- . (period) symbol
- regular expression, 7-4, 8-13, 8-25
- " (double quotes) symbol
- regular expression, 8-16, 8-25
- $ (dollar sign) symbol
- embedded URL parameter, 2-12
- regular expression, 7-4, 8-13, 8-25
- & (ampersand) symbol
- embedded URL parameter, 2-12
- regular expression, 8-16, 8-25
- * (asterisk) symbol
- regular expression, 7-4, 8-13, 8-25
- ; (semi-colon) symbol
- embedded URL parameter, 2-12
- < (less than sign) symbol
- regular expression, 8-16, 8-25
- <!--esi---> tag, Edge Side Includes (ESI), D-30
- > (greater than sign) symbol
- regular expression, 8-16, 8-25
- ? (question mark) symbol
- embedded URL parameter, 2-12
- regular expression, 7-4, 8-13, 8-25
- [ ] (brackets) symbol
- regular expression, 8-13, 8-25
- \ (backslash) symbol
- regular expression, 7-4, 8-13, 8-25
- ^ (caret) symbol
- regular expression, 7-4, 8-13, 8-25
- { } (braces) symbol
- regular expression, 8-13, 8-25
- ' (single quotes) symbol
- regular expression, 8-16
- 1024 port, 5-9, 10-5
- 4000 port, 6-9, B-1
- 4001 port, 6-9, B-1
- 4002 port, 6-9, B-1
- 4443 port, 6-6, B-1
- 4444 port, 6-23
- 7001 port, F-3
- 7777 port, 6-6, B-1
- 7778 port, 6-23
- 80 port, F-3
- Accept request-header field, 2-15, 8-55
- Accept-Charset request-header field, 2-15
- Accept-Encoding request-header field, 2-15
- Accept-Language request-header field, 2-16
- access logs
- CLF fields, 8-55
- configuring settings for, 8-59
- described, 8-53
- disabling, 8-60
- examples, 8-56 to 8-58
- format, 8-53
- user-specified fields, 8-53
- access_log file, B-3
- access_logyyyymmdd, 8-59
- ACTION element in invalidation DTD, C-6
- ACTION element in invalidation message, 8-15
- ACTIVE _SESSIONS group name in statistics DTD, C-26
- Active Server Pages (ASP), 1-8, 2-11
- admin server process
- described, 5-9, 8-2
- restriction, 10-5
- administrator user
- default password, B-1
- setting the password, 6-3
- troubleshooting password changes, 10-17
- ADVANCEDSELECTOR element in invalidation DTD, C-5
- ADVANCEDSELECTOR element in invalidation message, 8-13
- ADVANCEDSELECTOR element in invalidation preview DTD, C-9
- ADVANCEDSELECTOR element in invalidation preview response DTD, C-10
- ADVANCEDSELECTOR element in invalidation response DTD, C-8
- apology pages
- configuring, 6-30
- configuring for ESI include errors, D-12
- default
- busy_error.html, 6-30
- network_error.html, 6-30
- APP_SRVR_REQUEST_BACKLOG group name in statistics DTD, C-18
- APP_SRVR_STATS group name in statistics DTD, C-25
- application Web servers
- capacity, 6-23
- configuring, 6-23
- failover, 1-23, 1-27
- connection request threshold, 6-24
- polling failed server, 6-25
- load, 2-6
- load balancing
- configuration, 6-43
- described, 1-21
- performance monitoring, 9-8
- session binding
- configuring, 6-44
- described, 1-25
- third-party
- BEA WebLogic Server 6.0, F-5
- IBM WebSphere Application Server, Version 4.0, F-10
- Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) 5.0, F-15
- Application Web Servers page in Oracle9iAS Web Cache Manager, 6-23
- attempt tag, Edge Side Includes (ESI), D-27
- authoritative DNS server, 4-30
- Authorization request-header field, 8-55
- Auto-Restart page in Oracle9iAS Web Cache Manager, 6-12
- auto-restart process, 6-12
- described, 5-9, 8-2
- enabling, 6-12
- backend failover, 1-23
- BASICSELECTOR element in invalidation DTD, C-5
- BASICSELECTOR element in invalidation message, 8-13
- BASICSELECTOR element in invalidation preview DTD, C-9
- BASICSELECTOR element in invalidation preview response DTD, C-10
- BASICSELECTOR element in invalidation response DTD, C-8
- BEA WebLogic Server 6.0, F-5
- bin directory, A-2
- binding, 1-25
- BODYEXP attribute in invalidation DTD, C-5
- BODYEXP attribute in invalidation message, 8-14
- busy_error.html file, 6-30
- By, 2-22
- BYTES_SAVED_WITH_COMPRESSION group name in statistics DTD, C-20
- BYTES_SERVED group name in statistics DTD, C-19
- cache cluster members, 3-2
- cache clusters, 3-1
- adding members, 6-58
- authentication, 3-5
- benefits of, 3-4
- configuration and, 3-5, 6-53
- configuration settings, 6-53
- configuring, 6-53, 6-54
- deploying, 4-23
- failover, 3-12
- invalidation and, 2-10, 3-6, 8-29
- on-demand content and, 3-3
- overview, 3-2
- owned content and, 3-3
- partitioning content, 3-6
- cache contents
- generating list of, 8-44
- writing list to file, 8-45
- Cache Contents page in Oracle9iAS Web Cache Manager, 8-44
- cache hierarchies
- configuring, 6-47 to 6-52
- described, 1-16
- distributed cache hierarchy, 1-16
- Edge Side Includes (ESI) cache hierarchy, 1-16
- cache hits
- described, 1-4, 2-2
- Server response-header field, 2-39
- cache information groups in statistics DTD, C-15
- cache memory
- configuring, 6-14
- troubleshooting, 10-5
- cache misses
- described, 1-4, 2-2
- Server response-header field, 2-39
- cache population, 2-2
- cache server process
- described, 5-9, 8-2
- memory restriction, 10-5
- restarting automatically, 6-12
- cache size
- calculating, 6-15
- configuring, 6-14
- maximum, 6-14
- CACHE_INFO group name in statistics DTD, C-17
- CACHE_REDIRECT_DOC_COUNT group name in statistics DTD, C-19
- CACHEABILITY_RULES group name in statistics DTD, C-16
- CACHEABLE_MISSES group name in statistics DTD, C-21
- Cache-Control request-header field, 8-55
- Cache-Control response-header field, 8-55
- CACHED_DOC_COUNT group name in statistics DTD, C-15
- CACHED_DOC_SIZE group name in statistics DTD, C-16
- caching rules, 7-8 to 7-15
- default, 7-5
- overview, 7-2
- troubleshooting, 10-8
- CALYPSONETINFO element in webcache.xml file, 10-11, 10-12
- capacity
- described, 6-23
- of cluster members, 6-56
- troubleshooting, 10-15
- category cookies
- described, 2-14
- request and response value comparison, 2-14
- central caches
- configuring, 6-47
- described, 1-16
- certificate authority (CA), 1-28
- choose tag, Edge Side Includes (ESI), D-23
- Cluster Configuration page in Oracle9iAS Web Cache Manager, 6-54
- clusters, 3-1
- adding members, 6-58
- authentication, 3-5
- benefits of, 3-4
- configuration and, 3-5, 6-53
- configuration settings, 6-53
- configuring, 6-53, 6-54
- deploying, 4-23
- failover, 3-12
- invalidation and, 2-10, 3-6, 8-29
- on-demand content and, 3-3
- overview, 3-2
- owned content and, 3-3
- partitioning content, 3-6
- CLUSTERS group name in statistics DTD, C-16
- Collector Agent, 8-60
- comment tag, Edge Side Includes (ESI), D-28
- Common Gateway Interface (CGI), 1-8, 2-11
- Common LogFile Format (CLF) in access log, 8-55
- COMPRESSED_HITS group name in statistics DTD, C-22
- COMPRESSED_MISSES group name in statistics DTD, C-22
- compression
- configuring, 7-10
- described, 1-30
- configuration settings
- cluster-wide, 6-53
- default, B-1
- propagating to cluster members, 6-59
- configuring
- access logs, 8-59
- application Web server settings, 6-23
- cache clusters, 6-53
- cache connection limit, 6-19
- cache hierarchies, 6-47 to 6-52
- cache memory, 6-14
- caching rules, 7-8 to 7-15
- HTTP error codes, 7-14
- multiple versions of the same document by cookie values, 7-11, 7-20
- multiple versions of the same document by HTTP request headers, 7-22
- partial page caching, 7-41
- personalized attributes, 7-27
- session request, 7-36
- session-encoded URLs, 7-25
- sites, 1-14
- clusters, 6-53
- compression, 7-10
- distributed cache hierarchies, 6-47
- Edge Side Includes (ESI), 7-9, 7-41
- Edge Side Includes (ESI) cache hierarchies, 6-49
- Edge Side Includes (ESI) provider sites, 6-26
- event logs, 8-51
- expiration rules, 7-11, 7-17
- failover of origin servers, 6-43
- global caching rules, 1-14
- load balancing of origin servers, 6-43
- partial page caching, 7-41
- proxy server settings, 6-23
- quick reference to procedures, 5-15
- resource limits, 6-14
- security settings, 6-3
- session binding to an application Web server, 6-44
- sites
- definitions, 6-26
- settings, 6-26 to 6-35
- site to server mappings, 6-28
- virtual host sites, 6-26
- wallets, 6-38
- connection limit
- cache cluster communication, 6-56
- configuring, 6-19
- on UNIX, 6-20
- on Windows, 6-22
- troubleshooting, 10-6
- Connection request-header field, 8-55
- Content Invalidation page in Oracle9iAS Web Cache Manager, 8-24
- Content-Disposition response-header field, 7-10
- Content-Encoding request-header field, 8-55
- Content-Encoding response-header field, 7-10, 8-55
- Content-Language request-header field, 8-55
- Content-Language response-header field, 8-55
- Content-Length request-header field, 8-55
- HTTP request-header fields
- Content-Length, 10-15
- Content-Length response-header field, 8-55
- Content-Type request-header field, 8-55
- Content-Type response-header field, 8-55
- COOKIE element in invalidation DTD, C-5
- COOKIE element in invalidation message, 8-14
- Cookie request-header field, 8-56
- category cookies, 2-14
- described, 2-11
- session cookies, 2-21
- with Edge Side Includes (ESI), 2-36
- cookies
- category cookies for multiple versions of the same URL, 2-14
- described, 2-11
- personalized attributes, 2-17
- session cookies, 2-21
- caching rules, 2-25
- session binding, 1-25
- session-encoded URLs, 2-23
- coreok parameter, 5-13
- cost savings with Oracle9iAS Web Cache, 1-6
- data consistency
- with clusters, 3-5
- with invalidation and expiration, 2-4
- Date request-header field, 8-55
- Date response-header field, 8-55
- DEBUGINFO HEADER attribute in webcache.xml file, 10-9, 10-10
- DEMAND group name in statistics DTD, C-15, C-16
- deploying Oracle9iAS Web Cache, 4-16
- cache cluster, 4-23
- distributed cache hierarchies, 4-29
- Edge Side Includes (ESI) cache hierarchies, 4-16
- Edge Side Includes (ESI) provider sites, 4-16
- failover pair, 4-6
- HTTPS requests, 4-10
- inside a firewall, 4-26
- multiple application Web servers, 4-5
- multiple sites, 4-16
- one application Web server, 4-2
- outside a firewall, 4-28
- proxy servers, 4-21
- Web site acceleration, 4-8
- directory structure
- bin directory, A-2
- docs directory, A-2
- dtds directory, A-2
- examples directory, A-2
- invalidation directory, A-3
- jlib directory, A-2
- lib directory, A-2
