Frequently asked questions
C.1 Frequently asked questions
This section contains the following frequently asked questions:
What environment variables are set?
During installation, two environment variables are set for the VisiBroker products:
VBROKER_JAVAVM = <ORACLE_9i_HOME>\jre11728o\bin\jre
The CLASSPATH variable is not modified.
The PATH variable is updated with:
PATH = <iSUITES_HOME>\bin;<ORACLE_9i_HOME>\vbroker\bin;<ORACLE_9i_HOME>\bin; <iSUITES_HOME>\Apache\Perl\5.00503\bin\mswin32-x86;%PATH%
This minimizes conflict with other products.
What should I do if I get a network error?
If Oracle9iAS Discoverer receives a network exception during login, check the following:
- Are there any directories or jar files in the CLASSPATH or PATH that might interfere with Oracle9iAS Discoverer? Oracle9iAS Discoverer uses VisiBroker CORBA V4.5 and JDK 1.3.
- Make sure the VisiBroker SmartAgent and OAD are up and running and that a new session can be started.
- Make sure the Preferences component is up and running. To confirm that the Preferences component is up and running, use the Windows Task Manager and make sure that Dis51pr.exe is running.
What do I need to do if I get ORA-12154 TNS: Could not resolve service name?
This is an Oracle error that appears when the session cannot connect to the database alias specified in the Connect field. Make sure that:
- the database alias is in the tnsnames.ora file
- the database alias exists in the tnsnames.ora file on every machine that runs sessions
Hint: If you have SQL*Plus (or any other Oracle product) running on that machine, try connecting to the database with that product.
How can I find out whether the pref.txt file is corrupted?
You cannot directly determine from the pref.txt file that it is corrupted. To test if the pref.txt file is corrupted:
- Save a copy of the pref.txt file (to find out the location of this file, see Section A.2, "List of Discoverer file locations").
- Delete the original pref.txt file.
- From the Windows Start menu, select Run.
- In the Run window, type regedit and press [Enter].
- Find the registry key at
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\oracle\Oracle9iAS Discoverer
- Delete that registry key.
- Take a copy of the defaults.txt file (to find out the location of this file, see Section A.2, "List of Discoverer file locations") and change the name of the copied file to pref.txt.
- Choose Start | Programs | Oracle9iAS Discoverer Server Setup | Apply Preferences.
- Run a Discoverer session.
If the session runs correctly, the original pref.txt file was probably corrupted.
- Quit the session.
- Delete the saved copy of the original pref.txt file because it contains the corrupted elements.
- Reset the end user preferences by editing the new pref.txt file, for more information, see Section 7.5, "How to set user preferences for all users".
How to I create public connections?
For more information, see Oracle9i Discoverer Administrator Administration Guide.
How do Discoverer end users create private connections?
For more information, see Oracle9iAS Discoverer Plus User's Guide.