- addConversionValue() method, 7-4
- addDirectMapping() method, 7-2
- addField() method, B-2
- addFieldTransformation() method, 7-7
- addForeignKeyConstraint() method, B-2
- addIdentityField() method, B-2
- addPrimaryKeyField() method, B-2
, 8-1
method, 8-9
- addToAttributeOnlyConversionValue() method, 7-5
- aggregate collection mapping, 7-20
- aggregate object mapping, 7-12
- example, 7-11
- in Java, 7-11
- AggregateObjectMapping class, 7-11
- AllFieldsLockingPolicy, 1-58, 1-59
- application server, 2-5
- array mapping, 7-27
- array mappings
- about, 7-26
- implementing in Java, 7-27
- batch reading, 6-3
- batch writing, 1-17, 6-10
- beans
- enterprise Java beans, 3-1
- entity bean model, 3-9
- session beans, 3-2
- stateful beans, 3-3
- stateless, 3-3
- bi-directional relationship
- in one-to-one mappings, 7-13
- binding, 1-16
- binding and parameterized SQL
- binding string data, 1-16
- binding using parameters, 1-16
- binding using streams, 1-16
- explained, 1-16
- boolean logic in expressions, 1-29
- bridge
- JDBC-ODBC, 1-12
- other than Sun JDBC-ODBC, 1-13
- cache
- internal query object cache, 1-81
- isolation, 1-18
- using identity maps, 1-2
- cache identity map, 6-2
- caching
- three-tier, 2-6
- using the readObject ( ) method, 1-26
- cascading write queries
- compared to non-cascading, 1-82
- ChangedFieldsLockingPolicy, 1-58, 1-59
- class loader
- in Conversion Manager, 1-10
- resolving exceptions, 1-11
- classes
- AggregateObjectMapping, 7-11
- CursoredStream, 1-92
- described, 1-92
- optimizing, 1-94
- classes (cont.)
- DatabaseException, 1-24
- DatabaseLogin
- creating the sequence table, B-5
- described, 1-11
- DatabaseSession
- creating, 1-3
- creating tables on database, B-4
- described, 1-2
- logging SQL and messages, 1-5
- public methods, 1-8
- session query operations, 1-22
- DataModifyQuery
- described, 1-72
- DataReadQuery
- described, 1-72
- DeleteObjectQuery, 1-82
- described, 1-72
- DirectCollectionMapping, 7-16
- DirectReadQuery
- described, 1-72
- DirectToFieldMapping, 7-2
- Expression, 1-27
- ExpressionBuilder, 1-31
- InsertObjectQuery, 1-82, 1-83
- and Unit of Work, 1-50
- described, 1-72
- ManyToManyMapping, 7-24
- NestedTableMapping, 7-33
, 8-19
- ObjectTypeMapping, 7-4
- OneToManyMapping, 7-23
- OneToOneMapping, 7-13
- OptimisticLockException, 1-59
- PerformanceProfiler, B-16
- ReadAllQuery
- described, 1-72
- ReadObjectlQuery
- described, 1-72
- ReadObjectQuery, 1-75
- ReportQuery
- described, 1-72
- ScrollableCursor, 1-92
- SerializedObjectMapping, 7-6
- TableDefinition, B-2
- classes (cont.)
