G. Attardi,
Caratterizzazione dei Reticoli Continui per la
Teoria della Computazione di Dana Scott, Calcolo, fasc. 1,
G. Attardi,
Progetto e Realizzazione di un Sistema Conversazionale
per lo Studio Geometrico della Cupola della Chiesa di S. Maria
del Fiore in Firenze, Nota Tecnica C73-9, Istituto di
Elaborazione dell'Informazione,
L. Aiello, M. Aiello, G. Attardi and G. Prini,
Dimostrazioni interattive di proprieta' di regimi di
controllo generalizzati: progetto e implementazione, assistiti da
calcolatore, di linguaggi di programmazione,
Atti del Congresso AICA, Genova,
L. Aiello, M. Aiello, G. Attardi and G. Prini,
Informal Proofs Formally Checked by Machine, Annales Scientifiques de
l'Universite de Clermont, no. 60, fasc. 13,
also in The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 42, 1, Providence,
Rhode Island, 131, 1977.
L. Aiello, M. Aiello, G. Attardi and G. Prini,
Recursive Data Types in Lisp: a Case Study in Type Driven Programming,
in Programmation, (Ed. Robinet), Dunod, Paris,
G. Attardi, C. Montangero and G. Prini,
A High Level Machine for Artificial Intelligence,
Proc. of AISB Summer Conference, Edinburgh,
L. Aiello, M. Aiello, G. Attardi and G. Prini,
Adding Classes to Lisp, Nota Interna B76-13,
Istituto di Elaborazione dell'Informazione,
M. Aiello, A. Albano, G. Attardi and U. Montanari,
Elementi di Teoria della Computabilita', Logica,
Teoria dei Linguaggi Formali,
Editrice Tecnico Scientifica, Pisa,
L. Aiello, M. Aiello, G. Attardi and G. Prini,
Formal Definition of Semantics of Generalized Control Regimes,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science No. 54,
Springer-Verlag, 1976.
L. Aiello, M. Aiello, G. Attardi and G. Prini,
PPC (Pisa Proof Checker): a Tool for Experiments
in Proof Theory and Mathematical Theory of Computation,
Fundamenta Informaticae, No. 2, 1977.
G. Attardi and M. Simi,
Sviluppo di Programmi Corretti su Strutture Dati Astratte,
Atti del Congresso AICA,
Milano, 1976.
G. Attardi,
MAGMA-LISP: Quick User's Manual,
Nota Didattica, Istituto di Scienze dell'Informazione, Pisa, 1976.
L. Aiello, G. Attardi and G. Prini,
Toward a More Declarative Programming Style,
Formal Description of Programming Concepts,
(Ed. Neuhold), North Holland,
G. Attardi,
Computer Perspective Reconstruction,
Sound Sonda, n. 3-4,
May 1978.
G. Attardi, C. Hewitt and H. Lieberman,
Specifying and Proving Properties of Guardians for Distributed Systems,
in Semantics of Concurrent Computations (Ed. G. Kahn),
Lecture Notes in Computer Science No. 70,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin,
G. Attardi and C. Hewitt,
Security and Modularity in Message Passing,
in Proc. of the First International Conference on Distributed
Computing Systems, Huntsville,
October 1979.
G. Attardi, G. Barber and M. Simi,
Towards an Integrated Office Work Station,
Automazione e Strumentazione, n. 3,
March 1980.
G. Attardi, C. Hewitt and M. Simi,
Knowledge Embedding in the Description System OMEGA,
Proc. of First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
August 1980.
G. Attardi,
Trends in the Evolution of Personal Computers,
in Atti del Congresso AICA '80, Bologna,
October 1980.
G. Attardi and C. Hewitt,
Guardians for Concurrent Systems,
MIT AI Working Paper 212, Cambridge,
December 1980.
G. Attardi and M. Simi,
Consistency and Completeness of Omega, a Logic for Knowledge Representation,
in Proc. of Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial
Intelligence, Vancouver,
August 1981.
G. Attardi and M. Simi,
Semantics of Inheritance and Attributions,
A.I. Memo n. 642, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory,
August 1981.
