- activity
- populating a business process with, 7-10
- adapter.ini file
- configuring for D3L, B-22
- setting the ota.d3ls parameter, B-6, B-22, B-45
- setting the ota.type parameter, B-22, B-45
- specifying the default message endpoint, B-18
- adapters, 1-3
- agents, bridges, 8-7
- common features, 9-4
- D3L responsibilities, B-2
- features, 9-5
- integration, 1-12
- sdk, 1-4
- agents, 8-7
- use with D3L, B-14
- application data types, 3-2
- importing a D3L file, B-23
- application view, 3-2
- applications, 2-3
- application view, 3-2
- creating, 3-2
- overview, 3-2
- attributes
- adding to common data types, 3-5
- deleting and clearing from common data types, 3-8
- importing for common data types, 3-6
- modifying mappings, 6-11
- removing mappings, 6-11
- bridges, 8-7
- use with D3L, B-14
- browsers.init file
- configuring for D3L, B-20
- business objects, 2-3
- creating, 3-3
- defining in a D3L file, B-10
- overview, 3-3
- business process, 7-8
- creating, 7-10
- populating with activities, 7-10
- common data types
- adding attributes, 3-5
- creating, 3-3
- deleting and clearing attributes, 3-8
- importing a D3L file, B-23
- importing attributes, 3-6
- common view, 2-3
- defining, 3-3
- overview, 3-3
- components, 1-3
- adapters, 1-3
- management infrastructure, 1-4
- oracle workflow, 1-5
- oracle9ias interconnect hub, 1-3
- repository, 8-9
- sdk, 1-4
- console monitors, 9-2
- content-based routing, 2-6
- working with, 6-2
- context menu, 2-13
- cross reference tables, 2-6
- adding applications, 6-7
- populating, 6-8
- removing applications, 6-7
- working with, 6-7
- custom transformations
- adding, 6-11
- deleting, 6-12
- D3L. See Data Definition Description Language (D3L)
- Data Definition Description Language (D3L)
- common view, B-26
- common view to native format message outgoing messages translations, B-18
- configuration
- configuring a native format message with a D3L file, B-5, B-22
- configuring the browsers.init file with iStudio, B-20
- configuring with Oracle9iAS InterConnect Technology Adapters, B-22
- creating a D3L file describing native format messages, B-21
- creating a native format message, B-21
- defining metadata properties with each event, B-24
- importing a D3L file in iStudio, B-23
- D3L DTD, B-58
- D3L file examples, B-5, B-9, B-21, B-29, B-52, B-54, B-56
- defining business objects, B-10
- defining events, B-10
- definition, B-2
- file structure example, B-9
- installing, B-20
- iStudio values in the D3L file, B-10
- magic value message header attributes, B-7, B-16
- message header attributes, B-6
- name/value pair message header attributes, B-6, B-15, B-22
- native format message examples, B-4, B-21, B-28, B-54, B-56
- native format message to common view incoming message translations, B-15
- runtime initialization, B-14
- setting the ota.d3ls parameter in the adapter.ini file, B-6
- supported data types, B-11
- unsuitable D3L formats, B-3
- use case, B-26
- configuring the aqapp_pub and fileapp_sub applications in iStudio, B-30
- creating a business object Employee, B-31
- creating a D3L file for the FTP adapter, B-28
- creating a DTD file for the Advanced Queuing Adapter, B-27
- creating a new workspace and new project, B-31
- creating the aqapp_pub application, B-33
- creating the fileapp_sub application, B-39
- creating the newEmployee Event, B-32
- defining the application queue for the aqapp_pub application, B-38
- defining the application view, B-35, B-40
- defining the application view to common view mapping, B-36, B-41
- enabling the aqapp_pub application to publish the newEmployee event, B-34
- installing the Advanced Queuing and FTP adapters, B-42
- making the fileapp_sub application subscribe to the newEmployee event, B-40