- TransformationMapping, 7-7
- TypeConversionMapping, 7-3
- UnitOfWork, 1-40
- using to modify databases, 1-23
- UpdateObjectQuery, 1-82
- described, 1-72
- example, 1-82
- ValueReadQuery
- described, 1-72
- VariableOneToOneMapping, 7-15
- WriteObjectQuery
- described, 1-72
- clearProfiler() method, B-16
- client sessions, 2-3, 2-5
- collection class, 1-76
- composite primary key, 7-14
- concurrency, 2-9
- connection policies, 2-12
- connection pooling
- described, 2-10
- ServerSession, 2-11
- container-managed persistent entity beans, 3-10
- Conversion Manager
- assigning a custom Conversion Manager to a session, 1-10
- assigning a custom Conversion Manager to all subsequent sessions, 1-10
- class loader, 1-10
- described, 1-9
- using, 1-9
- using custom types, 1-10
- copy policy
- implementing in Java, 8-9
- message optimization, 6-15
- TopLink support for, 2-2
- Toplink transport layer support, 2-17
- createObject() method, B-4
- cursored streams
- described, 1-92
- example, 1-93
- optimizing, 1-94
- ReadAllQuery methods, 1-76
- usage example, 2-19
- CursoredStream class, 1-92
- cursors, scrollable
- traversing, 1-95
- using, 1-95
- custom query objects
- creating, 1-84
- custom SQL, 1-24
- custom SQL queries
- in TopLink query framework, 1-24
- custom types
- assigning to a TopLink session, 1-10
- custom types, using with Conversion Manager, 1-10
- data optimization, 1-17
- database access
- non-relational, 2-3
- using stored procedures, B-10
- database and Java type conversion tables, B-5
- database exceptions, 1-24
- database login, 1-11
- example, 1-20
- database sessions, defined, 1-2
- database, logging out, 1-4
- DatabaseException class, 1-24
- DatabaseLogin class, using to store login information, 1-11
- DatabaseRow, 7-7
- DatabaseSession class
- creating tables on a database, B-4
- described, 1-2
- instantiating, 1-3
- logging SQL and messages, 1-5
- public methods, 1-8
- session queries, 1-22
- data-level query
- example, 1-37, 1-97
- DataModifyQuery, 1-72
- DataReadQuery, 1-72
- DataSources, using JDBC2.0, 1-19
- DB2 field types, B-5
- dBASE field types, B-6
- delete operation, 1-41
- DeleteObjectQuery
- defined, 1-72
- example, 1-82
- development tools
- profiler
- described, B-1
- using, B-15
- schema manager
- described, B-1
- using, B-2
- session console
- described, B-1
- using, B-11
- direct collection mapping, 7-17
- direct collection mappings
- example, 7-17
- in Java code, 7-16
- direct connect drivers, 1-19
- direct map mapping, 7-22
- DirectCollectionMapping class, 7-16
- DirectReadQuery, 1-72
- direct-to-field mappings, 7-3
- in Java code, 7-2
- DirectToFieldMapping class, 7-2
- Distributed Transaction Processing (DTP), 2-26
- does exist write object, 6-11
- drivers, direct connect, 1-19
- DTP see Distributed Transaction Processing, 2-26
- EJB Entity Beans, 2-3
- EJB see Enterprise Java Beans, 3-1
- EJB Session Beans, 2-2, 2-17
- enterprise applications, 2-1
- Enterprise Java Beans (EJB), 3-1
- enterprise Java beans, in TopLink for BEA WebLogic, 3-1
- entity bean model, 3-9
- entity beans
- container managed, 3-10
- features, 2-3
- event
- implementing in Java, 8-21
- event manager, 1-68
- events
- listeners, 8-22
- registering listeners, 8-22
- events, session, 1-68
- examples
- identity maps, 8-17
- multiple tables, 8-14
- optimistic locking, 1-60
- performance optimization, 6-6, 6-8
- read query, B-17
- report query, 1-89
- scrollable cursors, 1-95
- serialized object mapping, 7-6
- session broker, 2-21
- session event manager, 1-70
- SQL queries, 1-96
- stored procedure call, 1-98
- stored procedures, generating, B-11
- transformation mapping, 7-8
- type conversion mapping, 7-3
- unit of work, 1-45, 1-48, 1-54
- variable one-to-one mapping, 7-15, 7-16
- write, write all, 1-42
- exception handlers, 1-6
- exceptions
- database, 1-24
- Expression class, 1-27
- expression components, 1-28
- ExpressionBuilder, 1-31
- expressions
- parameterized, 1-33
- using Boolean logic, 1-29
- field locking policies, 1-57, 1-59, 8-16
- field types
- DB2, B-5
- dBASE, B-6
- Microsoft Access, B-8
- Oracle, B-6
- Sybase, B-7
- fields, adding to a table definition, B-3
- foreign keys, 1-34
- addForeignKeyConstraint(), B-2
- direct collection mappings, 7-17
- one-to-one mappings, 7-13
- framework, query, 1-22
- full identity map, 6-2
, 8-2
, 8-21
- HTML, 2-2
- identity maps, 1-2, 1-4, 1-77
- cache identity map, 6-2
- example, 1-77
- full identity map, 6-2
- implementing in Java, 8-17
- soft cache identity map, 6-2
- soft cache weak identity map, 6-2
- weak identity map, 6-2
- indirection, 2-18, 6-2
- implementing in Java, 8-18
- in transformation mapping, 7-8
- example, 7-8
- Java class requirements, 8-20
- one-to-many mappings, 7-13
- specifying for classes in Java, 8-20
- Informix
- using native sequencing, 1-15
- inheritance
- class extraction methods, 8-3
- creating hierarchy in Java, 8-2
- implementing in Java, 8-2
- leaf classes, 1-25
- querying on hierarchy, 1-25
- transformed to relational model, 6-18
method, 8-8
- in-memory query, 1-78
- insert operation, 1-40, 1-41
- InsertObjectQuery, 1-72
- instantiation policy
- implementing in Java, 8-15
- methods, 8-15
- overridinging in Java, 8-15
- integrity checker, 1-6
- interfaces
- implementing in Java, 8-8
- internal query object cache, 1-81
- isolation, cache, 1-18
- OTS see, 2-28
- Iterator interface, 1-94
- iterator interface, 1-92
- Java and database type conversion tables, B-5
- Java Messaging Service
- described, 2-58
- setting up in Java, 2-59
- setting up in session configuration file, 2-59
- Java optimization, 6-14
- Java streams, 1-92
- Java Transaction Service (JTS), 2-3, 2-25, 2-28
- example, 2-25
- JavaBeans, 3-1
- JConnect (Sybase), 1-18
- JDBC2.0 DataSources, 1-19
- JDBC-ODBC bridge, 1-12
- JMS, see Java Messaging Service
- joining, 6-3
- joins, outer, 1-37
- JPS, 2-2
- JTS (Java Transaction Service)
- TopLink feature support, 2-3
- TopLink integration, 2-25
- JTS implementation
- extending in Toplink, 2-34
- in BEA WebLogic, 2-34
- keys
- foreign, 7-13, B-2
- primary, B-2
- primary, composite, 7-14
- leaf classes, 1-25
- listeners, event, 8-22
- ListIterator interface, 1-92
- locking
- pessimistic, 1-64
- locking policies
- implementing in Java, 8-16
- logging into the database, 1-11
- logging out, 1-4
- login class
- creating for projects created in Mapping Workbench, 1-12
- creating for projects not created in Mapping Workbench, 1-11
- login parameters
- setting in code, 1-13
- manager, session events, 1-68
- manual transactions, 1-18
- many-to-many mapping, 7-25
- example, 7-25
- Java, 7-24
- ManyToManyMapping class, 7-24
- mapping
- attribute, 7-12
- direct-to-field, 7-3
- many-to-many, 7-25
- object type, 7-5
- relationship, 7-12
- serialized object, 7-6
- transformation, 7-8
- transformation, properties, 7-10
- type conversion, 7-3, 7-4
- Mapping Workbench
- multiple projects, 2-23
- sessions, registering, 1-3
- methods
- addDirectMapping(), 7-2
- addField(), B-2
- addForeignKeyConstraint(), B-2
- addIdentityField(), B-2
- addPrimaryKeyField(), B-2
, 8-9
- addToAttributeOnlyConversionValue(), 7-5
- clearProfiler(), B-16, B-17
- copy policy, 8-9
- createObject(), B-4
- instantiation, 8-15
- replaceObject(), B-4
- setDefaultAttributeValue(), 7-5
- setName(), B-2
- setProfiler(), B-16, B-17
- wrapper policy, 8-21
- Microsoft Access field types, B-8
- multiple tables
- implementing in Java, 8-9
- implementing in Java when primary keys are named differently, 8-10
- implementing in Java when primary keys match, 8-9
- implementing in Java when related by foreign key, 8-11
- implementing in Java, non-standard table relationships, 8-12
- multi-processing, 6-13
- native sequencing, 1-15
- Oracle, B-5
- SQL Server, B-3
- Sybase, B-3
- nested table mapping, 7-34