G. Attardi and M. Simi,
The Power of Programming by Examples,
Proc. of Office System Workshop '81,
Saint Maximin,
G. Attardi and M. Simi,
Extending the Power of Programming by Examples,
Proc. of SIGOA Conference on Office Information
Systems, SIGOA Newsletter Vol. 3, Nos. 1 and 2, June 1982. Also in
Integrated Interactive Computing Systems, P. Degano and
E. Sandewall (eds.), North-Holland,
G. Attardi and M. Simi,
Metalanguage and Reasoning across Viewpoints,
Proc. of the Sixth ECAI, T. O'Shea (ed.), North-Holland,
G. Attardi et al.,
Building Expert Systems with Omega,
DELPHI Technical Report Esprit TR 85/2,
G. Attardi and M. Simi,
A Description Oriented Logic for Building Knowledge Bases,
Proc. of the IEEE, Vol. 74, N. 10,
October 1986, pag. 1335-1344.
G. Attardi, A. Corradini, S. Diomedi e M. Simi,
Taxonomic Reasoning,
Proc. of ECAI '86, Brighton,
G. Attardi,
Concurrent Strategy Execution in Omega,
Proc. of ECAI '86, Brighton 1986. Also in
Concurrent Object Oriented Programming,
A. Yonezawa and M. Tokoro (eds.), MIT Press,
G. Attardi et al.,
The Omega Knowledge Base Development Environment,
ESPRIT '85: Status Report on Continuing Work,
CEC (eds.), Elsevier Science Publishers,
G. Attardi et al.,
Message Passing Architectures and Description Systems,
ESPRIT '86: Status Report on Continuing Work,
CEC (eds.), Elsevier Science Publishers,
G. Attardi,
Concurrency in a Knowledge Base,
Future Parallel Computers, P. Treleaven and M. Vanneschi (eds.),
Lecture Notes in Computer Science No. 272, Springer-Verlag, Berlin,
G. Agha, G. Attardi, C. Hewitt and T. Reinhardt,
Linguistic Support of Receptionists for Shared Resources,
Proc. of the NSF/SERC Seminar on Concurrency, Springer-Verlag, 1984,
also MIT AI Memo 781,
G. Attardi, E. Motta and M. Simi,
Metalanguage and Databases,
Proc. of Workshop on Knowledge Base Management Systems,
Springer-Verlag, 1985.
G. Attardi adn M. Simi,
A Uniform and Integrated Description System,
Wiessenbasiserte Systeme, W. Brauer and W. Wahlster (eds.),
Informatik-Fachberichte, no. 155, Springer-Verlag,
G. Attardi and S. Diomedi,
Multithread Common Lisp,
DELPHI Technical Report Esprit TR 87/1,
G. Attardi, et al.,
Atomic Objects and Servers for CLOS,
in Parallel Processing, M. Cosnard, M.H. Barton and M. Vanneschi (eds.),
1988, 291-303.
G. Attardi, et al.,
Techniques for Dynamic Software Migration,
ESPRIT '88: Proc. of the 5th Annual ESPRIT Conference,
CEC (eds.), North-Holland,
1989, 475-491.
G. Attardi, et al.,
Metalevel programming in CLOS,
Proc. of the 3rd ECOOP, Cambridge University Press,
G. Attardi,
Knowledge Base Development in a Standard Framework,
ESPRIT '89: Proc. of the 6th Annual ESPRIT Conference,
CEC (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers,
G. Attardi,
An Analysis of Taxonomic Reasoning,
in Inheritance Hierarchies in Knowledge Representation,
M. Lenzerini, D. Nardi and M. Simi (eds.), J. Wiley and Sons,
G. Attardi, C. Bonini et al.,
Interfacing Common Lisp to Graphical Toolkits,
Proc. of the First European Conference on the Practical Applications
of Lisp,
J. Wiley,
G. Attardi, M. Gaspari and F. Saracco,
Interoperability of AI Languages,
Proc. of the 9th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
G. Attardi and M. Simi,
Reflections about reflection,
Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proc. of the 2nd
International Conference, Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, California,
G. Attardi,
Knowledge Sharing: a Feasible Dream,
Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proc. of the 2nd
International Conference,
Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, California,
G. Attardi and M. Gaspari,
Multilanguage Interoperability,
Computers and AI, No. 6,
G. Attardi, M. Gaspari and P. Iglio,
Efficient Theorem Proving through Compilation,
Trends in Artificial Intelligence, 2nd Congress of the Italian Association
for Artificial Intelligence,
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 549, 440-444,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin,
G. Attardi,
Fondamenti di Informatica,
Libreria Progetto, Padova, 1992.
