Best paper award: Balancing Speedup and Accuracy in Smart City Parallel applications, authors: Carlo Mastroianni, Eugenio Cesario and Andrea Giordano.
whose papers have been accepted and presented at the conference will be
invited to submit their extended and revised papers to a special issue
of Concurrency Practice and Experience.
The deadline for the submission to the Special Issue has been extended to 19 November 2016
Technical Program is now online!
recent advances in networking have determined an increasing use of
technology to support interactive networked cooperative applications. Several novel applications have
emerged in this area: social networks, distributed gamification
applications like Nike+ or MyStarbucksRewards, collaborative learning systems,
scale crowd based applications, collaborative work platforms. This kind of applications can be generally referred
as Large
Scale Distributed Virtual Environments (LSDVE).
The definition of these applications requires
to afford several challenges, like the design of
user interfaces, coordination protocols, and proper middle-ware and
architectures supporting distributed cooperation. Collaborative
applications may greatly benefit from the support of different kinds of platforms,
both cloud and peer to peer and also platforms recently proposed for
Internet of things (IoT), like fog computing.
Integration of different platforms, for
instance mobile and cloud environments is currently a
challenge. Furthermore, the analysis and validation of the huge amount of content
generated by these applications asks for big data analysis ,and processing
This workshop aims to provide a venue for
researchers to present and discuss important aspects of large scale
networked collaborative applicationsand of the platforms supporting them. The
workshop's aim is to investigate open challenges for such applications, related to
both the applications design and to the definition of proper architectures. Some
important challenges are, for instance, collaborative protocols design,
latency reduction/hiding techniques for guaranteeing real time constraints,
large-scale processing of user information, privacy and security issues, state
consistency/persistence. The workshop will both present assessment of
current state and introduce further directions.