Giorgio Vinciguerra

Giorgio Vinciguerra

Research Fellow (RTD-A)

Università di Pisa

I am a Research Fellow (academic rank in Italy: RTD-A) at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Pisa since January 2023, where I am a member of the A³ Lab.

My research interests include compact data structures, data compression, and algorithm engineering, with a focus on the so-called learned data structures, that is, data structures that exploit machine learning tools to uncover new regularities in the input data and achieve significantly improved space-time trade-offs over traditional ones.

I obtained my PhD from the University of Pisa in February 2022 with a thesis on Learning-based compressed data structures that was awarded the Best PhD thesis in Theoretical Computer Science by the Italian Chapter of the EATCS. Before my current position, I was a postdoc (2022) and PhD student (2018–21) at the University of Pisa, and a visiting researcher at Harvard University (2020).

Results of my research, including my software libraries, have found applications in database systems, information retrieval systems, and bioinformatics tools. Furthermore, I was granted an Italian patent (owned by the University of Pisa).

My research is supported by the EU-funded projects and SoBigData++. In the past, I was supported by the Multicriteria data structures project funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research.


(2024). CoCo-trie: data-aware compression and indexing of strings. Inf. Syst..

PDF Cite Code DOI

(2023). Engineering a textbook approach to index massive string dictionaries. SPIRE.

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(2023). On nonlinear learned string indexing. IEEE Access.

PDF Cite Code Dataset DOI

(2023). Learned monotone minimal perfect hashing. ESA.

PDF Cite Code Slides DOI

(2022). Compressed string dictionaries via data-aware subtrie compaction. SPIRE.

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(2022). A learned approach to design compressed rank/select data structures. ACM Trans. Algorithms.

PDF Cite Code DOI Experiments code & datasets

(2022). Learning-based compressed data structures. Ph.D. thesis.

PDF Cite

(2021). Repetition- and linearity-aware rank/select dictionaries. ISAAC.

PDF Cite Code Slides DOI

(2021). On the performance of learned data structures. Theor. Comput. Sci..

PDF Cite Code DOI

(2020). Why are learned indexes so effective?. ICML.

PDF Cite Code Slides Video

(2020). Learned data structures. Recent Trends in Learning From Data (Springer).



Learned monotone minimal perfect hashing
Advances in data-aware compressed-indexing schemes for integer and string keys
Learning-based approaches to compressed data structures design
Learning-based approaches to compressed data structures design
A rigorous approach to design learned data structures

Teaching & Supervision


Teaching assistant:

Co-supervised theses:

  • Marco Costa, Engineering data structures for the approximate range emptiness problem, MSc in Computer Science - ICT, 2022.
  • Mariagiovanna Rotundo, Compressed string dictionaries via Rear coding and succinct Patricia Tries, MSc in Computer Science - ICT, 2022.
  • Antonio Boffa, Spreading the learned approach to succinct data structures, MSc in Computer Science - ICT, 2020.
  • Alessio Russo, Learned index per i DB del futuro, BSc in Computer Science, 2020.
  • Lorenzo De Santis, On non-linear approaches for piecewise geometric model, MSc in Computer Science - AI, 2019.




A monotone minimal perfect hash function that learns and leverages the data smoothness.


Compressed rank/select dictionary based on Lempel-Ziv and LA-vector compression.


Implementation of two LZ-End parsing algorithms.


Proof-of-concept extension of the PGM-index to support fixed-length strings.


Compressed string dictionary based on rear-coding.

Block-$\boldsymbol\varepsilon$ tree

Block-$\boldsymbol\varepsilon$ tree

Compressed rank/select dictionary exploiting approximate linearity and repetitiveness.



Compressed bitvector/container supporting efficient random access and rank queries.



Python library of sorted containers with state-of-the-art query performance and compressed memory usage.



Data structure enabling fast searches in arrays of billions of items using orders of magnitude less space than traditional indexes.



C++11 implementation of the Cache Sensitive Search tree.

NN Weaver

NN Weaver

Python library to build and train feedforward neural networks, with hyperparameters tuning capabilities.

Knowledge is like a sphere; the greater its volume, the larger its contact with the unknown.

― Blaise Pascal
