Oracle® Enterprise Manager Advanced Configuration 10g Release 3 ( Part Number B40002-01 |
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Remedy Connector integrates Remedy Help Desk 6.x with Enterprise Manager. Using this connector, you can create a Remedy trouble ticket, update an existing ticket, or close a ticket based on alerts in Enterprise Manager.
This chapter provides the following information for setting up and configuring Remedy Connector:
Remedy Connector integrates Enterprise Manager with Remedy Help Desk through either HTTP or HTTPS connection. You can create, update, or close tickets based on only the following types of alerts in Enterprise Manager:
Metric alerts
Availability alerts (includes alerts for Up, Down, Blackout Started, Blackout Ended, Agent Unreachable
, Agent Unreachable Resolved, Metric Error Detected,
and Mertic Error Resolved).
The following sections explain various Remedy Connector concepts that you must understand before you start using Remedy Connector.
Whenever an alert is triggered in Enterprise Manager, Remedy Connector can automatically open or update a ticket. You can specify the set of alerts for which tickets must be opened and the alert severity for which this should happen.
This can be done in Notification Rules, the user-defined rules that define the criteria by which notifications should be sent for alerts.
See Also:
Chapter 13, "Configuring Notifications"After the ticket is opened, any subsequent update of the alert, for example change in alert severity will cause an annotation to the ticket. Once the alert is cleared (severity is set to Clear
), then the ticket can optionally be closed.
See Also:
"Creating Trouble Ticket Automatically"From the Enterprise Manager console, you can choose to manually open a Remedy ticket based on an open alert in Enterprise Manager. The Remedy Connector will populate the ticket with details based on the alert and the ticket template selected.
See Also:
"Creating a Ticket Manually"Ticket templates are transformation style sheets in XSLT format used to transform Enterprise Manager alerts to ticket format before the requests are sent to Remedy Help Desk.
These template are used to specify how Enterprise Manager alert attributes can be used to populate the fields of a Remedy ticket. A ticket template helps in the mapping of Enterprise Manager Alert fields into Remedy ticket fields.
In autoticketing, a notification method is created for each registered ticket template. The selected notification method determines which ticket template is used when a notification is sent out to the Connector. In the case of manual ticketing, you have to select a ticket template before submitting a request to create ticket.
The Enterprise Manager installation includes some out-of-box ticket templates to facilitate easy usage of this feature.
See Also:
"Out-of-Box Templates"Grace period provides you with a configuration to prevent the creation of large number of tickets for frequently re-occurring alerts. For alerts that occur frequently within a relatively short time interval, it is often desirable to open and maintain one trouble ticket that tracks each occurrence of the alert instead of separate tickets each time.
For recurring alerts, the Grace Period is a time period during which re-occurrences of the same alert will cause an existing ticket for the alert to be updated (or re-opened) instead of causing a new ticket to be opened.
For example, an alert triggers and a ticket is opened for it. If the Grace Period is one hour and the alert is cleared at 10:00 am, then if the same alert retriggers before 11:00 am (one hour grace period), then the ticket that had been originally created for the alert will be updated/reopened rather than creating a new ticket.
Before using Remedy Connector, ensure that you meet the following pre-requisites:
Remedy Helpdesk 6.x is installed and configured.
Remedy Helpdesk Web services are up and running. See "Web Service Details".
Remedy Connector is installed as part of the Enterprise Manager base installation. That is, Connector installation is part of the Oracle Management Server (OMS) installation.
After you install Enterprise Manager, when you access the Enterprise Manager console as a Super Administrator, you should see Remedy Connector in the Management Connector Setup page as shown in Figure 16-1(click Setup from the Enterprise Manager console and then Management Connectors in the left pane).
The default installation is based on default Remedy Web services which do not support any annotation history through the Worklog
(the history option in the Remedy ticket). For details of Worklog and registering of Worklog template, see "Using Worklog".
As Super Administrator, from the Enterprise Manager console, click Setup.
Overview of Setup page appears.
Click Management Connectors in the left pane.
The Management Connector Setup page appears. For the Remedy Connector row, the Configured column should be blank (Figure 16-1).
A check mark instead indicates that the Connector is already configured.Click the Configure icon for the Remedy Connector.
The General tab of the Configure Management Connector page appears (Figure 16-2).
Provide the required settings. See "General Settings" for details.
Click OK.
The Management Connectors Home page reappears. The row for the Remedy Connector should have a check mark in the Configured column.
(Optional) To check for the available ticket templates, click the configure icon again.
Click the Ticket Templates tab.
All out-of-box ticket templates should appear in the table.
If any of the ticket templates are missing, you can register it using the emctl command from ORACLE_HOME/bin
directory, where ORACLE_HOME
is the Oracle home directory of OMS.
Run the following command as user with execute
privilege on emctl and can read the ticket template:
emctl register_ticket_template connector <ticketTemplate.xsl> <server> <port> <database sid/service name for RAC DB> <username> <password> <connectorTypeName> <connectorName> <templateName> <description>
In the case of multiple OMS installation, you need to run this command only once from any of the OMSs.Example 16-1
emctl register_ticket_template connector Remedy_DefaultCategory_LowPriority.xsl $emHost $dbPort $dbSID sysman $sysmanPwd "Remedy Connector" "Remedy Connector" "Low Priority Template" "This template creates a ticket with low priority and default categorization"
emctl Parameters
Table 16-1 emctl Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Fully qualified name of the ticket template file. The file resides in the Connector home directory:
Oracle recommends that you use intuitive names since there might be notification methods created with the same names and you have to choose one of them when you use autoticketing feature. Use If the file is in a different directory, provide complete path for the file. |
Host name of the Enterprise Manager repository. |
Listener port of the repository. |
Repository database instance ID or service name if you are using RAC database as the repository. |
Specify |
Password for |
Specify |
Specify |
An intuitive name for the ticket template that will be displayed in Enterprise Manager. |
A short description for the ticket template. This description gets displayed in the Enterprise Manager also. |
The following sections explain how to provide various configuration details.
The Remedy Trouble Ticket connector communicates with the Help Desk through their Web services. Mandatory fields are indicated by a * mark.
*Web Service Endpoints — Endpoints to createTicket
, updateTicket
, and getTicket
Web services exposed by Remedy Help Desk. See "Web Service Details" for additional details.
*Remedy Username— User with the privilege to create, update, and query tickets in Remedy.
Remedy Password— Password associated with the supplied Remedy user.
Authentication— String that a Remedy administrator sets for additional security. Applies only if the Remedy Administrator has configured it on the Remedy AR server. It communicates with the server if there is a secondary authentication server that can be used to verify the Remedy credentials.
Locale— Language of the Remedy system (optional).
Time Zone— Time zone of the Remedy AR System Server (optional).
See Also:
Section "Remedy User preferences settings" in the Remedy Remedy AR System Server product manual Remedy Action Request System 6.3 - Developing AR System Applications: AdvancedWeb Console settings are required if the users wants the Connector to provide links to Remedy Help Desk tickets created by Enterprise Manager in context of an alert.
To enable this functionality, provide the following Web console settings.
Enable web console — Check this box to enable launching of Remedy ticket page within context from Enterprise Manager.
ARServer Name— The Remedy AR Server name.
HelpDesk Case Form Name—The Remedy form name that the Remedy Web Services (you configured the connector to use) is based on. The Remedy default Help Desk webservices, for example, use the form HPD:HelpDesk.
Web Server — The name or IP address of the server that hosts Remedy Mid-Tier.
You can enable and disable the grace period and configure its value. By default, the grace period is disabled. See "Grace Period" for details.
This setting applies to all alerts processed by Remedy Connector.
The following sections provide information about registering, removing, replacing and adding ticket templates.
Ticket templates need to be registered before they are recognized in Enterprise Manager. For autoticketing, a notification method is created for each registered ticket template and a ticket is created and updated based on the ticket template associated with the selected notification method. In the case of manual ticketing, registered ticket templates are available for selection.
All registered ticket templates are displayed in the Configure Management Connector Ticket Templates page. By default, all out-of-box ticket templates are registered. To register additional ticket templates that you create, use the following emctl command:
emctl register_ticket_template connector <ticketTemplate.xml> <server> <port> <database sid> <username> <password> <connectorTypeName> <connectorName> <templateName> <description>
See Also:
"emctl Parameters"Click a template name to view the XSLT code for the template.
The ticket templates are in XSLT format. A basic knowledge of XSLT is required to understand the code.
If the template you delete has a notification rule associated with it, the notification will fail.Select the template and click Remove.
At prompt, confirm the removal.
Before you exit the page, click OK for the deletion to take effect.
Unless you click OK before you exit, the template is not deleted. Next time you go to the Ticket Template page, the templates reappear.Though the ticket template is removed from the Enterprise Manager repository, it is still available on OMS in the Connector home directory. You can re-register the ticket template later if required.
To replace an existing ticket template, do the following in sequence:
Delete the ticket template
Register the new template using emctl
To add templates other than the out-of-box templates provided by Oracle, users should define new templates and register them using emctl.
See Also:
"Defining New Templates"You can have trouble tickets created automatically, or you can create them manually. The following sections explain how to create both types.
Perform the following steps to create a ticket automatically:
Review the Out-of-Box Templates.
