Input-Output GraphTool: Tool to verify Input-Output monotonicity on Chemical Reaction Networks

Chemical Reaction Networks (CRN) is a set of chemical reactions, complex to investigate because they are characterized by non-linearity and non-intuitive behaviors. In general, to obtain different information about their dynamics it is necessary to perform a huge number of simulations, being necessary to test the system behavior for all the possible combinations of initial concentrations of the involved chemical species.

In order to reduce the computational effort, we searched for a sufficient condition that allows us to analyze the monotonicity between the output of the system (the under study chemical species at the steady-state) with respect to the initial concentration of the input (the perturbed chemical species). To verify this sufficient condition, we developed the Input-Output GraphTool (in Python).

In details, you can find all the information in:

  • PhD thesis of Lucia Nasti: "Verification of Robustness property in Chemical Reaction Networks" (download).
  • Roberta Gori, Paolo Milazzo, Lucia Nasti and Federico Poloni. Efficient analysis of Chemical Reaction Networks Dynamics based on Input-Output monotonicity. (submitted)

The Input-Output GraphTool source code of the framework and two examples are freely available for download: