- _jspService() method, A-12
- action tags
- forward tag, 1-19
- getProperty tag, 1-17
- include tag, 1-18
- overview, 1-15
- param tag, 1-18
- plugin tag, 1-20
- setProperty tag, 1-16
- useBean tag, 1-16
- activation.jar, Java activation files for e-mail, 3-2
- addclasspath, ojspc option, 6-18
- alias translation, JServ
- alias_translation config param, B-9
- overview, B-19
- Apache JServ--see JServ
- application events
- servlet application lifecycles, A-7
- with globals.jsa, B-32
- application framework for JServ, B-16
- application hierarchy, A-9
- application object (implicit), 1-13
- application root functionality, 3-15
- application scope (JSP objects), 1-15
- application support
- servlet application lifecycles, A-7
- through globals.jsa, B-29
- application_OnEnd tag, globals.jsa, B-34
- application_OnStart tag, globals.jsa, B-32
- application-relative path, 1-26
- application.xml, OC4J configuration file, 3-13
- appRoot, ojspc option, 6-18
- batch updates--see update batching
- binary data, reasons to avoid in JSP, 5-13
- binary file deployment, 6-33
- binary file location, ojspc d option, 6-19
- bypass_source config param (JServ), B-9
- cache.jar, for Java Object Cache, 3-2
- call servlet from JSP, JSP from servlet, 4-2
- checker pages, 5-6
- class naming, translator, 6-5
-, for JDBC, 3-2
- classpath
- classpath config param (JServ), B-10
- JSP classpath functionality, 3-16
- classpath configuration (JServ), B-2
- clustering (OC4J), 2-3
- code, generated by translator, 6-2
- comments (in JSP code), 1-11
- compilation
- javaccmd config param, 3-8
- ojspc noCompile option, 6-21
- config object (implicit), 1-13
- configuration
- JSP configuration parameters, 3-4
- JSP configuration parameters for JServ, B-4
- JSP container setup, 3-3
- key JAR and ZIP files, 3-2
- key OC4J configuration files, 3-13
- map file name extensions, JServ, B-3
- optimization of execution, 5-26
- setting configuration parameters, 3-12
- setting parameters, JServ, B-13
- connection caching, overview, 5-14
- containers
- JSP containers, 1-23
- servlet containers, A-3
- content type settings
- dynamic (setContentType method), 8-4
- static (page directive), 8-2
- context path, 3-15
- context-relative path, 1-26
- cookies, A-6
- custom tags--see tag libraries
- d, ojspc option (binary output dir), 6-19
- data access, starter sample, 4-16
- data-sources.xml, OC4J configuration file, 3-13
- debug_mode config param, 3-7
- debugging
- debug, ojspc option, 6-20
- debug_mode config param, 3-7
- emit_debuginfo config param, 3-7
- through JDeveloper, 2-9
- declarations
- global declarations, globals.jsa, B-38
- member variables, 1-9
- method variable vs. member variable, 5-8
- default-web-site.xml, OC4J configuration file, 3-13
- deployment, general considerations
- deploying pages with JDeveloper, 6-30
- deployment of binary files only, 6-33
- general pre-translation without execution, 6-32
- ojspc for pre-translation, 6-31
- overview, 6-28
- WAR deployment, 6-28
- developer_mode config param (JServ), B-10
- directives
- global directives, globals.jsa, B-37
- include directive, 1-8
- overview, 1-7
- page directive, 1-7
- taglib directive, 1-8
- directory alias translation--see alias translation
- DMS support, 2-16
- dynamic forward, special support for JServ, B-17
- dynamic include
- action tag, 1-18
- for large static content, 5-7
- logistics, 5-3
- special support for JServ, B-17
- vs. static include, 5-3
- Dynamic Monitoring Service--see DMS
- dynamic page retranslation, 5-25
- EAR file, 3-13, 6-28
- EJBs
- calling from JSP pages, 5-17
- use of OC4J EJB tag library, 5-18
- emit_debuginfo config param, 3-7
- error processing (runtime), 4-13
- event-handling
- servlet application lifecycles, A-7
- with globals.jsa, B-32
- with HttpSessionBindingListener, 4-7
- exception object (implicit), 1-14
- execution models for JSP pages, 1-23
- execution of a JSP page, 1-23
- explicit JSP objects, 1-12
- expressions, 1-9
- extend, ojspc option, 6-20
- extensions
- DMS support, 2-16
- overview of data-access JavaBeans, 2-12
- overview of extended types, 2-11
- overview of global includes, 2-15
- overview of JML tag library, 2-13
- overview of JspScopeListener, 2-11
- overview of Oracle-specific extensions, 2-15