G. Attardi, T. Flagella, L. Francesconi,
Experience in Heterogeneous Distributed Computing,
Proc. of International Conference on Technology for the New Europe,
Vienna, 1993.
G. Attardi, T. Flagella, L. Francesconi, S. Suin,
Heterogeneous Distributed Computing in Practice,
Proc. of HP European User Conference 1993,
Birmingham, 1993.
G. Attardi and T. Flagella,
A customisable memory management framework,
USENIX C++ Conference Proceedings, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, 123-142, 1994.
G. Attardi and T. Flagella,
Customising object allocation,
Object-Oriented Programming, ECOOP'94,
LNCS , 821, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 320-343, 1994.
G. Attardi and M. Simi,
A formalisation of viewpoints, TR-93-062,
International Computer Science Institute, Berkeley, also in
Fundamenta Informaticae, 23(2,3,4), 149-174, 1995.
G. Attardi and M. Simi,
Proofs in context,
in Doyle, J. and Torasso, P. (eds.)
Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proc. of the
Fourth International Conference,
Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, California, 15-26, 1994.
G. Attardi and M. Simi,
Building proofs in context,
Proc. of Meta '94, LNCS, 883, 410-424,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1994.
G. Attardi,
The Embeddable Common Lisp,
ACM Lisp Pointers, 8(1), 30-41, 1995.
G. Attardi and C. Traverso,
A strategy-accurate parallel Buchberger algorithm,
Proc. of PASCO'94, World Scientific Publishing Company, Singapore,
G. Attardi and T. Flagella,
Memory Management in the PoSSo Solver,
Journal of Symbolic Computing, 21, 293-311, 1996.
G. Attardi and C. Traverso,
The PoSSo Library for Polynomial System Solving,
Proc. of AIHENP95, World Scientific Publishing Company, Singapore,
G. Attardi and C. Traverso,
Strategy-accurate parallel Buchberger algorithms,
Journal of Symbolic Computing, 22, 1-15, 1996.
G. Attardi, T. Flagella and P. Iglio,
Performance Tuning in a Customizable Collector,
Memory Management, IWMM 95, LNCS 986,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 179-196, 1995.
G. Attardi, M. Simi,
Beppe had a dream,
AAAI 1995 Fall Symposium on Formalizing Context,
G. Attardi, M. Gaspari,
Multilanguage Interoperability,
Computers and Artificial Intelligence, 15(6), 531-554,
A. Cisternino, G. Attardi and M. Simi,
Building a Configuration Assistant on the Web,
Web Net '97, Toronto,
D. Dato, A. Gullì, G. Attardi,
Web Host Enumeration Through DNS,
Web Net '97, Toronto,
A. Cisternino, G. Attardi, M. Simi,
CompAss: a system for plans of study compilation,
Proc. of the AI*IA '97 Conference, Roma,
G. Attardi, M. Simi,
Communication across Viewpoints,
Journal of Logic, Language and Information, 7, 53-75,
G. Attardi, T. Flagella and P. Iglio,
A customisable memory management framework for C++,
Software Practice and Experience, 28(11), 1143-1183, 1998.
G. Attardi and P. Iglio,
Software Components for Computer Algebra,
Proc. of ISSAC '98,
G. Attardi, A. Cisternino, and M. Simi,
Web-based Configuration Assistants,
Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing,
12(3), 321-331,
G. Attardi, S. Di Marco, D. Salvi, F. Sebastiani,
Categorisation by context,
Workshop on Innovative Internet Information Systems,
G. Attardi, A. Cisternino, and M. Simi,
Web-based Configuration Assistants,
Workshop on Innovative Internet Information Systems,
G. Attardi, S. Di Marco, D. Salvi,
Categorisation by context,
(short version), "Best Full Paper Award",
Proceedings of WebNet 1998, Orlando, Florida,
G. Attardi, S. Di Marco, D. Salvi,
Categorisation by context,
Journal of Universal Computer Science
, 4(9),719-736,
G. Attardi, A. Gullì, F. Sebastiani,
Theseus: Categorization by context,
8th Word Wide Web Conference, Toronto, Canada,
G. Attardi, M. Betrò, M. Forte, R. Gori, A. Guidazzoli, S. Imboden,
F. Mallegni,
3D facial reconstruction and visualization of ancient Egyptian mummies using
spiral CT data,
1999, (also in Eurographics 99).
G. Attardi, A. Gullì, F. Sebastiani,
Automatic Web Page Categorization by Link and Context Analysis,
European Symposium on Telematics, Hypermedia and Artificial Intelligence, Varese,
G. Attardi, G. Zorzetti,
Implementing an Interactive Discussion Forum,
Workshop on Community-based Interactive Systems,
G. Attardi, M. Simi, F. Tanganelli, A. Tommasi.
Learning conceptual descriptions of categories,
Rapporto Tecnico, Dipartimento di Informatica, TR-99-21, November 30,
G. Attardi, C. Burrini,
The PISAB Question Answering System,
Proceedings of Text Retrieval Conference (Trec-9), 446-451,
NIST, Gaithersburg (MD), November,
G. Attardi, A. Cisternino,
Reflection support by means of template metaprogramming,
Proceedings of Third International Conference on Generative and
Component-Based Software Engineering,
LNCS 2186, 178-187,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin,
September 2001.
G. Attardi, A. Cisternino,
Template Metaprogramming an Object Interface to Relational Tables,
Reflection 2001,
LNCS 2192, 266-267,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin,
G. Attardi, A. Cisternino, F. Formica,
M. Simi, A. Tommasi, C. Zavattari,
PIQASso: PIsa Question Answering System
Proceedings of Text Retrieval Conference (Trec-10), 599-607,
NIST, Gaithersburg (MD), November 13-16,
G. Attardi, A. Cisternino, F. Formica, M. Simi, A. Tommasi,
Web suggestions and robust validation for QA,
Proceedings of The Eleventh Text Retrieval Conference (TREC 2002),
SP 500-251,
NIST, Gaithersburg (MD),
G. Attardi, A. Cisternino, A. Kennedy,
CodeBricks: Code Fragments as Building Blocks,
ACM SIGPLAN 2003 Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Semantics Based Program Manipulation,
S. Diego (CA),
Also in
Vol. 38, N. 10,
G. Attardi, A. Cisternino,
Multistage programming support in CLI,
IEE Proceedings Software, 275-282,
Vol. 150, No. 5,
G. Attardi, A. Cisternino, D. Colombo,
CIL + Metadata > Executable,
Journal of Object Technology,
Vol. 3, No. 2,
pp. 32-40,
G. Attardi, A. Esuli, C. Patel,
Using Clustering and Blade Clusters in the TeraByte task,
Text Retrieval Conference 2004,
NIST, Gaithersburg (MD),
G. Attardi, A. Esuli, M. Simi,
Best bets: thousands of queries in search of a client,
13th Word Wide Web Conference, New York, USA,
pp. 422-423,
G. Attardi, A. Esuli, L. Hancu, M. Simi,
Participatory search,
WWW/Internet 2004,
vol 1,
pp. 643-650,
G. Attardi, et al.,
The LOA Customizable Media Aggregator,
First International Conference on Automated Production of Cross Media
Content for Multi-Channel Distribution,
G. Attardi,
IXE at the TREC Terabyte Task
Proceedings of The Forteenth Text Retrieval Conference (TREC 2005),
NIST, Gaithersburg (MD),
G. Attardi,
Experiments with a Multilanguage Non-Projective Dependency Parser,
Proc. of the Tenth Conference on Natural Language Learning,
New York, (NY),
G. Attardi, Maria Simi,
Extracting Dependency Relations for Opinion Mining,
Proc. of Workshop on Distributed Agent-based Retrieval Tools,
G. Attardi, Maria Simi,
Blog Mining Through Opinionated Words,
Proceedings of The Fifteenth Text Retrieval Conference (TREC 2006),
NIST, Gaithersburg (MD),
G. Attardi, M. Ciaramita.
Tree revision learning for dependency parsing,
Proceedings of HLT-NAACL 2007,
M. Ciaramita and G. Attardi.
Dependency Parsing with Second-Order Feature Maps and Annotated Semantic
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Parsing Technology
(IWPT 2007),
G. Attardi, A. Chanev, M. Ciaramita, F. Dell'Orletta and M. Simi.
Multilingual Dependency Parsing and Domain Adaptation using DeSR.
Proceedings the CoNLL Shared Task Session of EMNLP-CoNLL 2007,
H. Zaragoza, et al.
Ranking Very Many Typed Entities on Wikipedia.