- overview of aqapp_pub and fileapp_sub applications, B-26
- running the use case, B-46
- selecting the event to publish, B-34
- selecting the event to which to subscribe, B-40
- using other adapters, B-50
- using XML mode, B-50
- when to use, B-3
- XML mode, B-2
- data types
- supported by D3L, B-11
- deploy navigation tree, 2-12
- deployment
- to oracle workflow, 7-12
- design navigation tree, 2-12
- design time, 1-7
- design time tools, 7-4
- detail view, 2-13
- development kit, 1-3
- domain value mapping tables
- deleting, 6-10
- domain value mappings, 2-7
- adding applications to, 6-9
- creating, 6-9
- deleting, 6-10
- modifying data in, 6-10
- removing, 6-9
- working with, 6-9
- edit menu, 2-10
- enabling infrastructure, 6-2
- content-based routing, 6-2
- cross reference tables, 6-7
- domain value mappings, 6-9
- error management
- resubmission, 8-4
- tracing, 8-4
- tracking, 8-4
- event maps, 4-2
- event menu, 2-10
- events, 2-3
- creating, 4-3
- defining in a D3L file, B-10
- importing a D3L file, B-23
- overview, 4-2
- publishing, 4-4, 4-5
- subscribing, 4-12
- features
- adapter, 9-5
- error management, 8-4
- integration lifecycle management, 1-11
- integration logic, platform functionality, 1-8
- integration methodology, 1-9
- message delivery, 8-3
- message retention, 8-3
- messaging paradigms, 8-2
- repository, 9-5
- routing support, 8-3
- scalability and load balancing, 8-4
- standard messaging, 1-5
- help menu, 2-10
- hub and spoke
- how it works, 1-9
- infrastructure
- enabling, 6-2
- installation
- oracle workflow components, 7-7
- integration
- create a cross reference table, A-14
- create a project, A-8
- create an oracle workflow process bundle, A-30
- create applications, A-13
- create business object events, A-10
- create common view business object, A-9
- create content based routing, A-28
- create publish events, A-15
- creating objects in oracle workflow for modeling, A-35
- deploy the process bundle to oracle workflow, A-33
- deployment, A-43
- dtd code, A-11
- exporting and installing code, A-44
- implementing the scenario, A-6
- legacy system, A-2
- legacy system database trigger, A-6
- modeling business logic in oracle workflow, A-39
- modeling the integration, A-4
- new centralized system, A-2
- overview, A-2
- pushing metadata, A-44
- setting queues, A-43
- subscribing to events, A-19
- the integration scenario, A-3
- using adapters, 1-12
- using istudio for modeling, A-5
- integration architecture, 8-2
- integration logic, 1-8
- integration methodology, 1-9
- integration process
- design time, 1-7
- overview, 1-7
- runtime, 1-7
- istudio, 1-3
- activities, 7-8
- adding applications to cross reference tables, 6-7
- adding applications to domain value mappings, 6-9
- adding custom transformations, 6-11
- adding mapping variables, 6-12
- application data types, 3-2
- applications, 2-3
- common views and business objects, 2-3
- concepts, 2-2
- content-based routing, 2-6, 6-2
- context menu, 2-13
- creating a business object, 3-3
- creating a business process, 7-10
- creating a new project, 2-15
- creating a new workspace, 2-13
- creating a procedure, 5-3
- creating a process bundle, 7-10
- creating an application, 3-2
- creating an event, 4-3
- creating common data types, 3-3
- creating domain value mappings table, 6-9
- cross reference tables, 2-6, 6-7
- deleting custom transformations, 6-12
- deleting domain value mapping tables, 6-10
- deleting domain value mappings, 6-10
- deleting mapping variables, 6-13
- deploy navigation tree, 2-12
- design navigation tree, 2-12
- detail view, 2-13
- domain value mapping, 2-7
- domain value mappings, 6-9
- event maps, 4-2
- events, 2-3, 4-2
- exporting stored procedures, 5-18
- implementing a procedure, 5-12