- nested table mappings
- about, 7-33
- Java, 7-33
- NestedTableMapping class, 7-33
- non-cascading write queries
- compared to cascading, 1-82
- creating using dontCascadeParts ( ) method, 1-82
- non-relational database access, 2-3
- non-standard table relationships
- implementing in Java, 8-12
- Normally, 8-3
- object array mapping, 7-29
- about, 7-28
- object array mappings
- implementing in Java, 7-28
- object identity, 1-2, 1-4
- object indirection, 6-2
- object model, 1-25, 1-27, 6-15
- object reading, partial, 6-3
- Object Transaction Service, 2-28
- Object Transaction Service (OTS), 2-28
- object type mapping, 7-5
- example, 7-5
- object, cache, 1-58, 1-81
- object-relational descriptors
- implementing in Java, 8-19
class, 8-19
- objects
- query, 1-71, 1-85
- ObjectTypeMapping class, 7-4
- one-to-many mapping, 7-24
- example, 7-23
- Java, 7-23
- OneToManyMapping class, 7-23
- one-to-one mapping, 7-14
- example, 7-13
- Java, 7-13
- variable class relationships, 7-16
- OneToOneMapping class, 7-13
- operators
- boolean logic, 1-29
- optimistic locking, 1-57
- database exception, 1-24
- field locking policy, 1-58
- version locking policy, 1-58
- OptimisticLockException class, 1-59
- optimization
- data, 1-17
- Java, 6-14
- performance, 6-1
- schema, 6-15
- Oracle
- field types, B-6
- remote session support for, 2-17
- using native sequencing, 1-15
- OrbixWeb, 2-17
- outer joins, 1-37
- parameter binding, 1-16
- parameterized expressions
- described, 1-33
- example, 1-34
- parameterized SQL
- described, 1-16
- enabling on queries, 1-75
- TopLink optimization features, 6-10
- partial object reading, 6-3
- Performace Profiler, B-15
- performance optimization
- described, 6-1
- examples, 6-3
- using Performance Profiler, B-15
- PerformanceProfiler class, B-16
- persistent entity beans, 3-10
- pessimistic locking
- described, 1-64
- example, 1-65
- pooling, connection, 2-10
- primary key
- addPrimaryKeyField(), B-2
- composite, 7-14
- implementing in Java, 8-1
- Profiler, 1-5
- profiler development tool, B-1, B-15
- proxy indirection
- implementing in Java, 8-19
- queries
- cascading, 1-82
- SQL, 1-96
- query
- in-memory, 1-78
- report, 6-3
- query by example, 1-85
- query framework, 1-22
- query keys
- implementing in Java, 8-17
- query methods, 1-25
- query objects
- creating, overview, 1-73
- DataModifyQuery
- described, 1-72
- DataReadQuery
- described, 1-72
- defined, 1-81
- DeleteObjectQuery
- described, 1-72
- DirectReadQuery
- described, 1-72
- examples, 1-73, 1-74
- in TopLink query framework, 1-23
- InsertObjectQuery
- described, 1-72
- ReadAllQuery
- described, 1-72
- ReadObjectQuery
- described, 1-72
- relationship to database, 1-4
- ReportQuery
- described, 1-72
- UpdateObjectQuery
- described, 1-72
- using, 1-71
- using in place of session methods, 1-82
- ValueReadQuery
- described, 1-72
- WriteObjectQuery
- described, 1-72
- query timeout example, 1-74
- query, report, 1-89
- read all operation, 1-26
- read operation, 1-26
- read query example, B-16, B-16, B-17
- ReadAllQuery, 1-72
- reading, batch, 6-3
- readObject()
- example, 1-27
- reference mapping, 7-32
- example, 7-32
- in Java, 7-32
- ReferenceMapping class, 7-31
- refresh operation, 1-27
- relational mappings
- about, 7-26
- relationship
- bi-directional, 7-13
- variable class, 7-16
- remote connection using RMI
- example, 2-19
- remote session, 2-13
- replaceObject() method, B-4
- report query
- use case, 6-3
- using, 1-89
- ReportQuery, 1-72
- message optimization, 6-15
- remote session support, 2-17
- TopLink features, 2-2
- samples. see examples
- schema creation, 2-5
- schema manager, B-5
- schema manager development tool, B-1
- schema, optimization, 6-15
- scrollable cursors
- and cursored streams, 1-92
- traversing, 1-95
- using, 1-95
- using for ReadAllQuery, 1-76
- ScrollableCursor class, 1-92
- SDK for non-relational database access, 2-3
