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Emilia Maria Ricci Full Professor Department of Computer
email: laura.ricci(AT)unipi.it Question
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DLT Laboratory
I am leading the Pisa Distributed Ledger Laboratory, we design and implement layer-2 solutions for distributed ledgers, we study solutions for Self Sovereign Identity, we propose analysis for blockchain transactions. The laboratory includes 5 permanent members, 2 permanent members working at CNR, 6 PhD students, 1 post-doc and several collaborators. Take a look at our Pisa Distributed Ledger Lab web page!
The laboratory will co-organize the 7th edition IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies in Pisa, from 2nd to 6th of June 2025!!
- Coordinator of the Curriculum "Social systems and smart societies" of the National PhD program in Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technolgies
- Principal Investigator - PRIN Research project "AWESOME: Analysis framework for WEb3 SOcial MEdia", 2023-2025, University of Pisa, University of Milan, University of Calabria.
- Associate editor of the ACM Distributed Ledger Technologies: Research and Practice, ACM DLT, the new ACM journal on Distributed Ledger Technology.
- Section Editor of Springer Nature, SN Computer Science, Section V, Innovations in Blockchain and Distributed Ledgers
- Member of the Editorial Board of the Elsevier Journal "Blockchain: Research and Applications"
- Member of the Editorial Board of the Springer Journal "Applied Network Science"
- Member of the Italian Distributed Ledger Technology Group,
- 2023 - Member of the evaluation commette for the applications to Call for Proposal 2022 of Milano Hub, Bankitalia, topic: Distributed Ledgers Technologies
- 2020 - Selected Expert for the topic "System security" of the The Italian National Research Program (PNR 2021-2027), published here
- 2018-2019 - Member of the group of experts of the Italian Ministry of the Economic Development (MISE) for the definition of the national strategy for distributed ledgers and blockchains. The draft of the strategy is here
- Founding Member of the IEEE TEMS Technical Committe (TC) on Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies
- TPC Chair of
Latest News
6th Workshop on Blockchain theoRy and ApplicatIoNs, BRAIN 2025, Washington, USA, March 11-15 2025, in conjunction with IEEE Pervasive Computing, PERCOM 2025,
- Invited talk "Supporting privacy with Zero Knowledge in SSI and Blockchain based Access Control", 2nd edition TUM Blockchain Salon, Munich, Germany 16-5-2024
- Invited talk "Blockchain: Analisi per il tracciamento e la deanonimizzazione di pagamenti in criptovalute", CyberCrime Conference, 17-18 April 2024, Auditorium della Tecnica, Roma.
- Recently accepted papers (you can find all the papers here )
- D. Di Francesco Maesa, F. Donini, P. Mori, L. Ricci, "A Simulation Engine for Evaluating Smart Contracts Based Applications Sustainability" 2nd Int. Workshop on Pervasive Computing Challenges in Trustable Crowdsensing Systems, in conjunction with Percom 2025, Washington, 21 March 2025
- P. Juaristi, I. Agudo, R. Rios, L. Ricci, "Benchmarking post-quantum cryptography in Ethereum-based blockchains" , 8th International Workshop on Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology, CBT 2024, in conjunction with ESORICS 2024, Bydgoszcz, September 2024
- M.Loporchio, A. Bernasconi, D. Di Fracesco Maesa, L. Ricci,, "Skip index: supporting efficient inter-block queries and query authentication on the blockchain", accepted for pubblication, Elsevier Future Generation Computing Systems, accepted for pubblication, October 2024.
- M. Loporchio, A. Bernasconi, D. Di Francesco Maesa, L. Ricci , "Analysing ERC-1155 Adoption: a Study of the Multi-Token economy", Complex Networks 2024, Istanbul, Turkey, December 2024
- L. Ricci, B.Guidi, A. Michienzi, A. Tagarelli, S. Gaito,, "AWESOME: Analysis framework for WEb3 SOcial MEdia", OASIS '24 4th Int. Workshop on Open Challanges in Online Social Media, in conjunction with ACM Hypertext & Social Media, September 2024.
- A. Michienzi, B. Guidi, L. Ricci, "Detecting Suspicious Player Behaviour in Wen3 games: a Data-Driven Analysis of Bot Accounts, ACM GOODIT, 2024, Bremen, Germany, 4-6 September 2024.
- D. Tortola, A.Lisi, P.Mori, L. Ricci, "Tethering Layer 2 solutions to the blockchain: a survey on proving schemes" Computer Communications, accepted for pubblication, July 2024
- D. Di Francesco Maesa, F. Donini, P. Mori, L. Ricci, "Protecting Non Fungible Tokens: an Application in the Metaverse", IEEE Int. Conf. on Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies, Dublin, Ireland, 27-31 May 2024.
- N.Malla, K. Ahmad, L. Ricci, K. Bin Ahmad, "The pandemic: blockchain based e-voting system, the way forward, in "Developments in Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology", Chapter in Book, 2024
- Recent Program commette membership:
- IEEE COINS , IEEE Int. Conference on Omni-Layer Intelligent Systems, London, 21-31 July 20-24, 2024
- BRAINS 24, 6th Int. Conference on Blockchain Research & Applications for Innovative Networks and Services, 8-11 October, 2024, Berlin, Germany
- IEEE GBC 24 Global Blockchain Conference ShangHAi, October-November 2024
- "Skip index: supporting efficient inter-block queries and query authentication on the blockchain", M.Loporchio, A. Bernasconi, D. Di Fracesco Maesa, L. Ricci, accepted for pubblication, Elsevier Future Generation Computing Systems, accepted for pubblication, October 2024.
