- affine transformation
- support by GeoRaster, 1.6
- alpha (opacity) value, 2.3.2
- AVERAGE16 resampling method, 4
- AVERAGE4 resampling method, 4
- band numbers, 1.5
- bandBlockNumber attribute, 2.2.3
- band reference system (BRS)
- description, 1.3
- bandBlockNumber attribute of SDO_RASTER, 2.2.3
- bands
- description, 1.5
- BILINEAR resampling method, 4
- blank GeoRaster objects, 1.4.3
- BLOB data
- raster block data, 2.2.7
- blocking keyword
- for importFrom storageParam parameter, 4, 4
- for storageParam parameter, 1.4.1
- blockMBR attribute of SDO_RASTER, 2.2.6
- blockSize keyword for storageParam, 1.4.1
- BMP image format
- support by GeoRaster, 1.10
- BRS (band reference system)
- description, 1.3
- calcCompressionRatio function, 4
- cartography
- description, 1.2.4
- cell coordinate system, 1.3
- relationship to model coordinate system, 1.3
- cell data
- querying and updating, 3.11
- cellDepth keyword for storageParam, 1.4.1
- changeCellValue procedure, 4
- changeFormat procedure, 4
- changeFormatCopy procedure, 4
- colormap
- alpha (opacity) value, 2.3.2
- getting, 4
- getting table, 4
- pseudocolor information, 4
- SDO_GEOR_COLORMAP object type, 2.3.2
- COLUMN_NAME column (in USER_SDO_GEOR_SYSDATA view), 2.4.2
- columnBlockNumber attribute of SDO_RASTER, 2.2.5
- COMPATIBILITY database initialization parameter
- requirement if upgrading, 1
- compression
- compression ratio, 4
- decompression of GeoRaster objects, 1.8.3
- DEFLATE format, 1.8.2
- JPEG format, 1.8.1
- keyword for storageParam parameter, 1.4.1
- of GeoRaster objects, 1.8, 3.13
- performance considerations, 1.8
- quality, 1.4.1, 1.8.1
- contrast table
- grayscale table, 2.3.3
- copy procedure, 4
- createBlank function, 4
- createDMLTrigger procedure, 5
- cross-schema support with GeoRaster, 1.4.4
- CUBIC resampling method, 4
- dangling raster blocks, 3.20, 4
- data model
- GeoRaster, 1.3
- decompression
- of GeoRaster objects, 1.8.3, 3.13
- performance considerations, 1.8
- DEFLATE compression, 1.8.2
- deletePyramid procedure, 4
- demo files for GeoRaster
- PL/SQL, 1.11
- digital image processing
- description, 1.2.5
- DML trigger
- creating, 3.1, 3.1.1, 5
- empty GeoRaster objects, 1.4.3
- ESRI world files
- loading, 4
- support by GeoRaster, 1.10
- exporter tool for GeoRaster, 1.10
- exporting
- GeoRaster objects, 3.15
- exportTo procedure, 4
- footprint, 2.1.2
- formats
- image (supported by GeoRaster), 1.10
- vector and raster, 1.1
- generatePyramid procedure, 4
- generateSpatialExtent function, 4
- geochemistry
- raster data used by, 1.2.6
- geographic information systems (GIS)
- raster-based, 1.2.3
- geology
- raster data used by, 1.2.6
- geometadata, 2.1.5
- geophysics
- raster data used by, 1.2.6
- GeoRaster BRS, 1.3
- GeoRaster data model, 1.3
- GeoRaster objects
- blank, 1.4.3
- changing format, 4
- changing physical storage, 3.9
- compressing, 3.13
- copying, 4
- copying and changing format, 4
- copying and scaling, 4
- creating, 3.2
- creating blank, 4
- decompressing, 3.13
- empty, 1.4.3
- exporting, 1.10, 3.15
- georeferencing, 3.6