Select an appropriate ticket template having the desired mapping of Enterprise Manager alert fields to the Remedy ticket fields.
If you do not have a ticket template that satisfies your requirement, create one and register it.
Create a notification rule using the following steps:
Do not select more than one ticket template for this notification rule.From the Enterprise Manager console, click Preferences.
In the left pane, under Notification, click Rules, then Create.
In the Create Notification Rule General page, specify the rule name, description and the targets for which this rule should apply.
In the Create Notification Rule Availability page select the availability states for which you want to create tickets.
In the Create Notification Rule Metrics page, select the metrics and their associated alert severities for which you want to create and update tickets.
Ensure that you select all relevant alert severities if you want the ticket to be updated when the alert severity changes. For example, to open a ticket for critical alert on CPU Utilization(%) metric, and the ticket to be updated if the CPU Utilization(%) changes to warning or clear severity, then in the notification rule, select Critical
, Warning
, or Clear
severities for the CPU Utilization(%) metric.
In Create Notification Rule Methods page, choose the ticket template from the Advanced Notification Methods table (Table 16-1).
In the table, registered ticket templates appear as Java Callback type notification methods under the same name as the ticket template's file name. This ticket template will be used to open tickets for all availability and metric alerts specified in this notification rule.
This makes the ticket templates available for use to open tickets.
See Also:
Chapter 13, "Configuring Notifications"The following process occurs after you create the notification rule for your alerts:
A notification is sent to the Remedy Connector when a metric alert that matches your rule triggers. The Remedy connector creates/updates a ticket according to the ticket template as set in the notification rule.
The ticket is created or updated on the Remedy Trouble Ticket system.
In Enterprise Manager, the alert annotation is updated. A comment is added to the Metric Details page of the alert to indicate that a ticket was created or updated, along with the ticket ID and ticket page URL.
A ticket is updated if there is an existing active ticket for an alert. In Figure 16-4, the first screen shows the ticket in Remedy console and the second screen, the alert as displayed in Enterprise Manager.
Perform the following steps to create a ticket manually:
After a metric alert occurs, go to the associated metric details page for the alert. To access this page, click the alert message in the Enterprise Manager console (Figure 16-5).
Click the Create/View Ticket link in the Related Links section.
The Create Ticket page appears if no active ticket exists for the alert.
Select a ticket template and then click Submit (Figure 16-6).
If you do not see the desired template, then you can register one using the emctl. "Registering Templates"
If creating or updating the ticket is successful, the ticket ID appears in the Last Comment column of the Alert History table for the metric alert.If the Web console settings are configured and enabled, the ticket ID appears as a link to the ticket page in the Remedy Help Desk. If there is no annotation, then the ticket creation fails and error information is logged in the file emoms.log.
You cannot manually update the ticket using Remedy Connector. You have to manually update the ticket in the Remedy AR server for any subsequent alert change.Follow the steps provided in this section if you choose HTTPS as the protocol to establish a connection between Remedy AR server and Enterprise Manager.
Generate a certificate request file for the Remedy AR server and send it to the Certificate authority, for example VeriSign.
The certificate request file is dependent on the Web server used by Remedy.After you get the certificate, import it to the Web server used by Remedy. The import mechanism varies depending on the Web server used by Remedy Help Desk.
Oracle Wallet Manager is available at$ORACLE_HOME/bin
on OMS. See Oracle Application Server Administrator's Guide for details.Do the following on Enterprise Manager:
As Super Administrator, create a wallet using orapki utility
using the following command at OMS host:
orapki wallet create -wallet client -auto_login
is available at $ORACLE_HOME/bin
on OMS.Add the trusted certificate to the wallet by using the following command:
orapki wallet add -wallet client -trusted_cert -cert
To view the content of the wallet, run the following command:
orapki wallet display -wallet client
Ensure that ewallet.p12
is available.
In Oracle Wallet Manager, then open the client certificate ewallet.p12.
Go to Select Trusted Certificates and select Operations on the main menu.
Select Export All Trusted Certificates.
Save the file as certdb.txt.
Place the file certdb.txt
in the connector home root directory ($OMS_HOME/sysman/connector
If the file certdb.txt
already exists in the root directory, open the file and add the contents of your certdb.txt
to the existing content.
Now this file can be used by the Java SSL for communication between Enterprise Manager and Remedy AR server in HTTPS mode.
See Also:
For information on creating wallet, see "Creating and Viewing Oracle Wallets with orapki" in the Oracle Database Advanced Security Administrator's Guide, 10g Release 2 (10.2).The following sections explain how to switch from one console to the other.
From a ticket page, click the link in the Description field to the Alert Details page in the ticket message body (Figure 16-7). This takes you to the Enterprise Manager console login page. After you provide Enterprise Manager username and password, you will be forwarded to the alert related to this ticket.
privileges on the target on which the alert was raised.On the Remedy console, if the URL appears as text, then you will need to cut and paste the URL into the browser.
In the Enterprise Manager console, click the alert message to go to the metric details page for the alert.
In the Alert History table, locate the ticket ID link in the Last Comment column.
(If not found) Click the icon in the Details column to get more information about the alert.
On the page that comes up, locate the ticket ID in the Alert Details table.
Click the ticket ID link. You are forwarded to the Remedy Web console login page.
Provide valid Remedy account details.
The ticket page associated with that alert is displayed.
If you do not use Remedy Web console, uncheck Enable web console option in the Web Console Settings section so that ticket ID is shown in plain text. Otherwise it is displayed as a link that does not work.This section provides details of the out-of-box ticket templates shipped along with the Remedy Connector. The ticket templates specify the mappings between Enterprise Manager alert attributes and Remedy ticket attributes.
All out-of-box templates cause the following actions to occur when a ticket is created for an alert:
Write alert information to Description
(Remedy ticket description).
Set the Remedy ticket summary based on the alert message. On update, the ticket summary field is updated to include the latest alert message information.
Set the Category
, Item
, and Type
fields in Remedy to default.
Set the Priority
(ticket's priority) to the value indicated by the file name of the ticket template. For instance, Remedy_DefaultCategory_HighPriority.xsl sets the ticket priority to High.
Following are the out-of-box templates:
Following are the out-of-box templates with the AutoClose
suffixed to the file names. They set the ticket status to Close
when the event severity value becomes Clear
Following are the out-of-box templates with Wlog
suffixed to the file names. They are customized for the Web services with worklog enabled.
On update, the Description
(Remedy ticket description) is updated with the latest event information and the work log is updated with the latest severity and timestamp information.
The Table 16-2 illustrates the creation of a ticket using Remedy_DefaultCategory_HighPriority_AutoClose.xsl. This illustration will help you to read a ticket template.
Table 16-2 Ticket Creation (Remedy_DefaultCategory_HighPriority_AutoClose.xsl Mappings)
Remedy Ticket Attributes | Enterprise Manager Alert Attributes | Value |
Case Type |
"Incident"* |
Category |
"Default"* |
Description |
EMUser (notification rule owner when the ticket is created through auto-ticketing, and is the EM log-in user when the ticket is created through manual-ticketing) TargetType MetricColumn (name of the metric, for example, CPU Utilization(%)) MetricName (Category of the metric. For CPU Utilization(%) metric, this would be 'Load) KeyColumn** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, KeyColumn indicates the type of object monitored. For example, for the Tablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespace objects, the KeyColumn is 'Tablespace Name) KeyValues** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, the KeyValues indicate the specific object that triggered the severity. For example, for the Tablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespace objects, the KeyValues is 'USERS' if the USERS tablespace triggered at warning or critical severity.) Severity CollectionTime TargetHost NotificationRuleName EventPageURL (URL to the metric details page in context of the alert) |
Values from the alert context. |
Escalated |
Blank |
Hotlist |
Blank |
Item |
"Default"* |
Office |
Blank |
Orig Submitter |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field during the configuration. |
Pending |
Blank |
Phone Number |
Blank |
Priority |
High* |
Region |
Blank |
Request Urgency |
High* |
Requester Login Name |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field during the configuration. |
Requester Name |
HDUser |
Site |
Blank |
Source |
NMP* (Network Management Program) |
Status |
New* |
Summary |
Message |
Type |
Default* |
Work Log |
Blank |
Create Time |
Blank |
Table 16-3 Ticket Updates (Remedy_DefaultCategory_HighPriority_AutoClose.xsl Mappings)
Ticket Attributes | Enterprise Manager Alert Attributes | Value |
Status |
Severity |
Summary |
Message, Severity |
Case ID |
TicketId (the connector adds this into the alert context before handling the ticketing action. Required by the Remedy Web service to identify the ticket that must be updated) |
In the tables, * mark denotes a literal string and ** indicates if the attribute applies.
