Oracle Workflow Guide Release 2.6.2 Part Number A95265-02 |
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To Copy a Process Diagram to the Clipboard
2. Choose Copy Design from the Edit menu or from the right mouse button menu.
This copies the process to the clipboard in the form of a metafile and a bitmap diagram.
3. To paste the metafile-version or bitmap-version of the process diagram into another application window, you should consult the other application's documentation on how to paste metafiles or bitmaps.
To edit a bitmap image, you must paste the image into an application that can edit bitmaps.
See Also
To Add Nodes to a Workflow Process
To Define Nodes
To Define Event Details for an Event Node
To Define Activity Attribute Values
To Create and Edit a Transition
To Display a Process Overview
To Print a Process
To Validate a Process Definition

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