- application events (JspScopeListener), 8-2
- bean references, compile-time JML, A-2
- cache block (Web Object Cache)
- expiration, 7-10
- invalidation, 7-11
- methods, 7-48
- naming, 7-7, 7-16
- runtime functionality, 7-10
- cache policy (Web Object Cache)
- and scope, 7-5
- attributes, 7-12
- creation, 7-39
- descriptor, 7-58
- methods, 7-41
- cache repository descriptor, Web Object Cache, 7-61
- cache tag (Web Object Cache), 7-22, 7-30
- cacheInclude tag (Web Object Cache), 7-31
- cacheXMLObj tag (Web Object Cache), 7-27, 7-30
- caching
- Edge Side Includes, 6-2
- JESI tags for Edge Side Includes, 6-6
- Oracle Web Object Cache, 7-1
- Oracle9i Application Server Java Object Cache, 1-17
- Oracle9iAS and JSP caching features, overview, 1-16
- Oracle9iAS Web Cache, 6-4
- call tag, compile-time JML, A-11
- categories (personalization), 9-7
- checkPageScope tag (JspScopeListener), 8-3
- choose tag, JML, 3-9
- cloneable cache objects (Web Object Cache), 7-8
- compile-time JML tags
- syntax support, A-2
- tag summary and descriptions, A-5
- taglib directive, A-5
- ConnBean JavaBean (for connection), 4-4
- ConnCacheBean JavaBean (for connection cache), 4-6
- connection caching
- through ConnCacheBean JavaBean, 4-6
- through data sources, 4-3
- control tag (JESI), 6-15
- control/include model (JESI tags)
- examples, 6-18
- overview, 6-8
- cookie tag (JESI), 6-28
- createBean tag (EJB), 8-51
- CursorBean JavaBean (for DML), 4-11
- data sources, support for data-access beans and tags, 4-3
- data-access JavaBeans
- ConnBean for connection, 4-4
- ConnCacheBean for connection cache, 4-6
- CursorBean for DML, 4-11
- DBBean for queries, 4-10
- overview, 4-2
- support for data sources, connection pooling, 4-3
- data-access tags--see SQL tags
- DBBean JavaBean (for queries), 4-10
- dbClose SQL tag, close connection, 4-21
- dbCloseQuery SQL tag, close cursor, 4-23
- dbExecute SQL tag, DML/DDL, 4-25
- dbNextRow SQL tag, process results, 4-24
- dbOpen SQL tag, open connection, 4-18
- dbQuery SQL tag, execute query, 4-21
- dbSetCookie SQL tag, 4-27
- dbSetParam SQL tag, 4-26
- demographic items (personalization), 9-21
- displayCurrency tag (utility), 8-56
- displayDate tag (utility), 8-57
- displayNumber tag (utility), 8-57
- download file features--see file access
- DownloadServlet (file access, downloads), 8-40
- Edge Side Includes
- JESI-ESI conversion, 6-33
- overview, 6-2
- EJB tags
- configuration, 8-48
- descriptions, 8-49
- examples, 8-53
- tag library description file, 8-49
- endRESession tag (personalization), 9-31
- ESI--see Edge Side Includes
- evaluateItems tag (personalization), 9-41
- event-handling (JspScopeListener), 8-2
- expiration policy (Web Object Cache)
- attributes, 7-18
- methods, 7-47
- retrieval, 7-47
- expiration, Web Object Cache, 7-10
- explicit cache block naming, Web Object Cache, 7-7, 7-16
- extensions
- JML types, descriptions, 2-4
- JML types, overview, 2-2
- overview of data-access JavaBeans, 1-5
- overview of extended types, 1-3
- overview of JML tag library, 1-6
- overview of JspScopeListener, 1-3
- overview of portable extensions, 1-2
- overview of SQL tag library, 1-5
- overview of XML/XSL support, 1-3
- file access tags and beans
- DownloadServlet, 8-40
- example, httpDownload tag, 8-47
- example, HttpDownloadBean, 8-39
- example, HttpUploadBean, 8-33
- example, httpUploadForm and httpUpload tags, 8-44
- FileAccessException, 8-40
- httpDownload tag, 8-45
- HttpDownloadBean, 8-34
- httpUpload tag, 8-42
- HttpUploadBean, 8-29
- httpUploadForm tag, 8-41
- overview, 8-25
- recursive downloading, 8-28
- security considerations for downloading, 8-28
- security considerations for uploading, 8-27
- file download features--see file access
- file upload features--see file access
- fileaccess table, fileaccess.sql script, 8-26
- FileAccessException (file access), 8-40
- file, 8-26
- filtering settings (personalization), 9-24
- flush tag, JML, 3-13
- for tag, JML, 3-10
- foreach tag, JML, 3-11
- forItem tag (personalization), 9-43
- forward tag, compile-time JML, A-13
- fragment tag (JESI), 6-22
- getCache() method (Web Object Cache), 7-41
- getCrossSellRecommendations tag (personalization), 9-37
