- <application> element, 7-13
- <ejb> element, 7-11
- <ejb-ref> element, 8-16
- <java> element, 7-11
- <method-permission> element, 8-18
- <module> element, 7-11
- <security-role> element, 8-18
- <security-role-mapping> element, 8-19
- <web> element, 7-11
- defined, 1-14
- administration, 2-11
- admin.jar tool
- undeployment, 2-29
- AJP, 1-15
- overview, 2-5
- ANT, 2-19
- Apache
- Oracle HTTP Server, 2-2
- Apache JServ protocol, see AJP
- application
- deployment, 2-20
- example, 2-14
- undeployment, 2-29
- ApplicationClientInitialContextFactory, 8-16
- application-client.xml file
- example, B-20
- application.xml
- designating data-sources.xml, 4-7
- application.xml file, 7-11
- example, 7-12, B-16
- overview, 7-11
- archiving EJBs, 7-10
- EAR file, 7-12
- authentication, 8-2, 8-6
- authorization, 8-2, 8-17
- bean
- creating, 7-3
- implementation, 7-6
- removal, 7-7
- build.bat, 2-19
- CGI, 5-3
- Cloudscape database, 2-18
- clustered environment
- dcmctl, A-5
- clustering, 9-1 to 9-42
- adding application server instance, 9-12
- application server instance
- role, 9-10
- architecture, 9-8
- configuration, 9-28
- configure replication, 9-34
- configuring islands, 9-33
- configuring OC4J instance, 9-17
- configuring OC4J processes, 9-33
- creating a cluster, 9-28
- DCM, 9-13, 9-14
- deleting a cluster, 9-30
- EJB applications, 9-20, 9-35
- hardware load balancer, 9-9
- OC4J instance, 9-19
- OHS role, 9-16
- removing application server instance, 9-33
- replicating application state, 9-19
- SSO, 9-38
- tuning parameters, 9-23, 9-40
- using infrastructure, 9-10
- Web applications, 9-20, 9-34
- clusters, 1-16
- com.evermind.server.RMIInitialContextFactory class, 8-16
- configuration
- default, 2-2, 2-12
- EJB deployment descriptor, 2-18
- server.xml file, 2-22
- Web context, 3-29
- web.xml file, 2-18
- connection pooling, 1-11
- create method, 7-7
- EJBHome interface, 7-4
- createCluster, A-8
- createComponent, A-8
- CreateException, 7-4
- createUser method, 8-3
- DAS, 8-4, 8-9
- data source
- default, 4-2
- definition, 4-2
- emulated, 4-2
- introduction, 4-1
- location of XML file, 4-7
- retrieving connection, 4-8
- database
- retrieving connection, 4-8
- DataSource interface, 4-9, 8-23
- data-sources.xml
- designating location, 4-7
- data-sources.xml file
- pre-installed definitions, 4-2
- DataSourceUserManager class, 8-23
- clustering, 9-15
- overview, 2-4, A-1
- role in clustering, 9-13, 9-14
- DCM command-line utility, A-1
- dcmctl, A-1
- a app_name, A-4
- administration, A-6
- application, A-4
- backup, A-11
- cluster, A-4
- cluster capabilities, A-5
- clustered environment, A-5
- command overview, A-3
- commands and options, A-3
- target options, A-3
- universal options, A-4
- component, A-4
- componentType, A-4
- createCluster, A-8
- createComponent, A-8
- DCM utility, 2-4, A-1
- debug, A-4
- deployApplication, A-10
- deploying applications, A-10
- destroyInstance, A-7
- executing from command file, A-12
- execution from a file, A-12
- execution from a shell, A-12
- getComponentTypes, A-8
- getError, A-2
- getError command, A-2
- getReturnStatus, A-2
- getstart, A-7
- help, A-2
- help command, A-2
- instance, A-4
- isClusterable, A-9
- isCompatible, A-9
- joinCluster, A-9
- leaveCluster, A-9
- listApplications, A-11