- logs directory, A-3
- mesg directory, A-3
- distributed cache hierarchies
- configuring, 6-47
- deploying, 4-29
- described, 1-16
- DNS server, 1-4
- docs directory, A-2
- Document Type Definitions (DTDs)
- internal.dtd, A-2
- invalidation, C-2
- statistics, C-11
- wcstats.dtd, A-2
- webcache20.dtd, A-2
- webcache.dtd, A-2
- DTD_VERSION attribute in statistics DTD, C-12
- dtds directory, A-2
- dynamically generated content caching, 1-8
- Active Server Pages (ASP), 1-8, 2-11
- Common Gateway Interface (CGI), 1-8, 2-11
- described, 2-11
- ignoring the value of embedded URL parameters, 2-22
- Java Server Pages (JSP), 1-8, 2-11
- Java Servlets, 1-8, 2-11
- multiple versions of the same document, 2-12
- personalized attributes, 2-17
- personalized greetings, 2-17
- PL/SQL Server Pages (PSP), 1-8, 2-11
- session-encoded URLs, 2-23
- Edge Side Includes (ESI)
- <!--esi---> tag, D-30
- attempt tag, D-27
- choose tag, D-23
- comment tag, D-28
- Cookie request-header field, 2-36
- environment tag, D-21
- examples
- personalized greeting, 7-63
- portal site, 7-44
- Surrogate-Control response-header field, 7-67
- except tag, D-27
- exception and error handling, D-11
- HTTP_COOKIE variable, D-6
- HTTP_HEADER variable, D-6
- HTTP_HOST variable, D-7
- HTTP_REFERER variable, D-7
- HTTP_USER_AGENT variable, D-7
- include tag, D-14
- inline tag, D-19
- memory for, 6-15
- otherwise tag, D-23
- personalized greetings, 7-43
- remove tag, D-29
- Set-Cookie response-header field, 2-36
- Surrogate-Capability request-header field, 2-2, 2-39
- Surrogate-Control response-header field, 2-42, 7-64
- try tag, D-27
- vars tag, D-31
- when tag, D-23
- Edge Side Includes (ESI) cache hierarchies, 4-16
- configuring, 6-49
- deploying, 4-18
- described, 1-16
- Edge Side Includes (ESI) provider sites, 4-16
- configuring, 6-26
- deploying, 4-16
- described, 1-10
- embedded URL parameters
- $ (dollar sign) symbol, 2-12
- & (ampersand) symbol, 2-12
- ; (semi-colon) symbol, 2-12
- ? (question mark) symbol, 2-12
- caching rules, 2-25
- described, 2-12
- ignoring the value of parameters, 2-22
- session binding, 1-25
- session-encoded URLs, 2-23
- file, 8-9
- ENTRY element in statistics DTD, C-12, C-28
- environment tag, Edge Side Includes (ESI), D-21
- error messages in event log, E-11
- ERRORS group name in statistics DTD, C-23
- ETag request-header field, 2-4
- ETag response-header field, 8-55
- event logs
- configuring settings, 8-51
- described, 8-47
- error messages, E-11
- examples of, 8-48 to 8-50
- finding errors, 8-51
- format, 8-47
- information messages, E-2
- warning messages, E-5
- event_log file, B-3
- event_logyyyymmdd, 8-51
- examples directory, A-2
- except tag, Edge Side Includes (ESI), D-27
- excluding the value of embedded URL parameters, 2-22
- expiration
- concepts of, 2-4
- performance assurance heuristics, 7-18
- expiration rules, 7-11, 7-17
- by cache entry, 7-18
- by document creation, 7-18
- by HTTP Expires response-header field, 7-18
- Expires response-header field, 7-18, 8-55
- exporting list of contents, 8-45
- failover
- configuring, 6-43
- for clusters, 6-55
- connection request threshold, 6-24
- described, 1-23
- in clusters, 3-12
- polling failed cluster members, 6-55
- polling failed origin servers, 6-25
- features, new
- auto-restart process, xxxvi
- cache cluster, xxxvi
- cache hierarchy, xxxvi
- cache status in Server response-header field, xxxix
- caching selectors, xxxix
- compression improvements, xxxix
- Edge Side Includes (ESI), xl
- Edge Side Includes (ESI) with Oracle extensions, xxxvi
- HTTPS protocol support, xl
- invalidation improvements, xl
- invalidation preview, xxxvii
- invalidation propagation, xxxvii
- listing cache contents, xxxvii
- Oracle Enterprise Manager support, xxxvii
- proxy server support, xxxviii
- Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), xl
- site support, xxxviii
- Surrogate-Control header, xxxix
- webcachectl commands, xxxviii
- firewalls and Oracle9iAS Web Cache deployments, 4-27
- FoundationPersistentSessionID session, 7-37
- FRESH_HITS group name in statistics DTD, C-20
- FROM_DEMAND_TO_CLIENT group name in statistics DTD, C-20, C-21, C-22
- FROM_OWNED_TO_CLIENT group name in statistics DTD, C-20, C-21, C-22
- FROM_OWNED_TO_PEER group name in statistics DTD, C-20, C-21, C-22
- garbage collection, 6-18
- GET method, 7-3, 7-8
- GET with query string method, 7-3, 7-8
- grep command, 8-51
- GROUP attribute in statistics DTD, C-12
- GROUP element in statistics DTD, C-13, C-28
- group ID for Oracle9iAS Web Cache administration, 6-5
- group IDs in statistics DTD, C-13
- HEADER element in invalidation DTD, C-6
- HEADER element in invalidation message, 8-14, 8-15
- high availability
- with clusters, 3-4
- with Oracle9iAS Web Cache, 1-6
- HITS group name in statistics DTD, C-20
- HOST attribute in invalidation DTD, C-5
- HOST attribute in invalidation message, 8-13
- Host request-header field, 8-55
- HTTP error code caching rules, 7-14
- HTTP request-header fields
- Accept, 2-15, 8-55
- Accept-Charset, 2-15