- invoking a procedure, 5-5
- invoking and implementing a procedure, 5-4
- launching oracle workflow builder, 7-16
- launching oracle workflow tools, 7-15
- launching the oracle workflow home page, 7-15
- mapping, transformations, 2-4
- menu bar, 2-9
- metadata versioning, 2-5
- modifying attribute mappings, 6-11
- modifying data in domain value mappings, 6-10
- opening a project, 2-16
- opening a workspace, 2-14
- overview, 2-2
- parts of the window, 2-8
- populating cross reference tables, 6-8
- procedures, 2-4, 5-2
- projects, 2-14
- publishing an event, 4-4, 4-5
- removing applications from cross reference tables, 6-7
- removing applications from domain value mappings, 6-9
- removing attribute mappings, 6-11
- routing, message capability matrix, 2-7
- sdk, 1-4
- starting, 2-7
- subscribing to an event, 4-12
- toolbar, 2-11
- tracking fields, 2-6
- workspaces, 2-13
- mapping, 2-4
- mapping and transformations, 2-4
- mapping variables
- adding, 6-12
- deleting, 6-13
- menu bar, 2-9
- edit menu, 2-10
- event menu, 2-10
- file menu, 2-9
- help menu, 2-10
- procedure menu, 2-10
- message capability matrix, 2-7
- messaging
- standard, 1-5
- supported paradigms, 1-6
- metadata
- defining for D3L, B-24
- metadata versioning, 2-5
- native format message
- examples, B-4, B-21, B-28, B-54, B-56
- oracle enterprise manager
- starting, 9-2
- Oracle Technology Adapters. See adapters
- oracle workflow, 1-5, 7-2
- apply business logic, 7-7
- composite services, 7-3
- deploy business process for runtime, 7-7
- deployment, 7-12
- design business process, 7-7, 7-8
- design time tools, 7-4
- error management, 7-2
- installing components, 7-7
- integration with oracle applications interconnect, 7-4
- launching oracle workflow builder, 7-16
- launching the home page, 7-15
- launching tools, 7-15
- message junctions, 7-3
- modify existing processes, 7-17
- overview, 7-2
- runtime, 7-6
- solves business problems, 7-2
- stateful routing, 7-3
- oracle9ias interconnect
- components, 1-3
- management infrastructure, 1-4
- overview, 1-2
- sdk, 1-4
- using oracle workflow, 7-7
- oracle9ias interconnect components
- development kit, 1-3
- oracle9ias interconnect hub, 1-3
- ota.d3ls parameter
- setting in the adapter.ini file, B-6, B-22, B-45
- ota.type parameter
- setting in the adapter.ini file, B-2, B-22, B-45
- platform functionality, 1-8
- procedure menu, 2-10
- procedures, 2-4
- creating, 5-3
- exporting stored procedures, 5-18
- implementing, 5-12
- importing a D3L file, B-23
- invoking, 5-5
- invoking and implementing, 5-4
- using, 5-2
- process bundle, 7-8
- creating, 7-10
- projects
- creating, 2-15
- opening, 2-16
- using, 2-14
- repository
- common features, 9-4
- features, 9-5
- routing, 2-7
- routing support
- content-based routing, 8-3
- runtime, 1-7, 7-6
- components, 8-6
- features, 8-2
- management features, 9-4
- runtime components
- adapters, 8-6
- advanced queues, 8-9
- workflow, 8-10
- runtime management, 9-2
- standard messaging, 1-5
- stored procedures, 5-18
- toolbar, 2-11
- tracking fields, 2-6
- transformations, 2-4
- char replace, C-7
- concat fields, C-2
- conditional copy, C-4
- copy fields, C-2
- copy object, C-2
- delete xref, C-9
- expand fields, C-2
- false conditional concat, C-5
- false conditional copy, C-5
- false conditional to number, C-6
- increment, C-10
- l trim, C-7
- lookup dvm, C-9
- lookup xref, C-9
- lpad, C-8
- r trim, C-8
- rpad, C-8
- set constant, C-3
- string replace, C-7
- to number, C-6
- true conditional concat, C-4
- true conditional copy, C-4
- true conditional lookup dvm, C-3
- true conditional lookup xref, C-3
- true conditional to number, C-5
- truncate, C-10
- x substring, C-6
- workspaces
- creating, 2-13
- opening, 2-14
- using, 2-13