- overview of portable extensions, 2-10
- overview of programmatic extensions, 2-10
- overview of SQL tag library, 2-12
- overview of SQLJ support, 2-15
- overview of XML/XSL support, 2-11
- external resource file
- for static text, 5-7
- through external_resource parameter, 3-7
- through ojspc extres option, 6-20
- external_resource config param, 3-7
- extres, ojspc option, 6-20
- fallback tag (with plugin tag), 1-21
- Feiner, Amy (welcome), 1-3
- files
- generated by translator, 6-7
- key JAR and ZIP files, 3-2
- locations, ojspc d option, 6-19
- locations, ojspc srcdir option, 6-24
- locations, translator output, 6-8
- forward tag, 1-19
- generated code, by translator, 6-2
- generated output names, by translator, 6-4
- getProperty tag, 1-17
- global includes (Oracle extension)
- general use, 6-9
- use in migrating from translate_params, B-27
- globalization support
- charset settings of JSP writer, 8-5
- content type settings (dynamic), 8-4
- content type settings (static), 8-2
- multibyte parameter encoding, 8-6
- overview, 8-1
- sample depending on translate_params, B-23
- sample not depending on translate_params, B-26
- globals.jsa
- application and session lifecycles, B-30
- application deployment, B-29
- application events, B-32
- distinct applications and sessions, B-29
- event-handling, B-32
- example, declarations and directives, B-39
- extended support for servlet 2.0, B-28
- file contents, structure, B-38
- global declarations, B-38
- global JavaBeans, B-38
- global JSP directives, B-37
- migration from, B-40
- overview of functionality, B-28
- overview of syntax and semantics, B-30
- sample application, application and session events, B-44
- sample application, application events, B-41
- sample application, global declarations, B-47
- sample applications, B-41
- session events, B-35
- global-web-application.xml, OC4J configuration file, 3-13
- help, ojspc option, 6-21
- HttpJspPage interface, A-12
- HttpSession interface, A-4
- HttpSessionBindingListener, 4-7
- implement, ojspc option, 6-21
- implicit JSP objects
- overview, 1-12
- using implicit objects, 1-14
- include directive, 1-8
- include tag, 1-18
- inner class for static text, 6-3
- interaction, JSP-servlet, 4-2
- Internet Application Server--see Oracle9i Application Server
- invoke servlet from JSP, JSP from servlet, 4-2
- JavaBeans
- global JavaBeans, globals.jsa, B-38
- use for separation of business logic, 1-5
- use with useBean tag, 1-16
- vs. scriptlets, 5-2
- javaccmd config param, 3-8
- JDBC in JSP pages, performance enhancements, 5-14
- JDeveloper
- JSP support, 2-9
- use for deploying JSP pages, 6-30
- jndi.jar, for data sources and EJBs, 3-2
- JServ
- alias translation, B-19
- classpath configuration, B-2
- config, map file name extensions, B-3
- configuration parameters, B-4
- error processing, send_error config param, B-11
- JSP application framework, B-16
- JSP dynamic include support, B-17
- mod_jserv module, B-15
- overview of JSP-servlet session sharing, B-16
- overview of special considerations, B-15
- session sharing, session_sharing config param, B-12
- setting configuration parameters, B-13
- use of ojspc for JServ, B-14
- use with Oracle9i Application Server, B-1
- jsp fallback tag (with plugin tag), 1-21
- jsp forward tag, 1-19
- jsp getProperty tag, 1-17
- jsp include tag, 1-18
- jsp param tag, 1-18
- jsp plugin tag, 1-20
- jsp setProperty tag, 1-16
- JSP translator--see translator
- jsp useBean tag
- syntax, 1-16
- JspPage interface, A-12
- JspScopeListener, overview, 2-11
- jspService() method, A-12
- JSP-servlet interaction
- invoking JSP from servlet, request dispatcher, 4-3
- invoking servlet from JSP, 4-2
- passing data, JSP to servlet, 4-3
- passing data, servlet to JSP, 4-4
- sample code, 4-5
- jta.jar, for Java Transaction API, 3-2
- mail.jar, for e-mail from applications, 3-2
- member variable declarations, 5-8
- method variable declarations, 5-8
- migration
- from globals.jsa, B-40
- from translate_params, B-27
- mods, Apache, 2-7
- multibyte parameter encoding
- general/standard, 8-6
- JServ environment, B-21
- National Language Support--see Globalization Support
- NLS--see Globalization Support
- noCompile, ojspc option, 6-21
- objects and scopes (JSP objects), 1-11
- OC4J
- general overview, 2-3