Remedy_DefaultCategory_HighPriority_AutoClose.xsl Source Code with Annotations
Use the mapping table (Table 16-2) as a reference to read the following XSLT.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><xsl:transform version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:ns0="" targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified"> <!-- This template creates an incident type ticket with default categorization (Category: Default, Type:Default, Item:Default), and high priority. On update, the description and message fields are updated, and the ticket is closed if the associated alert has cleared. --> <xsl:template match="ns0:EventModel"> <xsl:choose> <!-- Create the ticket if there is no ticket ID. --> <xsl:when test="normalize-space(ns0:TicketId) = ''"> <urn:Create_Helpdesk_Case xmlns:urn="urn:HelpDesk_Submit_Service"> <!-- EDIT THE TAG VALUES BELOW TO CHANGE HOW A TICKET IS FILLED DURING TICKET CREATION. REFER TO THE REMEDY HELPDESK MANUAL FOR DESCRIPTION OF THESE HELPDESK SUPPORT DATAFIELDS --> <urn:Case_Type>Incident</urn:Case_Type> <urn:Category>Default</urn:Category> <urn:Department></urn:Department> <urn:Description> Ticket created by EM Remedy Connector. -------------------------------------- EM User: <xsl:value-of select="ns0:EMUser"/> Event Information: Target Type: <xsl:value-of select="ns0:TargetType"/> Metric Column: <xsl:value-of select="ns0:MetricColumn"/> Metric Name: <xsl:value-of select="ns0:MetricName"/> <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="normalize-space(ns0:KeyColumn) != ''"> Key Column: <xsl:value-of select="ns0:KeyColumn"/> Key Values: <xsl:value-of select="ns0:KeyValues"/> </xsl:when> </xsl:choose> Severity: <xsl:value-of select="ns0:Severity"/> Collection Time: <xsl:value-of select="ns0:CollectionTime"/> Target Host: <xsl:value-of select="ns0:TargetHost"/> <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="normalize-space(ns0:NotificationRuleName) != ''"> Notification Rule: <xsl:value-of select="ns0:NotificationRuleName"/> </xsl:when> </xsl:choose> URL: <xsl:value-of select="ns0:EventPageURL"/> </urn:Description> <urn:Escalated></urn:Escalated> <urn:Hotlist></urn:Hotlist> <urn:Item>Default</urn:Item> <urn:Office></urn:Office> <urn:Orig_Submitter> <xsl:value-of select="ns0:HDUser"/> </urn:Orig_Submitter> <urn:Pending></urn:Pending> <urn:Phone_Number></urn:Phone_Number> <urn:Priority>High</urn:Priority> <urn:Region></urn:Region> <urn:Request_Urgency>High</urn:Request_Urgency> <urn:Requester_Login_Name> <xsl:value-of select="ns0:HDUser"/> <urn:Requester_Login_Name> <xsl:value-of select="ns0:HDUser"/> </urn:Requester_Login_Name> <urn:Requester_Name> <xsl:value-of select="ns0:HDUser"/> </urn:Requester_Name> <urn:Site></urn:Site> <urn:Source>NMP</urn:Source> <urn:Status>New</urn:Status> <urn:Summary> <xsl:value-of select="ns0:Message"/> </urn:Summary> <urn:Type>Default</urn:Type> <urn:WorkLog></urn:WorkLog> <urn:Create_Time></urn:Create_Time> </urn:Create_Helpdesk_Case> </xsl:when> <!-- Update the ticket otherwise.. --> <xsl:otherwise> <urn:SetBy_Case_ID xmlns:urn="urn:HelpDesk_Modify_Service"> <!-- UNCOMMENT THE TAGS YOU WISH TO HAVE MODIFIED WHENEVER THE TICKET IS UPDATED, AND GIVE THEM DESIRED VALUES --> <!-- <urn:Accounting_Code></urn:Accounting_Code> --> <!-- <urn:Assignee_Login_Name></urn:Assignee_Login_Name> --> <!-- <urn:Case_Type></urn:Case_Type> --> <!-- <urn:Category></urn:Category> --> <!-- <urn:Department></urn:Department> --> <!-- <urn:Description></urn:Description> --> <!-- <urn:Escalated></urn:Escalated> --> <!-- <urn:Hotlist></urn:Hotlist> --> <!-- <urn:Item></urn:Item> --> <!-- <urn:Office></urn:Office> --> <!-- <urn:Pending></urn:Pending> --> <!-- <urn:Phone_Number></urn:Phone_Number> --> <!-- <urn:Priority></urn:Priority> --> <!-- <urn:Region></urn:Region> --> <!-- <urn:Request_Urgency></urn:Request_Urgency> --> <!-- <urn:Requester_Login></urn:Requester_Login> --> <!-- <urn:Requester_Name></urn:Requester_Name> --> <!-- <urn:Site></urn:Site> --> <!-- <urn:Solution_Description></urn:Solution_Description>--> <!-- <urn:Solution_Summary></urn:Solution_Summary> --> <!-- <urn:Source></urn:Source> --> <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="ns0:Severity = 'Clear'"> <urn:Status>Closed</urn:Status> </xsl:when> <xsl:when test="ns0:GracePeriodCheckMade = 'Yes'"> <urn:Status>Assigned</urn:Status> </xsl:when> </xsl:choose> <!-- <urn:Submitted_By></urn:Submitted_By> --> <urn:Summary> <xsl:value-of select="ns0:Message"/> Severity:<xsl:value-of select="ns0:Severity"/> </urn:Summary> <!-- <urn:Type></urn:Type> --> <urn:Case_ID> <xsl:value-of select="ns0:TicketId"/> </urn:Case_ID> </urn:SetBy_Case_ID> </xsl:otherwise> </xsl:choose> </xsl:template></xsl:transform>
The tables in this section map the fields in all out-of-box ticket templates shipped along with the Remedy Connector.
Table 16-4 Ticket Creation ( Remedy_DefaultCategory_LowPriority.xsl)
RemedyTicket Attributes | Enterprise Manager Alert Attributes | Value |
Case Type |
"Incident"* |
Category |
"Default"* |
Description |
EMUser (notification rule owner when the ticket is created through auto-ticketing, and is the EM log-in user when the ticket is created through manual-ticketing) TargetType MetricColumn (name of the metric, for example, CPU Utilization(%)) MetricName (Category of the metric. For CPU Utilization(%) metric, this would be 'Load) KeyColumn** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, KeyColumn indicates the type of object monitored. For example, for the Tablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespace objects, the KeyColumn is 'Tablespace Name) KeyValues** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, the KeyValues indicate the specific object that triggered the severity. For example, for the Tablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespace objects, the KeyValues is 'USERS' if the USERS tablespace triggered at warning or critical severity.) Severity CollectionTime TargetHost NotificationRuleName EventPageURL (URL to the metric details page in context of the alert) |
Values from the alert context. |
Escalated |
Blank |
Hotlist |
Blank |
Item |
"Default"* |
Office |
Blank |
Orig Submitter |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field during the configuration. |
Pending |
Blank |
Phone Number |
Blank |
Priority |
Low |
Region |
Blank |
Request Urgency |
Low |
Requester Login Name |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field of the Connection Settings configuration. |
Requester Name |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field of the Connection Settings configuration. |
Site |
Blank |
Source |
NMP* (Network Management Program) |
Status |
New* |
Summary |
Message |
The alert message in context |
Type |
Default* |
Work Log |
Blank |
Create Time |
Blank |
Table 16-5 Ticket Updates (Remedy_DefaultCategory_LowPriority.xsl)
Ticket Attributes | Enterprise Manager Alert Attributes | Value |
Status |
Severity |
If the grace period test has already been done, and the alert is still within the grace period, then reopen the ticket by setting the ticket to the status |
Summary |
Message, Severity |
The alert message in context with the severity appended. |
Case ID |
TicketId (the connector adds this into the alert context before handling the ticketing action. Required by the Remedy Web service to identify the ticket that must be updated) |
In the tables, * mark denotes a literal string and ** indicates if the attribute applies.
Table 16-6 Ticket Creation ( Remedy_DefaultCategory_MediumPriority.xsl)
Remedy Ticket Attributes | Enterprise Manager Alert Attributes | Value |
Case Type |
"Incident"* |
Category |
"Default"* |
Description |
EMUser (notification rule owner when the ticket is created through auto-ticketing, and is the EM log-in user when the ticket is created through manual-ticketing) TargetType MetricColumn (name of the metric, for example, CPU Utilization(%)) MetricName (Category of the metric. For CPU Utilization(%) metric, this would be 'Load) KeyColumn** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, KeyColumn indicates the type of object monitored. For example, for the Tablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespace objects, the KeyColumn is 'Tablespace Name) KeyValues** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, the KeyValues indicate the specific object that triggered the severity. For example, for the Tablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespace objects, the KeyValues is 'USERS' if the USERS tablespace triggered at warning or critical severity.)�� Severity CollectionTime TargetHost NotificationRuleName EventPageURL (URL to the metric details page in context of the alert) |
Values from the alert context. |
Escalated |
Blank |
Hotlist |
Blank |
Item |
"Default"* |
Office |
Blank |
Orig Submitter |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field during the configuration. |
Pending |
Blank |
Phone Number |
Blank |
Priority |
Medium |
Region |
Blank |
Request Urgency |
Medium |
Requester Login Name |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field of the Connection Settings configuration. |
Requester Name |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field of the Connection Settings configuration. |
Site |
Blank |
Source |
NMP* (Network Management Program) |
Status |
New* |
Summary |
Message |
The alert message in context |
Type |
Default* |
Work Log |
Blank |
Create Time |
Blank |
Table 16-7 Ticket Updates ( Remedy_DefaultCategory_MediumPriority.xsl)
Remedy Ticket Attributes | Enterprise Manager Alert Attributes | Value |
Status |
Severity |
If the grace period test has already been done, and the alert is still within the grace period, then reopen the ticket by setting the ticket to the status |
Summary |
Message, Severity |
The alert message in context with the severity appended. |
Case ID |
TicketId (the connector adds this into the alert context before handling the ticketing action. Required by the Remedy Web service to identify the ticket that must be updated) |
In the tables, * mark denotes a literal string and ** indicates if the attribute applies.