- Accept-Encoding, 2-15
- Accept-Language, 2-16
- Authorization, 8-55
- Cache-Control, 8-55
- caching rules, 7-12, 7-22
- Connection, 8-55
- Content-Encoding, 8-55
- Content-Language, 8-55
- Content-Length, 8-55
- Content-Type, 8-55
- Cookie, 2-11, 8-56
- category cookies, 2-14
- session cookies, 2-21
- Date, 8-55
- described, 2-13
- ETag, 2-4
- Host, 8-55
- If-Modified-Since, 2-2, 8-55
- If-None-Match, 8-55
- Keep-Alive, 6-13, 10-16
- Last-Modified, 2-2, 8-55
- Pragma, 8-56
- Range, 2-2, 8-56
- Referer, 8-55
- supported by Oracle9iAS Web Cache Manager, 7-12
- Surrogate-Capability, 2-39, 8-56
- Surrogate-Control, 2-39
- TE, 8-56
- User-Agent, 2-16, 8-56
- Via, 8-56
- HTTP response-header fields
- Cache-Control, 8-55
- Content-Disposition, 7-10
- Content-Encoding, 7-10, 8-55
- Content-Language, 8-55
- Content-Length, 8-55
- Content-Type, 8-55
- Date, 8-55
- ETag, 8-55
- Expires, 7-18, 8-55
- Last-Modified, 8-55
- Pragma, 8-55
- Server, 2-40, 8-55, 10-9
- Set-Cookie, 2-11, 6-46, 8-56
- category cookies, 2-14
- session cookies, 2-21
- Surrogate-Control, 2-42, 7-64, 8-56
- Transfer-Encoding, 8-55
- Via, 8-55
- HTTP_CLIENT_REQUESTS group name in statistics DTD, C-19
- HTTP_COOKIE variable, D-6
- HTTP_HEADER variable, D-6
- HTTP_HOST variable, D-7
- HTTP_REFERER variable, D-7
- HTTP_REQUESTS group name in statistics DTD, C-19
- HTTP_USER_AGENT variable, D-7
- httpd.conf file, 6-8
- HTTPS requests
- administration port, 6-41
- configuring, 6-37 to 6-42
- deploying, 4-10
- invalidation port, 6-41
- listening port, 6-6
- Oracle9iAS Web Cache listening port, 6-41
- overview, 1-27
- statistics monitoring port, 6-41
- IBM WebSphere Application Server, Version 4.0, F-10
- ID attribute in invalidation response, 8-21
- ID attribute in invalidation response DTD, C-8
- If-Modified-Since request-header field, 2-2, 8-55
- If-None-Match request-header field, 8-55
- ignoring the value of embedded URL parameters, 2-22
- include tag, Edge Side Includes (ESI), D-14
- INFO attribute in invalidation response DTD, C-7
- INFO element in invalidation message, 8-15
- INFO element in invalidation response, 8-21
- information messages in event log, E-2
- inline tag, Edge Side Includes (ESI), D-19
- internal_admin.xml file, A-3
- internal.dtd file, A-2
- internal.xml
- overview, 5-14
- internal.xml file, A-3
- INV_GLOBAL_TIMEOUT attribute in webcache.xml file, 10-11
- INV_PEER_TIMEOUT attribute in webcache.xml file, 10-12
- invalidate.c file, 8-30
- INVALIDATED_OBJECT group name in statistics DTD, C-20
- file, 8-30
- file, 8-30
- invalidate.sql file, 8-30
- invalidation
- concepts of, 2-4
- for clusters, 2-10, 3-6
- described, 1-9
- mechanisms
- applications, 8-30
- database triggers, 8-31
- HTTP POST messages, 8-8
- Oracle9iAS Web Cache Manager, 8-24
- scripts, 8-31
- performance assurance heuristics, 8-28
- port number, 6-9
- previewing list, 8-17, 8-27
- propagating messages
- cache cluster, 2-10, 6-55, 8-29
- cache hierarchy, 2-7
- invalidation coordinator, 2-10, 3-6
- invalidation directory, A-3
- invalidation DTD, C-2
- INVALIDATION element in invalidation DTD, C-4
- invalidation messages
- ACTION element, 8-15, C-6
- ADVANCEDSELECTOR element, 8-13, C-5
- BASICSELECTOR element, 8-13, C-5
- BODYEP attribute, 8-14
- BODYEXP attribute, C-5
- compatibility with release 1.0, 8-16
- COOKIE element, 8-14, C-5
- HEADER element, 8-14, 8-15, C-6
- HOST attribute, 8-13, C-5
- INFO element, 8-15, C-6
- INFO element in invalidation DTD, C-6
- INVALIDATION element, C-4
- invalidation.dtd, A-3
- METHOD attribute, 8-14, C-5
- NAME attribute, 8-14, 8-15, C-5, C-6
- OBJECT element, 8-13, C-5
- OTHER element, C-6
- regular expression
- . (period) symbol, 8-13, 8-25
- " (double quotes) symbol, 8-16, 8-25
- $ (dollar sign) symbol, 8-13, 8-25
- & (ampersand) symbol, 8-16, 8-25
- * (asterisk) symbol, 8-13, 8-25
- < (less than sign) symbol>, 8-16, 8-25
- > (greater than sign) symbol, 8-16, 8-25
- ? (question mark) symbol, 8-13, 8-25
- [ ] (brackets) symbol, 8-13, 8-25
- \ (backslash) symbol, 8-13, 8-25
- ^ (caret), 8-13, 8-25
- { } (braces) symbol, 8-13, 8-25
- ' (single quotes) symbol, 8-16
- REMOVALTTL attribute, 8-15, C-6
- SYSTEM element, 8-12, C-4
- SYSTEMINFO element, 8-12, C-4
- TYPE attribute, 8-15, C-6
- URI attribute, 8-13, C-5
- URIPEXP attribute, 8-13
- URIPREFIX attribute, 8-13, C-5
- VALUE attribute, 8-14, 8-15, C-5, C-6
- VERSION attribute, 8-12, 8-20, C-4
- WCSinvalidation.dtd, A-3
- WCSinvalidation.dtd file, C-2
- invalidation ports, 6-10
- invalidation preview messages
- MAXNUM attribute, 8-18, C-9
- STARTNUM attribute, 8-18, C-9
- SYSTEM element, C-9
- SYSTEMINFO element, C-9
- VERSION attribute, 8-18, C-9
- invalidation preview responses
- BASICSELECTOR element, C-10
- NUMURLS attribute, 8-23, C-10
- SELECTEDURL element, 8-23, C-10
- STARTNUM attribute, 8-23, C-10
- STATUS attribute, 8-23, C-10
- TOTALNUMURLS attribute, 8-23, C-10
- VERSION attribute, 8-23
- invalidation responses, 8-21, C-7, C-8
- ADVANCEDSELECTOR element, C-8, C-9
- BASICSELECTOR element, C-8, C-9