- "L2DART: a trust management system integrating blockchain and off-chain computation" A. De Salve, L. Franceschi, A. Lisi, P. Mori, L. Ricci, ACM TOIT, ACM Transaction on Internet Technology
- "Predicting Inflential Users in Online Social Networks Groups", B. Guidi, A. De Salve, R. Di Pietro, P. Mori, L. Ricci, ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data
- "A Logical Key Hierarchy based approach to preserve content privacy in Decentralized Online Social Networks" , A. De Salve, R. Di Pietro, P. Mori, L. Ricci , IEEE Transaction on Dependable and Secure Computing
- "A blockchain based approach for the definition of auditable access control systems", Damiano Di Francesco Maesa, Paolo Mori, Laura Ricci, Computers and Security, Elsevier, among the most cited papers on Elsevier Computer & Security, Scimago rank A journal.
- "Service Provisioning in Mobile Environments through Opportunistic Computing", M. Conti, D. Mascitti, A. Passarella, L. Ricci, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
- "Connected Components in Large Graphs by Vertex Pruning", E. Carlini, P. Dazzi, A. Lulli, C. Lucchese, IEEE Transaction on Parallel and Distributed Systems.
- "NG-DBScan: Scalable Density-Based Clustering for Arbitrary Data", M. Dell'Amico, A. Lulli, P.Michiardi, Proceeding VLDB Endowment
- 2024-25 - Laboratorio di Programmazione di Rete - 3 CFU, Primo semestre, Laura Triennale in Informatica, Dipartimento di Informatica.
- 2024-25 - Laboratorio di Web Scraping- 6 CFU, Secondo Semestre, Laurea Triennale in Informatica, Dipartimento di Informatica
- 2024-25 - Peer to Peer e Blockchain - 6 CFU, Secondo Semestre, Laurea Magistrale in Informatica, Dipartimento di Informatica
Current Students
- Domenico Tortola, PhD student, Department of Computer Science, University of Pisa 2021-2024
- Francesco Donini, PhD student, PhD in BLockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology, coordinated by University of Camerino 2022-2025
- Ricardo Lopes Almeida, PhD student, PhD in BLockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology, coordinated by University of Camerino 2022-2025
- Andrea Pelosi, PhD student, PhD in BLockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology, coordinated by University of Camerino 2022-2025
- Giuseppe Galano, PhD in BLockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology, coordinated by University of Camerino 2023-2026
- Yitbarek Yimame, PhD in BLockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology, coordinated by University of Camerino 2023-2026
- Luca Genovali, PhD IMT, Lucca, 2009.
- Emanuele Carlini, PhD, IMT, Lucca, 2012, permanent researcher, HPCLab, ISTI-CNR, Pisa.
- Barbara Guidi - PhD University of Pisa, 2015, senior researcher (RTD-B) at Department of Computer Science, University of Pisa.
- Andrea De Salve - PhD University of Pisa, 2017, permanent Researcher at Sede di Lecce, ISASI-CNR.
- Alessandro Lulli - PhD University of Pisa, 2017, Software Engineer, Domotz, Information Technology & Services,
- Damiano di Francesco Maesa, - PhD University of Pisa, 2018, senior researcher (RTT) at Department of Computer Science, University of Pisa.,
- Andrea Michienzi - PhD University of Pisa, 2021, junior researcher (RTD-A) at Department of Computer Science, University of Pisa.
- Adrian Spataru- co-tutela West University of Timisoara and Department of Computer Science, University of Pisa, 2021, now post-doc, Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica, Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara
- Moshin Ur Rahman, PhD student, Department of Computer Science, University of Pisa, 2021
- Andrea Lisi, Department of Computer Science, University of Pisa, 2023
- Matteo Loporchio, Department of Computer Science, University of Pisa, Post doc, 2024, Department of Computer Science, University of Pisa.
- Blockchain technology
- Applied cryptography for blockchains: set accumultators, zero-knowledge
- Self Sovereign Identity
- Layer-2 Solutions for Blockchains
- Blockchain data anlytics
- Transaction abalysis
- Smart contract analysis
- Token analyisis
Projects of the Pisa DLT Group
- Advanced and Quantum-safe Solutions for Digital Identity and Digital Tracing”(AQuSDIT), Open Call partenariato SERICS, Spoke 5-Cryptography and Distributed Systems Security, 2024-2025
- Ethereum Foundation Grant , July 2024, principal investigator Damiano Di Francesco Maesa
- PRIN "Awesome AWESOME: Analysis framework for WEb3 SOcial MEdia" [10/2023 - 9/2025], principal investigator Laura Ricci
- PRIN "DLT-FRUIT: A user centered framework for facilitating DLTs FRUITion" [12/2023 - 12/2025], principal investigator Damiano Di Francesco Maesa
- Ethereum Foundation Grant, "Cross chain authenticated queries", July 2022., principal investigator Damiano Di Francesco Maesa
- Local Responible for the University of Pisa of the H2020 European Project "HELIOS: A Context-aware Distributed Social Networking Framework", 2019-2021
- PRA 2018-20, Progetto di Ricerca di Ateneo, Emerging Trends in Data Science, starting date July 2018.
- PRA 2016, Progetto di Ricerca di Ateneo, Big Data, Social Mining and Risk Management.
- PRIN Security Horizons [2/2013 - 1/2016]
- [2010-2013] Contrail, Open Computing Infrastructure for Elastic Services, Integrated Project by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) sponsorship program.
- Ricerca Spontanea a Tema Libero, Resource Discovery on Large Collaborative Networks, 2008-2010.
- [2006-2010] XtreemOS, Enabling LINUX for the Grid, Integrated Project by the European Commission under the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) sponsorship program.
- [2004-2008] CoreGrid, Foundations, Software Infrastructures and Applications for large scale distributed, GRID and Peer-to-Peer Technologies, Network of Excellence by the European Commission under the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) sponsorship program.