdown.gif

OC4J Process Goes Down

Figure 13-3 depicts a scenario where OC4J goes down.

Figure 13-3 OC4J Goes Down

Text description of oc4jdown.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration oc4jdown.gif

Hi-AV Framework (OPMN) Goes Down

Since OPMN does not play a role in actively servicing requests, this is not a critical failure. However, since it is critical in ensuring system-wide updates, its failure recovery is important to ensuring a healthy steady state.

Figure 13-4 depicts a scenario where OPMN goes down.

Figure 13-4 OPMN Goes Down

Text description of opmndown.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration opmndown.gif

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