- ID attribute, 8-21, C-8
- INFO element, 8-21, C-7
- invalidation.dtd, A-3
- NUMINV attribute, 8-21, C-8
- OBJECTRESULT element, C-7
- RESULT element, 8-21, C-8
- STATUS attribute, 8-21, C-8
- syntax of, 8-12, 8-18, 8-23
- SYSTEM element, 8-20, C-7
- SYSTEMINFO element, 8-20, C-7
- VERSION attribute, C-7, C-10
- WCSinvalidation.dtd, A-3
- WCSinvalidation.dtd file, C-2
- INVALIDATION_REQUESTS group name in statistics DTD, C-20
- invalidation.dtd file, A-3
- INVALIDATIONINDEX element in webcache.xml file, 10-13
- INVALIDATIONPREVIEW element in invalidation preview DTD, C-9
- INVALIDATIONRESULT element in invalidation preview response DTD, C-10
- INVALIDATIONRESULT element in invalidation response DTD, C-7
- invalidator user
- default password, B-1
- setting the password, 6-3
- Java Server Pages (JSP), 1-8, 2-11
- Java Servlets, 1-8, 2-11
- jawc.jar, 8-30
- jlib directory, A-2
- Jserv limitation, 10-16
- JSESSIONID session, 7-37
- Keep-Alive request-header field, 6-13, 10-16
- L7 (Layer 7) switches, 4-8
- Last-Modified request-header field, 2-2, 8-55
- Last-Modified response-header field, 8-55
- LATENCY group name in statistics DTD, C-26
- lib directory, A-2
- LISTEN element in webcache.xml file, 10-4
- Listening Ports page in Oracle9iAS Web Cache Manager, 6-6
- load balancing
- configuring, 6-43
- described, 1-21
- Local timestamp conversion issue, 8-51, 8-59
- logs directory, A-3
- maximum cache size, configuring, 6-14
- MAXNUM attribute in invalidation preview DTD, C-9
- MAXNUM attribute in invalidation preview message, 8-18
- memory
- calculating, 6-15
- configuring, 6-14
- ESI and, 6-15
- mesg directory, A-3
- METHOD attribute in invalidation DTD, C-5
- METHOD attribute in invalidation message, 8-14
- Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) 5.0, F-15
- MISSES group name in statistics DTD, C-21
- multiple versions of the same document, 2-12
- cookie values, 2-13, 7-20
- HTTP request headers, 2-13, 7-12, 7-22
- NAME attribute in invalidation DTD, C-5, C-6
- NAME attribute in invalidation message, 8-14, 8-15
- NAME attribute in statistics DTD, C-12
- netstat -a command, 6-19
- network connections
- on UNIX, 6-20
- on Windows, 6-22
- network throughput in clusters, 3-4
- Network Timeouts page in Oracle9iAS Web Cache Manager, 6-13
- network traffic reduction with Oracle9iAS Web Cache, 1-6
- network_error.html file, 6-30
- NETWORK_ERRORS group name in statistics DTD, C-23
- new features
- auto-restart process, xxxvi
- cache cluster, xxxvi
- cache hierarchy, xxxvi
- cache status in Server response-header field, xxxix
- caching selectors, xxxix
- compression improvements, xxxix
- Edge Side Includes (ESI), xl
- Edge Side Includes (ESI) with Oracle extensions, xxxvi
- invalidation improvements, xl
- invalidation preview, xxxvii
- invalidation propagation, xxxvii
- listing cache contents, xxxvii
- Oracle Enterprise Manager support, xxxvii
- protocol support, xl
- proxy server support, xxxviii
- Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), xl
- site support, xxxviii
- Surrogate-Control header, xxxix
- webcachectl commands, xxxviii
- NONCACHEABLE_MISSES group name in statistics DTD, C-22
- NUMINV attribute in invalidation response, 8-21
- NUMINV invalidation response attribute, C-8
- NUMURLS attribute in invalidation preview response, 8-23
- NUMURLS attribute in invalidation preview response DTD, C-10
- OBJECT element in invalidation DTD, C-5
- OBJECT element in invalidation message, 8-13
- OBJECTRESULT invalidation request element, C-7
- on-demand content, 3-3
- OPEN_CONNECTIONS group name in statistics DTD, C-18, C-26
- Operations page in Oracle9iAS Web Cache Manager, 6-10
- Oracle Enterprise Manager
- described, 5-8
- troubleshooting startup failures, 10-4
- Oracle9i Application Server with Oracle9iAS Web Cache, 1-2
- Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence, 1-31, 8-60
- Oracle9iAS Discoverer, 1-31
- Oracle9iAS Forms Services, 1-31
- Oracle9iAS Portal, 1-31
- Oracle9iAS Reports Services, 1-31
- Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On, 1-32
- Oracle9iAS Web Cache
- admin server process, 5-9, 8-2
- auto-restart process, 5-9, 8-2
- benefits
- cost savings, 1-6
- high availability, 1-6
- network traffic reduction, 1-6
- performance, 1-5
- scalability, 1-5
- cache server process, 5-9, 8-2
- compatibility
- Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence, 1-31
- Oracle9iAS Discoverer, 1-31
- Oracle9iAS Forms Services, 1-31
- Oracle9iAS Portal, 1-31
- Oracle9iAS Reports Services, 1-31
- Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On, 1-32
- Oracle9iAS Wireless, 1-32
- deploying
- cache cluster, 4-23
- distributed cache hierarchies, 4-29
- Edge Side Includes (ESI) cache hierarchies, 4-16
- Edge Side Includes (ESI) provider sites, 4-16
- failover pair, 4-6
- HTTPS requests, 4-10
- inside a firewall, 4-26
- multiple application Web servers, 4-5
- multiple sites, 4-16
- one application Web server, 4-2
- outside a firewall, 4-28
- proxy servers, 4-21
- Web site acceleration, 4-8