Table 16-8 Ticket Creation (Remedy_DefaultCaterogry_HighPriority.xsl)
Remedy Ticket Attributes | Enterprise Manager Alert Attributes | Value |
Case Type |
"Incident"* |
Category |
"Default"* |
Description |
EMUser (notification rule owner when the ticket is created through auto-ticketing, and is the EM log-in user when the ticket is created through manual-ticketing) TargetType MetricColumn (name of the metric, for example, CPU Utilization(%)) MetricName (Category of the metric. For CPU Utilization(%) metric, this would be 'Load) KeyColumn** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, KeyColumn indicates the type of object monitored. For example, for theTablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespaceobjects, the KeyColumn is 'Tablespace Name) KeyValues** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, the KeyValues indicate the specific object that triggered the severity. Forexample, for the Tablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespace objects, the KeyValues is 'USERS' if the USERS tablespace triggered at warning or critical severity.) Severity CollectionTime TargetHost NotificationRuleName EventPageURL (URL to the metric details page in context of the alert) |
Values from the alert context. |
Escalated |
Blank |
Hotlist |
Blank |
Item |
"Default"* |
Office |
Blank |
Orig Submitter |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field during the configuration. |
Pending |
Blank |
Phone Number |
Blank |
Priority |
High |
Region |
Blank |
Request Urgency |
High |
Requester Login Name |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field of the Connection Settings configuration. |
Requester Name |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field of the Connection Settings configuration. |
Site |
Blank |
Source |
NMP* (Network Management Program) |
Status |
New* |
Summary |
Message |
The alert message in context |
Type |
Default* |
Work Log |
Blank |
Create Time |
Blank |
Table 16-9 Ticket Updates (Remedy_DefaultCaterogry_HighPriority.xsl)
Remedy Ticket Attributes | Enterprise Manager Alert Attributes | Value |
Status |
Severity |
If the grace period test has already been done, and the alert is still within the grace period, then reopen the ticket by setting the ticket to the status |
Summary |
Message, Severity |
The alert message in context with the severity appended. |
Case ID |
TicketId (the connector adds this into the alert context before handling the ticketing action. Required by the Remedy Web service to identify the ticket that must be updated) |
In the tables, * mark denotes a literal string and ** indicates if the attribute applies.
Table 16-10 Ticket Creation (Remedy_DefaultCaterogry_UrgentPriority.xsl)
Remedy Ticket Attributes | Enterprise Manager Alert Attributes | Value |
Case Type |
"Incident"* |
Category |
"Default"* |
Description |
EMUser (notification rule owner when the ticket is created through auto-ticketing, and is the EM log-in user when the ticket is created through manual-ticketing) TargetType MetricColumn (name of the metric, for example, CPU Utilization(%)) MetricName (Category of the metric. For CPU Utilization(%) metric, this would be 'Load) KeyColumn** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, KeyColumn indicates the type of object monitored. For example, for theTablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespaceobjects, the KeyColumn is 'Tablespace Name) KeyValues** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, the KeyValues indicate the specific object that triggered the severity. Forexample, for the Tablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespace objects, the KeyValues is 'USERS' if the USERS tablespace triggered at warning or critical severity.) Severity CollectionTime TargetHost NotificationRuleName EventPageURL (URL to the metric details page in context of the alert) |
Values from the alert context. |
Escalated |
Blank |
Hotlist |
Blank |
Item |
"Default"* |
Office |
Blank |
Orig Submitter |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field during the configuration. |
Pending |
Blank |
Phone Number |
Blank |
Priority |
Urgent |
Region |
Blank |
Request Urgency |
Urgent |
Requester Login Name |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field of the Connection Settings configuration. |
Requester Name |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field of the Connection Settings configuration. |
Site |
Blank |
Source |
NMP* (Network Management Program) |
Status |
New* |
Summary |
Message |
The alert message in context |
Type |
Default* |
Work Log |
Blank |
Create Time |
Blank |
Table 16-11 Ticket Update (Remedy_DefaultCaterogry_UrgentPriority.xsl)
Remedy Ticket Attributes | Enterprise Manager Alert Attributes | Value |
Status |
Severity |
If the grace period test has already been done, and the alert is still within the grace period, then reopen the ticket by setting the ticket to the status |
Summary |
Message, Severity |
The alert message in context with the severity appended. |
Case ID |
TicketId (the connector adds this into the alert context before handling the ticketing action. Required by the Remedy Web service to identify the ticket that must be updated) |
In the tables, * mark denotes a literal string and ** indicates if the attribute applies.
Following are the templates with the AutoClose
suffixed to the file names. They set the ticket status to Close
when the event severity value becomes Clear
Table 16-12 Ticket Creation (Remedy_DefaultCaterogry_LowPriority_AutoClose.xsl)
Remedy Ticket Attributes | Enterprise Manager Alert Attributes | Value |
Case Type |
"Incident"* |
Category |
"Default"* |
Description |
EMUser (notification rule owner when the ticket is created through auto-ticketing, and is the EM log-in user when the ticket is created through manual-ticketing) TargetType MetricColumn (name of the metric, for example, CPU Utilization(%)) MetricName (Category of the metric. For CPU Utilization(%) metric, this would be 'Load) KeyColumn** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, KeyColumn indicates the type of object monitored. For example, for theTablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespaceobjects, the KeyColumn is 'Tablespace Name) KeyValues** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, the KeyValues indicate the specific object that triggered the severity. Forexample, for the Tablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespace objects, the KeyValues is 'USERS' if the USERS tablespace triggered at warning or critical severity.) Severity CollectionTime TargetHost NotificationRuleName EventPageURL (URL to the metric details page in context of the alert) |
Values from the alert context. |
Escalated |
Blank |
Hotlist |
Blank |
Item |
"Default"* |
Office |
Blank |
Orig Submitter |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field during the configuration. |
Pending |
Blank |
Phone Number |
Blank |
Priority |
Low |
Region |
Blank |
Request Urgency |
Low |
Requester Login Name |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field of the Connection Settings configuration. |
Requester Name |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field of the Connection Settings configuration. |
Site |
Blank |
Source |
NMP* (Network Management Program) |
Status |
New* |
Summary |
Message |
The alert message in context |
Type |
Default* |
Work Log |
Blank |
Create Time |
Blank |
Table 16-13 Ticket Update (Remedy_DefaultCaterogry_LowPriority_AutoClose.xsl)
Remedy Ticket Attributes | Enterprise Manager Alert Attributes | Value |
Status |
Severity |
Summary |
Message, Severity |
The alert message in context with the severity appended. |
Case ID |
TicketId (the connector adds this into the alert context before handling the ticketing action. Required by the Remedy Web service to identify the ticket that must be updated) |
In the tables, * mark denotes a literal string and ** indicates if the attribute applies.
Table 16-14 Ticket Creation (Remedy_DefaultCaterogry_MediumPriority_AutoClose.xsl)
Remedy Ticket Attributes | Enterprise Manager Alert Attributes | Value |
Case Type |
"Incident"* |
Category |
"Default"* |
Description |
EMUser (notification rule owner when the ticket is created through auto-ticketing, and is the EM log-in user when the ticket is created through manual-ticketing) TargetType, EMUser (notification rule owner when the ticket is created through auto-ticketing, and is the EM log-in user when the ticket is created through manual-ticketing) TargetType MetricColumn (name of the metric, for example, CPU Utilization(%)) MetricName (Category of the metric. For CPU Utilization(%) metric, this would be 'Load) KeyColumn** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, KeyColumn indicates the type of object monitored. For example, for theTablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespaceobjects, the KeyColumn is 'Tablespace Name) KeyValues** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, the KeyValues indicate the specific object that triggered the severity. Forexample, for the Tablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespace objects, the KeyValues is 'USERS' if the USERS tablespace triggered at warning or critical severity.) Severity CollectionTime TargetHost NotificationRuleName EventPageURL (URL to the metric details page in context of the alert) |
Values from the alert context. |
Escalated |
Blank |
Hotlist |
Blank |
Item |
"Default"* |
Office |
Blank |
Orig Submitter |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field during the configuration. |
Pending |
Blank |
Phone Number |
Blank |
Priority |
Medium |
Region |
Blank |
Request Urgency |
Medium |
Requester Login Name |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field of the Connection Settings configuration. |
Requester Name |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field of the Connection Settings configuration. |
Site |
Blank |
Source |
NMP* (Network Management Program) |
Status |
New* |
Summary |
Message |
The alert message in context |
Type |
Default* |
Work Log |
Blank |
Create Time |
Blank |
Table 16-15 Ticket Updates (Remedy_DefaultCaterogry_MediumPriority_AutoClose.xsl)
Remedy Ticket Attributes | Enterprise Manager Alert Attributes | Value |
Status |
Severity |
Summary |
Message, Severity |
The alert message in context with the severity appended. |
Case ID |
TicketId (the connector adds this into the alert context before handling the ticketing action. Required by the Remedy Web service to identify the ticket that must be updated) |
In the tables, * mark denotes a literal string and ** indicates if the attribute applies.