- overview of JSP implementation, 2-4
- ojspc pre-translation tool
- command-line syntax, 6-17
- option descriptions, 6-18
- option summary table, 6-14
- output files, locations, related options, 6-26
- overview, 6-13
- overview of functionality, 6-13
- use for JServ, B-14
- use for pre-translation, 6-31
- ojsp.jar, for JSP container, 3-2
- ojsputil.jar, for JSP tag libraries and utilities, 3-2
- old_include_from_top config param, 3-9
- oldIncludeFromTop, ojspc option, 6-21
- on-demand translation (runtime), 1-23, 1-24
- optimization
- not using HTTP session, 5-27
- unbuffering a JSP page, 5-26
- Oracle HTTP Server
- overview, use of Apache mods, 2-7
- with mod_jserv, B-15
- Oracle platforms supporting JSP
- JDeveloper, 2-9
- Oracle9i Application Server, 2-2
- Oracle9i Application Server
- brief overview, 2-2
- JSP support, 2-2
- use of JServ, B-1
- out object (implicit), 1-13
- output files
- generated by translator, 6-7
- locations, 6-8
- locations and related options, ojspc, 6-26
- ojspc d option (binary location), 6-19
- ojspc srcdir option (source location), 6-24
- output names, conventions, 6-4
- package naming
- by translator, 6-5
- ojspc packageName option, 6-22
- packageName, ojspc option, 6-22
- page directive
- characteristics, 5-10
- contentType setting for globalization support, 8-2
- overview, 1-7
- page implementation class
- generated code, 6-2
- overview, 1-25
- page object (implicit), 1-12
- page retranslation, dynamic, 5-25
- page scope (JSP objects), 1-14
- pageContext object (implicit), 1-13
- page-relative path, 1-26
- param tag, 1-18
- plugin tag, 1-20
- precompile_check config param, 3-9
- prefetching rows--see row prefetching
- pre-translation
- ojspc utility, 6-13
- without execution, general, 6-32
- reduce_tag_code config param, 3-9
- reduceTagCode, ojspc option, 6-22
- req_time_introspection config param, 3-10
- reqTimeIntrospection, ojspc option, 6-23
- request dispatcher (JSP-servlet interaction), 4-3
- request objects
- JSP implicit request object, 1-12
- overview, A-9
- request scope (JSP objects), 1-14
- RequestDispatcher interface, 4-3
- requesting a JSP page, 1-25
- resource management
- overview of JSP extensions, 4-12
- standard session management, 4-7
- response objects
- JSP implicit response object, 1-13
- overview, A-9
- retranslation of page, dynamic, 5-25
- row prefetching, 5-16
- rowset caching, 5-17
-, for SQLJ, 3-2
- S, ojspc option (for SQLJ options), 6-23
- sample applications
- custom tag definition and use, 7-14
- data access, starter sample, 4-16
- globalization, depending on translate_params, B-23
- globalization, not depending on translate_params, B-26
- globals.jsa samples, B-41
- globals.jsa, application and session events, B-44
- globals.jsa, application events, B-41
- globals.jsa, global declarations, B-47
- HttpSessionBindingListener sample, 4-8
- JSP-servlet interaction, 4-5
- SQLJ example, 5-19
- scopes (JSP objects), 1-14
- scripting elements
- comments, 1-11
- declarations, 1-9
- expressions, 1-9
- overview, 1-9
- scriptlets, 1-10
- scripting variables (tag libraries)
- defining, 7-8
- scopes, 7-9
- scriptlets
- overview, 1-10
- vs. JavaBeans, 5-2
- send_error config param (JServ), B-11
- server.xml, OC4J configuration file, 3-13
- service method, JSP, A-12
- servlet 2.0 environments
- added support through globals.jsa, B-28
- globals.jsa sample applications, B-41
- JSP container features for application root functionality, B-15
- servlet containers, A-3
- servlet contexts
- overview, A-6
- servlet context objects, A-10
- servlet path, 3-15
- servlet sessions
- HttpSession interface, A-4
- session tracking, A-6
- servlet-JSP interaction
- invoking JSP from servlet, request dispatcher, 4-3
- invoking servlet from JSP, 4-2
- passing data, JSP to servlet, 4-3
- passing data, servlet to JSP, 4-4
- sample code, 4-5
- servlets
- application lifecycle management, A-7
- request and response objects, A-9
- review of servlet technology, A-2
- servlet configuration objects, A-11
- servlet containers, A-3
- servlet context objects, A-10
- servlet contexts, A-6
- servlet interface, A-3
- servlet invocation, A-8
- servlet objects, A-9
- servlet sessions, A-4
- session objects, A-10
- session sharing, JSP, JServ, B-16
- technical background, A-2