- described, 1-2
- dynamically generated content caching, 1-8
- features
- backend failover, 1-23
- compression, 1-30
- invalidation, 1-9
- load balancing, 1-21
- performance assurance, 1-9
- restricted administration, 1-27
- Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), 1-27
- security, 1-27
- session binding, 1-25
- static content caching, 1-8
- surge protection, 1-20
- invaliding documents, 8-24
- performance monitoring, 9-4
- population of the cache, 2-2
- scalability, 1-5
- with Oracle9i Application Server, 1-2
- Oracle9iAS Web Cache Manager
- administration
- cluster configuration, 6-54
- invalidating content, 8-24
- propagating configuration to other cluster members, 6-59, 8-5
- restarting Oracle9iAS Web Cache, 6-36
- starting Oracle9iAS Web Cache, 8-3
- cache-specific configuration
- access logs, 8-59
- administration ports, 6-10
- cache memory, 6-14
- connection limit, 6-19
- event logs, 8-51
- invalidation listening ports, 6-10
- network time-outs, 6-13
- Oracle9iAS Web Cache listening ports, 6-6
- resource limits, 6-14
- session binding, 6-44
- statistics monitoring ports, 6-10
- wallet configuration, 6-41
- described, 5-2
- general configuration
- application Web server configuration, 6-23
- application Web server settings, 6-23
- caching rules, 7-8 to 7-15
- caching rules for HTTP error codes, 7-14
- caching rules for multiple versions of the same document, 7-11, 7-12, 7-20, 7-22
- caching rules for personalized attributes, 7-27
- caching rules for session-encoded URLs, 7-25
- caching rules for sessions, 7-36
- compression, 7-10
- Edge Side Includes (ESI) permission, 7-9
- expiration rules, 7-11, 7-17
- load balancing, 6-43
- origin server wallet configuration, 6-25
- proxy server configuration, 6-23
- proxy server settings, 6-23
- security settings, 6-3
- session binding, 6-44
- site configuration, 6-26, 6-31
- site to server mapping, 6-28
- monitoring
- application Web server performance statistics, 9-8
- cache contents, 8-44
- cache health, 9-2
- Oracle9iAS Web Cache performance statistics, 9-4
- proxy server performance statistics, 9-8
- navigator pane, 5-5
- restarting Oracle9iAS Web Cache, 6-36
- right pane, 5-7
- starting, 5-3
- status messages, 5-5
- Oracle9iAS Wireless, 1-32
- OracleHOME_NAMEWebCache service, 5-9, 5-10, 6-12, 6-38, 6-39, 8-2, 8-4
- OracleHOME_NAMEWebCacheAdmin service, 5-9, 6-39, 8-2, 8-4
- OracleHOME_NAMEWebCacheMon service, 5-9, 6-12, 6-39, 8-2, 8-4
- origin server statistics group in statistics DTD, C-24
- Origin Server Wallet page in Oracle9iAS Web Cache Manager, 6-25
- origin servers. See application Web servers or proxy servers
- OTHER element in invalidation DTD, C-6
- otherwise tag, Edge Side Includes (ESI), D-23
- owned content, 3-3
- OWNED group name in statistics DTD, C-15, C-16
- OWNER_UNKNOWN group name in statistics DTD, C-22
- ownership of content in cache clusters, 3-6
- PARAM element in statistics DTD, C-12
- partial page caching
- caching rules, 7-41
- configuring, 7-41
- described, 2-26
- examples
- personalized greetings, 7-63
- portal site, 7-44
- Surrogate-Control response-header field, 7-67
- Surrogate-Control response-header field, 7-64
- PARTIAL_PAGE_ERRORS group name in statistics DTD, C-23
- PAsid session, 7-37
- PAuserid session, 7-37
- PAxonnxn session, 7-37
- performance assurance heuristics, 1-9, 2-5
- application Web server load, 2-6
- described, 2-4
- expiration, 7-18
- introduced, 1-9
- invalidation, 8-28
- popularity, 2-5
- proxy server load, 2-6
- validity, 2-5
- performance benefits with Oracle9iAS Web Cache, 1-5
- performance monitoring
- application Web servers, 9-8
- Oracle9iAS Web Cache, 9-4
- proxy servers, 9-8
- personalized attributes
- caching rules, 7-27
- controlling how requests are served, 2-20, 7-36
- Edge Side Includes (ESI), 7-43
- WEBCACHEEND tag, 2-17, 7-27, 7-29
- WEBCACHETAG tag, 2-17, 7-27, 7-29
- personalized greetings. See personalized attributes
- PID group name in statistics DTD, C-15
- PL/SQL Server Pages (PSP), 1-8, 2-11
- popular documents
- in clusters, 3-3, 3-4
- listing, 8-44
- popularity, 2-5
- populating the cache, 2-2
- port conflicts, 10-2
- ports
- 1024, 5-9, 10-5
- 4000, 6-9, B-1
- 4001, 6-9, B-1
- 4002, 6-9, B-1
- 4443, 6-6, B-1
- 4444, 6-23
- 7001, F-3
- 7777, 6-6, B-1
- 7778, 6-23
- 80, F-3
- invalidation, 6-10
- listening port, 6-6
- statistics monitoring, 6-10
- POSIX 1003 extended regular expressions, 7-4
- POST method, 7-3, 7-8
- Pragma request-header field, 8-56
- Pragma response-header field, 8-55
- preview invalidation, 8-17, 8-27
- privileged ports, 10-5
- propagating configuration changes, 6-59
- propagating invalidation messages
- cache cluster, 6-55, 8-29
- cache hierarchy, 2-7
- provider caches
- configuring, 6-49
- described, 1-16
- proxy servers
- capacity, 6-23
- configuring, 6-23
- deploying, 4-21
- failover, 1-23
- connection request threshold, 6-24
- polling failed servers, 6-25
- load, 2-6
- load balancing
- configuration, 6-43
- described, 1-21
- performance monitoring, 9-8
- session binding
- configuring, 6-44
