
 International Journal Papers

  1. P. Cappanera, A. Matta, M.G. Scutellà, M. Singuaroli "Augmented Patterns for Decomposition of Scheduling and Assignment Problems", European Journal of Operational Research, 319, 517 - 530, 2024, DOI:

  2. G. Lanza, M. Passacantando, M.G. Scutellà "Matheuristic approaches to the Green Sequencing and Routing Problem", Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 2023, DOI: 10.1007/s10696-023-09509-7

  3. R.G. Garroppo, M.G. Scutellà "Design model of an IEEE 802.11ad infrastructure for TSN-based industrial applications", Computer Networks, 230, 109771, 2023

  4. G. Lanza, M. Passacantando, M.G. Scutellà "Sequencing and Routing in a Large Warehouse with High Degree of Product Rotation", Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 2022, DOI: (Published: 19 August 2022)

  5. G. Lanza, M. Passacantando, M.G. Scutellà "Assigning and sequencing storage locations under a two level storage policy: optimization model and matheuristic approaches", Omega: The International Journal of Management Science, 108, 2022, DOI: 10.1016/

  6. P. Cappanera, M.G. Scutellà "Addressing consistency and demand uncertainty in the Home Care planning problem", Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 34, 1 - 39, 2022, DOI: (Published: 04 April 2021)

  7. L. Di Puglia Pugliese, F. Guerriero, M.G. Scutellà "The last-mile delivery process with trucks and drones under uncertain energy consumption", Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 1 - 37, 2021, DOI: 10.1007/s10957-021-01918-8

  8. R.G. Garroppo, G. Nencioni, L. Tavanti, B. Gendron, M.G. Scutellà "Optimal access point power management for green IEEE 802.11 networks", Sensors (Section: Internet of Things), 21 (6), 2076, 2021, DOI: 10.3390/s21062076

  9. P. Cappanera, C. Requejo, M.G. Scutellà "Temporal constraints and device management for the Skill VRP: mathematical model and lower bounding techniques", Computers & Operations Research, 124, 0 - 19, 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.cor.2020.105054

  10. R.G. Garroppo, M.G. Scutellà, F. D'Andreagiovanni "Robust Green Wireless Local Area Networks: a matheuristic approach", Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 163, 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.jnca.2020.102657

  11. P. Cappanera, M.G. Scutellà, F. Nervi, L. Galli "Demand uncertainty in Robust Home Care Optimization", Omega: The International Journal of Management Science, 80, 95 - 110, 2018, DOI: 10.1016/, Best Paper Awards 2018

  12. B. Gendron, M.G. Scutellà, R.G. Garroppo, G. Nencioni, L. Tavanti "A branch-and-Benders-cut method for nonlinear power design in green wireless local area networks", European Journal of Operational Research, 255, 151 - 162, 2016, DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2016.04.058

  13. S. Yalcindag, P. Cappanera, M.G. Scutellà, E. Sahin, A. Matta "Pattern-based decompositions for human resource planning in home health care services", Computers & Operations Research, 73, 12 - 26, 2016, DOI: 10.1016/j.cor.201602.011

  14. A. Frangioni, L. Galli, M.G. Scutellà "Delay-Constrained Shortest Paths: Approximation Algorithms and Second-Order Cone Models", Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 164 (3), 1051 - 1077, 2015, DOI: 10.1007/s10957-014-0624-5

  15. P. Cappanera, M.G. Scutellà "Joint assignment, scheduling and routing models to Home Care optimization: a pattern based approach" (with related Online Supplement), Transportation Science, 49 (4), 830 - 852, 2015

  16. R. Recchia, M.G. Scutellà "Robust asset allocation strategies: relaxed versus classical robustness", IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 25 (1), 21 - 56, 2014, DOI: 10.1093/imaman/dps023

  17. R.G. Garroppo, S. Giordano, G. Nencioni, M.G. Scutellà "Power-Aware Routing and Network Design with Bundled Links: Solutions and Analysis", Journal of Computer Networks and Communications, 2013, Article ID 154953, 2013, DOI: 10.1155/2013/154953

  18. R.G. Garroppo, G. Nencioni, L. Tavanti, M.G. Scutellà "Does traffic consolidation always lead to network energy savings?", IEEE Communications Letters, 17 (9), 1852 - 1855, 2013, DOI: 10.1109/LCOMM.2013.070913.131244