- indexing spatial extent geometry, 3.8
- initializing, 4
- loading, 1.10, 3.4
- physical storage, 1.4
- changing, 3.9
- possible data problems, 3.20
- processing, 3.12
- pyramids
- definition, 1.7
- querying and updating cell data, 3.11
- querying and updating metadata, 3.10
- scaling, 4
- subprograms to create, load, and export, 1.9.1
- subprograms to get and set metadata and data, 1.9.3
- subprograms to validate and process, 1.9.2
- transferring between databases, 3.17
- transforming coordinate information, 3.6
- updating before committing, 3.16
- utility subprograms, 1.9.4
- validating, 3.5
- viewing, 1.10, 3.14
- GeoRaster SRS, 1.3
- GeoRaster system data
- manually maintaining, 3.19
- GeoRaster tables
- column with GeoRaster object, 2.4.2
- creating, 3.1
- cross-schema support, 1.4.4
- definition, 1.4
- metadata column, 2.4.3
- name, 2.4.1
- other related tables, 2.4.6
- raster data table, 2.4.4
- raster ID, 2.4.5
- GeoRaster tools, 1.10
- GeoRaster TRS, 1.3
- GeoRaster XML schema table, 2.5
- georeference procedure, 4
- georeferencing
- cell coordinate and model coordinate transformation, 1.6.2
- description, 1.6
- method details and formulas, 1.6.1
- methods for performing, 3.6
- GeoTIFF image format
- support by GeoRaster, 1.10
- getBandDimSize function, 4
- getBeginDateTime function, 4
- getBinTable function, 4
- getBinType function, 4
- getBlankCellValue function, 4
- getBlockingType function, 4
- getBlockSize function, 4
- getCellCoordinate function, 4
- getCellDepth function, 4
- getCellValue function, 4
- getColorMap function, 4
- getColorMapTable function, 4
- getCompressionType function, 4
- getDefaultBlue function, 4
- getDefaultColorLayer function, 4
- getDefaultGreen function, 4
- getDefaultRed function, 4
- getEndDateTime function, 4
- getGrayScale function, 4
- getGrayScaleTable function, 4
- getHistogram function, 4
- getHistogramTable function, 4
- getID function, 4
- getInterleavingType function, 4
- getLayerDimension function, 4
- getLayerID function, 4
- getLayerOrdinate function, 4
- getModelCoordinate function, 4
- getModelSRID function, 4
- getNODATA function, 4
- getPyramidMaxLevel function, 4
- getPyramidType function, 4
- getRasterBlocks function, 4
- getRasterData procedure, 4
- getRasterSubset procedure, 4
- getScaling function, 4
- getSpatialDimNumber function, 4
- getSpatialDimSizes function, 4
- getSpatialResolutions function, 4
- getSpectralResolution function, 4
- getSpectralUnit function, 4
- getSRS function, 4
- getStatistics function, 4
- getTotalLayerNumber function, 4
- getULTCoordinate function, 4
- getVAT function, 4
- getVersion function, 4
- GIF image format
- support by GeoRaster, 1.10
- grayscale
- checking for, 4
- returning mapping table, 4
- returning mappings, 4
- SDO_GEOR_GRAYSCALE object type, 2.3.3
- setting mapping table, 4
- setting mappings for a layer, 4
- grayscale table, 2.3.3
- gridded data, 1.1
- ground coordinate system, 1.3
- hasGrayScale function, 4
- hasPseudoColor function, 4
- histogram table
- getting, 4
- setting, 4
- histograms
- getting, 4
- SDO_GEOR_HISTOGRAM object type, 2.3.1
