





"The pursuit of science seems to me to require particular courage.
It is concerned with knowledge, achieved through doubt. Making knowledge about everything available for everybody, science strives to make sceptics of them all."

Bertolt Brecht, Life of Galileo.

"Non credo che la pratica della scienza possa andar disgiunta dal coraggio.
Essa tratta il sapere, che è un prodotto del dubbio; e col procacciare sapere a tutti su ogni cosa, tende a destare il dubbio in tutti."

Bertolt Brecht, Vita di Galileo.





Alessio Micheli
Universita` di Pisa - Dipartimento di Informatica
Largo B. Pontecorvo 3, 56127 Pisa, ITALY
Phone: +39-050-2212798 - Fax: +39-050-2212726
Room 358 / DN





Short CV

Research Interests

  • Machine Learning, Artificial and Computational Intelligence, Soft Computing
  • Learning in Structured Domains, Relational Learning, Relational Data Mining
  • Graph Representation Learning , Learning on Graphs, Deep Graph Networks, Neural Networks for Graphs, Graph Neural Networks
  • Supervised and Unsupervised Neural Networks, Recurrent and Recursive Neural Networks
  • Deep Learning, Deep Recurrent Networks, Deep Reservoir Computing, DeepESN
  • Processing of Sequences and Structured Information (trees and graphs) in Machine Learning:
    Recursive Models, Reservoir Computing, Hidden Markov Models, Kernel-based methods for Non-vectorial Data
  • Applications to Cheminformatics, QSPR/QSAR Analysis, and Toxicity predictions
  • Applications to Bioinformatics and Health/biomedical Informatics
  • Learning in Robotics and Wireless/Intelligent Sensor Networks
  • Human Activity Recognition for Ambient Assisted Living

  • Pioneering since the 90’s the development of new efficient models for learning structured and graph data
    (see also Methodologies and Models in CIML for Recursive and Contextual Neural Networks topic)

  • Leading since 2008 the CIML group for basic and applied research on Machine Learning for complex data.


Research Group


      See also (for full references):


  • Sono disponibili Proposte di Tesi sul Machine Learning: contattare all'indirizzo, tag: [Richiesta-Tesi]


Current Projects
  • NRRP Extended Partnerships "Artificial Intelligence: Fundamental aspects": FAIR - Future Artificial Intelligence Research, NextGeneration EU programme, 3 years since January 2023
  • NRRP Ecosystems: "THE - Tuscany Health Ecosystem", NextGeneration EU programme, 3 years since December 2022
  • EU H2020 TAILOR: Foundations of Trustworthy AI - Integrating Reasoning, Learning and Optimization [2020-2023]
  • EU H2020 TEACHING : A computing toolkit for building efficient autonomous applications leveraging humanistic intelligence [2020-2023]
  • BrAID: Brugada syndrome and Artificial Intelligence applications to Diagnosis (Bando Ricerca e Salute 2018 - Regione Toscana) [2020-2024] (Unit leader)
  • ADDSTRES: Data-Driven Approaches for Resilient and Sustainable Transport Services (Regione Toscana) [2022-2024]

Recent Projects
  • EU FP7 RUBICON: Robotics UBIquitous COgnitive Network (WP leader)
  • EU FP7 DOREMI: Decrease of cOgnitive decline, malnutRition and sedEntariness by elderly empowerment in lifestyle Management and social Inclusion (WP leader)
  • ASPIS: Early seismic alert for sensitive infrastructures (POR FSE 2014-2020) (Unit leader)

Current/Recent University-Industry Collaborations
  • FOSBER S.p.A: Machine Learning applied to corrugated cardboard production (2021-2022)
  • MAIOR: Data-Driven Approaches for Resilient and Sustainable Transport Services (2022-2023)
  • TAGES: Artificial Intelligence for mobility monitoring and management (2019)

Past Projects
  • International Project: "Adaptive Processing of Data Structures" (Australian Research Council)
  • National Project: "Design of biologically active molecules by neural network techniques applied to QSAR studies and by investigation of ligand-macromolecule interactions".
    ("Progettazione di molecole biologicamente attive mediante studi QSAR con tecniche neurali e studi di interazione ligando-macromolecola") ( Cofin 99 - MURST and University of Pisa)
  • National Projects PRIN - MIUR: Cofin 1999, Cofin 2000, Cofin 2001, Cofin 2002, Cofin 2003, Cofin 2005.