Proc. of CIKM 2007,
G. Attardi, M. Simi.
DeSR at the Evalita Dependency Parsing Task
Proc. of Workshop Evalita 2007. Intelligenza Aritificiale,
M. Ciaramita, G. Attardi, F. Dell'Orletta and M. Surdeanu.
DeSRL: A Linear-Time Semantic Role Labeling System.
Proceedings the Twelfth Conference on Natural Language Learning,
H. Zaragoza, J. Atserias, M. Ciaramita, and G. Attardi.
Semantically annotated snapshot of the English Wikipedia,
Proceedings of LREC 2008,
G. Attardi, F. Dell'Orletta.
Chunking and Dependency Parsing.
Proceedings of LREC 2008 Workshop on Partial Parsing,
C. Bosco, A. Mazzei, V. Lombardo,
G. Attardi, A. Corazza, A. Lavelli, L. Lesmo, G. Satta, M. Simi.
Comparing Italian parsers on a common treebank: the Evalita experience
Proceedings of LREC 2008,
G. Attardi, F. Dell'Orletta.
Reverse Revision and Linear Tree Combination for Dependency Parsing.
Proc. of NAACL HLT 2009,
G. Attardi.
Text Analytics for Wikipedia Semantic Search.
4th Workshop on the Future of Web Search: Semantic Search,
Ibiza, Spain, April 17-18,
G. Attardi, M. Simi.
Overview of the EVALITA 2009 Part-of-Speech Tagging Task
Proc. of Workshop Evalita 2009,
ISBN 978-88-903581-1-1,
G. Attardi, F. Dell'Orletta, M. Simi, J. Turian.
Accurate Dependency Parsing with a Stacked Multilayer Perceptron.
Proc. of Workshop Evalita 2009,
ISBN 978-88-903581-1-1,
G. Attardi, S. Dei Rossi, F. Dell'Orletta, E.M. Vecchi.
The Tanl Named Entity Recognizer at Evalita 2009.
Proc. of Workshop Evalita 2009,
ISBN 978-88-903581-1-1,
G. Attardi, A. Fuschetto, F. Tamberi, M. Simi, E.M. Vecchi.
Experiments in tagger combination: arbitrating, guessing, correcting, suggesting.
Proc. of Workshop Evalita 2009,
ISBN 978-88-903581-1-1,
J. Atserias, G. Attardi, M. Simi, H. Zaragoza.
Active Learning for Building a Corpus of Questions for Parsing.
Proc. of LREC 2010, Malta,
G. Attardi, S. Dei Rossi, G. Di Pietro, A. Lenci, S. Montemagni, M. Simi.
A Resource and Tool for Super-sense Tagging of Italian Texts.
Proc. of LREC 2010, Malta,
C. Bosco, S. Montemagni, A. Mazzei, V. Lombardo, F. Dell'Orletta, A. Lenci,
L. Lesmo, G. Attardi, M. Simi, A. Lavelli, J. Hall, J. Nilsson and J. Nivre.
Comparing the influence of different treebank annotations on dependency
parsing performance.
Proc. of LREC 2010, Malta,
G. Attardi, S. Dei Rossi, M. Simi.
The Tanl Pipeline.
Proc. of LREC Workshop on WSPP, Malta,
G. Attardi, S. Dei Rossi, M. Simi.
TANL-1: Coreference Resolution by Parse Analysis and Similarity Clustering.
Proc. of SemEval 2010, Uppsala,
G. Attardi, S. Dei Rossi, M. Simi.
Dependency Parsing of Indian Languages with DeSR.
Proc. of ICON-2010 tools contest on Indian language dependency
Kharagpur, India,
G. Attardi, A. Chanev, A.V. Miceli Barone.
A Dependency Based Statistical Translation Model.
Proc. of Fifth Workshop on Syntax, Semantics and Structure in
Statistical Translation, ACL HLT 2011, Portland,
M. Ciaramita, G. Attardi.
Dependency parsing with second-order feature maps and annotated semantic
In H. Bunt, P. Merlo and J. Nivre (eds.),
Trends in Parsing Technology.
Text, Speech and Language Technology Series, Vol 43, pp. 87-104. Springer.
G. Attardi, D. Sartiano, M. Simi.
Active Learning for Domain Adaptation of Dependency Parsing on Legal Texts.
Proc. of Workshop on Semantic Processing of Legal Texts (SPLeT of LREC-2012, Instanbul, Turchia, May 2012. ISBN 978-3-642-35827-2.
G. Attardi, S. Dei Rossi, M. Simi.
UNIPI Participation in the Evalita 2011 Anaphora Resolution Task.