- image formats
- supported by GeoRaster, 1.10
- importFrom procedure, 4
- indexing
- GeoRaster data, 3.8
- init function, 4
- initializing
- GeoRaster objects, 4
- interleaving, 1.5
- getting type, 4
- keyword for storageParam, 1.4.1
- interMedia ORDSYS schema
- use of by GeoRaster, 1
- isBlank function, 4
- isOrthoRectified function, 4
- isRectified function, 4
- isSpatialReferenced function, 4
- Java pool size
- adjusting before importing GeoRaster data, 3.3
- Java virtual machine (JVM)
- use of by GeoRaster, 1
- JPEG compression, 1.8.1
- JPEG image format
- loading (GeoRaster loader tool only), 4
- support by GeoRaster, 1.10
- JPEG-B compression mode, 1.8.1
- JPEG-F compression mode, 1.8.1
- layer numbers, 1.5
- layerInfo element, 1.5
- layers
- description, 1.5
- dimension, 4
- ID, 4
- metadata stored in layerInfo elements, 1.5
- ordinate, 4
- loader tool for GeoRaster, 1.10
- loading
- GeoRaster data, 3.4
- lookup table
- grayscale table, 2.3.3
- lossiness, 1.4.1, 1.8.1
- makeRDTNamesUnique procedure, 5
- maps
- managing with GeoRaster, 1.2.4
- MBR (minimum bounding rectangle)
- blockMBR attribute, 2.2.6
- metadata
- GeoRaster, 2.1.5
- XML schema, A
- metadata attribute of SDO_GEORASTER, 2.1.5
- minimum bounding rectangle (MBR)
- blockMBR attribute, 2.2.6
- model coordinate system, 1.3
- relationship to cell coordinate system, 1.3
- model space, 1.3
- mosaic procedure, 4
- naming considerations
- Spatial table and column names, 1.4
- Nearest Neighbor (NN) resampling method, 4
- NN (Nearest Neighbor) resampling method, 4
- nodata cells
- getting value for, 4
- object layer, 1.5
- opacity
- alpha value, 2.3.2
- ORDSYS schema
- use of by GeoRaster, 1
- orthorectification, 1.6
- checking for, 4
- setting, 4
- See also rectification
- padding, 1.4
- palette table, 2.3.2
- photogrammetry
- description, 1.2.2
- physical storage
- GeoRaster objects, 1.4
- PL/SQL demo files for GeoRaster, 1.11
- PNG image format
- support by GeoRaster, 1.10
- pool size (Java)
- adjusting before importing GeoRaster data, 3.3
- pseudocolor
- checking for, 4
- pseudocolor table, 2.3.2
- pyramid keyword for storageParam, 1.4.1
- pyramid levels
- definition, 1.7
- pyramidLevel attribute of SDO_GEORASTER, 2.2.2
- pyramid type, 1.7
- pyramidLevel attribute of SDO_RASTER, 2.2.2
- pyramidParams parameter, 4
- pyramids, 1.7
- deleting data for, 4
- formulas for determining, 1.7
- generating data for, 4
- illustration of, 1.7
- pyramid parameters, 4
- returning level number of top pyramid, 4
- quality
- keyword for storageParam parameter, 1.4.1
- raster block data, 2.2.7
- raster data
- introduction, 1.1
- raster data table (RDT)
- creating, 1.4.2, 3.1
- cross-schema support, 1.4.4
- definition, 1.4
- ensuring uniqueness of names, 3.18
- making names unique, 5
- object table of type SDO_RASTER, 2.2
- rasterDataTable attribute, 2.1.3
- RDT_TABLE_NAME column, 2.4.4
- renaming, 5
- raster ID, 2.1.4, 2.2.1
- raster space, 1.3
- raster type, 2.1.1
- RASTER_ID column (in USER_SDO_GEOR_SYSDATA view), 2.4.5
- rasterBlock attribute of SDO_RASTER, 2.2.7
