Anno Accademico 2014-2015
(LM-18) Sicurezza delle Reti
- Giovedi ore 16:00 - 18:00 Aula Fib B
Materiale del Corso:
1.1) Security of Cloud Computing
1.2) Computer and Network Security
1.3) Asset Analysis
1.4) Vulnerability Analysis
1.4.1) Network Mapper and Vulnerability Scanning
1.5) Threat Analysis
1.6) Attack Analysis
1.7) Impact Analysis
1.8) Introduction to Cryptography
1.9) Countermeasures Analysis
2.0) Virtualization
3.0) Elastic Computation
4.0) Threat Model
5.0) Vulnerabilities and Attacks
5.1) Carthography
5.2) Browser
5.3) Proofs of Possess Retrievability
5.4) Attestation
5.5) Dataflow Attestation
5.6) Introspection
5.7) Working with encrypted data
5.8) Digital Forensics