Table 16-16 Ticket Creation (Remedy_DefaultCaterogry_HighPriority_AutoClose.xsl)
Remedy Ticket Attributes | Enterprise Manager Alert Attributes | Value |
Case Type |
"Incident"* |
Category |
"Default"* |
Description |
EMUser (notification rule owner when the ticket is created through auto-ticketing, and is the EM log-in user when the ticket is created through manual-ticketing) TargetType MetricColumn (name of the metric, for example, CPU Utilization(%)) MetricName (Category of the metric. For CPU Utilization(%) metric, this would be 'Load) KeyColumn** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, KeyColumn indicates the type of object monitored. For example, for theTablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespaceobjects, the KeyColumn is 'Tablespace Name) KeyValues** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, the KeyValues indicate the specific object that triggered the severity. Forexample, for the Tablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespace objects, the KeyValues is 'USERS' if the USERS tablespace triggered at warning or critical severity.) Severity CollectionTime TargetHost NotificationRuleName EventPageURL (URL to the metric details page in context of the alert) |
Values from the alert context. |
Escalated |
Blank |
Hotlist |
Blank |
Item |
"Default"* |
Office |
Blank |
Orig Submitter |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field during the configuration. |
Pending |
Blank |
Phone Number |
Blank |
Priority |
High |
Region |
Blank |
Request Urgency |
High |
Requester Login Name |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field of the Connection Settings configuration. |
Requester Name |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field of the Connection Settings configuration. |
Site |
Blank |
Source |
NMP* (Network Management Program) |
Status |
New* |
Summary |
Message |
The alert message in context |
Type |
Default* |
Work Log |
Blank |
Create Time |
Blank |
Table 16-17 Ticket Updates (Remedy_DefaultCaterogry_HighPriority_AutoClose.xsl)
Remedy Ticket Attributes | Enterprise Manager Alert Attributes | Value |
Status |
Severity |
Summary |
Message, Severity |
The alert message in context with the severity appended. |
Case ID |
TicketId (the connector adds this into the alert context before handling the ticketing action. Required by the Remedy Web service to identify the ticket that must be updated) |
In the tables, * mark denotes a literal string and ** indicates if the attribute applies.
Table 16-18 Ticket Creation (Remedy_DefaultCategory_UrgentPriority_AutoClose.xsl)
Remedy Ticket Attributes | Enterprise Manager Alert Attributes | Value |
Case Type |
"Incident"* |
Category |
"Default"* |
Description |
EMUser (notification rule owner when the ticket is created through auto-ticketing, and is the EM log-in user when the ticket is created through manual-ticketing) TargetType MetricColumn (name of the metric, for example, CPU Utilization(%)) MetricName (Category of the metric. For CPU Utilization(%) metric, this would be 'Load) KeyColumn** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, KeyColumn indicates the type of object monitored. For example, for theTablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespaceobjects, the KeyColumn is 'Tablespace Name) KeyValues** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, the KeyValues indicate the specific object that triggered the severity. Forexample, for the Tablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespace objects, the KeyValues is 'USERS' if the USERS tablespace triggered at warning or critical severity.) Severity CollectionTime TargetHost NotificationRuleName EventPageURL (URL to the metric details page in context of the alert) |
Values from the alert context. |
Escalated |
Blank |
Hotlist |
Blank |
Item |
"Default"* |
Office |
Blank |
Orig Submitter |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field during the configuration. |
Pending |
Blank |
Phone Number |
Blank |
Priority |
Urgent |
Region |
Blank |
Request Urgency |
Urgent |
Requester Login Name |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field of the Connection Settings configuration. |
Requester Name |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field of the Connection Settings configuration. |
Site |
Blank |
Source |
NMP* (Network Management Program) |
Status |
New* |
Summary |
Message |
The alert message in context |
Type |
Default* |
Work Log |
Blank |
Create Time |
Blank |
Table 16-19 Ticket Updates (Remedy_DefaultCategory_UrgentPriority_AutoClose.xsl)
Remedy Ticket Attributes | Enterprise Manager Alert Attributes | Value |
Status |
Severity |
Summary |
Message, Severity |
The alert message in context with the severity appended. |
Case ID |
TicketId (the connector adds this into the alert context before handling the ticketing action. Required by the Remedy Web service to identify the ticket that must be updated) |
In the tables, * mark denotes a literal string and ** indicates if the attribute applies.
Following are the templates with Wlog
suffixed to the file names. They are customized for the worklog Web_service.
On update, the Description
(Remedy ticket description) is updated with the latest event information and the work log is updated with the latest severity and timestamp information.
Table 16-20 Ticket Creation (Remedy_DefaultCaterogry_LowPriority_w_Wlog.xsl)
Remedy Ticket Attributes | Enterprise Manager Alert Attributes | Value |
Case Type |
"Incident"* |
Category |
"Default"* |
Description |
EMUser (notification rule owner when the ticket is created through auto-ticketing, and is the EM log-in user when the ticket is created through manual-ticketing) TargetType MetricColumn (name of the metric, for example, CPU Utilization(%)) MetricName (Category of the metric. For CPU Utilization(%) metric, this would be 'Load) KeyColumn** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, KeyColumn indicates the type of object monitored. For example, for theTablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespaceobjects, the KeyColumn is 'Tablespace Name) KeyValues** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, the KeyValues indicate the specific object that triggered the severity. Forexample, for the Tablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespace objects, the KeyValues is 'USERS' if the USERS tablespace triggered at warning or critical severity.)�� Severity CollectionTime TargetHost NotificationRuleName EventPageURL (URL to the metric details page in context of the alert) |
Values from the alert context. |
Escalated |
Blank |
Hotlist |
Blank |
Item |
"Default"* |
Office |
Blank |
Orig Submitter |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field during the configuration. |
Pending |
Blank |
Phone Number |
Blank |
Priority |
Urgent |
Region |
Blank |
Request Urgency |
Urgent |
UrgentRequester Login Name |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field of the Connection Settings configuration. |
Requester Name |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field of the Connection Settings configuration. |
Site |
Blank |
Source |
NMP* (Network Management Program) |
Status |
New* |
Summary |
Message |
The alert message in context |
Type |
Default* |
Work Log |
Severity, CollectionTime |
The alert severity and collection time in context. |
Create Time |
Blank |
Table 16-21 Ticket Updates (Remedy_DefaultCaterogry_LowPriority_w_Wlog.xsl)
Remedy Ticket Attributes | Enterprise Manager Alert Attributes | Value |
Description |
EMUser (notification rule owner when the ticket is created through auto-ticketing, and is the EM log-in user when the ticket is created through manual-ticketing) TargetType MetricColumn (name of the metric, for example, CPU Utilization(%)) MetricName (Category of the metric. For CPU Utilization(%) metric, this would be 'Load) KeyColumn** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, KeyColumn indicates the type of object monitored. For example, for theTablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespaceobjects, the KeyColumn is 'Tablespace Name) KeyValues** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, the KeyValues indicate the specific object that triggered the severity. Forexample, for the Tablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespace objects, the KeyValues is 'USERS' if the USERS tablespace triggered at warning or critical severity.) Severity CollectionTime TargetHost NotificationRuleName EventPageURL (URL to the metric details page in context of the alert) |
Values of the alert in context |
Status |
Severity |
If the grace period test has already been done, and the alert is still within the grace period, then reopen the ticket by setting the ticket to the status |
Worklog |
Severity, CollectionTime |
The values in context |
Case ID |
TicketId (the connector adds this into the alert context before handling the ticketing action. Required by the Remedy Web service to identify the ticket that must be updated). |
In the tables, * mark denotes a literal string and ** indicates if the attribute applies.
