Theses, seminars and projects that I did during my studies.
Mostly outdated or not very interesing material—check out my
research page for better things.
2010 Ph.D. thesis: Algorithms for quadratic matrix and vector equations.
(pdf) (italian)
2007 master (graduate) thesis: Metodi per la soluzione veloce di una classe
di equazioni di Riccati algebriche.
(pdf) (italian)
2005 bachelor thesis: Fattorizzazione canonica e trasformata discreta di Fourier
in un problema di teoria delle code. Does not contain original research material.
(pdf) (italian)
2002 Una dimostrazione elementare dell'ellitticità delle orbite,
small dissertation presented for my high school diploma. Contains a modification to
the more-or-less-elementary proof by Richard Feynman that the planetary orbits are elliptical
Exams and old projects
These are old projects I did while studying, for exams, colloquia, or similar stuff. Published here just because you might like them.
2008 short but more-or-less optimized MATLAB subroutine to
solve the Stokes equation with the 'Mini' finite element method.
(pdf) (italian)
2006 Presentation on the asymptotic complexity of matrix multiplication.
The slides do not contain enough detail to be a complete self-contained exposition,
they were just a support for a blackboard presentation.
(pdf) (italian)
2006 Short essay on the basis of classification using support vector machines.
For an Operations Research exam.
2006 A program to cluster strings based on common words, using graph eigenvalue
techniques. For a Web Search Algorithms exam. Just a proof of concept, nearly undocumented.
(tgz) (italian)
2006 A simple command-line phonebook program that supports searches
using tries. Made for my Algorithms and Data Structures exam.
(pdf) (italian)
2004 Problemi di partizione e copertura, short essay
for my Operations Research exam.
Free time