  19. M.G. Scutellà, R. Recchia "Robust portfolio asset allocation and risk measures", Annals of Operations Research, 204 (1), 145 - 169, 2013, DOI: 10.1007/s10479-012-1266-3 (this is an updated version of the paper that appeared in 4OR, 8(2), 113-139, 2010)

  20. R.G. Garroppo, S. Giordano, G. Nencioni, M.G. Scutellà "Mixed Integer Non-Linear Programming models for Green Network Design", Computers & Operations Research, 40 (1), 273 - 281, 2013

  21. P. Cappanera, L. Gouveia, M.G. Scutellà "Models and valid inequalities to Asymmetric Skill-Based Routing Problems", EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, 2(1-2), 29 - 55, 2013, DOI: 10.1007/s13676-012-0012-y

  22. L. Gouveia, M. G. Scutellà "Editorial", Networks, 59 (1), 1 - 2, 2012

  23. P. Cappanera, M. G. Scutellà "Color-Coding Algorithms to the Balanced Path Problem: Computational Issues" (with related Online Supplement), INFORMS Journal on Computing, 23 (3), 446 - 459, 2011 (previously published online in Articles in Advance, August 31, 2010)

  24. D. Cherubini, A. Fanni, A. Frangioni, A. Mereu, C. Murgia, M.G. Scutellà, P. Zuddas "A Linear Programming Model for Traffic Engineering in 100% Survivable Networks under combined IS-IS/OSPF and MPLS-TE Protocols", Computers & Operations Research, 38 (12), 1805 - 1815, 2011

  25. A. Frangioni, F. Pascali, M.G. Scutellà "Static and dynamic routing under disjoint dominant extreme demands", Operations Research Letters, 39 (1), 2011

  26. M.G. Scutellà, R. Recchia "Robust portfolio asset allocation and risk measures", Invited Survey, 4OR, 8 (2), 113 - 139, 2010

  27. M.G. Scutellà "On improving optimal oblivious routing", Operations Research Letters, 37 (3), 197 - 200, 2009

  28. D. Ambrosino, A. Sciomachen, M.G. Scutellà "A heuristic approach based on multi-exchange techniques for a regional fleet assignment location-routing problem", Computers & Operations Research, 36 (2), 442 - 460, Scheduling for Modern Manufacturing, Logistics, and Supply Chains, 2009

  29. M.G. Scutellà "The maximum congested cut problem and its robust counterpart: exact and approximation algorithms for the single and the multicommodity case", Networks, 51 (2), 102 - 112, 2008

  30. G. Gallo, M.G. Scutellà "Foreword (dedicated to the memory of Stefano Pallottino)", Networks, 51 (1), 1 - 3, 2008

  31. C. Chekuri, G. Oriolo, M.G. Scutellà, F.B. Shepherd "Hardness of Robust Network Design", Networks, 50 (1), 50 - 54, 2007

  32. M. G. Scutellà "A note on the parametric maximum flow problem and some related reoptimization issues", Arbib, Rossi and Smriglio (Eds.), Annals of Operations Research. Combinatorial Optimization and Application In Memory of Mario Lucertini, 150, 231 - 244, 2007

  33. P. Cappanera, M. G. Scutellà "Balanced paths in acyclic networks: tractable cases and related approaches", Networks, 45 (2), 104 - 111, 2005

  34. D. Ambrosino and M.G. Scutellà "Distribution network design: new problems and related models", European Journal of Operational Research, 165 (3), 610 - 624, 2005

  35. S. Pallottino, M. P. Scaparra and M. G. Scutellà "Large scale local search heuristics for the Capacitated Vertex p-Center Problem", Networks, 43 (4), 241 - 255, 2004

  36. R. K. Ahuja, J. B. Orlin, S. Pallottino, M. P. Scaparra and M. G. Scutellà "A multi-exchange heuristic for the single source capacitated facility location problem", Management Science, 50 (6), 749 - 760, 2004

  37. A. Frangioni, M.G. Scutellà, E. Necciari "A Multi-exchange Neighborhood for Minimum Makespan Machine Scheduling Problems", Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 8 (2), 195 - 220, 2004

  38. R. K. Ahuja, J. B. Orlin, S. Pallottino, M.G. Scutellà "Dynamic Shortest Paths Minimizing Travel Times and Costs", Networks, 41, 197 - 205, 2003

  39. S. Pallottino, M.G. Scutellà "A new algorithm for reoptimizing shortest paths when the arc costs change", Operations Research Letters, 31 (2), 2003