Table 16-22 Ticket Creation (Remedy_DefaultCategory_MediumPriority_w_Wlog.xsl)
Remedy Ticket Attributes | Enterprise Manager Alert Attributes | Value |
Case Type |
"Incident"* |
Category |
"Default"* |
Description |
EMUser (notification rule owner when the ticket is created through auto-ticketing, and is the EM log-in user when the ticket is created through manual-ticketing) TargetType MetricColumn (name of the metric, for example, CPU Utilization(%)) MetricName (Category of the metric. For CPU Utilization(%) metric, this would be 'Load) KeyColumn** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, KeyColumn indicates the type of object monitored. For example, for theTablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespaceobjects, the KeyColumn is 'Tablespace Name) KeyValues** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, the KeyValues indicate the specific object that triggered the severity. Forexample, for the Tablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespace objects, the KeyValues is 'USERS' if the USERS tablespace triggered at warning or critical severity.)�� Severity CollectionTime TargetHost NotificationRuleName EventPageURL (URL to the metric details page in context of the alert) |
Values from the alert context. |
Escalated |
Blank |
Hotlist |
Blank |
Item |
"Default"* |
Office |
Blank |
Orig Submitter |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field during the configuration. |
Pending |
Blank |
Phone Number |
Blank |
Priority |
Medium |
Region |
Blank |
Request Urgency |
Medium |
UrgentRequester Login Name |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field of the Connection Settings configuration. |
Requester Name |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field of the Connection Settings configuration. |
Site |
Blank |
Source |
NMP* (Network Management Program) |
Status |
New* |
Summary |
Message |
The alert message in context |
Type |
Default* |
Work Log |
Severity, CollectionTime |
The alert severity and collection time in context. |
Create Time |
Blank |
Table 16-23 Ticket Updates (Remedy_DefaultCategory_MediumPriority_w_Wlog.xsl)
Remedy Ticket Attributes | Enterprise Manager Alert Attributes | Value |
Description |
EMUser (notification rule owner when the ticket is created through auto-ticketing, and is the EM log-in user when the ticket is created through manual-ticketing) TargetType MetricColumn (name of the metric, for example, CPU Utilization(%)) MetricName (Category of the metric. For CPU Utilization(%) metric, this would be 'Load) KeyColumn** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, KeyColumn indicates the type of object monitored. For example, for theTablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespaceobjects, the KeyColumn is 'Tablespace Name) KeyValues** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, the KeyValues indicate the specific object that triggered the severity. Forexample, for the Tablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespace objects, the KeyValues is 'USERS' if the USERS tablespace triggered at warning or critical severity.) Severity CollectionTime TargetHost NotificationRuleName EventPageURL (URL to the metric details page in context of the alert) |
Values of the alert in context |
Status |
Severity |
If the grace period test has already been done, and the alert is still within the grace period, then reopen the ticket by setting the ticket to the status |
Worklog |
Severity, CollectionTime |
The values in context |
Case ID |
TicketId (the connector adds this into the alert context before handling the ticketing action. Required by the Remedy Web service to identify the ticket that must be updated) |
In the tables, * mark denotes a literal string and ** indicates if the attribute applies.
Table 16-24 Ticket Creation (Remedy_DefaultCategory_HighPriority_w_Wlog.xsl)
Remedy Ticket Attributes | Enterprise Manager Alert Attributes | Value |
Case Type |
"Incident"* |
Category |
"Default"* |
Description |
EMUser (notification rule owner when the ticket is created through auto-ticketing, and is the EM log-in user when the ticket is created through manual-ticketing) TargetType MetricColumn (name of the metric, for example, CPU Utilization(%)) MetricName (Category of the metric. For CPU Utilization(%) metric, this would be 'Load) KeyColumn** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, KeyColumn indicates the type of object monitored. For example, for theTablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespaceobjects, the KeyColumn is 'Tablespace Name) KeyValues** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, the KeyValues indicate the specific object that triggered the severity. Forexample, for the Tablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespace objects, the KeyValues is 'USERS' if the USERS tablespace triggered at warning or critical severity.) Severity CollectionTime TargetHost NotificationRuleName EventPageURL (URL to the metric details page in context of the alert) |
Values from the alert context. |
Escalated |
Blank |
Hotlist |
Blank |
Item |
"Default"* |
Office |
Blank |
Orig Submitter |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field during the configuration. |
Pending |
Blank |
Phone Number |
Blank |
Priority |
High |
Region |
Blank |
Request Urgency |
High |
UrgentRequester Login Name |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field of the Connection Settings configuration. |
Requester Name |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field of the Connection Settings configuration. |
Site |
Blank |
Source |
NMP* (Network Management Program) |
Status |
New* |
Summary |
Message |
The alert message in context |
Type |
Default* |
Work Log |
Severity, CollectionTime |
The alert severity and collection time in context. |
Create Time |
Blank |
Table 16-25 Ticket Updates (Remedy_DefaultCategory_HighPriority_w_Wlog.xsl)
Remedy Ticket Attributes | Enterprise Manager Alert Attributes | Value |
Description |
EMUser (notification rule owner when the ticket is created through auto-ticketing, and is the EM log-in user when the ticket is created through manual-ticketing) TargetType MetricColumn (name of the metric, for example, CPU Utilization(%)) MetricName (Category of the metric. For CPU Utilization(%) metric, this would be 'Load) KeyColumn** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, KeyColumn indicates the type of object monitored. For example, for theTablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespaceobjects, the KeyColumn is 'Tablespace Name) KeyValues** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, the KeyValues indicate the specific object that triggered the severity. Forexample, for the Tablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespace objects, the KeyValues is 'USERS' if the USERS tablespace triggered at warning or critical severity.) Severity CollectionTime TargetHost NotificationRuleName EventPageURL (URL to the metric details page in context of the alert) |
Values of the alert in context |
Status |
Severity |
If the grace period test has already been done, and the alert is still within the grace period, then reopen the ticket by setting the ticket to the status |
Worklog |
Severity, CollectionTime |
The values in context |
Case ID |
TicketId (the connector adds this into the alert context before handling the ticketing action. Required by the Remedy Web service to identify the ticket that must be updated) |
In the tables, * mark denotes a literal string and ** indicates if the attribute applies.
Table 16-26 Ticket Creation (Remedy_DefaultCategory_UrgentPriority_w_Wlog.xsl)
Remedy Ticket Attributes | Enterprise Manager Alert Attributes | Value |
Case Type |
"Incident"* |
Category |
"Default"* |
Description |
EMUser (notification rule owner when the ticket is created through auto-ticketing, and is the EM log-in user when the ticket is created through manual-ticketing) TargetType MetricColumn (name of the metric, for example, CPU Utilization(%)) MetricName (Category of the metric. For CPU Utilization(%) metric, this would be 'Load) KeyColumn** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, KeyColumn indicates the type of object monitored. For example, for theTablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespaceobjects, the KeyColumn is 'Tablespace Name) KeyValues** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, the KeyValues indicate the specific object that triggered the severity. Forexample, for the Tablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespace objects, the KeyValues is 'USERS' if the USERS tablespace triggered at warning or critical severity.) Severity CollectionTime TargetHost NotificationRuleName EventPageURL (URL to the metric details page in context of the alert) |
Values from the alert context. |
Escalated |
Blank |
Hotlist |
Blank |
Item |
"Default"* |
Office |
Blank |
Orig Submitter |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field during the configuration. |
Pending |
Blank |
Phone Number |
Blank |
Priority |
Urgent |
Region |
Blank |
Request Urgency |
Urgent |
UrgentRequester Login Name |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field of the Connection Settings configuration. |
Requester Name |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field of the Connection Settings configuration. |
Site |
Blank |
Source |
NMP* (Network Management Program) |
Status |
New* |
Summary |
Message |
The alert message in context |
Default* |
Type |
Work Log |
Severity, CollectionTime |
The alert severity and collection time in context. |
Create Time |
Blank |
Table 16-27 Ticket Updates (Remedy_DefaultCategory_UrgentPriority_w_Wlog.xsl)
Remedy Ticket Attributes | Alert Attributes | Value |
Description |
EMUser (notification rule owner when the ticket is created through auto-ticketing, and is the EM log-in user when the ticket is created through manual-ticketing) TargetType MetricColumn (name of the metric, for example, CPU Utilization(%)) MetricName (Category of the metric. For CPU Utilization(%) metric, this would be 'Load) KeyColumn** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, KeyColumn indicates the type of object monitored. For example, for theTablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespaceobjects, the KeyColumn is 'Tablespace Name) KeyValues** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, the KeyValues indicate the specific object that triggered the severity. Forexample, for the Tablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespace objects, the KeyValues is 'USERS' if the USERS tablespace triggered at warning or critical severity.) Severity CollectionTime TargetHost NotificationRuleName EventPageURL (URL to the metric details page in context of the alert) |
Values of the alert in context |
Status |
Severity |
If the grace period test has already been done, and the alert is still within the grace period, then reopen the ticket by setting the ticket to the status |
Worklog |
Severity, CollectionTime |
The values in context |
Case ID |
TicketId (the connector adds this into the alert context before handling the ticketing action. Required by the Remedy Web service to identify the ticket that must be updated) |
In the tables, * mark denotes a literal string and ** indicates if the attribute applies.
