Functions that Return ValuesΒΆ

Most functions require arguments, values that control how the function does its job.


In this example, the arguments to the abs function are 5 and -5.

Some functions take more than one argument.



Of course, we have already seen that raising a base to an exponent can be done with the ** operator.

Another built-in function that takes more than one argument is max.


Functions that return values are sometimes called fruitful functions.

In many other languages, a chunk that doesn’t return a value is called a procedure or non-fruitful function.

Fruitful functions still allow the user to provide information (arguments). However there is now an additional piece of data that is returned from the function.

../_images/blackboxfun.png ../_images/squarefun.png


As you step through the example in codelens notice that the return statement not only causes the function to return a value, but it also returns the flow of control back to the place in the program where the function call was made.



Next Section - Variables and Parameters are Local