  40. M.G. Scutellà "An approximation algorithm for computing longest paths", EJOR 148(3), 584 - 590, 2003

  41. G. Gallo, M.G. Scutellà "A note on Minimum Makespan Assembly Plans", EJOR 142, 309 - 320, 2002

  42. R. K. Ahuja, J. B. Orlin, S. Pallottino, M.G. Scutellà "Minimum time and minimum cost path problems in street networks with traffic lights", Transportation Science 36(3), 326 - 336, 2002

  43. M.G. Scutellà "A strongly polynomial algorithm for the Uniform Balanced Network Flow Problem" Discrete Applied Mathematics 81, p. 123 - 131, 1998 (included in Discrete Applied Mathematics - Editors' Choice, 1998)

  44. R. Cambini, G. Gallo, M.G. Scutellà "Flows on Hypergraphs" Mathematical Programming 78, 195 - 217, 1997

  45. S. Pallottino, M.G. Scutellà "Dual algorithms for the shortest path tree problem" Networks 29, 125 - 133, 1997

  46. D.P. Bertsekas, S. Pallottino, M.G. Scutellà "Polynomial Auction algorithms for shortest paths" Computational Optimization and Applications 4(2), 99 - 125, 1995

  47. G. Gallo, M.G. Scutellà "Toward a programming environment for combinatorial optimization: a case study oriented to max-flow computations" ORSA Journal on Computing 5, 120 - 133, 1993

  48. G. Mazzoni, S. Pallottino, M.G. Scutellà "The maximum flow problem: a max-preflow approach" European Journal of Operational Research 53, 257 - 278, 1991

  49. M.G. Scutellà "A note on Dowling-Gallier's Top-Down algorithm for Propositional Horn Satisfiability" Journal of Logic Programming 8, 265 - 273, 1990

  50. G. Gallo, M.G. Scutellà "Polynomially solvable satisfiability problems" Information Processing Letters 29 221 - 227, 1988 

  51.  Scientific Books and Edited Proceedings

  52. L. Gouveia, M. G. Scutellà (Eds.) "Special Issue on the INOC 2009 Conference, April 26 - 29, 2009, Pisa, Italy", Special issue of Networks , 59 (1), 1 - 189, 2012

  53. G. Gallo, M. G. Scutellà (Eds.) "Special Issue In Memory of Stefano Pallottino", Special issue of Networks , 51 (1), 2008

  54. G. Bigi, A. Frangioni, M. G. Scutellà (Eds.) "Proceedings of INOC 2009", Pisa, Italy, 2009

  55.  Book Chapters

  56. D. Granata, R. Cerulli, M.G. Scutellà, A. Raiconi "Maximum Flow Problems and an NP-complete variant on Edge Labeled Graphs", P.M. Pardalos, D. Ding-Zhu and R.L. Graham (Eds.), Handbook of Combinatorial Optimization, 2nd Edition, Springer, 1913-1948, 2013

  57. P. Cappanera, L. Gouveia, M.G. Scutellà "The Skill Vehicle Routing Problem", J. Pahl, T. Reiners and S. Voss (Eds.), Network Optimization. 5th International Conference, INOC 2011. Hamburg, Germany, June 2011, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 6701, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 354 - 364, 2011

  58. F. Pascali, M.G. Scutellà "Ottimizzazione Robusta", a cura di G. Ghiani and R. Musmanno, Modelli e metodi decisionali in condizioni di incertezza e rischio, McGraw-Hill, 2009

  59. M.G. Scutellà "Teoria e Metodi di Riottimizzazione per Problemi di Flusso", Atti della Scuola CIRO 2002, A. Agnetis and G. Di Pillo (Eds.), 441 - 472, Pitagora Editrice, 2003

  60. S. Nguyen, S. Pallottino and M.G. Scutellà "A new dual algorithm for shortest path reoptimization", M. Gendreau and P. Marcotte (Eds.), Transportation and Nework Analysis: Current Trends, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 221 - 235, 2002

  61. S. Pallottino, M.G. Scutellà "Shortest path algorithms in transportation models: classical and innovative aspects", P. Marcotte and S. Nguyen (Eds.), Equilibrium and Advanced Transportation Modelling, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 245 - 281, 1998

  62.  Short Papers (refereed)

  63. G. Lanza, T.G. Crainic, M. Passacantando, M.G. Scutellà "A Continuous Time Physical Graph based Formulation to Scheduled Service Network Design", in Optimization in Green Sustainability and Ecological Transition, Bruglieri et al. (Eds.), AIRO Springer Series, 12, 265 - 275, Springer, 2024