Table 16-28 Ticket Creation (Remedy_DefaultCategory_LowPriority_AutoClose_w_Wlog.xsl)
Remedy Ticket Attributes | Enterprise Manager Alert Attributes | Value |
Case Type |
"Incident"* |
Category |
"Default"* |
Description |
EMUser (notification rule owner when the ticket is created through auto-ticketing, and is the EM log-in user when the ticket is created through manual-ticketing) TargetType MetricColumn (name of the metric, for example, CPU Utilization(%)) MetricName (Category of the metric. For CPU Utilization(%) metric, this would be 'Load) KeyColumn** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, KeyColumn indicates the type of object monitored. For example, for theTablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespaceobjects, the KeyColumn is 'Tablespace Name) KeyValues** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, the KeyValues indicate the specific object that triggered the severity. Forexample, for the Tablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespace objects, the KeyValues is 'USERS' if the USERS tablespace triggered at warning or critical severity.) Severity CollectionTime TargetHost NotificationRuleName EventPageURL (URL to the metric details page in context of the alert) |
Values from the alert context. |
Escalated |
Blank |
Hotlist |
Blank |
Item |
"Default"* |
Office |
Blank |
Orig Submitter |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field during the configuration. |
Pending |
Blank |
Phone Number |
Blank |
Priority |
Low |
Region |
Blank |
Request Urgency |
Low |
UrgentRequester Login Name |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field of the Connection Settings configuration. |
Requester Name |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field of the Connection Settings configuration. |
Site |
Blank |
Source |
NMP* (Network Management Program) |
Status |
New* |
Summary |
Message |
The alert message in context |
Type |
Default* |
Work Log |
Severity, CollectionTime |
The alert severity and collection time in context. |
Create Time |
Blank |
Table 16-29 Ticket Updates (Remedy_DefaultCategory_LowPriority_AutoClose_w_Wlog.xsl)
Remedy Ticket Attributes | Enterprise Manager Alert Attributes | Value |
Description |
EMUser (notification rule owner when the ticket is created through auto-ticketing, and is the EM log-in user when the ticket is created through manual-ticketing) TargetType MetricColumn (name of the metric, for example, CPU Utilization(%)) MetricName (Category of the metric. For CPU Utilization(%) metric, this would be 'Load) KeyColumn** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, KeyColumn indicates the type of object monitored. For example, for theTablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespaceobjects, the KeyColumn is 'Tablespace Name) KeyValues** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, the KeyValues indicate the specific object that triggered the severity. Forexample, for the Tablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespace objects, the KeyValues is 'USERS' if the USERS tablespace triggered at warning or critical severity.) Severity CollectionTime TargetHost NotificationRuleName EventPageURL (URL to the metric details page in context of the alert) |
Values of the alert in context |
Status |
Severity |
Worklog |
Severity, CollectionTime |
The values in context |
Case ID |
TicketId (the connector adds this into the alert context before handling the ticketing action. Required by the Remedy Web service to identify the ticket that must be updated) |
In the tables, * mark denotes a literal string and ** indicates if the attribute applies.
Table 16-30 Ticket Creation (Remedy_DefaultCategory_MediumPriority_AutoClose_w_Wlog.xsl)
Remedy Ticket Attributes | Enterprise Manager Alert Attributes | Value |
Case Type |
"Incident"* |
Category |
"Default"* |
Description |
EMUser (notification rule owner when the ticket is created through auto-ticketing, and is the EM log-in user when the ticket is created through manual-ticketing) TargetType MetricColumn (name of the metric, for example, CPU Utilization(%)) MetricName (Category of the metric. For CPU Utilization(%) metric, this would be 'Load) KeyColumn** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, KeyColumn indicates the type of object monitored. For example, for theTablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespaceobjects, the KeyColumn is 'Tablespace Name) KeyValues** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, the KeyValues indicate the specific object that triggered the severity. Forexample, for the Tablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespace objects, the KeyValues is 'USERS' if the USERS tablespace triggered at warning or critical severity.) Severity CollectionTime TargetHost NotificationRuleName EventPageURL (URL to the metric details page in context of the alert) |
Values from the alert context. |
Escalated |
Blank |
Hotlist |
Blank |
Item |
"Default"* |
Office |
Blank |
Orig Submitter |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field during the configuration. |
Pending |
Blank |
Phone Number |
Blank |
Priority |
Medium |
Region |
Blank |
Request Urgency |
Medium |
UrgentRequester Login Name |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field of the Connection Settings configuration. |
Requester Name |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field of the Connection Settings configuration. |
Site |
Blank |
Source |
NMP* (Network Management Program) |
Status |
New* |
Summary |
Message |
The alert message in context |
Type |
Default* |
Work Log |
Severity, CollectionTime |
The alert severity and collection time in context. |
Create Time |
Blank |
Table 16-31 Ticket Updates (Remedy_DefaultCategory_MediumPriority_AutoClose_w_Wlog.xsl)
Remedy Ticket Attributes | Enterprise Manager Alert Attributes | Value |
Description |
EMUser (notification rule owner when the ticket is created through auto-ticketing, and is the EM log-in user when the ticket is created through manual-ticketing) TargetType MetricColumn (name of the metric, for example, CPU Utilization(%)) MetricName (Category of the metric. For CPU Utilization(%) metric, this would be 'Load) KeyColumn** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, KeyColumn indicates the type of object monitored. For example, for theTablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespaceobjects, the KeyColumn is 'Tablespace Name) KeyValues** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, the KeyValues indicate the specific object that triggered the severity. Forexample, for the Tablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespace objects, the KeyValues is 'USERS' if the USERS tablespace triggered at warning or critical severity.) Severity CollectionTime TargetHost NotificationRuleName EventPageURL (URL to the metric details page in context of the alert) |
Values of the alert in context |
Status |
Severity |
Worklog |
Severity, CollectionTime |
The values in context |
Case ID |
TicketId (the connector adds this into the alert context before handling the ticketing action. Required by the Remedy Web service to identify the ticket that must be updated) |
In the tables, * mark denotes a literal string and ** indicates if the attribute applies.
Table 16-32 Ticket Creation (Remedy_DefaultCategory_HighPriority_AutoClose_w_Wlog.xsl)
Remedy Ticket Attributes | Enterprise Manager Alert Attributes | Value |
Case Type |
"Incident"* |
Category |
"Default"* |
Description |
EMUser (notification rule owner when the ticket is created through auto-ticketing, and is the EM log-in user when the ticket is created through manual-ticketing) TargetType MetricColumn (name of the metric, for example, CPU Utilization(%)) MetricName (Category of the metric. For CPU Utilization(%) metric, this would be 'Load) KeyColumn** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, KeyColumn indicates the type of object monitored. For example, for theTablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespaceobjects, the KeyColumn is 'Tablespace Name) KeyValues** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, the KeyValues indicate the specific object that triggered the severity. Forexample, for the Tablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespace objects, the KeyValues is 'USERS' if the USERS tablespace triggered at warning or critical severity.) Severity CollectionTime TargetHost NotificationRuleName EventPageURL (URL to the metric details page in context of the alert) |
Values from the alert context. |
Escalated |
Blank |
Hotlist |
Blank |
Item |
"Default"* |
Office |
Blank |
Orig Submitter |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field during the configuration. |
Pending |
Blank |
Phone Number |
Blank |
Priority |
High |
Region |
Blank |
Request Urgency |
High |
UrgentRequester Login Name |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field of the Connection Settings configuration. |
Requester Name |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field of the Connection Settings configuration. |
Site |
Blank |
Source |
NMP* (Network Management Program) |
Status |
New* |
Summary |
Message |
The alert message in context |
Type |
Default* |
Work Log |
Severity, CollectionTime |
The alert severity and collection time in context. |
Create Time |
Blank |
Table 16-33 Ticket Updates (Remedy_DefaultCategory_HighPriority_AutoClose_w_Wlog.xsl)
Remedy Ticket Attributes | Enterprise Manager Alert Attributes | Value |
Description |
EMUser (notification rule owner when the ticket is created through auto-ticketing, and is the EM log-in user when the ticket is created through manual-ticketing) TargetType MetricColumn (name of the metric, for example, CPU Utilization(%)) MetricName (Category of the metric. For CPU Utilization(%) metric, this would be 'Load) KeyColumn** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, KeyColumn indicates the type of object monitored. For example, for theTablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespaceobjects, the KeyColumn is 'Tablespace Name) KeyValues** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, the KeyValues indicate the specific object that triggered the severity. Forexample, for the Tablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespace objects, the KeyValues is 'USERS' if the USERS tablespace triggered at warning or critical severity.) Severity CollectionTime TargetHost NotificationRuleName EventPageURL (URL to the metric details page in context of the alert) |
Values of the alert in context |
Status |
Severity |
Worklog |
Severity, CollectionTime |
The values in context |
Case ID |
TicketId (the connector adds this into the alert context before handling the ticketing action. Required by the Remedy Web service to identify the ticket that must be updated) |
In the tables, * mark denotes a literal string and ** indicates if the attribute applies.