- rasterDataTable attribute of SDO_GEORASTER, 2.1.3
- rasterID attribute of SDO_GEORASTER, 2.1.4
- rasterID attribute of SDO_RASTER, 2.2.1
- rasterType attribute of SDO_GEORASTER, 2.1.1
- RDT_TABLE_NAME column (in USER_SDO_GEOR_SYSDATA view), 2.4.4
- README file
- for GeoRaster demo files, 1.11
- for GeoRaster tools, 1.10
- for Spatial, GeoRaster, and topology and network data models, 1.12
- rectification, 1.6
- checking for, 4
- setting, 4
- See also orthorectification
- remote sensing
- description, 1.2.1
- renameRDT procedure, 5
- resampling method, 4
- resolution
- spectral, 4
- rLevel keyword, 4
- rowBlockNumber attribute of SDO_RASTER, 2.2.4
- scale procedure, 4
- scaleCopy procedure, 4
- schemaValidate function, 4
- SDO_GEOR package
- calcCompressionRatio, 4
- changeCellValue, 4
- changeFormat, 4
- changeFormatCopy, 4
- copy, 4
- createBlank, 4
- deletePyramid, 4
- exportTo, 4
- generatePyramid, 4
- generateSpatialExtent, 4
- georeference, 4
- getBandDimSize, 4
- getBeginDateTime, 4
- getBinTable, 4
- getBinType, 4
- getBlankCellValue, 4
- getBlockingType, 4
- getBlockSize, 4
- getCellCoordinate, 4
- getCellDepth, 4
- getCellValue, 4
- getColorMap, 4
- getColorMapTable, 4
- getCompressionType, 4
- getDefaultBlue, 4
- getDefaultColorLayer, 4
- getDefaultGreen, 4
- getDefaultRed, 4
- getEndDateTime, 4
- getGrayScale, 4
- getGrayScaleTable, 4
- getHistogram, 4
- getHistogramTable, 4
- getID, 4
- getInterleavingType, 4
- getLayerDimension, 4
- getLayerID, 4
- getLayerOrdinate, 4
- getModelCoordinate, 4
- getModelSRID, 4
- getNODATA, 4
- getPyramidMaxLevel, 4
- getPyramidType, 4
- getRasterBlocks, 4
- getRasterData, 4
- getRasterSubset, 4
- getScaling, 4
- getSpatialDimNumber, 4
- getSpatialDimSizes, 4
- getSpatialResolutions, 4
- getSpectralResolution, 4
- getSpectralUnit, 4
- getSRS, 4
- getStatistics, 4
- getTotalLayerNumber, 4
- getULTCoordinate, 4
- getVAT, 4
- getVersion, 4
- hasGrayScale, 4
- hasPseudoColor, 4
- importFrom, 4
- init, 4
- isBlank, 4
- isOrthoRectified, 4
- isRectified, 4
- isSpatialReferenced, 4
- mosaic, 4
- reference information, 4
- scale, 4
- scaleCopy, 4
- schemaValidate, 4
- setBeginDateTime, 4
- setBinTable, 4
- setBlankCellValue, 4
- setColorMap, 4
- setColorMapTable, 4
- setDefaultBlue, 4
- setDefaultColorLayer, 4
- setDefaultGreen, 4
- setDefaultRed, 4
- setEndDateTime, 4
- setGrayScale, 4
- setGrayScaleTable, 4
- setHistogramTable, 4
- setID, 4
- setLayerID, 4
- setLayerOrdinate, 4
- setModelSRID, 4
- setOrthoRectified, 4
- setRasterType, 4
- setRectified, 4
- setScaling, 4
- setSpatialReferenced, 4
- setSpatialResolutions, 4
- setSpectralResolution, 4
- setSpectralUnit, 4
- setSRS, 4
- setStatistics, 4
- setULTCoordinate, 4
- setVAT, 4
- setVersion, 4
- subset, 4
- validateGeoraster, 4
- SDO_GEOR_COLORMAP object type, 2.3.2
- SDO_GEOR_GRAYSCALE object type, 2.3.3
- SDO_GEOR_HISTOGRAM object type, 2.3.1
- SDO_GEOR_SRS object type, 2.3.5
- SDO_GEOR_UTL package
- createDMLTrigger, 5
- makeRDTNamesUnique, 5
- reference information, 5
- renameRDT, 5
- SDO_GEORASTER object type, 2.1