- getNextItem tag (personalization), 9-45
- getProperty tag, compile-time JML, A-9
- getRecommendations tag (personalization), 9-33
- header tag (JESI), 6-29
- hot picks (personalization), 9-17
- httpDownload tag (file access, download), 8-45
- HttpDownloadBean (file access, download), 8-34
- httpUpload tag (file access, upload), 8-42
- HttpUploadBean (file access, upload), 8-29
- httpUploadForm tag (file access, upload), 8-41
- if tag, JML, 3-8
- ifInRole tag (utility), 8-59
- implicit cache block naming, Web Object Cache, 7-7, 7-16
- include tag (JESI), 6-16
- include tag, compile-time JML, A-12
- interest dimension (personalization), 9-11
- invalidate tag (JESI), 6-25
- invalidateCache tag (Web Object Cache), 7-33
- invalidateCacheXXX() methods (Web Object Cache), 7-41
- invalidation
- JESI invalidation examples, 6-29
- JESI invalidation of cached objects, 6-12
- Web Object Cache, 7-11
- Item class (personalization), 9-56
- items (personalization)
- introduction, 9-7
- specification of input items, 9-19
- use in personalization tags, 9-15
- iterate tag (EJB), 8-52
- iterate tag (utility), 8-58
- Java Object Cache--see Oracle9i Application Server Java Object Cache
- JavaBeans
- bean references, compile-time JML, A-2
- for file access, 8-29
- JML bean binding tags, 3-4
- Oracle data-access beans, 4-2
- SendMailBean, 8-15
- jesi control tag, 6-15
- jesi cookie tag, 6-28
- jesi fragment tag, 6-22
- jesi header tag, 6-29
- jesi include tag, 6-16
- jesi invalidate tag, 6-25
- jesi object tag, 6-27
- jesi personalize tag, 6-31
- JESI tags
- control/include examples, 6-18
- control/include model, 6-8
- example, personalization of cached pages, 6-32
- invalidation, 6-12
- invalidation examples, 6-29
- invalidation tag and subtags, 6-25
- JESI includes, functionality, 6-11
- overview of Oracle implementation, 6-7
- page setup and content tags, 6-14
- personalization of cached pages, 6-12
- personalization tag, cached pages, 6-31
- tag descriptions, 6-14
- tag handling, JESI-ESI conversion, 6-33
- tag library description file, 6-14
- template/fragment examples, 6-23
- template/fragment model, 6-9
- usage models, 6-8
- jesi template tag, 6-21
- jml call tag, compile-time JML, A-11
- jml choose tag, 3-9
- JML expressions, compile-time JML
- attribute settings, A-3
- syntax, A-3
- jml flush tag, 3-13
- jml for tag, 3-10
- jml foreach tag, 3-11
- jml forward tag, compile-time JML, A-13
- jml getProperty tag, compile-time JML, A-9
- jml if tag, 3-8
- jml include tag, compile-time JML, A-12
- jml lock tag, compile-time JML, A-11
- jml otherwise tag, 3-9
- jml plugin tag, compile-time JML, A-14
- jml print tag, A-14
- jml remove tag, 3-7
- jml return tag, 3-12
- jml set tag, compile-time JML, A-10
- jml setProperty tag, compile-time JML, A-9
- JML tags
- attribute settings, compile-time JML, A-3
- bean references, compile-time JML, A-2
- descriptions, additional compile-time tags, A-7
- descriptions, bean binding tags, 3-4
- descriptions, logic/flow control tags, 3-8
- expressions, compile-time JML, A-3
- overview, 3-2
- philosophy, 3-2
- requirements, 3-2
- summary of tags, categories, 3-3
- summary, compile-time vs. runtime, A-6
- tag library description file, 3-2
- taglib directive, compile-time JML, A-5
- JML types
- example, 2-8
- JmlBoolean, 2-4
- JmlFPNumber, 2-6
- JmlNumber, 2-5
- JmlString, 2-7
- overview, 2-2
- jml useBean tag, compile-time JML, A-8
- jml useCookie tag, 3-6
- jml useForm tag, 3-5
- jml useVariable tag, 3-4
- jml when tag, 3-9
- JmlBoolean extended type, 2-4
- JmlFPNumber extended type, 2-6
- JmlNumber extended type, 2-5
- JmlString extended type, 2-7
- JSP Markup Language--see JML
- JspScopeEvent class, event handling, 8-2
- JspScopeListener
- application scope support, 8-5
- examples, 8-7
- general use, 8-2
- overview, 8-2
- page scope support, 8-3
- request scope support, 8-4
- requirements, 8-3
- sample application, 8-7
- session scope, integration with HttpSessionBindingListener, 8-6
- use in OC4J / servlet 2.3, 8-3
- lastModified tag (utility), 8-60
- lock tag, compile-time JML, A-11
- lookupPolicy() method (Web Object Cache), 7-40
- mail JavaBean and tag