- listClusters, A-8
- listComponents, A-7
- listComponentTypes, A-8
- listInstances, A-7, A-8
- logdir, A-4
- managing
- application server instances, A-7
- clusters, A-8
- components, A-8
- managing clusters, A-8
- managing components, A-8
- managing instances, A-7
- oraclehome, A-4
- overview, A-2
- passing parameters, A-6
- passing parameters to JVM, A-6
- redeployApplication, A-10
- removeCluster, A-8
- removeComponent, A-8
- resetFileTransaction, A-11
- restart, A-7
- restoreInstance, A-11
- resyncInstance, A-7, A-9
- saveInstance, A-11
- saving a backup, A-11
- shutdown, A-7
- start, A-6
- starting, A-6
- stop, A-6
- stopping, A-6
- target option list, A-3
- timeout, A-4
- undeployApplication, A-11
- universal option list, A-4
- updateConfig, A-8, A-9
- using dcmctl shell, A-12
- validateEarFile, A-11
- verbose, A-5
- whichCluster, A-9
- whichInstance, A-7
- dcmctl shell, A-12
- debug, A-4
- debugging
- OC4J, 9-41
- default-web-site.xml file, 3-28
- example, B-19
- Delegated Administrative Service, see DAS
- deployApplication, A-10
- deployment
- applications, 2-20
- error recovery, 2-29
- example, 2-17
- deployment descriptor, 7-9
- destroy method, 5-10
- destroyInstance, A-7
- development
- recommendations, 2-13
- Distributed Configuration Management, see DCM
- EAR file, 7-1
- creation, 2-21, 7-12
- structure, 2-20
- used in deployment, 2-20
- archive, 7-10
- creating, 7-2, 7-3, 7-6
- definition, 1-7
- deployment, 2-20, 7-13
- manual, 7-13
- deployment descriptor, 7-9
- development suggestions, 7-2
- entity bean, 1-8
- home interface, 7-4
- interact with JSPs, 6-2
- remote interface, 7-5
- replication, 9-36
- session bean, 1-7
- ejbCreate method, 7-4
- EJBException, 7-4, 7-5
- EJBHome interface, 7-3, 7-4
- ejb-jar.xml file, 7-9
- example, B-17
- EJBObject interface, 7-3, 7-5
- ejb.xml file, 2-18
- Enterprise Archive file, see EAR file
- Enterprise JavaBeans, see EJB
- EntityBean interface, 7-4
- environment
- modifications, 2-18
- failover, 1-16
- fault tolerance, 1-16
- firewall tunneling, 1-14
- front-end listener
- Oracle HTTP Server, 2-2
- getComponentTypes, A-8
- getConnection method, 4-9
- getError, A-2
- getGroup method, 8-3
- getReturnStatus, A-2
- getstart, A-7
- getUser method, 8-3
- hashtable, B-21
- home interface
- creating, 7-3
- creating bean instance, 7-7
- example, 7-5
- lookup, 7-7
- HTTP tunneling, 1-15
- identities, 8-2
- inCompatible, A-9
- installation
- requirements, 2-6
- isClusterable, A-9
- J2EE
- capabilities, 1-2
- definition, 1-1
- version, 1-2
- jar archiving command, 7-10
- Java Messaging Service, see JMS
- Java Transaction API, see JTA
- JAVA_HOME variable, 2-18
- JavaBeans
- JSP code to call a JavaBean, 6-8
- jazn-data.xml, 8-19
- jazn-data.xml file, 8-3, 8-4, 8-12
- JAZNUserManager class, 8-4
- defined, 1-10
- drivers specified, 1-11
- retrieving connection, 4-8
- JDBC-OCI driver, 1-11
- JDK, 1-1
- Jikes, B-10
- JMS, 1-15, B-4
- defined, 1-13
- defined, 1-12
- lookup, 7-7
- lookup of data source, 4-8
- joinCluster, A-9
- JSP pages
- caching tags, 1-6
- code to call a JavaBean, 6-8
- code to use a tag library, 6-11
- definition, 1-5
- deployment, 2-20
- interact with EJBs, 6-2
- overview, 6-2
- overview of Oracle value-added features, 6-15
- placing tag library files into OC4J directory structure, 6-12
