- Access Control, 10-38
- accidents, 15-22
- Adapter, 10-118
- Advanced Customization, 11-1
- alert engine architecture, 12-2
- alert services
- creating with JAVA API, 12-7
- creating with the Content Manager, 12-7
- device addresses for, 12-10
- alert subscriptions
- managing with the JAVA API, 12-8
- managing with Wireless Customization, 12-8
- overview, 10-47
- Asynchronous Applications
- writing, 10-58
- Asynchronous Server, 10-47
- AuthenticationHook, 10-85
- AuthorizationHook, 10-87
- automatic positioning, 15-56
- enabling and disabling, 15-64
- basic formatting, 3-6
- tables, 3-6
- Business Directory module, 20-9
- input parameters, 20-9
- linking to, 20-10
- output parameters, 20-11
- business directory services
- API, 15-21
- overview, 15-18
- XML configuration files, 15-20
- cache
- location, 15-58, 15-64
- log, 15-64
- Calendar
- configuration and required third-party software, 18-18
- configuration parameters, 18-20
- linking to, 18-21
- overview, 18-18
- CallerLocationHook, 10-87
- City interface, 15-25
- CityInfo interface, 15-25
- community
- mobile, 15-62
- operations supported on, 15-63
- types of, 15-63
- visibility, 15-62
- configuration file
- site_cgf_bootstrap.xml, 15-8
- construction activity, 15-22
- coordinate system for region data, 15-75
- Core Platform Architecture, 10-2
- Core Process Architecture, 10-5
- Core Technologies, 10-1
- createService.jsp, 17-16
- custom regions (user-defined), 15-69
- Customization Portal, 11-24
- customization levels, 11-31
- page naming conventions, 11-25
- rebranding, 11-25
- Customization Portal API, 11-34
- user management and, 10-22
- DAS (Delegated Administration Service), 10-22
- data feeders
- content providers, 12-12
- creating with the Service Designer, 12-13
- update policy, 12-12
- Data Model APIs, 10-62
- DeckExample.xml, 3-3
- deployedServiceList.jsp, 17-21
- deployService.jsp, 17-19
- Destination Analysis, 13-16
- Device, 10-118
- Device and Network Adaptation, 10-38
- Device Transformers, 10-40
- DeviceAddress, 10-118
- deviceclass attribute, 3-4
- DeviceIdentificationHook, 10-85
- device-specific markup language, 3-2
- directives
- privacy, 15-64
- display
- formatting, 3-5
- displaying and formatting contents of XML, 3-1
- DOCTYPE declaration, 3-2
- domains.jsp, 17-25
- Driver Interface APIs, 13-21
- Driving Directions, 20-6
- configuring, 20-6
- input call parameters, 20-7
- input parameters, 20-6
- output parameters, 20-9
- driving directions, 15-15
- maneuvers, 15-15, 15-16
- Driving Directions API Examples, 20-20
- editFolder.jsp, 17-32
- editService.jsp, 17-17
- Email Driver, 13-38
- encryption keys
- configuration, 19-5
- end-element, 2-1
- Event, 10-80
- example files
- location services, 15-2
- external providers for location services, 15-4
- ExternalLink, 10-36
- Fax Driver (RightFax), 13-44
- fax module
- linking to, 18-38
- overview, 18-35
- required third-party software, 18-36
- sample cover page, 18-36
- FeedDataFilterHook, 12-12
- FeedDownloadHook, 12-12
- Folder, 10-36
- FolderRendererBean, 10-98
- FolderRendererHook, 10-99
- FolderRendererPolicy, 10-99
- formatting display, 3-5
- formatting, basic, 3-6
- FormattingExample.xml, 3-5
- Formfiller
- configuring mappings for, 19-24
- guessing heuristics configuration, 19-22
- input parameters of, 19-27
- overview, 19-22
- Geocoder interface, 15-12
- geocoding
- API, 15-12
- overview, 15-11
- getPositioner method, 15-59
- Global Logout, 10-17
- Group, 10-118
- HDML devices, 3-4
- HelloWorld.xml, 3-1
- home.jsp, 17-13
- Hooks, 10-66, 13-18
- hooks
- policies, 10-84
- runtime, 10-84
- HTML tags, 2-2
- idseq sequence, 15-75
- iFS Module
- configuration and required software, 18-31
- overview, 18-31
- Image Support, 10-40
- incident (traffic), 15-22
- Instant Messaging
- overview, 18-25
- required third-party software, 18-25
- iPayment
- capturing transactions, 19-20
- configuration, 19-19
- overview, 19-19
- Java Server Pages (JSPs), 15-28
- Java Transformers, 10-41
