- access log, 5-2
- administration functions, 2-2
- ajp13 protocol, 6-15
- AL16UTF-16 character set, 6-30
- Alias, 8-3
- alias, 6-45
- anonymous FTP, 6-3
- Apache JServ public license, B-4
- Apache software license, B-2
- application-specific error page, 8-2
- authentication, 6-2
- MD5, 6-3, 6-4
- authentication mode, 6-39
- Berkeley DB, 6-3
- BindAddress, 4-2
- BLOB data type, 6-45
- cache
- disk cache and OraDAV, 7-17
- mod_expires and, 6-5
- OC4J connection, 6-19
- PL/SQL statements, 6-53, 6-54
- settings for mod_plsql, 6-58
- Web Cache and OraDAV, 7-18
- cache.conf, 6-58
- CGI applications, 6-5
- CGI environment variables, 6-48
- CGI scripts, 6-2, 6-4, 6-5
- character set versions, 8-3
- clickstream log, 6-63
- client certificates, A-19
- collector agent, 5-2
- configuration files, 2-2
- httpd.conf, 2-2
- magnus.conf, A-9
- obj.conf, A-9
- osso.conf, A-11
- configuring
- server logs, 5-1
- CONNECT, 6-61
- connection persistence, 4-4
- connection pool reuse, 6-42
- content negotiation, 6-15
- context root, 6-17
- cookie, 6-40
- CoreDumpDirectory, 2-6
- cryptography, 6-28
- defined, 6-35
- Login Server, 6-57
- Portal, 6-56
- Portal 3.0.x, 6-57
- WebDB, 6-58
- DAD Parameters
- PlslDatabaseUserName, 6-36
- PlsqlAfterProcedure, 6-52
- PlsqlAlwaysDescribeProcedure, 6-55
- PlsqlAuthenticationMode, 6-39
- PlsqlBeforeProcedure, 6-52
- PlsqlBindBucketLengths, 6-53
- PlsqlBindBucketWidths, 6-54
- PlsqlCGIEnvironmentList, 6-48
- PlsqlCompatibilityMode, 6-48
- PlsqlDatabaseConnectString, 6-38
- PlsqlDatabasePassword, 6-37
- PlsqlDefaultPage, 6-42
- PlsqlDocumentPath, 6-43
- PlsqlDocumentProcedure, 6-44
- PlsqlDocumentTablename, 6-43
- PlsqlErrorStyle, 6-50
- PlsqlExclusionList, 6-46
- PlsqlFetchBufferSize, 6-50
- PlsqlMaxRequestsPerSession, 6-42
- PlsqlNLSLanguage, 6-49
- PlsqlPathAlias, 6-45
- PlsqlPathAliasProcedure, 6-46
- PlsqlSessionCookieName, 6-40
- PlsqlSessionStateManagement, 6-40
- PlsqlTransferMode, 6-51
- PlsqlUploadAsLongRaw, 6-45
- dads.conf, 6-35
- database
- connection
- failure, 3-5
- remote, 6-38
- testing with mod_perl, 6-30
- troubleshooting, 6-38
- password, 6-37
- Database Access Descriptor, 6-35
- database user name, 6-36
- DAV lock database, 7-21
- DAVDepthInfinity parameter, 7-22
- DAVLockDB parameter, 7-21
- DAVMinTimeout parameter, 7-21
- DAVOraNLS parameter, 7-20, 7-22
- DAVOraWebCacheReadOnly parameter, 7-18, 7-23
- DBM, 6-3
- directives
- Alias, 8-3
- BindAddress, 4-2
- CoreDumpDirectory, 2-6
- DocumentRoot, 2-6
- ErrorLog, 2-6
- Group, 3-3
- KeepAlive, 4-4
- KeepAliveTimeOut, 4-4
- Listen, 4-3
- ListenBackLog, 4-3
- LockFile, 2-7
- LogFormat, 5-2
- MaxClients, 3-4
- MaxKeepAliveRequests, 4-5
- MaxRequestsPerChild, 3-4
- MaxSpareServers, 3-4
- MinSpareServers, 3-5
- PidFile, 2-7
- Port, 4-2
- ScoreBoardFile, 2-7
- SendBufferSize, 4-3
- ServerAdmin, 2-4
- ServerAlias, 2-5
- ServerName, 2-3
- Oracle9iAS Web Cache, 2-3
- ServerRoot, 2-7
- ServerSignature, 2-5
- ServerTokens, 2-5
- ServerType, 3-2
- StartServers, 3-3
- ThreadsPerChild, 3-4
- TimeOut, 4-4
- UseCanonicalName, 2-4
- User, 3-3
- directory indexes, 6-3
- disk cache
- using with OraDAV activity, 7-17
- .dll, 6-7
- DocumentRoot, 2-6
- environment variables, 6-62, 7-19
- NLS_LANG, 7-19
- passed to OC4J, 6-20
- error
- document not found, A-20
- file not found, A-22
- log, 5-3
- network, 3-5
- page, mod_plsql, 6-50
- parsing, A-21
- server, A-22
- ErrorDocument, 6-50
- ErrorLog, 2-6
- FastCGI developer's kit license, B-10
- file locations, 2-6
- file locations, specifying, 2-6
- file not found error, A-22
- file type, 6-14
- firewall, 6-15, 8-3
- frequently asked questions, 8-1
- FTP, 6-61
- globalization support
- OraDAV considerations, 7-19
- graceful, 1-7
- Group, 3-3
- hackers, 8-4
- handlers, 6-14
- High Availability Infrastructure, 1-2
- hostname, 6-2
- Expires header, 6-5
- header, A-5
- metafiles, 6-3
- proxy capability, 6-61
- requests, 6-7, 6-35
- response header, 6-6
- HTTP Server process model, 3-2
- httpd.conf, 2-2, 6-13, 6-16, 6-21, 6-24, 6-27
- IIS Proxy Adapter, A-10
- image map, 6-6
- images directory, A-20
- indexes, 6-3
- Internet Information Server, A-1
- IP address, 6-2
- JDBC connections, 3-5
- JServ log, 5-3
- JSP applications, configuring, 6-13
- Keep Alive, 4-4
- KeepAliveTimeOut, 4-4
- language, 8-3
- licenses
- third party, B-1
- Apache HTTP Server, B-2
- Apache JServ, B-3
- FastCGI, B-10
- mod_dav, B-9
- Perl, B-5
- Limit parameter, 7-23
- LimitExcept parameter, 7-24
- limiting
- connection number, 3-3
- process number, 3-3
- LimitXMLRequestBody parameter, 7-23
- Listen, 4-3
- ListenBackLog, 4-3
- listener addresses, 4-2
- listener ports, 4-2
- load balancing, 6-22
- lock database
- DAV, 7-21
- LockFile, 2-7
- log file locations, 5-2
- log files, 5-2
- log files, specifying, 5-3
- LogFormat, 5-2
- logging
- clickstream, 6-63
- documents, 6-14
- errors, 5-3
- server, 6-14
- SSL mode, 5-4
- user agents, 6-13
- Login Server DAD, 6-57
- LONGRAW data type, 6-45
- magnus.conf, A-9
- magnus.conf, parsing error and, A-21
- managing
- connection persistence, 4-4
- network connection, 4-1
- server network interaction, 4-3
- server processes, 3-1
- MaxClients, 1-7, 3-4
- MaxKeepAliveRequests, 4-5
- MaxRequestsPerChild, 3-4
- MaxSpareServers, 1-7, 3-4
- MIME type, 6-14
- MinSpareServers, 1-7, 3-5
- mod_dav, defined, 7-2
- mod_oc4j security considerations, 6-15
- mod_oradav, defined, 7-3
- mod_ossl, 6-15
- mod_osso, 6-15
- mod_osso, proxy plug-in and, A-11
- mod_plsql with WebDB 2.x instances, 6-61
- mod_rewrite, 5-3, 6-13
- module
- defined, 6-27
- deprecated, 1-4
- list, 1-3
- module mod_fastcgi license, B-11
- mount points, 6-15, 6-19
- multiviews, 8-3
- NCHAR datatypes, 6-30
- NLS_LANG, 7-19
- NLS_LANG environment variable
- OraDAV considerations, 7-19
- overriding in PL/SQL, 6-49
- obj.conf, A-9
- Oc4jEnvVar, 6-20
- Oc4jExtractSSL, 6-20
- Oc4jMount, 6-17
- Oc4jMountCopy, 6-19
- Oc4jWorkerCacheSize, 6-19
- ORA_NCHAR, 6-31
- ORA_NCHAR character set, 6-31
- ORAAllowIndexDetails parameter, 7-8
- ORACacheDirectory parameter, 7-9, 7-10
- ORACachePrunePercent parameter, 7-10
- ORACacheTotalSize parameter, 7-11
- Oracle Enterprise Manager Console, 1-5, 6-37
- Oracle Single Sign-On (OSSO), A-11
- oracle_proxy.dll, A-3
-, A-3
- Oracle9iAS Clicksteam Intelligence, 5-2
- Oracle9iAS Portal, 6-35
- Oracle9iAS Proxy Plug-in, A-1
- Oracle9iAS Web Cache, 5-2, 8-3
- ORAConnect parameter, 7-12
- OraDAV
- architecture, 7-4
- bypassing Web Cache, 7-18
- configuration parameters, 7-6
- description, 7-3
- globalization support considerations, 7-19
- usage model, 7-5
- users, 7-5
- using Web Cache for browsing, 7-18
- WebDAV security considerations, 7-15
- ORAGetSource parameter, 7-12
- ORALockExpirationPad parameter, 7-13
- ORAPackageName parameter, 7-13
- ORAPassword parameter, 7-13
- ORAService parameter, 7-14
- ORAUser parameter, 7-14
- osso.conf, A-11
- OWA Web ToolKit, 6-35
- password, database, 6-37
- path alias, 6-45
- performance, OC4J instances and, 6-19
- Perl
- interpreter, 6-29