  64. G. Lanza, M. Passacantando, M.G. Scutellà "The Green Sequencing and Routing Problem", Computational Logistics (Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Logistics 2022), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13557, 231 - 244, 2022 (First Online)

  65. G. Lanza, M. Passacantando, M.G. Scutellà "A fast heuristic approach for the assignment and sequencing storage location problem under a two level storage policy", in Optimization in Artificial Intelligence and Data Sciences, L. Amorosi, P. Dell'Olmo, I. Lari (Eds.), AIRO Springer Series, 8, 151 - 161, Springer, 2022

  66. R.G. Garroppo, G: Nencioni, L. Tavanti, B. Gendron, M.G. Scutellà "Energy-efficient resource allocation in wireless LANs under non-linear capacity constraints", 2020 IEEE 25th International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD), 1 - 6, IEEE, 2020

  67. R.G. Garroppo, M.G. Scutellà "Increasing the reliability of IEEE 802.11 ad for industrial applications", 2020 IEEE 25th International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD), 1 - 6, IEEE, 2020

  68. F. D'Andreagiovanni, R.G. Garroppo, M.G. Scutellà "Green Design of Wireless Local Area Networks by Multiband Robust Optimization", Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 64, 225 - 234, 2018, DOI: 10.1016/j.endm.2018.01.024

  69. P. Cappanera, M.G. Scutellà "Pattern generation policies to cope with robustness in Home Care", Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 210, 257 - 268, Health Care Systems Engineering, HCSE, Florence, Italy, May 2017, Cappanera, Li, Matta, Sahin, Vandaele and Visintin (Eds.), 2017

  70. F. D'Andreagiovanni, R.G. Garroppo, M.G. Scutellà "Power Savings with Data Rate Guarantee in Dense WLANs", Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Selected Topics in Mobile and Wireless Networking, MoWNeT 2017, paper n. 8045946, DOI: 10.1109/MoWNet.2017.8045946

  71. R.G. Garroppo, G. Nencioni, M.G. Scutellà, L. Tavanti "Robust optimisation of green wireless LANs under rate uncertainty and user mobility", Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 52, 221 - 228, 2016, DOI: 10.1016/j.endm.2016.03.029

  72. P. Cappanera, M.G. Scutellà, F. Visintin "Home Care Services delivery: equity versus efficiency in optimization models", Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 61, 1 - 15, Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Care Systems Engineering, Matta, Li, Sahin, Lanzarone and Fowler (Eds.), 2014

  73. P. Cappanera, M.G. Scutellà "Home Care optimization: impact of pattern generation policies on scheduling and routing decisions", Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 41, 53 - 60, 2013, DOI: 10.1016/j.endm.2013.05.075

  74. B. Gendron, R.G. Garroppo, G. Nencioni, M.G. Scutellà, L. Tavanti "Benders Decomposition for a Location-Design Problem in Green Wireless Local Area Networks", Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 41, 367 - 374, 2013, DOI: 10.1016/j.endm.2013.05.114

  75. R.G. Garroppo, S. Giordano, G. Nencioni, M. Pagano, M.G. Scutellà "Energy saving heuristics in Backbone Networks", Second IFIP Conference on Sustainable Internet and ICT for Sustainability, SustainIT 2012, paper n. 6388039, Pisa, 2012

  76. R.G. Garroppo, S. Giordano, G. Nencioni, M.G. Scutellà "Network Power Management: models and heuristic approaches", GLOBECOM - IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, art. no. 6133918, Houston, 2011

  77.  Proceedings of International Conferences (refereed)

  78. P. Nepa, A. Motroni, A. Buffi, M. Frosolini, M. Braglia, M.G. Scutellà, M. Pappalardo, M. Passacantando, A. Congi, E.M. Ferro, M. Pesi, G. Giorgi, M. Lazzarotti, J. Bellucci, S. Galigani, A. Bigongiari, G. Isola, F. Bertuccelli, D. Lo Schiavo, A. Rubichi,C. Salvador, F. Bonifacio, F. Zani " I-READ 4.0: Internet-of-READers for an efficient asset management in large warehouses with high stock rotation index", 2019 IEEE 5th International Forum on Research and Technology for Society and Industry (RTSI) , Paper Id: 1570554978, Firenze (Italy), 2019