- general considerations, 8-14
- introduction, 8-14
- sendMail tag description, 8-19
- SendMailBean description, 8-15
- mining object repository (personalization), 9-5
- mining table repository (personalization), 9-4
- models (personalization), 9-5
- MTR.MTR_BIN_BOUNDARY table (personalization), 9-9
- navigation items (personalization), 9-9
- Object Caching Service for Java--see Oracle9i Application Server Java Object Cache
- object tag (JESI), 6-27
- Oracle9i Application Server Java Object Cache
- as default Web Object Cache repository, 7-4
- configuration notes, 7-63
- introduction, 1-17
- versus Web Object Cache, 1-18
- Oracle9iAS Web Cache
- ESI processor, 6-5
- introduction, 1-16, 6-4
- steps in usage, 6-5
- versus Web Object Cache, 1-18
- otherwise tag, JML, 3-9
- page events (JspScopeListener), 8-2
- parsexml tag for XML output, 5-7
- personalization
- categories, 9-7
- configuration file, personalization.xml, 9-59
- demographic items, 9-21
- hot picks, 9-17
- interest dimension, 9-11
- introduction, Oracle implementation, 9-3
- Item class description, 9-56
- items and recommendations, 9-7
- items, usage in tags, 9-15
- mining object repository, 9-5
- mining table repository, 9-4
- models, 9-5
- navigation items, 9-9
- overview, general, 9-2
- prediction value, 9-9
- ratings and rankings, 9-9
- recommendation engine, 9-5
- recommendation engine API features, 9-6
- recommendation engine farms, 9-6
- recommendation engine session management, 9-13
- requests for recommendations, 9-11
- stateful vs. stateless recommendation engine sessions, 9-10
- taxonomies, 9-7
- taxonomy, 9-12
- personalization (customization), JESI, 6-12
- personalization endRESession tag, 9-31
- personalization evaluateItems tag, 9-41
- personalization forItem tag, 9-43
- personalization getCrossSellRecommendations tag, 9-37
- personalization getNextItem tag, 9-45
- personalization getRecommendations tag, 9-33
- personalization recordDemographic tag, 9-51
- personalization recordNavigation tag, 9-48
- personalization recordPurchase tag, 9-49
- personalization recordRating tag, 9-50
- personalization removeDemographicRecord tag, 9-55
- personalization removeNavigationRecord tag, 9-52
- personalization removePurchaseRecord tag, 9-53
- personalization removeRatingRecord tag, 9-54
- personalization selectFromHotPicks tag, 9-39
- personalization setVisitorToCustomer tag, 9-32
- personalization startRESession tag, 9-28
- personalization tags
- item recording and removal tag descriptions, 9-47
- limitations, 9-57
- mode of use for item recording, 9-21
- overview of item recording and removal tags, 9-16
- overview of recommendation and evaluation tags, 9-16
- recommendation and evaluation tag descriptions, 9-33
- session management tag descriptions, 9-28
- specification of input items, 9-19
- tag-extra-info variables for returned items, 9-18
- tuning, filtering, and sorting, 9-22
- personalization.xml configuration file, 9-59
- personalize tag (JESI), 6-31
- plugin tag, compile-time JML, A-14
- prediction value (personalization), 9-9
- print tag, JML, A-14
- putCache() method (Web Object Cache), 7-41
- rankings (personalization), 9-9
- ratings (personalization), 9-9
- recommendation engine (personalization)
- introduction, 9-5
- overview of API features, 9-6
- recommendation engine farms, 9-6
- session management, 9-13
- stateful vs. stateless sessions, 9-10, 9-14
- recommendations (personalization), 9-7
- recordDemographic tag (personalization), 9-51
- recordNavigation tag (personalization), 9-48
- recordPurchase tag (personalization), 9-49
- recordRating tag (personalization), 9-50
- recursive downloading (file access tags and beans), 8-28
- remove tag, JML, 3-7
- removeDemographicRecord tag (personalization), 9-55
- removeNavigationRecord tag (personalization), 9-52
- removePurchaseRecord tag (personalization), 9-53
- removeRatingRecord tag (personalization), 9-54
- request events (JspScopeListener), 8-2
- resource management
- application (JspScopeListener), 8-2
- page (JspScopeListener), 8-2
- request (JspScopeListener), 8-2
- session (JspScopeListener), 8-2
- return tag, JML, 3-12
- row prefetching, through ConnBean, 4-4