- described, 1-25
- Proxy Servers page in Oracle9iAS Web Cache Manager, 6-23
- Range request-header field, 2-2, 8-56
- readme.examples.html file, 8-9, 8-30, 8-31
- Referer request-header field, 8-55
- REFRESHES group name in statistics DTD, C-22
- regular expression, 7-4
- . (period) symbol, 7-4, 8-13, 8-25
- " (double quotes) symbol, 8-16, 8-25
- $ (dollar sign) symbol, 7-4, 8-13, 8-25
- & (ampersand) symbol, 8-16, 8-25
- * (asterisk) symbol, 7-4, 8-13, 8-25
- < (less than sign) symbol>, 8-16, 8-25
- > (greater than sign) symbol, 8-16, 8-25
- ? (question mark) symbol, 7-4, 8-13, 8-25
- [ ] (brackets) symbol, 8-13, 8-25
- \ (backslash) symbol, 7-4, 8-13, 8-25
- ^ (caret) symbol, 7-4, 8-13, 8-25
- { } (braces) symbol, 8-13, 8-25
- ' (single quotes) symbol, 8-16
- remote caches
- configuring, 6-47
- described, 1-16
- REMOVALTTL attribute in invalidation DTD, C-6
- REMOVALTTL attribute in invalidation message, 8-15
- remove tag, Edge Side Includes (ESI), D-29
- REQUESTS group name in statistics DTD, C-25
- Resource Limits page in Oracle9iAS Web Cache Manager, 6-20
- restarting Oracle9iAS Web Cache
- after configuration changes, 6-36
- automatically, 6-12
- RESULT element in invalidation response, 8-21
- RESULT element in invalidation response DTD, C-8
- reverse proxy server, 1-2
- rootmode parameter, 5-13
- RULE group name in statistics DTD, C-16
- rules for creating caching rules, 7-2
- runtime statistics group in statistics DTD, C-18
- general statistics, C-18
- timed statistics, C-19
- scalability
- with cache clusters, 3-4
- with Oracle9iAS Web Cache, 1-5
- Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). See HTTPS requests
- SECURITY element in webcache.xml file, 10-9, 10-10, 10-12
- security features
- HTTPS requests, 1-27
- restricted administration, 1-27
- Security page in Oracle9iAS Web Cache Manager, 6-3
- security settings, 6-3
- SELECTEDURL element in invalidation preview response, 8-23
- SELECTEDURL element in invalidation preview response DTD, C-10
- SERVER group name in statistics DTD, C-25
- Server response-header field, 2-40, 10-9
- access logs, 8-55
- diagnostic information, 2-40
- disabling, 10-10
- displaying in the response body, 10-9
- session binding
- configuring, 6-44
- described, 1-25
- Session Binding page in Oracle9iAS Web Cache Manager, 6-44
- session cookies
- caching rules, 2-25
- described, 2-21
- session binding, 1-25
- session-encoded URLs, 2-23
- SESSION_COUNT group name in statistics DTD, C-18
- session-encoded URLs
- caching rules, 7-25
- described, 2-23
- sessions
- caching rules, 7-36
- session-encoded URLs, 7-25
- controlling how requests are served, 2-25, 7-36
- ignoring the value of embedded URL parameters, 7-23
- serving popular pages from the cache, 7-40
- Set-Cookie response-header field, 6-46, 8-56
- category cookies, 2-14
- described, 2-11
- session cookies, 2-21
- with Edge Side Includes (ESI), 2-36
- Site Definitions page in Oracle9iAS Web Cache Manager, 6-26, 6-31
- SITE group name in statistics DTD, C-24
- site information group in statistics DTD, C-24
- Site to Server Mapping page in Oracle9iAS Web Cache Manager, 6-28
- SITE_BUSY_ERRORS group name in statistics DTD, C-23
- sites
- caching rules, 1-14
- configuration overview, 1-14
- configuring, 6-26 to 6-35
- deploying, 4-16
- ESI providers sites, 1-10
- virtual host sites, 1-10
- STALE_HITS group name in statistics DTD, C-21
- starting
- Oracle9iAS Web Cache, 6-12, 8-2
- Oracle9iAS Web Cache Manager, 5-3, 6-2
- STARTNUM attribute in invalidation preview DTD, C-9
- STARTNUM attribute in invalidation preview message, 8-18
- STARTNUM attribute in invalidation preview response, 8-23
- STARTNUM attribute in invalidation preview response DTD, C-10
- startup failures, 10-2
- startup failures from Oracle Enterprise Manager, 10-4
- static content caching, 1-8
- statistics
- cache size, 6-18
- memory, 6-18
- Oracle9iAS Web Cache, 9-4
- Oracle9iAS Web Cache health, 9-2
- origin servers, 9-8
- statistics DTD, C-11
- attributes, C-12
- cache information groups, C-15
- elements, C-12
- examples, C-29
- groups, C-13
- origin server statistics group, C-24
- query methods, C-28
- runtime statistics group, C-18
- site information group, C-24
- template, C-32
- URL statistics group, C-27
- statistics monitoring requests
- format, C-28
- port number, 6-9, 6-10
- wcstats.dtd file, C-11
- statistics monitoring responses
- wcstats.dtd file, C-11
- STATUS attribute in invalidation preview response, 8-23
- STATUS attribute in invalidation preview response DTD, C-10
- STATUS attribute in invalidation response, 8-21
- STATUS attribute in invalidation response DTD, C-8
- status messages in Oracle9iAS Web Cache Manager, 5-5
- stopping Oracle9iAS Web Cache, 8-2
- subscriber caches
- configuring, 6-49
- described, 1-16
- surge protection, 1-20
- Surrogate-Capability request-header field, 2-2, 2-39, 8-56
- Surrogate-Control response-header field, 2-42, 7-64, 8-56
- content="ESI/1.0" control directive, 7-65
- content="ESI-Inline/1.0" control directive, 7-65