- metadata attribute, 2.1.5
- rasterDataTable attribute, 2.1.3
- rasterID attribute, 2.1.4
- rasterType attribute, 2.1.1
- spatialExtent attribute, 2.1.2
- SDO_RASTER object type, 2.2
- bandBlockNumber attribute, 2.2.3
- blockMBR attribute, 2.2.6
- columnBlockNumber attribute, 2.2.5
- pyramidLevel attribute, 2.2.2
- rasterBlock attribute, 2.2.7
- rasterID attribute, 2.2.1
- rowBlockNumber attribute, 2.2.4
- SDO_RASTERSET collection type, 2.3.4
- setBeginDateTime procedure, 4
- setBinTable procedure, 4
- setBlankCellValue procedure, 4
- setColorMap procedure, 4
- setColorMapTable procedure, 4
- setDefaultBlue procedure, 4
- setDefaultColorLayer procedure, 4
- setDefaultGreen procedure, 4
- setDefaultRed procedure, 4
- setEndDateTime procedure, 4
- setGrayScale procedure, 4
- setGrayScaleTable procedure, 4
- setHistogramTable procedure, 4
- setID procedure, 4
- setLayerID procedure, 4
- setLayerOrdinate procedure, 4
- setModelSRID procedure, 4
- setOrthoRectified procedure, 4
- setRasterType procedure, 4
- setRectified procedure, 4
- setScaling procedure, 4
- setSpatialReferenced procedure, 4
- setSpatialResolutions procedure, 4
- setSpectralResolution procedure, 4
- setSpectralUnit procedure, 4
- setSRS procedure, 4
- setStatistics procedure, 4
- setULTCoordinate procedure, 4
- setVAT procedure, 4
- setVersion procedure, 4
- spatial extent, 2.1.2
- generating and setting, 3.7
- spatial reference system (SRS)
- description, 1.3
- spatial resolution values
- getting, 4
- setting, 4
- spatialExtent attribute of SDO_GEORASTER, 2.1.2
- generating and setting, 3.7
- spectral resolution
- getting, 4
- setting, 4
- spectral unit
- getting, 4
- setting, 4
- sRGB ColorSpace, 2.3.2
- SRID 999999 (unknown CRS), 3.4
- SRS (spatial reference system)
- description, 1.3
- storage parameters, 1.4.1
- storageParam parameter, 1.4.1
- subset procedure, 4
- system data (GeoRaster)
- manually maintaining, 3.19
- TABLE_NAME column (in USER_SDO_GEOR_SYSDATA view), 2.4.1
- temporal reference system (TRS)
- description, 1.3
- themes
- raster layers, 1.5
- TIF image format
- support by GeoRaster, 1.10
- transferring
- GeoRaster data between databases, 3.17
- transforming
- GeoRaster coordinate information, 3.6
- triggers
- creating GeoRaster DML trigger, 3.1, 3.1.1, 5
- troubleshooting, 3.20
- TRS (temporal reference system)
- description, 1.3
- ULTCoordinate
- definition, 1.3
- unknown CRS coordinate reference system, 3.4
- updating
- before committing GeoRaster objects, 3.16
- upgrading from previous release
- requirements, 1
- utility subprograms
- GeoRaster, 5
- validateGeoraster function, 4
- validating
- GeoRaster objects, 3.5
- value attribute table (VAT)
- description, 1.2.3
- getting name of, 4
- setting name of, 4
- vector data
- description, 1.1
- viewer tool for GeoRaster, 1.10
- views
- world files (ESRI)
- loading, 4
- support by GeoRaster, 1.10
- use of by GeoRaster, 1
- XML DB Repository
- must be installed if upgrading, 1
- XML schema for GeoRaster metadata, A
- XML schema table for GeoRaster, 2.5
- ZLIB format
- storing compressed data in, 1.8.2