- SelectedFieldsLockingPolicy, 1-58, 1-59
- sequence numbers
- implementing in Java, 8-14
- preallocation, 6-12
- specifying, 1-14
- SQL Server, B-3
- Sybase, B-3
- write optimization features, 6-10
- sequence table, 1-15
- serialized object mappings, 7-6
- example, 7-6
- Java, 7-6
- SerializedObjectMapping class, 7-6
- server layer, 2-17
- server sessions
- described, 2-3
- overview of use, 2-6
- ServerSession connection options, 2-11
- servlets, 2-2
- Session, 7-7
- session bean model, 3-2
- session beans
- model, 3-2
- remote session support for, 2-17
- TopLink EJB features, 2-2
- session broker, 2-20
- session console development tool, B-1, B-11
- session event manager, 1-68
- session queries, 1-22
- in TopLink query framework, 1-22
- session, remote, 2-13
- SessionManager
- retrieving a session, 3-6
- session location, 3-6
- sessions, database, 1-1, 1-2
- sessions, logging out, 1-4
- setAttributeClassification(), 7-3
- setAttributeName(), 7-3, 7-4, 7-6, 7-7
- setAttributeTransformation(), 7-7
- setDefaultAttributeValue(), 7-5
- setFieldClassification(), 7-3
- setFieldName(), 7-2, 7-3, 7-4, 7-6
- setGetMethodName(), 7-2, 7-3, 7-4, 7-6, 7-7
- setName() method, B-2
, 8-1
- setProfiler() method, B-16, B-17
, 8-14
- setSetMethodName(), 7-2, 7-3, 7-4, 7-6, 7-7
, 8-21
- soft cache weak identity map, 6-2
- SQL, 1-14, 1-27
- binding and parameterizing, 1-16
- custom, 1-24
- parameterized, 6-10
- queries, 1-96
- SQL queries
- in TopLink query framework, 1-24
- SQL Server
- native sequencing, 1-15
- SQL, parameterized, 1-75
- stateful and stateless beans compared, 3-3
- stateful beans, 3-3
- stateful three-tier model, 2-5
- stateless and stateful beans compared, 3-3
- stateless beans, 3-3
- stateless three-tier model, 2-5
- stored procedures, 1-97
- stored procedures, generating, B-10
- streams, cursored, 1-94, 2-19
- streams, Java, 1-92
- structure mapping, 7-31
- structure mappings
- Java, 7-30
class, 7-29
- Swing, B-12
- Sybase
- field types, B-7
- JConnect2.x, 1-18
- using native sequencing, 1-15
- table definition, adding fields, B-3
- TableDefinition
- creating for the EMPLOYEE table, B-4
- TableDefinition class, B-2
- TableDefinition, creating, B-4
- tables
- creator/qualifier, 1-14
- The Open Group, 2-26
- three box model, 2-26
- three-tier applications, 2-1
- migrating to scalable architecture, 1-2
- TimestampLockingPolicy, 1-58
- transactions, 1-42, 2-5
- transactions, manual, 1-18
- transformation mappings
- example, 7-8
- indirection, 7-8
- properties, 7-10
- TransformationMapping class, 7-7
- transport layer, 2-16
- troubleshooting, unit of work, 1-54
- two-phase commit with presumed rollback, 2-27
- two-phase/two-stage commits, 2-21
- type conversion mappings, 7-4
- example, 7-3
- TypeConversionMapping class, 7-3
- unit of work, 1-3, 1-42, 1-44, 1-46, 1-47, 1-48, 1-49, 1-50, 1-51, 2-5, 6-2, 6-10
- troubleshooting, 1-54
- validation, 1-53
- unit of work, remote sessions, 2-19
- unit of work, three-tier, 2-8
- UnitOfWork class, 1-23, 1-40
- update operation, 1-40, 1-41
- UpdateObjectQuery, 1-72
- useAllFieldsLocking, 1-59
, 8-16
- useChangedFieldsLocking, 1-59
, 8-16
, 8-9
, 8-9
, 8-9
, 8-15
, 8-15
, 8-15
, 8-19
- useSelectedFieldsLocking, 1-59
, 8-16
- useTimestampLocking, 1-59
, 8-16
- useVersionLocking, 1-59
, 8-16
- validation, 1-53
- ValueReadQuery, 1-72
- variable class relationships, 7-16
- variable one-to-one mapping, 7-16
- VariableOneToOneMapping class, 7-15
- version fields, 1-57, 1-58
- version locking policies, 1-57, 1-58, 1-59, 8-16
- VersionLockingPolicy, 1-58
- VisiBroker, 2-17
- weak identity map, 6-2
- weak identity map, soft cache, 6-2
- WebLogic, 2-17, 2-31, 2-34, 3-1
- wrapper policy
- implementing in Java, 8-21
- setting in Java, 8-21
- write all operation, 1-41
- write query objects, 1-82
- WriteObjectQuery, 1-72
- writing, batch, 1-17, 6-10
- X/Open (The Open Group), 2-26