- runtime functionality, Web Object Cache, 7-10
- sample applications
- JML types example, 2-8
- JspScopeListener, event-handling, 8-7
- sendMail tag, 8-22
- XML transform and dbQuery tag example, 5-10
- XML transform and parsexml tag example, 5-12
- XML transform tag example, 5-8
- section IDs (Web Object Cache), 7-42
- security considerations
- file download tags and beans, 8-28
- file upload tags and beans, 8-27
- selectFromHotPicks tag (personalization), 9-39
- sendMail tag
- attribute descriptions, 8-20
- sample application, 8-22
- syntax, 8-20
- SendMailBean, 8-15
- session events (JspScopeListener), 8-2
- set tag, compile-time JML, A-10
- setProperty tag, compile-time JML, A-9
- setVisitorToCustomer tag (personalization), 9-32
- sorting order (personalization), 9-26
- SQL tags
- overview, tag list, 4-16
- requirements, 4-16
- support for data sources, connection pooling, 4-3
- startRESession tag (personalization), 9-28
- statement caching
- through ConnBean, 4-4
- through ConnCacheBean, 4-7
- styleSheet tag for XML transformation, 5-5
- surrogates (Edge Side Includes), 6-3
- tag libraries
- for file access, 8-40
- for other Oracle components, 1-23
- JESI tags, descriptions, 6-14
- JESI tags, overview, 6-6
- Oracle JML tag descriptions, 3-4
- Oracle JML tags, overview, 3-2
- Oracle SQL tags, 4-16
- sendMail tag, 8-19
- syntax and symbology notes, 1-2
- XML tags, 5-4
- tag library description files
- for EJB tags, 8-49
- for JESI tags, 6-14
- for Oracle file access tags, 8-41
- for Oracle JML tags, 3-2
- for Oracle mail tag, 8-19
- for Oracle personalization tags, 9-27
- for Oracle SQL tags, 4-17
- for Oracle XML tags, 5-4
- for utility tags, 8-56
- for Web Object Cache tags, 7-21
- tag-extra-info classes, use of variables for personalization, 9-18
- taxonomies (personalization), 9-7
- taxonomy (personalization), 9-12
- TEI--see tag-extra-info
- template tag (JESI), 6-21
- template/fragment model (JESI tags)
- examples, 6-23
- overview, 6-9
- transform tag for XML transformation, 5-5
- tuning settings (personalization), 9-23
- types
- JML types example, 2-8
- JmlBoolean extended type, 2-4
- JmlFPNumber extended type, 2-6
- JmlNumber extended type, 2-5
- JmlString extended type, 2-7
- Oracle JML extended types, descriptions, 2-4
- Oracle JML extended types, overview, 2-2
- overview of Oracle type extensions, 1-3
- update batching, through ConnBean, 4-4
- upload file features--see file access
- useBean tag (EJB), 8-50
- useBean tag, compile-time JML, A-8
- useCacheObj tag (Web Object Cache), 7-29, 7-30
- useCookie tag, JML, 3-6
- useForm tag, JML, 3-5
- useHome tag (EJB), 8-50
- useVariable tag, JML, 3-4
- utility tags
- introduction, 8-56
- tag library description file, 8-56
- Web Object Cache
- benefits, 7-2
- cache block methods, 7-48
- cache block naming, 7-7, 7-16
- cache block runtime functionality, 7-10
- cache policy and scope, 7-5
- cache policy attributes, 7-12
- cache policy creation, 7-39
- cache policy descriptor, 7-58
- cache policy methods, 7-41
- cache repository descriptor, 7-61
- cache tag, 7-22
- cache tag examples, 7-37
- cacheInclude tag, 7-31
- cacheXMLObj tag, 7-27
- cloneable cache objects, 7-8
- configuration notes for file system cache, 7-64
- configuration notes for Oracle9i Application Server Java Object Cache, 7-63
- data invalidation and expiration, 7-10
- expiration policy attributes, 7-18
- expiration policy methods, 7-47
- expiration policy retrieval, 7-47
- invalidateCache tag, 7-33
- overview, 7-2
- overview, cache repository, 7-4
- overview, programming interfaces, 7-4
- role, versus other caches, 1-17
- section IDs, 7-42
- servlet API descriptions, 7-39
- servlet example, 7-49
- tag descriptions, 7-21
- tag library description file, 7-21
- useCacheObj tag, 7-29
- when tag, JML, 3-9
- XML/XSL tags
- parsexml tag for XML output, 5-7
- styleSheet tag for XML transformation, 5-5
- summary of related OC4J tags, 5-3
- tag library description file, 5-4
- transform and dbQuery tag example, 5-10
- transform and parsexml tag example, 5-12
- transform tag example, 5-8
- transform tag for XML transformation, 5-5
- XML producers and consumers, 5-2