- wrapping servlet with JSP page, B-17
- session events
- with globals.jsa, B-35
- with HttpSessionBindingListener, 4-7
- session objects
- JSP implicit session object, 1-13
- overview, A-10
- session scope (JSP objects), 1-15
- session sharing, overview, JSP-servlet, JServ, B-16
- session support through globals.jsa (JServ), B-29
- session tracking, A-6
- session_OnEnd tag, globals.jsa, B-36
- session_OnStart tag, globals.jsa, B-35
- session_sharing config param (JServ), B-12
- setCharacterEncoding() method, 8-6
- setContentType() method, globalization support, 8-4
- setProperty tag, 1-16
- setReqCharacterEncoding() method, multibyte parameter encoding (JServ), B-21
- setWriterEncoding() method, globalization support, 8-5
- source file location, ojspc srcdir option, 6-24
- JSP code example, 5-19
- JSP support for, 5-19
- ojspc S option for SQLJ options, 6-23
- setting Oracle SQLJ options, 5-22
- sqljcmd config param, 3-10
- sqljsp files, 5-21
- triggering SQLJ translator, 5-21
- sqljcmd config param, 3-10
- sqljsp files for SQLJ, 5-21
- srcdir, ojspc option, 6-24
- SSL sessions, A-6
- statement caching, 5-15
- static include
- directive, 1-8
- logistics, 5-3
- vs. dynamic include, 5-3
- static text
- external resource file, 5-7
- external resource, ojspc extres option, 6-20
- external_resource parameter, 3-7
- generated inner class, 6-3
- workaround for large static content, 5-7
- static_text_in_chars config param, 3-11
- staticTextInChars, ojspc option, 6-25
- syntax (overview), 1-7
- tag handlers (tag libraries)
- access to outer tag handlers, 7-10
- OC4J tag handler code generation, 7-19
- OC4J tag handler instance pooling, 7-19
- overview, 7-4
- sample tag handler class, 7-15
- tags with bodies, 7-6
- tags without bodies, 7-6
- tag libraries
- defining and using, end-to-end example, 7-14
- overview of functionality, 1-21
- overview of standard implementation, 7-2
- runtime vs. compile-time implementations, 7-20
- scripting variables, 7-7
- standard framework, 7-2
- strategy, when to create, 5-5
- tag handlers, 7-4
- tag library description files, 7-10
- tag-extra-info classes, 7-7
- taglib directive, 7-13
- web.xml use, 7-12
- tag library description files
- defining shortcut URI in web.xml, 7-12
- general features, 7-10
- sample file, 7-17
- tag-extra-info classes (tag libraries)
- general use, getVariableInfo() method, 7-9
- sample tag-extra-info class, 7-16
- taglib directive
- general use, 7-13
- syntax, 1-8
- use of full TLD name and location, 7-13
- use of shortcut URI, 7-13
- tags_reuse_default config param, 3-11
- tips
- avoid JSP use with binary data, 5-13
- JavaBeans vs. scriptlets, 5-2
- JSP page as servlet wrapper, B-17
- JSP preservation of white space, 5-11
- key configuration issues, 5-25
- method vs. member variable declaration, 5-8
- page directive characteristics, 5-10
- static vs. dynamic includes, 5-3
- using a "checker" page, 5-6
- when to create tag libraries, 5-5
- workaround, large static content, 5-7
- TLD file--see tag library description file
- translate_params config param (JServ)
- code equivalent, B-23
- effect in overriding non-multibyte servlet containers, B-22
- general information, B-12, B-22
- globalization sample depending on it, B-23
- globalization sample not depending on it, B-26
- migration from, B-27
- translation, on-demand (runtime), 1-24
- translator
- generated class names, 6-5
- generated code features, 6-2
- generated files, 6-7
- generated inner class, static text, 6-3
- generated names, general conventions, 6-4
- generated package names, 6-5
- Oracle JSP global includes, 6-9
- output file locations, 6-8
-, for SQLJ, 3-2
- type extensions, 2-11
- unsafe_reload config param (JServ), B-13
- update batching, 5-16
- URL rewriting, A-6
- useBean tag, 1-16
- verbose, ojspc option, 6-25
- version, ojspc option, 6-25
- WAR deployment, 6-28
- WAR file, 3-13, 6-28
- Web application hierarchy, A-9
- web.xml, usage for tag libraries, 7-12
- wrapping servlet with JSP page, B-17
- xml_validate config param, 3-11
- xmlparserv2.jar, for XML validation, 3-2
- xmlValidate, ojspc option, 6-25
- XML/XSL support
- XML validation config param, 3-11
- XML validation ojspc option, 6-25
- XML-alternative syntax, 5-23
- xsu12.jar or xsu111.jar, for XML, 3-2