Computational Mathematics Laboratory Course AA 2013/14
2014-02-24: Time changed: now the course is on Wednesday 9-11 and Friday 11-13, still in room I.
The main source of (official) information on the course is the
Syllabus. Be sure to check it first.
Other material
Slides presenting the course, in Italian (adapted from those of Gianna Del Corso, who taught the course until 2012/13). They contain an example application (face recognition through SVD).
Detailed lecture information (registro lezioni) on the university website.
Teaching material
A sample set of dots to test interpolation algorithms (lecture 1, hopefully)
De Casteljau's algorithm in various versions: castel2.m castel2b.m castel2split.m castel3.m
Two sample images from the University of Southern California's collection: man1024.tiff peppers512.tiff
Sample sparse matrices to test Arnoldi-type algorithms (and beyond):
- convmat.mat Convolution matrix with psfGauss([5,5],0.5), zero boundary condition, 50x50 image. Condition number approx. 30.
- convmat2.mat Convolution matrix with psfGauss([5,5],2), zero boundary condition, 50x50 image. Condition number approx. 2e5.
- karate.mat A classical example in network theory: 1977 Zachary's "karate club" experiment (undirected friendship graph between members of a Karate club, very small scale)
- Test images for face classification (from the Yale face database)
- Quick notes for the lecture on numerable-states queuing models (QBD processes).