  79. G. Nencioni, R.G. Garroppo, S. Giordano, M.G. Scutellà "Power Aware Routing and Network Design with Bundled Links", Proceedings of GTTI 2011, Messina (Italy), 2011

  80. A. Frangioni, F. Pascali, M.G. Scutellà "Chance constrained network design", Proceedings of INOC 2009, G. Bigi, A. Frangioni, M.G. Scutellà (Eds.), paper TC2-2, Pisa (Italy), 2009

  81. P. Cappanera, M.G. Scutellà "Balanced paths in telecommunication networks: some computational results", Proceedings of INOC 2007, Spa (Belgium), 2007

  82. P. Cappanera, G. De Pascale, M. G. Scutellà "Color-coding heuristic approaches for the balanced path problem", Proceedings of Odysseus 2006, Third International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics , Benavent, Campos, Corberan, Marti, Mota, Plana and Sanchis (Eds.), Altea (Spain), 92 - 97, 2006

  83. C. Chekuri, G.P.Oriolo, M.G.Scutellà, F.B.Shepherd "Hardness of Robust Network Design", Proceedings of INOC 2005, Book 2, Gouveia e Mourao (Eds.), Lisbon, 455 - 461, 2005

  84. M.G. Scutellà "The maximum cut congestion problem", Proceedings of INOC 2005, Book 3, Gouveia e Mourao (Eds.), Lisbon, 670 - 673, 2005

  85. M.G. Scutellà "A note on the parametric maximum flow problems and some related reoptimization issues", Proceedings of INOC 2003, Evry (Paris), 516 - 520, 2003

  86. I. Chabini, A. Glenn, S. Pallottino, M.G. Scutellà Reoptimization algorithms for minimum-time path problems in dynamic networks, Proceedings of Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 2002

  87.  Italian Journal Papers (refereed)

  88. G. Gallo, M.G. Scutellà "Directed Hypergraphs as a Modelling Paradigm", Rivista AMASES 21, 97 - 123,1998

  89. G. Gallo, F. Licheri, M.G. Scutellà "The Hypergraph Simplex Approach: some experimental results" Ricerca Operativa 78, 21 - 54, 1996

  90. M. Gambale, M. Nonato, M.G. Scutellà "The Cutting Stock Problem: a new model based on hypergraph flows" Ricerca Operativa anno XXV, 74, 1995

  91. S. Pallottino, M.G. Scutellà "Strongly polynomial auction algorithms for shortest paths" Ricerca Operativa 60, 33 - 53, 1991

  92. M.G. Scutellà "A note on Cherkasky's algorithm for the maximum flow problem" Ricerca Operativa 53, 65 - 75, 1990

  93. M.G. Scutellà, G. Scevola "A modification of Lipski-Preparata's algorithm for the maximum matching problem on bipartite convex graphs" Ricerca Operativa 46, 63 - 77, 1988 

  94.  Ph.D. Thesis

  95. M.G. Scutellà "A unified algorithmic framework for Max-Flow computations (Toward the design of a combinatorial optimization programming environment)" Ph.D. Dissertation TD 1/90, Dip. di Informatica, Univ. di Pisa, 1990 

  96.  Book Review

  97. S. Pallottino, M.G. Scutellà, review of "Annotated Bibliographies in Combinatorial Optimization" (Dell'Amico, Maffioli, Martello Eds.) Ricerca Operativa anno XXVII, 84, 63 - 68, 1997

  98.  Technical Reports and submitted papers

  99. M.G. Scutellà "A note on the hardness of some optimal oblivious routing generalizations", Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Pisa, 2012

  100. M.G. Scutellà "Hardness of some optimal oblivious routing generalizations" , TR 10-05, Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Pisa, 2010

  101. M.P.Scaparra, M.G. Scutellà "Facilities, Locations, Customers: Building blocks of location models. A survey", TR 01-18, Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Pisa, 2001

  102. A. Frangioni, D. Pretolani, M.G. Scutellà "Fast Lower Bounds for the Capacitated Minimum Spanning Tree Problem", TR 05/99, Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Pisa, 1999

  103. B. Klinz, M.G. Scutellà "A strongly polynomial algorithm for the Balanced network flow problem", TR 99-17, Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Pisa, 1999

  104.  Didactic Books

  105. G. Bigi, A. Frangioni, G. Gallo, S. Pallottino, M.G. Scutellà "Appunti di Ricerca Operativa", Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Pisa, SEU, 2007