Davide Rucci ☕️

Davide Rucci


University of Pisa

Davide Rucci got his PhD degree at the Computer Science department of the University of Pisa in May 2024. His research interests include the design of algorithms and data structures on graphs, algorithm engineering and enumeration.

About me


C/C++11/C++17, Java, Python 3, JavaScript

Teaching & Organization

I am very passionate about teaching and organizing lectures and notes.

Team Work

I love sharing ideas with my collegues and discuss what can be done better.

Music, Pop Culture

This is a personality trait if I may say so.


PhD – Computer Science
November 2020 – May 2024 Italy

Thesis Title: Real-World Graph Analysis: Techniques for Static, Dynamic, and Temporal Communities

Topics: graph algorithms, algorithm engineering, community detection, temporal graphs. Supervised by prof. Roberto Grossi and dott. Alessio Conte

Master’s Degree – Computer Science
October 2017 – October 2020 Italy
Curriculum: Data & Knowledge – Science & Technology
Bachelor’s Degree – Computer Science
September 2014 – October 2017 Italy


Teaching Assistant
September 2023 – December 2023 Italy
Teaching assistant for the course “Laboratorio 1”, first year Bachelor’s Degree (supervised students during exercize classes on programming topics).
Visiting Ph.D. Student
May 2023 – July 2023 Denmark
Visiting Ph.D. Student at DTU Compute, AlgoLog Lab (combinatorial algorithms on graphs).
Teaching Assistant
September 2022 – December 2022 Italy
Teaching assistant for the course “Fondamenti di Informatica”, first year Bachelor’s Degree (supervised students during exercize classes on theoretical topics).
Teaching Assistant
September 2021 – December 2021 Italy
Teaching assistant for the course “Fondamenti di Informatica”, first year Bachelor’s Degree (supervised students during exercize classes on theoretical topics).
Teaching Assistant
February 2021 – July 2021 Italy
Lab teaching assistant for the laboratory module of the course “Sistemi Operativi & Laboratorio”, second year Bachelor’s Degree (C system programming).
Teaching Assistant
February 2020 – July 2020 Italy
Teaching assistant for the laboratory module of the course “Algoritmica & Laboratorio”, first year Bachelor’s Degree (C algorithmic programming and theoretical topics related).
Student Counselor
February 2019 – July 2019 Italy
Organized supplementary lectures for students of the course “Algoritmica & Laboratorio” on C programming and theoretical recaps of the syllabus. Created a collection of theoretical and practical exercises, available on GitHub (in italian).


(2024). Output-Sensitive Enumeration of Potential Maximal Cliques in Polynomial Space. In IWOCA 2024.

PDF Cite

(2024). Are k-cores Meaningful for Temporal Graph Analysis?. In ACM Symposium On Applied Computing (ACM SAC), 2024.


(2023). CAGE: Cache-Aware Graphlet Enumeration. In SPIRE 2023.


(2019). Literal Selection in Switching Lattice Design. In 13th International Workshop on Boolean Problems.



  • davide.rucci@phd.unipi.it
  • Largo Bruno Pontecorvo 3, Pisa, PI 56127
  • Department of Computer Science, Room 300E, Floor 2 (Building C)