- running in OC4J, 6-6
- simple example code, 6-2
- steps in using a tag library, 6-11
- JSP technology
- overview, 6-2
- JTA, 1-12, 1-13
- JVM, 1-1, A-6
- LDAP, 8-4
- LDAP-based provider type, 8-4
- leaveCluster, A-9
- Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, see LDAP
- listApplications, A-11
- listClusters, A-8
- listComponents, A-7
- listComponentTypes, A-8
- listInstances, A-7, A-8
- logdir, A-4
- manifest file, 2-17, 2-21
- creation, 2-18
- MDB, 1-8
- Message-Driven Bean, see MDB
- mod_oc4j module, 2-5, 8-13
- mod_ossl, 8-4
- mod_osso, 8-4
- narrowing, 7-7
- OC4J
- application example, 2-14
- clustering role, 9-19
- debugging, 9-41
- installation requirements, 2-6
- restarting, 2-11
- setup, 2-2
- startup, 2-11
- stopping, 2-11
- testing, 2-12
- OC4J options, 2-29
- Oc4jMount directive, 3-29
- OCI driver, 1-11
- ODBC, 1-10
- clustering role, 9-16
- Open Database Connectivity, see ODBC
- role in clustering, 9-15
- Oracle HTTP Server
- clustering role, 9-16
- front-end listener, 2-2
- Oracle HTTP Server (OHS), 3-29
- Oracle Internet Directory, 8-2, 8-3, 8-4
- Oracle JDBC-OCI driver, 1-11
- Oracle Net Services protocol, 1-11
- Oracle Process Management Notification, see OPMN
- Oracle Thin JDBC driver, 1-11
- oraclehome, A-4
- orion-application-client.xml file
- example, B-20
- Out of Memory error, 2-29
- Pet Store
- example, 2-17
- pooling
- support, 1-11
- PortableRemoteObject
- narrow method, 7-7
- query string, 5-6
- RAR, 3-31
- redeployApplication, A-10
- remote interface
- business methods, 7-7
- creating, 7-3, 7-5
- example, 7-5
- RemoteException, 7-4, 7-5
- remove method, 7-7
- removeCluster, A-8
- removeComponent, A-8
- requirements
- software, 2-6
- resetFileTransaction, A-11
- Resource Adapter Achieve, see RAR
- restart, A-7
- restart OC4J, 2-11
- restoreInstance, A-11
- resyncInstance, A-7, A-9
- RMI, B-4
- roles, 8-2
- run-as identity, 8-4
- saveInstance, A-11
- Secure Sockets Layer, see SSL
- security
- defined, 1-13, 8-1
- mapping logical roles, 8-19
- server.xml file, 2-22, 7-13
- example, B-19
- servlets
- definition, 1-3
- deployment, 2-20
- engine support, 1-4
- failover, 1-5
- session bean
- home interface, 7-5
- SessionBean interface
- EJB, 7-4
- setParent method, 8-23
- shutdown, A-7
- Single Sign-on, see SSO
- SSL, 1-14
- SSO, 8-4
- starting
- dcmctl, A-6
- startup OC4J, 2-11
- stop, A-6
- stop OC4J, 2-11
- stopping
- dcmctl, A-6
- tag libraries
- JSP code to use, 6-11
- placing support files in OC4J directory structure, 6-12
- steps to use in a JSP page, 6-11
- Thin JDBC driver, 1-11
- timeout, A-4
- Tomcat, 1-4
- undateConfig, A-8
- undeployApplication, A-11
- undeployment, 2-29
- updateConfig, A-9
- user manager
- definition, 8-2
- user repository, 8-17
- definition, 8-2
- jazn-data.xml, 8-3, 8-4, 8-12, 8-19
- Oracle Internet Directory, 8-3, 8-4
- principals.xml, 8-3, 8-5, 8-13, 8-19, 8-23
- UserManager interface, 8-21
- validateEarFile, A-11
- verbose, A-5
- definition, 1-4
- Web
- application deployment, 2-20
- mount points, 3-29
- Web Application Archive, see WAR
- Web context
- customization, 3-29
- web.xml file, 2-18
- example, B-16
- whichCluster, A-9
- whichInstance, A-7
- Windows Explorer, 2-19
- XML-based provider type, 8-4
- XMLUserManager class, 8-23