- script, 6-30
- Perl Artistic License, B-6
- Perl Kit Readme, B-5
- persistent connections, mod_oc4j, 6-19
- PID file, 5-3
- PidFile, 2-7
- PL/SQL applications, 6-35
- PlsqlAfterProcedure, 6-52
- PlsqlAlwaysDescribeProcedure, 6-55
- PlsqlAuthenticationMode, 6-39
- PlsqlBeforeProcedure, 6-52
- PlsqlBindBucketLengths, 6-53
- PlsqlBindBucketWidths, 6-54
- PlsqlCGIEnvrionmentList, 6-48
- PlsqlCompatibilityMode, 6-48
- plsql.conf configuration file, 6-33
- PlsqlDatabaseConnectString, 6-38
- PlsqlDatabasePassword, 6-37
- PlsqlDatabaseUserName, 6-36
- PlsqlDefaultPage, 6-42
- PlsqlDocumentPath, 6-43
- PlsqlDocumentProcedure, 6-44
- PlsqlDocumentTablename, 6-43
- PlsqlErrorStyle, 6-50
- PlsqlExclusionList, 6-46
- PlsqlFetchBufferSize, 6-50
- PlsqlIdleSessionCleanupInterval, 6-55
- PlsqlMaxRequestsPerSession, 6-42
- PlsqlNLSLanguage, 6-49
- PlsqlPathAlias, 6-45
- PlsqlPathAliasProcedure, 6-46
- PlsqlSessionCookieName, 6-40
- PlsqlSessionStateManagement, 6-40
- PlsqlTransferMode, 6-51
- PlsqlUploadAsLongRaw, 6-45
- Port, 4-2
- Portal 3.0.x DAD, 6-57
- Portal DAD, 6-56
- privileges
- listener and proxy plug-in directory, A-3
- ORAUser, 7-14
- process connections, 3-3
- process information, 3-5
- process management, 6-22
- process numbers, 3-3
- proctect Web site, 8-4
- PROPFIND method
- security considerations, 7-25
- proxy
- behavior, A-7
- configuration file parameters, A-4
- reverse HTTP, A-2
- Single Sign-On, A-11
- redirect
- proxied requests, A-8
- trailing slash, 6-4
- request
- characteristics, 6-62
- forwarding, A-2
- identifying, 6-62
- map to directory, 6-63
- mod_plsql, 6-40
- routing, 6-17
- restartproc, opmnctl, 1-7
- rewrite log, 5-3
- ScoreBoardFile, 2-7
- script log, 5-4
- security
- PROPFIND method, 7-25
- WebDAV, 7-15
- SendBufferSize, 4-3
- server activity, 6-62
- server configuration, 6-7
- server error, A-22
- server functions, 2-2
- server logs, 5-1
- server performance, 6-62
- server processes, 3-1
- ServerAdmin, 2-4
- ServerAlias, 2-5
- ServerName, 2-3
- ServerRoot, 2-7
- ServerSignature, 2-5
- ServerTokens, 2-5
- ServerType, 3-2
- servlet requests, proxy plug-in and, A-8
- session state, 6-40
- signal
- types, 1-6
- Single Sign-On, 6-28, 6-35
- proxy plug-in, A-3
- specifying
- listener addresses, 4-2
- listener ports, 4-2
- log file locations, 5-2
- log files, 5-2
- access log, 5-2
- JServ log, 5-3
- PID file, 5-3
- rewrite log, 5-3
- script log, 5-4
- SSL, 5-4
- transfer log, 5-4
- SSI (Server Side Include)
- mod_env and, 6-5
- mod_include and, 6-6
- certificate, A-19
- environment variables, 6-20
- log, 5-4
- proxy plug-in and, A-19
- startproc, opmnctl, 1-6
- StartServers, 3-3
- stopproc, opmnctl, 1-6
- stored procedures, 6-32
- strong cryptography, 6-28
- symlinks, avoiding use, 6-27, 7-19
- TERM, 1-6
- testing
- local database connection, 6-30
- third party
- HTTP listener, A-1
- licenses, B-1
- ThreadsPerChild, 3-4
- TimeOut, 4-4
- transfer log, 5-4
- Unicode, 6-30
- mapping, A-20
- servlet requests and, A-8
- misspelled, 6-62
- partial, A-22
- redirection, 6-2
- rewriting, 6-61
- space, A-20
- UseCanonicalName, 2-4
- User, 3-3
- user activity, tracking, 6-63
- user name, database, 6-36
- UTF8 character set, 6-30, 7-19
- virtual host, 6-63, 7-18, 8-2
- virtual path alias, 6-45
- Web Cache, 8-2
- bypassing for WebDAV activity, 7-18
- usage notes, A-19
- using for browsing activities, 7-18
- WebDAV, 7-2
- security considerations, 7-15
- WebDB
- DAD, 6-58
- using with mod_plsql, 6-61
- XML request body, 7-23