In B. Magnini et al. (Eds.), Proc. of Evalita 2011, LNCS
7689, pp. 156-165, 2012. ISBN 978-3-642-35827-2.
G. Attardi, M. Simi, A. Zanelli.
Domain Adaptation by Active Learning.
In B. Magnini et al. (Eds.), Proc. of Evalita 2011, LNCS
7689, pp. 77-85, 2012. ISBN 978-3-642-35827-2.
G. Attardi, S. Dei Rossi, M. Simi.
The Tanl Lemmatizer Enriched with a Sequence of Cascading Filters.
In B. Magnini et al. (Eds.), Proc. of Evalita 2011, LNCS
7689, pp. 257-265, 2012. ISBN 978-3-642-35827-2.
G. Attardi, G. Berardi, S. Dei Rossi, M. Simi.
The Tanl Tagger for Named Entity Recognition on Transcribed Broadcast News at
Evalita 2011.
In B. Magnini et al. (Eds.), Proc. of Evalita 2011, LNCS
7689, pp. 116-125, 2012. ISBN 978-3-642-35827-2.
G. Attardi, M. Simi, A. Zanelli.
Tuning DeSR for Dependency Parsing of Italian.
In B. Magnini et al. (Eds.), Proc. of Evalita 2011, LNCS
7689, pp. 37-45, 2012.
G. Attardi, L. Baronti, S. Dei Rossi, M. Simi.
SuperSense Tagging with a Maximum Entropy Markov Model.
In B. Magnini et al. (Eds.), Proc. of Evalita 2011, LNCS
7689, pp. 186-194, 2012.
G. Attardi, L. Atzori, M. Simi.
Index Expansion for Machine Reading and Question Answering.
CLEF 2012 Evaluation Labs and Workshop - Online Working Notes,
P. Forner, J. Karlgren, C. Womser-Hacker (eds.), Rome, Italy, 17-20 September,
2012. ISBN 978-88-904810-3-1, ISSN 2038-4963.
G. Attardi, V. Cozza, D. Sartiano.
UniPi: Recognition of Mentions of Disorders in Clinical Text.
In Proc. of the 8th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval
Dublin, Ireland, 23-24 August 2014, pp. 754-760, 2014. ISBN 978-886741-472-7.
G. Attardi, V. Cozza, D. Sartiano.
Adapting Linguistic Tools for the Analysis of Italian Medical Records.
In B. Magnini et al. (Eds.),
Proc. of the First Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2014). Pisa, Italy, 9-10 December 2014,
2014. ISBN 978-886741-472-7.
G. Attardi, M. Simi.
Dependency Parsing Techniques for Information Extraction.
In C. Bosco et al. (Eds.),
Proc. of the Fourth International Workshop Evalita 2014 (Evalita 2014). Pisa, Italy, 11 December 2014,
2014. ISBN 978-886741-472-7.
G. Attardi, L. Baronti.
Experiments in Identification of Italian Temporal Expressions.
In C. Bosco et al. (Eds.),
Proc. of the Fourth International Workshop Evalita 2014 (Evalita 2014). Pisa, Italy, 11 December 2014,
2014. ISBN 978-886741-472-7.
G. Attardi.
DeepNL: a Deep Learning NLP
Workshop on Vector Space Modeling for NLP.
Proc. of NAACL HLT 2015, Denver, Colorado (June 5, 2015).
G. Attardi, V. Cozza, D. Sartiano.
Annotation and Extraction of Relations from Italian Medical Records.
Proc. of 6th Italian Information Retrieval Workshop (IIR
2015). Cagliari, 2015.
G. Attardi.
Representation of Word Sentiment, Idioms and Senses.
Proc. of 6th Italian Information Retrieval Workshop (IIR 2015).
Cagliari, 2015.
A.V. Miceli Barone, G. Attardi.
Non-projective Dependency-based Pre-Reordering with Recurrent
Neural Network for Machine Translation.
Proc. of Ninth Workshop on Syntax, Semantics and Structure in Statistical
Translation (SSST-9), NAACL HLT 2015, Denver, Colorado (June 5, 2015).
A.V. Miceli Barone, G. Attardi.
Dependency Parsing domain adaptation using transductive SVM.
Proc. of the Joint Workshop on Unsupervised and
Semi-Supervised Learning in NLP. 2015.
Giuseppe Attardi