SVV - Timetable

N Data Time Room Kind Topic
1t Mon 16/09 14:00-16:00 L1 theory An introduction to model checking
2t Tue 17/09 16:00-18:00 M1 theory On transition systems and the modelling of parallel/communicating systems
3t Wed 18/09 14:00-16:00 L1 theory Transition systems for modelling channel systems
1e Mon 23/09 14:00-16:00 L1 exe First exercise sheet
2e Tue 24/09 16:00-118:00 M1 exe Solutions of the first exercise sheet
4t Wed 25/09 14:00-16:00 L1 theory On linear time properties
5t Mon 30/09 14:00-16:00 L1 theory On safety
6t Tue 01/10 16:00-18:00 online theory On liveness and fairness
3e Wed 02/10 14:00-16:00 online exe Second exercise sheet
7t Mon 07/10 14:00-16:00 L1 theory Regular safety properties
8t Tue 08/10 16:00-18:00 M1 theory ω-regular properties [up to slide 137]
9t Wed 09/10 14:00-16:00 online theory Closure results for ω-regular properties [from slide 138]
10t Mon 14/10 14:00-16:00 L1 theory Model checking with Büchi automata
4e Tue 15/10 16:00-18:00 M1 exe Third exercise sheet
5e Wed 16/10 14:00-16:00 L1 exe Q&A session
11t Mon 21/10 14:00-16:00 L1 theory Syntax and semantics of linear temporal logic [up to slide 216]
12t Tue 22/10 16:00-18:00 M1 theory LTL formulas: normal forms and fairness [from slide 217]
13t Wed 23/10 14:00-16:00 L1 theory Model checking with Büchi automata [skipping from slide 209 up to slide 310]
6e Thu 24/10 16:00-18:00 C1 exe Fourth exercise sheet (and a cheating tool)
14t Mon 04/11 14:00-16:00 L1 theory Syntax and semantics of computational tree logic
7e Tue 05/11 16:00-18:00 M1 exe Fifth exercise sheet
15t Wed 06/11 14:00-16:00 L1 theory CTL vs LTL
16t Mon 11/11 14:00-16:00 L1 theory Some model checking [skipping from slide 99 up to slide 125]
17t Tue 12/11 16:00-18:00 M1 theory On fair CTL
8e Thu 14/11 16:00-18:00 A1 exe Sixth exercise sheet
18t Mon 18/11 14:00-16:00 L1 theory On CTL*
19t Tue 19/11 16:00-18:00 M1 theory Equivalences for transitions systems
9e Wed 20/11 14:00-16:00 L1 exe Seventh exercise sheet
10e Tue 26/11 16:00-18:00 M1 exe Q&A session
11e Wed 27/11 14:00-16:00 L1 exe Mid-term
20t Mon 02/12 14:00-16:00 L1 theory Statistical model checking: foundations (by Andrea Vandin)
12e Tue 03/12 16:00-18:00 M1 exe Solving and marking mid-term
21t Wed 04/12 14:00-16:00 L1 theory Statistical model checking: applications (by Andrea Vandin)
22t Mon 09/12 14:00-16:00 L1 theory Spatial model checking: foundations (by Vincenzo Ciancia)
23t Tue 10/12 16:00-18:00 C1 theory Spatial model checking: applications to medical imaging (by Vincenzo Ciancia)
13e Wed 11/12 14:00-16:00 L1 exe Seminar planning