Table 16-34 Ticket Creation (Remedy_DefaultCategory_UrgentPriority_AutoClose_w_Wlog.xsl)
Remedy Ticket Attributes | Enterprise Manager Alert Attributes | Value |
Case Type |
"Incident"* |
Category |
"Default"* |
Description |
EMUser (notification rule owner when the ticket is created through auto-ticketing, and is the EM log-in user when the ticket is created through manual-ticketing) TargetType MetricColumn (name of the metric, for example, CPU Utilization(%)) MetricName (Category of the metric. For CPU Utilization(%) metric, this would be 'Load) KeyColumn** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, KeyColumn indicates the type of object monitored. For example, for theTablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespaceobjects, the KeyColumn is 'Tablespace Name) KeyValues** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, the KeyValues indicate the specific object that triggered the severity. Forexample, for the Tablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespace objects, the KeyValues is 'USERS' if USERS tablespace triggered at warning or critical severity.) Severity CollectionTime TargetHost NotificationRuleName EventPageURL (URL to the metric details page in context of the alert) |
Values from the alert context. |
Escalated |
Blank |
Hotlist |
Blank |
Item |
"Default"* |
Office |
Blank |
Orig Submitter |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field during the configuration. |
Pending |
Blank |
Phone Number |
Blank |
Priority |
Urgent |
Region |
Blank |
Request Urgency |
Urgent |
UrgentRequester Login Name |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field of the Connection Settings configuration. |
Requester Name |
HDUser |
The username that is provided in "Remedy Username" field of the Connection Settings configuration. |
Site |
Blank |
Source |
NMP* (Network Management Program) |
Status |
New* |
Summary |
Message |
The alert message in context |
Type |
Default* |
Work Log |
Severity, CollectionTime |
The alert severity and collection time in context. |
Create Time |
Blank |
Table 16-35 Ticket Updates (Remedy_DefaultCategory_UrgentPriority_AutoClose)
Remedy Ticket Attributes | Enterprise Manager Alert Attributes | Value |
Description |
EMUser (notification rule owner when the ticket is created through auto-ticketing, and is the EM log-in user when the ticket is created through manual-ticketing) TargetType MetricColumn (name of the metric, for example, CPU Utilization(%)) MetricName (Category of the metric. For CPU Utilization(%) metric, this would be 'Load') KeyColumn** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, KeyColumn indicates the type of object monitored. For example, for theTablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespaceobjects, the KeyColumn is 'Tablespace Name) KeyValues** (For metrics that monitor a set of objects, the KeyValues indicate the specific object that triggered the severity. Forexample, for the Tablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespace objects, the KeyValues is 'USERS' if USERS tablespace triggered at warning or critical severity.)- Severity CollectionTime TargetHost NotificationRuleName EventPageURL (URL to the metric details page in context of the alert) |
Values of the alert in context |
Status |
Severity |
Worklog |
Severity, CollectionTime |
The values in context |
Case ID |
TicketId (the connector adds this into the alert context before handling the ticketing action. Required by the Remedy Web service to identify the ticket that must be updated) |
In the tables, * mark denotes a literal string and ** indicates if the attribute applies.
If the out-of-box ticket templates do not satisfy your requirements, you can modify them. To do this, Oracle recommends that you use one of the existing templates as the base template. Copy this ticket template to a new file, modify, and register the new ticket template.
In most cases, when you modify the ticket template, you might only be changing the mappings. The following examples illustrate this point:
Example 16-2
To create a template to mark the category to MyCategory,
modify the following attribute in the template:
Example 16-3
If you only want the alert message to show up as ticket summary instead of both message and severity, modify the following attribute:
<urn:Summary><xsl:value-of select="ns0:Message"/></urn:Summary>
The templates are highly customizable. Oracle recommends that only users with advanced knowledge of XSLT make complex changes.
You can use notification rules as a filter to associate proper ticket templates with alerts. You can have as many tickets templates as you want. One notification rule can have only one ticket template.
The out-of-box templates are based on the HPD:HelpDesk form. If the new ticket templates you define are based on the HPD:HelpDesk form, Customizing Ticket Templates apply.
But if you use a custom Remedy Form, for instance HPD:CustomHelpDesk, you will have to define a new ticket template.
Enterprise Manager Attributes
The following table provides the Enterprise Manager fields that you can map when using the default Remedy Help Desk Web services:
Table 16-36 Enterprise Manager Attributes
Data Fields | Description |
EMUser |
HDUser |
Helpdesk user registered with the Connector; this is same as the user name specified for the WS authentication. |
TicketID |
Identifies the ticket associated with the current alert (this is available after ticket creation). |
ConnectorID |
Identifies the connector that processed the event and issued the ticket creation or ticket update. This is the ID for Remedy Connector. |
TargetType |
Type of the target that the alert is associated with, for example, |
TargetName |
Name of the target that the alert is associated with. For example, |
MetricColumn |
Name of the metric that triggered the alert. For example CPU Utilization(%). |
MetricName |
Category of the metric. For example, |
KeyColumn |
For metrics that monitor a set of objects, the KeyColumn indicates the type of object monitored. For example, for the Tablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespaceobjects, the KeyColumn is 'Tablespace Name'. |
KeyValues |
Key values associated with a key value base alert. For metrics that monitor a set of objects, the KeyValues indicates the specific object that triggered the severity. For example, for the Tablespace Space Used (%) metric that monitors tablespace objects, the KeyValues is 'USERS' if the USERS tablespace triggered at warning or critical severity. |
Message |
Description of the alert. For example, CPU Utilization is 100%, crossed warning (80) or critical (95) threshold. |
Severity |
Severity of the alert: |
CollectionTime |
Timestamp of an alert occurrence. |
EventPageURL |
URL to the alert details page of the alert. |
NotificationRuleName |
Name of the notification rule that generated the notification during auto-ticketing. |
TargetTimezone |
Timezone of the target associated with the alert. |
GracePeriodCheckMade |
Value |
TargetHost |
Name of the server hosting the target that generated the alert. |
The model that contains the above attributes is described by the following schema:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII" ?><xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="" xmlns="" targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified"> <xsd:element name= "EventModel" type="EMEventModel"/> <xsd:complexType name="EMEventModel"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="TicketId" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xsd:element name="ConnectorId" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" /> <xsd:element name="EventId" type="EventIdType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" /> <xsd:element name="TargetType" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" /> <xsd:element name="TargetName" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" /> <xsd:element name="MetricColumn" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" /> <xsd:element name="MetricName" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" /> <xsd:element name="KeyColumn" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xsd:element name="KeyValues" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> <xsd:element name="Message" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" /> <xsd:element name="Severity" type="SeverityType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" /> <xsd:element name="SeverityCode" type="SeverityCodeType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" /> <xsd:element name="CollectionTime" type="xsd:dateTime" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" /> <xsd:element name="EventPageURL" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xsd:element name="EMUser" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" /> <xsd:element name="HDUser" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" /> <xsd:element name="NotificationRuleName" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xsd:element name="TargetHost" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" /> <xsd:element name="GracePeriodCheckMade" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xsd:element name="TargetTimezone" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" /> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:complexType name="EventIdType"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="TargetId" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/> <xsd:element name="MetricId" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/> <xsd:element name="KeyId" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:simpleType name="SeverityType"> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string"> <xsd:enumeration value="Clear" /> <xsd:enumeration value="Info" /> <xsd:enumeration value="Warning" /> <xsd:enumeration value="Critical" /> <xsd:enumeration value="Agent Unreachable Clear" /> <xsd:enumeration value="Blackout End" /> <xsd:enumeration value="Blackout Start" /> <xsd:enumeration value="Metric Error End" /> <xsd:enumeration value="Metric Error Start" /> <xsd:enumeration value="Unknown" /> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> <xsd:simpleType name="SeverityCodeType"> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string"> <xsd:enumeration value="15" /> <xsd:enumeration value="18" /> <xsd:enumeration value="20" /> <xsd:enumeration value="25" /> <xsd:enumeration value="115" /> <xsd:enumeration value="125" /> <xsd:enumeration value="215" /> <xsd:enumeration value="225" /> <xsd:enumeration value="315" /> <xsd:enumeration value="325" /> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType></xsd:schema>
Remedy Attributes
This section lists the Remedy attributes available for mapping to when using the default Remedy Help Desk Web services.
See Also:
Remedy Help Desk for the Enterprise 6.0 User's GuideFormat for Creating Ticket Templates
To create ticket templates for custom Remedy forms, adhere to the following format:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <xsl:transform version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:ns0="" targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified"> <!-- This template creates an incident type ticket with default categorization (Category: Default, Type:Default, Item:Default), and low priority. On update, the description and message fields are updated, and the ticket is closed if the associated alert has cleared. --> <xsl:template match="ns0:EventModel"> <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="normalize-space(ns0:TicketId) = ''"> *[Insert your mappings from EMModel into your custom Create Ticket Webservice SOAP Document] * </xsl:when> <xsl:otherwise> * [Insert your mappings from EMModel schema into your Custom Update Ticket Webservice SOAP Document]* </xsl:otherwise> </xsl:choose> </xsl:template> </xsl:transform>
This section provides various tips that might help you to use Remedy Connector effectively.
Oracle recommends that you use HTTPS as the protocol for the communication between Enterprise Manager and Remedy AR server.
Use HTTP only if a secure connection is not required and the data can be transferred in clear text between the two systems.
This release supports the following types of alerts:
Metric alerts
Availability alerts
Notification would be blocked for processing if the notification device is down due to any issues, for instance, the Remedy AR server is down, the Remedy configuration on Enterprise Manager is wrong, or ticket is removed in Remedy.
Notification failure on one target impacts all other targets of the same target type for which the rule applies. That is, subsequent notifications are blocked until the issue is fixed or the maximum retrials fail.
The maximum retrial period is one day.Worklog is a history option in the Remedy ticket that lets you maintain alert history in the ticket. The Remedy default Web services do not allow modification of this option.
To use worklog, perform the following steps before using the Remedy Connector:
In the Remedy AR server, import the Web service definition HelpDesk_Modify_Service_w_Worklog.def
from the Remedy Connector home directory ($OMS_HOME/sysman/connector_Remedy_Connector
See Also:
Section "Importing Object Definitions" in the Remedy Remedy AR System Server product manual Remedy Action Request System 6.3 - Developing AR System Applications: AdvancedConfigure the Connector to use the HelpDesk_Modify_Service_w_Worklog
Web service by setting the Update Ticket
endpoint accordingly.
Import all packaged work log templates (select the files with names ending in Wlog.xsl)
using the emctl command provided in "Registering Templates".
This section provides information about the Web services that you require depending on the ticket template you choose.