- content="ORAESI/9.0.2" control directive, 7-65
- content="webcache/1.0" control directive, 7-65
- max-age control directive, 7-65
- no-store control directive, 7-66
- no-store-remote control directive, 7-66
- vary control directive, 7-66
- SYSTEM element in invalidation DTD, C-4
- SYSTEM element in invalidation message, 8-12
- SYSTEM element in invalidation preview DTD, C-9
- SYSTEM element in invalidation response, 8-20
- SYSTEM element in invalidation response DTD, C-7
- SYSTEMINFO element in invalidation DTD, C-4
- SYSTEMINFO element in invalidation message, 8-12
- SYSTEMINFO element in invalidation preview DTD, C-9
- SYSTEMINFO element in invalidation response, 8-20
- SYSTEMINFO element in invalidation response DTD, C-7
- targets.xml file, 10-4
- TE request-header field, 8-56
- TIME group name in statistics DTD, C-15
- TOTALNUMURLS attribute in invalidation preview response, 8-23
- TOTALNUMURLS attribute in invalidation preview response DTD, C-10
- Transfer-Encoding response-header field, 8-55
- troubleshooting
- administrator password, 10-17
- application Web server capacity, 10-15
- browser limitations, 10-18
- cache memory, 10-5
- caching rules, 10-8
- connection limit, 10-6
- Content-Length request-header field discrepancies, 10-15
- diagnostic information in the response body, 10-9
- GMT to local timestamp, 8-51, 8-59
- invalidation time-outs, 10-11
- Jserv generation of 200 status codes on exceptions, 10-16
- port conflicts, 10-2
- privileged ports, 10-5
- query string invalidations, 10-12
- startup failures, 10-2
- startup failures from Oracle Enterprise Managers, 10-4
- wallet configuration, 10-6
- trusted subnet for Oracle9iAS Web Cache administration, 6-3
- try tag, Edge Side Includes (ESI), D-27
- ttcp utility, 6-19
- TYPE attribute in invalidation DTD, C-6
- TYPE attribute in invalidation message, 8-15
- URI attribute in invalidation DTD, C-5
- URI attribute in invalidation message, 8-13
- URIEXP attribute in invalidation message, 8-13
- URIPREFIX attribute in invalidation DTD, C-5
- URIPREFIX attribute in invalidation message, 8-13
- URL group name in statistics DTD, C-27
- URL statistics group in statistics DTD, C-27
- URL_STATS group name in statistics DTD, C-27
- user ID for Oracle9iAS Web Cache administration, 6-5
- User-Agent request-header field, 2-16, 8-56
- utl_proc.sql script, 8-31
- UTL_TCP Oracle supplied package, 8-31
- validity, 2-5
- VALUE attribute in invalidation DTD, C-5, C-6
- VALUE attribute in invalidation message, 8-14, 8-15
- VALUE attribute in statistics DTD, C-12
- vars tag, Edge Side Includes (ESI), D-31
- VERSION attribute in invalidation DTD, C-4
- VERSION attribute in invalidation preview DTD, C-9
- VERSION attribute in invalidation preview message, 8-18
- VERSION attribute in invalidation preview response, 8-23
- VERSION attribute in invalidation preview response DTD, C-10
- VERSION attribute in invalidation response, 8-20
- VERSION attribute in invalidation response DTD, C-7
- VERSION element in invalidation message, 8-12
- Via request-header field, 8-56
- Via response-header field, 8-55
- virtual host sites
- configuring, 6-26
- described, 1-10
- wallets
- configuring
- application Web server, 6-25
- Oracle9iAS Web Cache, 6-41
- proxy server, 6-25
- considerations for Windows, 6-39
- described, 1-29
- warning messages in event log, E-5
- WCSinvalidation.dtd file, A-3, C-2
- WCSTATS element in statistics DTD, C-12
- wcstats.dtd file, A-2, C-11
- Web caching
- benefits
- cost savings, 1-6
- high availability, 1-6
- network traffic reduction, 1-6
- performance, 1-5
- scalability, 1-5
- described, 1-4
- webcache_contents.txt file, 8-45
- webcache20.dtd file, A-2
- file, A-3
- webcachectl executable, A-2
- webcachectl reset command, 5-10
- webcachectl restart command, 5-11, 6-36
- webcachectl restartcache command, 5-11
- webcachectl start command, 5-12, 6-2
- webcachectl startadm command, 5-11, 5-12
- webcachectl startcache command, 5-12
- webcachectl status command, 5-13, 8-3
- webcachectl stop command, 5-13
- webcachectl stopadm command, 5-13
- webcachectl stopcache command, 5-13
- webcachectl utility
- coreok parameter, 5-13
- obtaining the status of Oracle9iAS Web Cache, 8-3
- restarting Oracle9iAS Web Cache, 6-36
- rootmode parameter, 5-13
- starting Oracle9iAS Web Cache, 8-3
- stopping Oracle9iAS Web Cache, 8-3
- syntax, 5-10
- webcached executable, A-2
- webcache.dtd file, A-2
- WEBCACHEEND tag for personalized attributes, 2-17, 7-27, 7-29
- webcachemon executable, A-2
- file, A-3
- file, A-3, E-12
- WEBCACHETAG tag for personalized attributes, 2-17, 7-27, 7-29
- webcachetargets.xml file, A-3
- webcache.xml file, 10-12, A-3
- CALYPSONETINFO element, 10-11, 10-12
- DEBUGINFO HEADER attribute, 10-9, 10-10
- described, 5-14
- INV_GLOBAL_TIMEOUT attribute, 10-11
- INV_PEER_TIMEOUT attribute, 10-12
- INVALIDATIONINDEX element, 10-13
- LISTEN element, 10-4
- SECURITY element, 10-9, 10-10, 10-12
- when tag, Edge Side Includes (ESI), D-23
- wxvappl.sql, 8-30
- wxvutil.sql file, 8-30
- file, 10-16