- JavaServer Pages, 11-26
- languages (support for multiple), 15-18
- Link, 10-36
- Listener, 10-80
- ListenerRegistrationHook, 10-85
- location cache, 15-58, 15-64
- Location class, 15-12
- location dependent
- identifying service as, 15-72
- location mark, 15-12, 15-55
- Location Mark API Examples, 20-19
- Location Marks, 11-18
- Location Modules, 20-1
- Location Picker module, 20-1
- configuring input parameters, 20-2
- input parameters, 20-3
- linking to, 20-3
- output parameters, 20-5
- requirements, 20-2
- location privacy, 15-57
- location services, 15-3
- providers, 15-4
- LocationMark, 10-118
- LocationMark class, 15-12
- LOCATIONMARK table, 15-13
- log
- cache, 15-64
- logical devices
- attributes, 10-38
- device detection, 10-39
- image formats, 10-40
- images formats, 10-38
- login.jsp, 17-7
- loginPortlet.jsp, 17-9
- longitude/latitude region data, 15-75
- maneuver, 15-15, 15-16
- Maneuver class, 15-18
- manual positioning, 15-55
- enabling, 15-56
- Maps API Examples, 20-21
- Maps module, 20-11
- configuring the input parameters, 20-12
- input call parameters, 20-12
- input parameters, 20-11
- linking to, 20-12
- output parameters, 20-13
- master alert services
- creating, 12-3
- MasterService, 10-36
- m-Commerce, 19-1
- APIs, 19-2
- configuration, 19-2
- configuring encryption keys for, 19-5
- m-Commerce Service
- overview, 19-2
- Message Routing, 13-16
- messenger, 3-4
- MetaLocator, 10-116
- microbrowser, 3-4
- micromessenger, 3-4
- Mobile Address Book
- configuration and required software, 18-10
- configuration parameters, 18-11
- linking to, 18-12
- overview, 18-10
- mobile community, 15-62
- operations supported on, 15-63
- types of, 15-63
- visibility, 15-62
- Mobile Directory
- configuration, 18-6
- linking to, 18-9
- output parameters of, 18-9
- overview, 18-6
- Mobile Email
- configuration and parameters, 18-2
- input call parameters of, 18-4
- linking to, 18-4
- overview, 18-2
- Mobile Modules
- extending, 20-13
- mobile positioning
- API, 15-64
- framework, 15-57
- privacy directives relating to, 15-64
- Mobile Studio, 17-1
- administration, 17-44
- advanced customization, 17-51
- configuration, 17-6
- JSPs, 17-7
- locales, 17-47
- login and registration, 17-3
- parameters, 17-6
- Resources page, 17-50
- sample apps configuration, 17-6
- Sample Services page, 17-49
- tag library, 17-51
- MobileIDHook, 10-86
- ModelFactory, 10-116
- ModelObject, 10-116
- ModelServices, 10-116
- Module, 10-36
- moveOrCopy.jsp, 17-33
- MPManager class, 15-59
- Multiple Customization Profiles, 11-19
- m-Wallet
- configuration, 19-3
- extending, 19-14
- linking to, 19-8
- overview, 19-3
- namespaces, 2-1
- newFolder.jsp, 17-31
- Offline Management
- using Oracle9iLite, 16-1
- integration with Oracle9iAS Wireless, 10-18
- integration with Wireless, 10-18
- Oracle Portal, 10-30
- Oracle9iAS Portal
- accessing Wireless as a service, 10-31
- relationship with Wireless, 10-30
- Oracle9iAS Wireless
- deployment of XML applications, 17-2
- integration with other components, 10-13
- Oracle9iAS Wireless Runtime, 10-62
- Oracle9iLite, 16-1
- OTA, 13-19
- overview map, 15-16
- pageFooter.jsp, 17-40
- pageHeader.jsp, 17-39
- pageMenu.jsp, 17-10
- pagePortlets.jsp, 17-11
- pass-through data feeder, 12-12
- pass-through datafeeder
- creating, 12-14
- pcbrowser, 3-4
- pdabrowser, 3-4
- overview, 18-2
- Point class, 15-12
- portlets
- development, 10-32
- positioning
- automatic, 15-56
- manual, 15-55
- privacy directives relating to, 15-64
- providers, 15-59
- quality of service, 15-58
- positioning rights, 15-61
- PostPorcessorHook, 10-88
- Pre-built Drivers, 13-36
- PreProcessorHook, 10-88
- PresetCategory, 10-118
- PresetDescriptor, 10-119
- Presets, 10-119, 11-4
- privacy
- API, 15-65
- directives, 15-64
- location, 15-57
- Profile, 10-119
- profile.jsp, 17-23
- providers
- configuring, 15-8
- location services, 15-4
- positioning, 15-59
- selection of, 15-5
- selector hook, 15-60
- Push application
- building, 13-5
- Push Service, 13-1
- Push Services
- API, 13-4
- PushClient Driver, 13-37
- PushLite, 13-5
- QoS (quality of service), 15-58
- quality of service, 15-58
- quicklink.jsp, 17-38
- REFCNT column in region tables, 15-75
- reference count (REFCNT), 15-75
- Reference Model, 10-89
- region, 15-68
- adding new region, 15-75
- API for modeling, 15-77
- associating with a service, 15-71
- custom, 15-69
- reference count (REFCNT), 15-75
- system-defined, 15-69
- using sequence to generate ID, 15-75
- registraton.jsp, 17-28
- Repository Data Model API, 10-114
- Request
- attributes, 10-68
- parameters, 10-68
- RequestFactory
- application, 10-77
- rights
- positioning, 15-61
- RouteInfo interface, 15-26
- Router interface, 15-18
- routing
- languages (support for), 15-18
- maneuver, 15-15, 15-16
- map options, 15-17
- overview, 15-15
- overview map, 15-16
- results, 15-16
- settings, 15-15
- transformation requirements, 15-17
- RoutingSettings class, 15-18
- Runtime
- core, 10-67
- ManagedContext, 10-76
- Request, 10-67
- RequestFactory, 10-76
- Response, 10-70
- ServiceContext, 10-70
- Runtime Objects, 10-67
- sampleSource.jsp, 17-39
- Secure Key
- configuration, 19-2
- selection of service providers, 15-5
- selector hook, 15-60
- sendMessage.jsp, 17-35
- Service, 10-119
- Service Management, 11-24
- ServiceContext
- parameters, 10-71
- XML tag names, 10-74
- SessionIDHook, 10-85
- SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language), 2-1
- Short Messaging
- configuration, 18-29
- overview, 18-29
- SignOnPagesHook, 10-86
- SimpleAudio, 3-4
- SimpleBreak, 3-5
- SimpleCol, 3-6
- SimpleContainer, 3-3
- SimpleEm, 3-5
- SimpleHref, 3-4
- SimpleResult, 3-3
- SimpleRow, 3-6
- SimpleStrong, 3-5
- SimpleTable, 3-6
- SimpleTableBody, 3-6
- SimpleTableHeader, 3-6
- SimpleText, 3-4
- SimpleTextItem, 3-4, 8-81
- site_cgf_bootstrap.xml, 15-8
- SMPP Driver, 13-43
- SMS, 13-1
- SOAP, 13-2
- spatial mark, 15-12
- SpatialManager class, 15-3
- SRID (coordinate system) for region data, 15-75
- SSO, 10-34
- global logout, 10-17
- integration with Oracle9iAS Portal, 10-34
- integration with Wireless, 10-13
- SSO Global Logout, 10-17
- SSO-enabled applications
- Mobile Studio, 17-6
- start-element, 2-1
- stylesheet
- XSL, 2-2
- system parameters, 10-92
- system-defined regions, 15-69
- TableExample.xml, 3-6
- tasks module
- linking to, 18-44
- overview, 18-41
- required software, 18-42
- traffic
- incident, 15-22
- overview, 15-22
- request XML DTD, 15-23
- TrafficCityManager interface, 15-26
- TrafficIncident interface, 15-26
- TrafficReport interface, 15-26
- TrafficReporter interface, 15-26
- TrafficRoute interface, 15-26
- Transcoding, 14-1
- Transformer, 10-120
- transformers
- attributes, 10-40
- XSLT transformers, 10-44
- Translator
- configuration, 19-16
- linking to, 19-17
- overview, 19-16
- Transport API, 13-15
- Transport Runtime Processes, 13-14
- UCP Driver, 13-41
- User and Group Management, 11-24
- User Device Management, 11-19
- viewLog.jsp, 17-37
- visibility
- mobile community, 15-62
- voice, 3-4
- Voice Driver, 13-40
- Web Content Adaptation, 14-2
- WebCache
- configuration, 10-24
- integration with Wireless, 10-22
- WebCache Integration, 10-22
- WebIntegration Beans, 14-3
- well-formedness, 2-1
- WGS-84 coordinate system for region data, 15-75
- WIDL Services, 14-3
- Wireless Portlets
- developing, 10-32
- Wireless Services, 10-36
- World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), 2-1
- WSDL, 13-2
- 1.0 specification, 2-1
- DTD, 2-1
- schema, 2-3
- schema language, 2-1
- XML configuration file
- site_cgf_bootstrap.xml, 15-8
- XML DTD, 8-1
- XML files
- business directory category hierarchy, 15-20
- examples, 15-2
- traffic request DTD, 15-23
- XML tags, 8-2
- XML, defined, 2-1
- XSL stylesheet, 2-2
- XSLT Transformers, 10-44
- Yellow Pages services, 15-18
- YPBusiness class, 15-22
- YPCategory class, 15-22
- YPFinder API Examples, 20-21
- YPFinder interface, 15-21