This figure shows native format message payload data and D3L file syntax.

At the top of the illustration is the native format message. The native format message takes the following format:

message ::= <action> <model> <price>

Below this is the native format message payload data, which takes the following format:

"*UPDATE_PRICE* 2468 |199.99|"

Three arrows are used to show the relationship between the native format message and the native format message payload data:

Below this is D3L file price.xml syntax:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII"?>

<!DOCTYPE message SYSTEM "d3l.dtd">

<message name="changePrice" object="Product" type="priceCommand">

<struct id="priceCommand">

<field name="action"><limstring delimiter="*"/> </field>

<field name="model"><limstring delimiter=" "/> </field>

<field name="price"><limstring delimiter="|"/> </field>


Three arrows are used to show the relationship between the native format message payload data and the D3L file price.xml syntax: