Slides of selected recent talks
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Orthogonal iterations for structured pencils arising from the nonlinear eigenvalue problems, 22th Conference of the International Linear algebra Society July 2019, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Fast QR iterations for unitary plus low rank matrices, International Workshop on Numerical Mathematics and its Applications, September 2018 Turin.
Combinatorics of Fiedler pencils with Repetitions, XXth Householder Symposium on Numerical Linear Algebra, June 2017, Blacksburg, USA.
A nonnegative matrix factorization approach for recommender systems , 20th Conference of the International Linear Algebra Society 2016, Leuven, Belgium.
Spectral ranking algorithms for Scientific publications CIRM Luminy 2008
Evaluating scientific products by means of citation-based models Symposium: The mathematics of Ranking, Brussels 2008.
A time-aware citation-based model for evaluating scientific products, SMCTools, 19 October, 2009
An implicit multishift QR-algorithm for Hermitian plus low-rank matrices, Monterey, 2009
Spectral ranking algorithms for Scientific publications. Matrix Analysis and Applications, Luminy 2008
Ranking a stream of news, 14th International WWW Conference, 10-14 May 2005, Chiba, Japan.